// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "views/controls/textfield/native_textfield_views.h" #include #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "gfx/canvas.h" #include "gfx/canvas_skia.h" #include "gfx/insets.h" #include "grit/app_strings.h" #include "ui/base/clipboard/clipboard.h" #include "views/background.h" #include "views/border.h" #include "views/controls/menu/menu_2.h" #include "views/controls/textfield/textfield.h" #include "views/controls/textfield/textfield_views_model.h" #include "views/event.h" #include "views/views_delegate.h" namespace { // A global flag to switch the Textfield wrapper to TextfieldViews. bool textfield_view_enabled = false; // Color setttings for text, border, backgrounds and cursor. // These are tentative, and should be derived from theme, system // settings and current settings. const SkColor kSelectedTextColor = SK_ColorWHITE; const SkColor kReadonlyTextColor = SK_ColorDKGRAY; const SkColor kFocusedSelectionColor = SK_ColorBLUE; const SkColor kUnfocusedSelectionColor = SK_ColorLTGRAY; const SkColor kFocusedBorderColor = SK_ColorCYAN; const SkColor kDefaultBorderColor = SK_ColorGRAY; const SkColor kCursorColor = SK_ColorBLACK; // Parameters to control cursor blinking. const int kCursorVisibleTimeMs = 800; const int kCursorInvisibleTimeMs = 500; // A switch to enable NativeTextfieldViews; const char kEnableViewsBasedTextfieldSwitch[] = "enable-textfield-views"; } // namespace namespace views { const char NativeTextfieldViews::kViewClassName[] = "views/NativeTextfieldViews"; NativeTextfieldViews::NativeTextfieldViews(Textfield* parent) : textfield_(parent), model_(new TextfieldViewsModel()), text_border_(new TextfieldBorder()), text_offset_(0), insert_(true), is_cursor_visible_(false), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(cursor_timer_(this)) { set_border(text_border_); // Multiline is not supported. DCHECK_NE(parent->style(), Textfield::STYLE_MULTILINE); // Lowercase is not supported. DCHECK_NE(parent->style(), Textfield::STYLE_LOWERCASE); SetContextMenuController(this); } NativeTextfieldViews::~NativeTextfieldViews() { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NativeTextfieldViews, View overrides: bool NativeTextfieldViews::OnMousePressed(const views::MouseEvent& e) { textfield_->RequestFocus(); if (e.IsLeftMouseButton()) { size_t pos = FindCursorPosition(e.location()); if (model_->MoveCursorTo(pos, false)) { UpdateCursorBoundsAndTextOffset(); SchedulePaint(); } } return true; } bool NativeTextfieldViews::OnMouseDragged(const views::MouseEvent& e) { size_t pos = FindCursorPosition(e.location()); if (model_->MoveCursorTo(pos, true)) { UpdateCursorBoundsAndTextOffset(); SchedulePaint(); } return true; } void NativeTextfieldViews::OnMouseReleased(const views::MouseEvent& e, bool canceled) { } bool NativeTextfieldViews::OnKeyPressed(const views::KeyEvent& e) { // OnKeyPressed/OnKeyReleased/WillGainFocus/DidGainFocus/WillLoseFocus // will never be invoked on NativeTextfieldViews as it will never // gain focus. NOTREACHED(); return false; } bool NativeTextfieldViews::OnKeyReleased(const views::KeyEvent& e) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } void NativeTextfieldViews::Paint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { text_border_->set_has_focus(textfield_->HasFocus()); PaintBackground(canvas); PaintTextAndCursor(canvas); if (textfield_->draw_border()) PaintBorder(canvas); } void NativeTextfieldViews::DidChangeBounds(const gfx::Rect& previous, const gfx::Rect& current) { UpdateCursorBoundsAndTextOffset(); } void NativeTextfieldViews::WillGainFocus() { NOTREACHED(); } void NativeTextfieldViews::DidGainFocus() { NOTREACHED(); } void NativeTextfieldViews::WillLoseFocus() { NOTREACHED(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NativeTextfieldViews, views::ContextMenuController overrides: void NativeTextfieldViews::ShowContextMenu(View* source, const gfx::Point& p, bool is_mouse_gesture) { InitContextMenuIfRequired(); context_menu_menu_->RunContextMenuAt(p); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NativeTextfieldViews, NativeTextifieldWrapper overrides: string16 NativeTextfieldViews::GetText() const { return model_->text(); } void NativeTextfieldViews::UpdateText() { bool changed = model_->SetText(textfield_->text()); UpdateCursorBoundsAndTextOffset(); SchedulePaint(); if (changed) { Textfield::Controller* controller = textfield_->GetController(); if (controller) controller->ContentsChanged(textfield_, GetText()); } } void NativeTextfieldViews::AppendText(const string16& text) { if (text.empty()) return; model_->Append(text); UpdateCursorBoundsAndTextOffset(); SchedulePaint(); Textfield::Controller* controller = textfield_->GetController(); if (controller) controller->ContentsChanged(textfield_, GetText()); } string16 NativeTextfieldViews::GetSelectedText() const { return model_->GetSelectedText(); } void NativeTextfieldViews::SelectAll() { model_->SelectAll(); SchedulePaint(); } void NativeTextfieldViews::ClearSelection() { model_->ClearSelection(); SchedulePaint(); } void NativeTextfieldViews::UpdateBorder() { if (textfield_->draw_border()) { gfx::Insets insets = GetInsets(); textfield_->SetHorizontalMargins(insets.left(), insets.right()); textfield_->SetVerticalMargins(insets.top(), insets.bottom()); } else { textfield_->SetHorizontalMargins(0, 0); textfield_->SetVerticalMargins(0, 0); } } void NativeTextfieldViews::UpdateTextColor() { SchedulePaint(); } void NativeTextfieldViews::UpdateBackgroundColor() { // TODO(oshima): Background has to match the border's shape. set_background( Background::CreateSolidBackground(textfield_->background_color())); SchedulePaint(); } void NativeTextfieldViews::UpdateReadOnly() { SchedulePaint(); } void NativeTextfieldViews::UpdateFont() { UpdateCursorBoundsAndTextOffset(); } void NativeTextfieldViews::UpdateIsPassword() { model_->set_is_password(textfield_->IsPassword()); UpdateCursorBoundsAndTextOffset(); SchedulePaint(); } void NativeTextfieldViews::UpdateEnabled() { SetEnabled(textfield_->IsEnabled()); SchedulePaint(); } gfx::Insets NativeTextfieldViews::CalculateInsets() { return GetInsets(); } void NativeTextfieldViews::UpdateHorizontalMargins() { int left, right; if (!textfield_->GetHorizontalMargins(&left, &right)) return; gfx::Insets inset = GetInsets(); text_border_->SetInsets(inset.top(), left, inset.bottom(), right); UpdateCursorBoundsAndTextOffset(); } void NativeTextfieldViews::UpdateVerticalMargins() { int top, bottom; if (!textfield_->GetVerticalMargins(&top, &bottom)) return; gfx::Insets inset = GetInsets(); text_border_->SetInsets(top, inset.left(), bottom, inset.right()); UpdateCursorBoundsAndTextOffset(); } bool NativeTextfieldViews::SetFocus() { return false; } View* NativeTextfieldViews::GetView() { return this; } gfx::NativeView NativeTextfieldViews::GetTestingHandle() const { NOTREACHED(); return NULL; } bool NativeTextfieldViews::IsIMEComposing() const { return false; } bool NativeTextfieldViews::HandleKeyPressed(const views::KeyEvent& e) { Textfield::Controller* controller = textfield_->GetController(); bool handled = false; if (controller) { handled = controller->HandleKeyEvent(textfield_, e); } return handled || HandleKeyEvent(e); } bool NativeTextfieldViews::HandleKeyReleased(const views::KeyEvent& e) { return true; } void NativeTextfieldViews::HandleWillGainFocus() { } void NativeTextfieldViews::HandleDidGainFocus() { is_cursor_visible_ = true; SchedulePaint(); // Start blinking cursor. MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, cursor_timer_.NewRunnableMethod(&NativeTextfieldViews::UpdateCursor), kCursorVisibleTimeMs); } void NativeTextfieldViews::HandleWillLoseFocus() { // Stop blinking cursor. cursor_timer_.RevokeAll(); if (is_cursor_visible_) { is_cursor_visible_ = false; RepaintCursor(); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NativeTextfieldViews, menus::SimpleMenuModel::Delegate overrides: bool NativeTextfieldViews::IsCommandIdChecked(int command_id) const { return true; } bool NativeTextfieldViews::IsCommandIdEnabled(int command_id) const { string16 result; switch (command_id) { case IDS_APP_CUT: return model_->HasSelection(); case IDS_APP_COPY: return model_->HasSelection(); case IDS_APP_PASTE: views::ViewsDelegate::views_delegate->GetClipboard() ->ReadText(ui::Clipboard::BUFFER_STANDARD, &result); return !result.empty(); case IDS_APP_DELETE: return model_->HasSelection(); case IDS_APP_SELECT_ALL: return true; default: NOTREACHED(); return false; } } bool NativeTextfieldViews::GetAcceleratorForCommandId(int command_id, menus::Accelerator* accelerator) { return false; } void NativeTextfieldViews::ExecuteCommand(int command_id) { bool text_changed = false; switch (command_id) { case IDS_APP_CUT: text_changed = model_->Cut(); break; case IDS_APP_COPY: model_->Copy(); break; case IDS_APP_PASTE: text_changed = model_->Paste(); break; case IDS_APP_DELETE: text_changed = model_->Delete(); break; case IDS_APP_SELECT_ALL: SelectAll(); break; default: NOTREACHED() << "unknown command: " << command_id; break; } if (text_changed) PropagateTextChange(); } // static bool NativeTextfieldViews::IsTextfieldViewsEnabled() { #if defined(TOUCH_UI) return true; #else return textfield_view_enabled || CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( kEnableViewsBasedTextfieldSwitch); #endif } // static void NativeTextfieldViews::SetEnableTextfieldViews(bool enabled) { textfield_view_enabled = enabled; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NativeTextfieldViews private: const gfx::Font& NativeTextfieldViews::GetFont() const { return textfield_->font(); } SkColor NativeTextfieldViews::GetTextColor() const { return textfield_->text_color(); } void NativeTextfieldViews::UpdateCursor() { is_cursor_visible_ = !is_cursor_visible_; RepaintCursor(); MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, cursor_timer_.NewRunnableMethod(&NativeTextfieldViews::UpdateCursor), is_cursor_visible_ ? kCursorVisibleTimeMs : kCursorInvisibleTimeMs); } void NativeTextfieldViews::RepaintCursor() { gfx::Rect r = cursor_bounds_; r.Inset(-1, -1, -1, -1); SchedulePaint(r, false); } void NativeTextfieldViews::UpdateCursorBoundsAndTextOffset() { if (bounds().IsEmpty()) return; gfx::Insets insets = GetInsets(); int width = bounds().width() - insets.width(); // TODO(oshima): bidi const gfx::Font& font = GetFont(); int full_width = font.GetStringWidth(model_->GetVisibleText()); cursor_bounds_ = model_->GetCursorBounds(font); cursor_bounds_.set_y(cursor_bounds_.y() + insets.top()); int x_right = text_offset_ + cursor_bounds_.right(); int x_left = text_offset_ + cursor_bounds_.x(); if (full_width < width) { // Show all text whenever the text fits to the size. text_offset_ = 0; } else if (x_right > width) { // when the cursor overflows to the right text_offset_ = width - cursor_bounds_.right(); } else if (x_left < 0) { // when the cursor overflows to the left text_offset_ = -cursor_bounds_.x(); } else if(full_width > width && text_offset_ + full_width < width) { // when the cursor moves within the textfield with the text // longer than the field. text_offset_ = width - full_width; } else { // move cursor freely. } // shift cursor bounds to fit insets. cursor_bounds_.set_x(cursor_bounds_.x() + text_offset_ + insets.left()); } void NativeTextfieldViews::PaintTextAndCursor(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { gfx::Insets insets = GetInsets(); canvas->Save(); canvas->ClipRectInt(insets.left(), insets.top(), width() - insets.width(), height() - insets.height()); // TODO(oshima): bidi support // TODO(varunjain): re-implement this so only that dirty text is painted. TextfieldViewsModel::TextFragments fragments; model_->GetFragments(&fragments); int x_offset = text_offset_ + insets.left(); int y = insets.top(); int text_height = height() - insets.height(); SkColor selection_color = textfield_->HasFocus() ? kFocusedSelectionColor : kUnfocusedSelectionColor; SkColor text_color = textfield_->read_only() ? kReadonlyTextColor : GetTextColor(); for (TextfieldViewsModel::TextFragments::const_iterator iter = fragments.begin(); iter != fragments.end(); iter++) { string16 text = model_->GetVisibleText((*iter).begin, (*iter).end); // TODO(oshima): This does not give the accurate position due to // kerning. Figure out how webkit does this with skia. int width = GetFont().GetStringWidth(text); if ((*iter).selected) { canvas->FillRectInt(selection_color, x_offset, y, width, text_height); canvas->DrawStringInt(text, GetFont(), kSelectedTextColor, x_offset, y, width, text_height); } else { canvas->DrawStringInt(text, GetFont(), text_color, x_offset, y, width, text_height); } x_offset += width; } canvas->Restore(); if (textfield_->IsEnabled() && is_cursor_visible_ && !model_->HasSelection()) { // Paint Cursor. Replace cursor is drawn as rectangle for now. canvas->DrawRectInt(kCursorColor, cursor_bounds_.x(), cursor_bounds_.y(), insert_ ? 0 : cursor_bounds_.width(), cursor_bounds_.height()); } } bool NativeTextfieldViews::HandleKeyEvent(const KeyEvent& key_event) { // TODO(oshima): handle IME. if (key_event.GetType() == views::Event::ET_KEY_PRESSED) { ui::KeyboardCode key_code = key_event.GetKeyCode(); // TODO(oshima): shift-tab does not work. Figure out why and fix. if (key_code == ui::VKEY_TAB) return false; bool selection = key_event.IsShiftDown(); bool control = key_event.IsControlDown(); bool text_changed = false; bool cursor_changed = false; switch (key_code) { case ui::VKEY_A: if (control) { model_->SelectAll(); cursor_changed = true; } break; case ui::VKEY_X: if (control) text_changed = model_->Cut(); break; case ui::VKEY_C: if (control) model_->Copy(); break; case ui::VKEY_V: if (control) text_changed = model_->Paste(); break; case ui::VKEY_RIGHT: control ? model_->MoveCursorToNextWord(selection) : model_->MoveCursorRight(selection); cursor_changed = true; break; case ui::VKEY_LEFT: control ? model_->MoveCursorToPreviousWord(selection) : model_->MoveCursorLeft(selection); cursor_changed = true; break; case ui::VKEY_END: model_->MoveCursorToEnd(selection); cursor_changed = true; break; case ui::VKEY_HOME: model_->MoveCursorToStart(selection); cursor_changed = true; break; case ui::VKEY_BACK: if (!model_->HasSelection()) { if (selection && control) { // If both shift and control are pressed, then erase upto the // beginning of the buffer in ChromeOS. In windows, do nothing. #if defined(OS_WIN) break; #else model_->MoveCursorToStart(true); #endif } else if (control) { // If only control is pressed, then erase the previous word. model_->MoveCursorToPreviousWord(true); } } text_changed = model_->Backspace(); cursor_changed = true; break; case ui::VKEY_DELETE: if (!model_->HasSelection()) { if (selection && control) { // If both shift and control are pressed, then erase upto the // end of the buffer in ChromeOS. In windows, do nothing. #if defined(OS_WIN) break; #else model_->MoveCursorToEnd(true); #endif } else if (control) { // If only control is pressed, then erase the next word. model_->MoveCursorToNextWord(true); } } text_changed = model_->Delete(); break; case ui::VKEY_INSERT: insert_ = !insert_; cursor_changed = true; break; default: break; } char16 print_char = GetPrintableChar(key_event); if (!control && print_char) { if (insert_) model_->Insert(print_char); else model_->Replace(print_char); text_changed = true; } if (text_changed) PropagateTextChange(); if (cursor_changed) { is_cursor_visible_ = true; RepaintCursor(); } if (text_changed || cursor_changed) { UpdateCursorBoundsAndTextOffset(); SchedulePaint(); return true; } } return false; } char16 NativeTextfieldViews::GetPrintableChar(const KeyEvent& key_event) { // TODO(oshima): IME, i18n support. // This only works for UCS-2 characters. ui::KeyboardCode key_code = key_event.GetKeyCode(); bool shift = key_event.IsShiftDown(); bool upper = shift ^ key_event.IsCapsLockDown(); // TODO(oshima): We should have a utility function // under app to convert a KeyboardCode to a printable character, // probably in keyboard_code_conversion{.h, _x switch (key_code) { case ui::VKEY_NUMPAD0: return '0'; case ui::VKEY_NUMPAD1: return '1'; case ui::VKEY_NUMPAD2: return '2'; case ui::VKEY_NUMPAD3: return '3'; case ui::VKEY_NUMPAD4: return '4'; case ui::VKEY_NUMPAD5: return '5'; case ui::VKEY_NUMPAD6: return '6'; case ui::VKEY_NUMPAD7: return '7'; case ui::VKEY_NUMPAD8: return '8'; case ui::VKEY_NUMPAD9: return '9'; case ui::VKEY_MULTIPLY: return '*'; case ui::VKEY_ADD: return '+'; case ui::VKEY_SUBTRACT: return '-'; case ui::VKEY_DECIMAL: return '.'; case ui::VKEY_DIVIDE: return '/'; case ui::VKEY_SPACE: return ' '; case ui::VKEY_0: return shift ? ')' : '0'; case ui::VKEY_1: return shift ? '!' : '1'; case ui::VKEY_2: return shift ? '@' : '2'; case ui::VKEY_3: return shift ? '#' : '3'; case ui::VKEY_4: return shift ? '$' : '4'; case ui::VKEY_5: return shift ? '%' : '5'; case ui::VKEY_6: return shift ? '^' : '6'; case ui::VKEY_7: return shift ? '&' : '7'; case ui::VKEY_8: return shift ? '*' : '8'; case ui::VKEY_9: return shift ? '(' : '9'; case ui::VKEY_A: case ui::VKEY_B: case ui::VKEY_C: case ui::VKEY_D: case ui::VKEY_E: case ui::VKEY_F: case ui::VKEY_G: case ui::VKEY_H: case ui::VKEY_I: case ui::VKEY_J: case ui::VKEY_K: case ui::VKEY_L: case ui::VKEY_M: case ui::VKEY_N: case ui::VKEY_O: case ui::VKEY_P: case ui::VKEY_Q: case ui::VKEY_R: case ui::VKEY_S: case ui::VKEY_T: case ui::VKEY_U: case ui::VKEY_V: case ui::VKEY_W: case ui::VKEY_X: case ui::VKEY_Y: case ui::VKEY_Z: return (upper ? 'A' : 'a') + (key_code - ui::VKEY_A); case ui::VKEY_OEM_1: return shift ? ':' : ';'; case ui::VKEY_OEM_PLUS: return shift ? '+' : '='; case ui::VKEY_OEM_COMMA: return shift ? '<' : ','; case ui::VKEY_OEM_MINUS: return shift ? '_' : '-'; case ui::VKEY_OEM_PERIOD: return shift ? '>' : '.'; case ui::VKEY_OEM_2: return shift ? '?' : '/'; case ui::VKEY_OEM_3: return shift ? '~' : '`'; case ui::VKEY_OEM_4: return shift ? '}' : ']'; case ui::VKEY_OEM_5: return shift ? '|' : '\\'; case ui::VKEY_OEM_6: return shift ? '{' : '['; case ui::VKEY_OEM_7: return shift ? '"' : '\''; default: return 0; } } size_t NativeTextfieldViews::FindCursorPosition(const gfx::Point& point) const { // TODO(oshima): BIDI/i18n support. gfx::Font font = GetFont(); gfx::Insets insets = GetInsets(); string16 text = model_->GetVisibleText(); int left = 0; int left_pos = 0; int right = font.GetStringWidth(text); int right_pos = text.length(); int x = point.x() - insets.left() - text_offset_; if (x <= left) return left_pos; if (x >= right) return right_pos; // binary searching the cursor position. // TODO(oshima): use the center of character instead of edge. // Binary search may not work for language like arabic. while (std::abs(static_cast(right_pos - left_pos) > 1)) { int pivot_pos = left_pos + (right_pos - left_pos) / 2; int pivot = font.GetStringWidth(text.substr(0, pivot_pos)); if (pivot < x) { left = pivot; left_pos = pivot_pos; } else if (pivot == x) { return pivot_pos; } else { right = pivot; right_pos = pivot_pos; } } return left_pos; } void NativeTextfieldViews::PropagateTextChange() { textfield_->SyncText(); Textfield::Controller* controller = textfield_->GetController(); if (controller) controller->ContentsChanged(textfield_, GetText()); } void NativeTextfieldViews::InitContextMenuIfRequired() { if (context_menu_menu_.get()) return; context_menu_contents_.reset(new menus::SimpleMenuModel(this)); context_menu_contents_->AddItemWithStringId(IDS_APP_CUT, IDS_APP_CUT); context_menu_contents_->AddItemWithStringId(IDS_APP_COPY, IDS_APP_COPY); context_menu_contents_->AddItemWithStringId(IDS_APP_PASTE, IDS_APP_PASTE); context_menu_contents_->AddItemWithStringId(IDS_APP_DELETE, IDS_APP_DELETE); context_menu_contents_->AddSeparator(); context_menu_contents_->AddItemWithStringId(IDS_APP_SELECT_ALL, IDS_APP_SELECT_ALL); context_menu_menu_.reset(new Menu2(context_menu_contents_.get())); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TextifieldBorder // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NativeTextfieldViews::TextfieldBorder::TextfieldBorder() : has_focus_(false), insets_(4, 4, 4, 4) { } void NativeTextfieldViews::TextfieldBorder::Paint( const View& view, gfx::Canvas* canvas) const { SkRect rect; rect.set(SkIntToScalar(0), SkIntToScalar(0), SkIntToScalar(view.width()), SkIntToScalar(view.height())); SkScalar corners[8] = { // top-left SkIntToScalar(insets_.left()), SkIntToScalar(insets_.top()), // top-right SkIntToScalar(insets_.right()), SkIntToScalar(insets_.top()), // bottom-right SkIntToScalar(insets_.right()), SkIntToScalar(insets_.bottom()), // bottom-left SkIntToScalar(insets_.left()), SkIntToScalar(insets_.bottom()), }; SkPath path; path.addRoundRect(rect, corners); SkPaint paint; paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); paint.setFlags(SkPaint::kAntiAlias_Flag); // TODO(oshima): Copy what WebKit does for focused border. paint.setColor(has_focus_ ? kFocusedBorderColor : kDefaultBorderColor); paint.setStrokeWidth(SkIntToScalar(has_focus_ ? 2 : 1)); canvas->AsCanvasSkia()->drawPath(path, paint); } void NativeTextfieldViews::TextfieldBorder::GetInsets(gfx::Insets* insets) const { *insets = insets_; } void NativeTextfieldViews::TextfieldBorder::SetInsets(int top, int left, int bottom, int right) { insets_.Set(top, left, bottom, right); } } // namespace views