// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Disabled right now as this won't work on BuildBots right now as this test // require the box it runs on to be unlocked (and no screen-savers). // The test actually simulates mouse and key events, so if the screen is locked, // the events don't go to the Chrome window. #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "app/resource_bundle.h" #include "base/gfx/rect.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h" #include "views/background.h" #include "views/border.h" #include "views/controls/button/checkbox.h" #include "views/controls/button/native_button.h" #include "views/controls/button/radio_button.h" #include "views/controls/label.h" #include "views/controls/link.h" #include "views/controls/scroll_view.h" #include "views/controls/tabbed_pane.h" #include "views/controls/textfield/textfield.h" #include "views/widget/accelerator_handler.h" #include "views/widget/root_view.h" #include "views/widget/widget_win.h" #include "views/window/window.h" #include "views/window/window_delegate.h" namespace { static const int kWindowWidth = 600; static const int kWindowHeight = 500; static int count = 1; static const int kTopCheckBoxID = count++; // 1 static const int kLeftContainerID = count++; static const int kAppleLabelID = count++; static const int kAppleTextfieldID = count++; static const int kOrangeLabelID = count++; // 5 static const int kOrangeTextfieldID = count++; static const int kBananaLabelID = count++; static const int kBananaTextfieldID = count++; static const int kKiwiLabelID = count++; static const int kKiwiTextfieldID = count++; // 10 static const int kFruitButtonID = count++; static const int kFruitCheckBoxID = count++; static const int kRightContainerID = count++; static const int kAsparagusButtonID = count++; static const int kBroccoliButtonID = count++; // 15 static const int kCauliflowerButtonID = count++; static const int kInnerContainerID = count++; static const int kScrollViewID = count++; static const int kScrollContentViewID = count++; static const int kRosettaLinkID = count++; // 20 static const int kStupeurEtTremblementLinkID = count++; static const int kDinerGameLinkID = count++; static const int kRidiculeLinkID = count++; static const int kClosetLinkID = count++; static const int kVisitingLinkID = count++; // 25 static const int kAmelieLinkID = count++; static const int kJoyeuxNoelLinkID = count++; static const int kCampingLinkID = count++; static const int kBriceDeNiceLinkID = count++; static const int kTaxiLinkID = count++; // 30 static const int kAsterixLinkID = count++; static const int kOKButtonID = count++; static const int kCancelButtonID = count++; static const int kHelpButtonID = count++; static const int kStyleContainerID = count++; // 35 static const int kBoldCheckBoxID = count++; static const int kItalicCheckBoxID = count++; static const int kUnderlinedCheckBoxID = count++; static const int kSearchContainerID = count++; static const int kSearchTextfieldID = count++; // 40 static const int kSearchButtonID = count++; static const int kHelpLinkID = count++; static const int kThumbnailContainerID = count++; static const int kThumbnailStarID = count++; static const int kThumbnailSuperStarID = count++; class FocusManagerTest; // BorderView is a NativeControl that creates a tab control as its child and // takes a View to add as the child of the tab control. The tab control is used // to give a nice background for the view. At some point we'll have a real // wrapper for TabControl, and this can be nuked in favor of it. // Taken from keyword_editor_view.cc. // It is interesting in our test as it is a native control containing another // RootView. class BorderView : public views::NativeControl { public: explicit BorderView(View* child) : child_(child) { DCHECK(child); SetFocusable(false); } virtual ~BorderView() {} virtual HWND CreateNativeControl(HWND parent_container) { // Create the tab control. HWND tab_control = ::CreateWindowEx(GetAdditionalExStyle(), WC_TABCONTROL, L"", WS_CHILD, 0, 0, width(), height(), parent_container, NULL, NULL, NULL); // Create the view container which is a child of the TabControl. widget_ = new views::WidgetWin(); widget_->Init(tab_control, gfx::Rect(), false); widget_->SetContentsView(child_); widget_->SetFocusTraversableParentView(this); ResizeContents(tab_control); return tab_control; } virtual LRESULT OnNotify(int w_param, LPNMHDR l_param) { return 0; } virtual void Layout() { NativeControl::Layout(); ResizeContents(GetNativeControlHWND()); } virtual views::RootView* GetContentsRootView() { return widget_->GetRootView(); } virtual views::FocusTraversable* GetFocusTraversable() { return widget_; } virtual void ViewHierarchyChanged(bool is_add, View *parent, View *child) { NativeControl::ViewHierarchyChanged(is_add, parent, child); if (child == this && is_add) { // We have been added to a view hierarchy, update the FocusTraversable // parent. widget_->SetFocusTraversableParent(GetRootView()); } } private: void ResizeContents(HWND tab_control) { DCHECK(tab_control); CRect content_bounds; if (!GetClientRect(tab_control, &content_bounds)) return; TabCtrl_AdjustRect(tab_control, FALSE, &content_bounds); widget_->MoveWindow(content_bounds.left, content_bounds.top, content_bounds.Width(), content_bounds.Height(), TRUE); } View* child_; views::WidgetWin* widget_; DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(BorderView); }; class TestViewWindow : public views::WidgetWin { public: explicit TestViewWindow(FocusManagerTest* test); ~TestViewWindow() { } void Init(); views::View* contents() const { return contents_; } // Return the ID of the component that currently has the focus. int GetFocusedComponentID(); // Simulate pressing the tab button in the window. void PressTab(bool shift_pressed, bool ctrl_pressed); views::RootView* GetContentsRootView() const { return contents_->GetRootView(); } views::RootView* GetStyleRootView() const { return style_tab_->GetContentsRootView(); } views::RootView* GetSearchRootView() const { return search_border_view_->GetContentsRootView(); } private: views::View* contents_; views::TabbedPane* style_tab_; BorderView* search_border_view_; FocusManagerTest* test_; DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(TestViewWindow); }; class FocusManagerTest : public testing::Test { public: TestViewWindow* GetWindow(); ~FocusManagerTest(); protected: FocusManagerTest(); virtual void SetUp(); virtual void TearDown(); MessageLoopForUI message_loop_; TestViewWindow* test_window_; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TestViewWindow //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TestViewWindow::TestViewWindow(FocusManagerTest* test) : test_(test), contents_(NULL), style_tab_(NULL), search_border_view_(NULL) { } // Initializes and shows the window with the contents view. void TestViewWindow::Init() { gfx::Rect bounds(0, 0, 600, 460); contents_ = new views::View(); contents_->set_background( views::Background::CreateSolidBackground(255, 255, 255)); WidgetWin::Init(NULL, bounds, true); SetContentsView(contents_); views::Checkbox* cb = new views::Checkbox(L"This is a checkbox"); contents_->AddChildView(cb); // In this fast paced world, who really has time for non hard-coded layout? cb->SetBounds(10, 10, 200, 20); cb->SetID(kTopCheckBoxID); views::View* left_container = new views::View(); left_container->set_border( views::Border::CreateSolidBorder(1, SK_ColorBLACK)); left_container->set_background( views::Background::CreateSolidBackground(240, 240, 240)); left_container->SetID(kLeftContainerID); contents_->AddChildView(left_container); left_container->SetBounds(10, 35, 250, 200); int label_x = 5; int label_width = 50; int label_height = 15; int text_field_width = 150; int y = 10; int gap_between_labels = 10; views::Label* label = new views::Label(L"Apple:"); label->SetID(kAppleLabelID); left_container->AddChildView(label); label->SetBounds(label_x, y, label_width, label_height); views::Textfield* text_field = new views::Textfield(); text_field->SetID(kAppleTextfieldID); left_container->AddChildView(text_field); text_field->SetBounds(label_x + label_width + 5, y, text_field_width, label_height); y += label_height + gap_between_labels; label = new views::Label(L"Orange:"); label->SetID(kOrangeLabelID); left_container->AddChildView(label); label->SetBounds(label_x, y, label_width, label_height); text_field = new views::Textfield(); text_field->SetID(kOrangeTextfieldID); left_container->AddChildView(text_field); text_field->SetBounds(label_x + label_width + 5, y, text_field_width, label_height); y += label_height + gap_between_labels; label = new views::Label(L"Banana:"); label->SetID(kBananaLabelID); left_container->AddChildView(label); label->SetBounds(label_x, y, label_width, label_height); text_field = new views::Textfield(); text_field->SetID(kBananaTextfieldID); left_container->AddChildView(text_field); text_field->SetBounds(label_x + label_width + 5, y, text_field_width, label_height); y += label_height + gap_between_labels; label = new views::Label(L"Kiwi:"); label->SetID(kKiwiLabelID); left_container->AddChildView(label); label->SetBounds(label_x, y, label_width, label_height); text_field = new views::Textfield(); text_field->SetID(kKiwiTextfieldID); left_container->AddChildView(text_field); text_field->SetBounds(label_x + label_width + 5, y, text_field_width, label_height); y += label_height + gap_between_labels; views::NativeButton* button = new views::NativeButton(NULL, L"Click me"); button->SetBounds(label_x, y + 10, 50, 20); button->SetID(kFruitButtonID); left_container->AddChildView(button); y += 40; cb = new views::Checkbox(L"This is another check box"); cb->SetBounds(label_x + label_width + 5, y, 100, 20); cb->SetID(kFruitCheckBoxID); left_container->AddChildView(cb); views::View* right_container = new views::View(); right_container->set_border( views::Border::CreateSolidBorder(1, SK_ColorBLACK)); right_container->set_background( views::Background::CreateSolidBackground(240, 240, 240)); right_container->SetID(kRightContainerID); contents_->AddChildView(right_container); right_container->SetBounds(270, 35, 300, 200); y = 10; int radio_button_height = 15; int gap_between_radio_buttons = 10; views::View* radio_button = new views::RadioButton(L"Asparagus", 1); radio_button->SetID(kAsparagusButtonID); right_container->AddChildView(radio_button); radio_button->SetBounds(5, y, 70, radio_button_height); radio_button->SetGroup(1); y += radio_button_height + gap_between_radio_buttons; radio_button = new views::RadioButton(L"Broccoli", 1); radio_button->SetID(kBroccoliButtonID); right_container->AddChildView(radio_button); radio_button->SetBounds(5, y, 70, radio_button_height); radio_button->SetGroup(1); y += radio_button_height + gap_between_radio_buttons; radio_button = new views::RadioButton(L"Cauliflower", 1); radio_button->SetID(kCauliflowerButtonID); right_container->AddChildView(radio_button); radio_button->SetBounds(5, y, 70, radio_button_height); radio_button->SetGroup(1); y += radio_button_height + gap_between_radio_buttons; views::View* inner_container = new views::View(); inner_container->set_border( views::Border::CreateSolidBorder(1, SK_ColorBLACK)); inner_container->set_background( views::Background::CreateSolidBackground(230, 230, 230)); inner_container->SetID(kInnerContainerID); right_container->AddChildView(inner_container); inner_container->SetBounds(100, 10, 150, 180); views::ScrollView* scroll_view = new views::ScrollView(); scroll_view->SetID(kScrollViewID); inner_container->AddChildView(scroll_view); scroll_view->SetBounds(1, 1, 148, 178); views::View* scroll_content = new views::View(); scroll_content->SetBounds(0, 0, 200, 200); scroll_content->set_background( views::Background::CreateSolidBackground(200, 200, 200)); scroll_view->SetContents(scroll_content); static const wchar_t* const kTitles[] = { L"Rosetta", L"Stupeur et tremblement", L"The diner game", L"Ridicule", L"Le placard", L"Les Visiteurs", L"Amelie", L"Joyeux Noel", L"Camping", L"Brice de Nice", L"Taxi", L"Asterix" }; static const int kIDs[] = { kRosettaLinkID, kStupeurEtTremblementLinkID, kDinerGameLinkID, kRidiculeLinkID, kClosetLinkID, kVisitingLinkID, kAmelieLinkID, kJoyeuxNoelLinkID, kCampingLinkID, kBriceDeNiceLinkID, kTaxiLinkID, kAsterixLinkID }; DCHECK(arraysize(kTitles) == arraysize(kIDs)); y = 5; for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(kTitles); ++i) { views::Link* link = new views::Link(kTitles[i]); link->SetHorizontalAlignment(views::Label::ALIGN_LEFT); link->SetID(kIDs[i]); scroll_content->AddChildView(link); link->SetBounds(5, y, 300, 15); y += 15; } y = 250; int width = 50; button = new views::NativeButton(NULL, L"OK"); button->SetID(kOKButtonID); contents_->AddChildView(button); button->SetBounds(150, y, width, 20); button = new views::NativeButton(NULL, L"Cancel"); button->SetID(kCancelButtonID); contents_->AddChildView(button); button->SetBounds(250, y, width, 20); button = new views::NativeButton(NULL, L"Help"); button->SetID(kHelpButtonID); contents_->AddChildView(button); button->SetBounds(350, y, width, 20); y += 40; // Left bottom box with style checkboxes. views::View* contents = new views::View(); contents->set_background( views::Background::CreateSolidBackground(SK_ColorWHITE)); cb = new views::Checkbox(L"Bold"); contents->AddChildView(cb); cb->SetBounds(10, 10, 50, 20); cb->SetID(kBoldCheckBoxID); cb = new views::Checkbox(L"Italic"); contents->AddChildView(cb); cb->SetBounds(70, 10, 50, 20); cb->SetID(kItalicCheckBoxID); cb = new views::Checkbox(L"Underlined"); contents->AddChildView(cb); cb->SetBounds(130, 10, 70, 20); cb->SetID(kUnderlinedCheckBoxID); style_tab_ = new views::TabbedPane(); style_tab_->SetID(kStyleContainerID); contents_->AddChildView(style_tab_); style_tab_->SetBounds(10, y, 210, 50); style_tab_->AddTab(L"Style", contents); style_tab_->AddTab(L"Other", new views::View()); // Right bottom box with search. contents = new views::View(); contents->set_background( views::Background::CreateSolidBackground(SK_ColorWHITE)); text_field = new views::Textfield(); contents->AddChildView(text_field); text_field->SetBounds(10, 10, 100, 20); text_field->SetID(kSearchTextfieldID); button = new views::NativeButton(NULL, L"Search"); contents->AddChildView(button); button->SetBounds(115, 10, 50, 20); button->SetID(kSearchButtonID); views::Link* link = new views::Link(L"Help"); link->SetHorizontalAlignment(views::Label::ALIGN_LEFT); link->SetID(kHelpLinkID); contents->AddChildView(link); link->SetBounds(170, 10, 30, 15); search_border_view_ = new BorderView(contents); search_border_view_->SetID(kSearchContainerID); contents_->AddChildView(search_border_view_); search_border_view_->SetBounds(300, y, 200, 50); y += 60; contents = new views::View(); contents->SetFocusable(true); contents->set_background( views::Background::CreateSolidBackground(SK_ColorBLUE)); contents->SetID(kThumbnailContainerID); button = new views::NativeButton(NULL, L"Star"); contents->AddChildView(button); button->SetBounds(5, 5, 50, 20); button->SetID(kThumbnailStarID); button = new views::NativeButton(NULL, L"SuperStar"); contents->AddChildView(button); button->SetBounds(60, 5, 100, 20); button->SetID(kThumbnailSuperStarID); contents_->AddChildView(contents); contents->SetBounds(200, y, 200, 50); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FocusManagerTest //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FocusManagerTest::FocusManagerTest() { } FocusManagerTest::~FocusManagerTest() { } TestViewWindow* FocusManagerTest::GetWindow() { return test_window_; } void FocusManagerTest::SetUp() { OleInitialize(NULL); test_window_ = new TestViewWindow(this); test_window_->Init(); ShowWindow(test_window_->GetNativeView(), SW_SHOW); } void FocusManagerTest::TearDown() { test_window_->CloseNow(); // Flush the message loop to make Purify happy. message_loop_.RunAllPending(); OleUninitialize(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The tests //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_F(FocusManagerTest, NormalTraversal) { const int kTraversalIDs[] = { kTopCheckBoxID, kAppleTextfieldID, kOrangeTextfieldID, kBananaTextfieldID, kKiwiTextfieldID, kFruitButtonID, kFruitCheckBoxID, kAsparagusButtonID, kRosettaLinkID, kStupeurEtTremblementLinkID, kDinerGameLinkID, kRidiculeLinkID, kClosetLinkID, kVisitingLinkID, kAmelieLinkID, kJoyeuxNoelLinkID, kCampingLinkID, kBriceDeNiceLinkID, kTaxiLinkID, kAsterixLinkID, kOKButtonID, kCancelButtonID, kHelpButtonID, kStyleContainerID, kBoldCheckBoxID, kItalicCheckBoxID, kUnderlinedCheckBoxID, kSearchTextfieldID, kSearchButtonID, kHelpLinkID, kThumbnailContainerID, kThumbnailStarID, kThumbnailSuperStarID }; // Uncomment the following line if you want to test manually the UI of this // test. // MessageLoop::current()->Run(new views::AcceleratorHandler()); views::FocusManager* focus_manager = views::FocusManager::GetFocusManager(test_window_->GetNativeView()); // Let's traverse the whole focus hierarchy (several times, to make sure it // loops OK). focus_manager->SetFocusedView(NULL); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < arraysize(kTraversalIDs); j++) { focus_manager->AdvanceFocus(false); views::View* focused_view = focus_manager->GetFocusedView(); EXPECT_TRUE(focused_view != NULL); if (focused_view) EXPECT_EQ(kTraversalIDs[j], focused_view->GetID()); } } // Focus the 1st item. views::RootView* root_view = test_window_->GetContentsRootView(); focus_manager->SetFocusedView(root_view->GetViewByID(kTraversalIDs[0])); /* BROKEN because of bug #1153276. The reverse order of traversal in Tabbed Panes is broken (we go to the tab before going to the content // Let's traverse in reverse order. for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { for (int j = arraysize(kTraversalIDs) - 1; j >= 0; --j) { focus_manager->AdvanceFocus(true); views::View* focused_view = focus_manager->GetFocusedView(); EXPECT_TRUE(focused_view != NULL); if (focused_view) EXPECT_EQ(kTraversalIDs[j], focused_view->GetID()); } } */ } TEST_F(FocusManagerTest, TraversalWithNonEnabledViews) { const int kMainContentsDisabledIDs[] = { kBananaTextfieldID, kFruitCheckBoxID, kAsparagusButtonID, kCauliflowerButtonID, kClosetLinkID, kVisitingLinkID, kBriceDeNiceLinkID, kTaxiLinkID, kAsterixLinkID, kHelpButtonID }; const int kStyleContentsDisabledIDs[] = { kBoldCheckBoxID }; const int kSearchContentsDisabledIDs[] = { kSearchTextfieldID, kHelpLinkID }; const int kTraversalIDs[] = { kTopCheckBoxID, kAppleTextfieldID, kOrangeTextfieldID, kKiwiTextfieldID, kFruitButtonID, kBroccoliButtonID, kRosettaLinkID, kStupeurEtTremblementLinkID, kDinerGameLinkID, kRidiculeLinkID, kAmelieLinkID, kJoyeuxNoelLinkID, kCampingLinkID, kOKButtonID, kCancelButtonID, kStyleContainerID, kItalicCheckBoxID, kUnderlinedCheckBoxID, kSearchButtonID, kThumbnailContainerID, kThumbnailStarID, kThumbnailSuperStarID }; // Let's disable some views. views::RootView* root_view = test_window_->GetContentsRootView(); for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(kMainContentsDisabledIDs); i++) { views::View* v = root_view->GetViewByID(kMainContentsDisabledIDs[i]); ASSERT_TRUE(v != NULL); if (v) v->SetEnabled(false); } root_view = test_window_->GetStyleRootView(); for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(kStyleContentsDisabledIDs); i++) { views::View* v = root_view->GetViewByID(kStyleContentsDisabledIDs[i]); ASSERT_TRUE(v != NULL); if (v) v->SetEnabled(false); } root_view = test_window_->GetSearchRootView(); for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(kSearchContentsDisabledIDs); i++) { views::View* v = root_view->GetViewByID(kSearchContentsDisabledIDs[i]); ASSERT_TRUE(v != NULL); if (v) v->SetEnabled(false); } views::FocusManager* focus_manager = views::FocusManager::GetFocusManager(test_window_->GetNativeView()); views::View* focused_view; // Let's do one traversal (several times, to make sure it loops ok). for (int i = 0; i < 3;++i) { for (int j = 0; j < arraysize(kTraversalIDs); j++) { focus_manager->AdvanceFocus(false); focused_view = focus_manager->GetFocusedView(); EXPECT_TRUE(focused_view != NULL); if (focused_view) EXPECT_EQ(kTraversalIDs[j], focused_view->GetID()); } } // Focus the 1st item. focus_manager->AdvanceFocus(false); focused_view = focus_manager->GetFocusedView(); EXPECT_TRUE(focused_view != NULL); if (focused_view) EXPECT_EQ(kTraversalIDs[0], focused_view->GetID()); // Same thing in reverse. /* BROKEN because of bug #1153276. The reverse order of traversal in Tabbed Panes is broken (we go to the tab before going to the content for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { for (int j = arraysize(kTraversalIDs) - 1; j >= 0; --j) { focus_manager->AdvanceFocus(true); focused_view = focus_manager->GetFocusedView(); EXPECT_TRUE(focused_view != NULL); if (focused_view) EXPECT_EQ(kTraversalIDs[j], focused_view->GetID()); } } */ } }