// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "views/widget/drop_target_gtk.h" #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "app/drag_drop_types.h" #include "app/gtk_dnd_util.h" #include "app/os_exchange_data_provider_gtk.h" #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "gfx/point.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" #include "views/widget/root_view.h" #include "views/widget/widget_gtk.h" namespace { std::string GdkAtomToString(GdkAtom atom) { gchar* c_name = gdk_atom_name(atom); std::string name(c_name); g_free(c_name); return name; } // Returns true if |name| is a known name of plain text. bool IsTextType(const std::string& name) { return name == "text/plain" || name == "TEXT" || name == "STRING" || name == "UTF8_STRING" || name == "text/plain;charset=utf-8"; } // Returns the OSExchangeData::Formats in |targets| and all the // OSExchangeData::CustomFormats in |type_set|. int CalculateTypes(GList* targets, std::set<GdkAtom>* type_set) { int types = 0; for (GList* element = targets; element; element = g_list_next(element)) { GdkAtom atom = static_cast<GdkAtom>(element->data); type_set->insert(atom); if (atom == GDK_TARGET_STRING) { types |= OSExchangeData::STRING; } else if (atom == gtk_dnd_util::GetAtomForTarget( gtk_dnd_util::CHROME_NAMED_URL)) { types |= OSExchangeData::URL; } else if (atom == gtk_dnd_util::GetAtomForTarget( gtk_dnd_util::TEXT_URI_LIST)) { // TEXT_URI_LIST is used for files as well as urls. types |= OSExchangeData::URL | OSExchangeData::FILE_NAME; } else { std::string target_name = GdkAtomToString(atom); if (IsTextType(target_name)) { types |= OSExchangeData::STRING; } else { // Assume any unknown data is pickled. types |= OSExchangeData::PICKLED_DATA; } } } return types; } } // namespace namespace views { DropTargetGtk::DropTargetGtk(RootView* root_view, GdkDragContext* context) : helper_(root_view), requested_formats_(0), waiting_for_data_(false), received_drop_(false), pending_view_(NULL) { std::set<GdkAtom> all_formats; int source_formats = CalculateTypes(context->targets, &all_formats); data_.reset(new OSExchangeData(new OSExchangeDataProviderGtk( source_formats, all_formats))); } DropTargetGtk::~DropTargetGtk() { } void DropTargetGtk::ResetTargetViewIfEquals(View* view) { helper_.ResetTargetViewIfEquals(view); } void DropTargetGtk::OnDragDataReceived(GdkDragContext* context, gint x, gint y, GtkSelectionData* data, guint info, guint time) { std::string target_name = GdkAtomToString(data->type); if (data->type == GDK_TARGET_STRING || IsTextType(target_name)) { guchar* text_data = gtk_selection_data_get_text(data); string16 result; if (text_data) { char* as_char = reinterpret_cast<char*>(text_data); UTF8ToUTF16(as_char, strlen(as_char), &result); g_free(text_data); } data_provider().SetString(UTF16ToWideHack(result)); } else if (requested_custom_formats_.find(data->type) != requested_custom_formats_.end()) { Pickle result; if (data->length > 0) result = Pickle(reinterpret_cast<char*>(data->data), data->length); data_provider().SetPickledData(data->type, result); } else if (data->type == gtk_dnd_util::GetAtomForTarget( gtk_dnd_util::CHROME_NAMED_URL)) { GURL url; string16 title; gtk_dnd_util::ExtractNamedURL(data, &url, &title); data_provider().SetURL(url, UTF16ToWideHack(title)); } else if (data->type == gtk_dnd_util::GetAtomForTarget( gtk_dnd_util::TEXT_URI_LIST)) { std::vector<GURL> urls; gtk_dnd_util::ExtractURIList(data, &urls); if (urls.size() == 1 && urls[0].is_valid()) { data_provider().SetURL(urls[0], std::wstring()); // TEXT_URI_LIST is used for files as well as urls. if (urls[0].SchemeIsFile()) { FilePath file_path; if (net::FileURLToFilePath(urls[0], &file_path)) data_provider().SetFilename(file_path.ToWStringHack()); } } else { // Consumers of OSExchangeData will see this as an invalid URL. That is, // when GetURL is invoked on the OSExchangeData this triggers false to // be returned. data_provider().SetURL(GURL(), std::wstring()); } } if (!data_->HasAllFormats(requested_formats_, requested_custom_formats_)) return; // Waiting on more data. int drag_operation = DragDropTypes::GdkDragActionToDragOperation( context->actions); gfx::Point root_view_location(x, y); drag_operation = helper_.OnDragOver(*data_, root_view_location, drag_operation); GdkDragAction gdk_action = static_cast<GdkDragAction>( DragDropTypes::DragOperationToGdkDragAction(drag_operation)); if (!received_drop_) gdk_drag_status(context, gdk_action, time); waiting_for_data_ = false; if (pending_view_ && received_drop_) { FinishDrop(context, x, y, time); // WARNING: we've been deleted. return; } } gboolean DropTargetGtk::OnDragDrop(GdkDragContext* context, gint x, gint y, guint time) { received_drop_ = true; OnDragMotion(context, x, y, time); if (!pending_view_) { // User isn't over a view, no drop can occur. static_cast<WidgetGtk*>( helper_.root_view()->GetWidget())->ResetDropTarget(); // WARNING: we've been deleted. return FALSE; } if (!waiting_for_data_) { // We've got all the data now. FinishDrop(context, x, y, time); // WARNING: we've been deleted. return TRUE; } // We're waiting on data. return TRUE; } void DropTargetGtk::OnDragLeave(GdkDragContext* context, guint time) { helper_.OnDragExit(); } gboolean DropTargetGtk::OnDragMotion(GdkDragContext* context, gint x, gint y, guint time) { waiting_for_data_ = false; gfx::Point root_view_location(x, y); pending_view_ = helper_.CalculateTargetView(root_view_location, *data_, false); if (pending_view_ && (received_drop_ || (pending_view_ != helper_.target_view() && pending_view_->AreDropTypesRequired()))) { // The target requires drop types before it can answer CanDrop, // ask for the data now. int formats = 0; std::set<GdkAtom> custom_formats; pending_view_->GetDropFormats(&formats, &custom_formats); IntersectFormats(data_provider().known_formats(), data_provider().known_custom_formats(), &formats, &custom_formats); if (!data_provider().HasDataForAllFormats(formats, custom_formats)) { if (!received_drop_) helper_.OnDragExit(); // The target needs data for all the types before it can test if the // drop is valid, but we don't have all the data. Request the data // now. When we get back the data we'll update the target. RequestFormats(context, formats, custom_formats, time); waiting_for_data_ = true; return TRUE; } } int drag_operation = DragDropTypes::GdkDragActionToDragOperation( context->actions); drag_operation = helper_.OnDragOver(*data_, root_view_location, drag_operation); if (!received_drop_) { GdkDragAction gdk_action = static_cast<GdkDragAction>( DragDropTypes::DragOperationToGdkDragAction(drag_operation)); gdk_drag_status(context, gdk_action, time); } return TRUE; } void DropTargetGtk::FinishDrop(GdkDragContext* context, gint x, gint y, guint time) { gfx::Point root_view_location(x, y); int drag_operation = DragDropTypes::GdkDragActionToDragOperation( context->actions); drag_operation = helper_.OnDrop(*data_, root_view_location, drag_operation); GdkDragAction gdk_action = static_cast<GdkDragAction>( DragDropTypes::DragOperationToGdkDragAction(drag_operation)); gtk_drag_finish(context, gdk_action != 0, (gdk_action & GDK_ACTION_MOVE), time); static_cast<WidgetGtk*>(helper_.root_view()->GetWidget())->ResetDropTarget(); // WARNING: we've been deleted. } void DropTargetGtk::IntersectFormats(int f1, const std::set<GdkAtom>& cf1, int* f2, std::set<GdkAtom>* cf2) { *f2 = (*f2 & f1); std::set<GdkAtom> cf; std::set_intersection( cf1.begin(), cf1.end(), cf2->begin(), cf2->end(), std::insert_iterator<std::set<GdkAtom> >(cf, cf.begin())); cf.swap(*cf2); } void DropTargetGtk::RequestFormats(GdkDragContext* context, int formats, const std::set<GdkAtom>& custom_formats, guint time) { GtkWidget* widget = static_cast<WidgetGtk*>(helper_.root_view()->GetWidget())-> window_contents(); const std::set<GdkAtom>& known_formats = data_provider().known_custom_formats(); if ((formats & OSExchangeData::STRING) != 0 && (requested_formats_ & OSExchangeData::STRING) == 0) { requested_formats_ |= OSExchangeData::STRING; if (known_formats.count(GDK_TARGET_STRING)) { gtk_drag_get_data(widget, context, GDK_TARGET_STRING, time); } else if (known_formats.count(gdk_atom_intern("text/plain", false))) { gtk_drag_get_data(widget, context, gdk_atom_intern("text/plain", false), time); } else if (known_formats.count(gdk_atom_intern("text/plain;charset=utf-8", false))) { gtk_drag_get_data(widget, context, gdk_atom_intern("text/plain;charset=utf-8", false), time); } else if (known_formats.count(gdk_atom_intern("TEXT", false))) { gtk_drag_get_data(widget, context, gdk_atom_intern("TEXT", false), time); } else if (known_formats.count(gdk_atom_intern("STRING", false))) { gtk_drag_get_data(widget, context, gdk_atom_intern("STRING", false), time); } else if (known_formats.count(gdk_atom_intern("UTF8_STRING", false))) { gtk_drag_get_data(widget, context, gdk_atom_intern("UTF8_STRING", false), time); } } if ((formats & OSExchangeData::URL) != 0 && (requested_formats_ & OSExchangeData::URL) == 0) { requested_formats_ |= OSExchangeData::URL; if (known_formats.count( gtk_dnd_util::GetAtomForTarget(gtk_dnd_util::CHROME_NAMED_URL))) { gtk_drag_get_data(widget, context, gtk_dnd_util::GetAtomForTarget( gtk_dnd_util::CHROME_NAMED_URL), time); } else if (known_formats.count( gtk_dnd_util::GetAtomForTarget( gtk_dnd_util::TEXT_URI_LIST))) { gtk_drag_get_data(widget, context, gtk_dnd_util::GetAtomForTarget( gtk_dnd_util::TEXT_URI_LIST), time); } } if (((formats & OSExchangeData::FILE_NAME) != 0) && (requested_formats_ & OSExchangeData::FILE_NAME) == 0) { requested_formats_ |= OSExchangeData::FILE_NAME; gtk_drag_get_data(widget, context, gtk_dnd_util::GetAtomForTarget( gtk_dnd_util::TEXT_URI_LIST), time); } for (std::set<GdkAtom>::const_iterator i = custom_formats.begin(); i != custom_formats.end(); ++i) { if (requested_custom_formats_.find(*i) == requested_custom_formats_.end()) { requested_custom_formats_.insert(*i); gtk_drag_get_data(widget, context, *i, time); } } } OSExchangeDataProviderGtk& DropTargetGtk::data_provider() const { return static_cast<OSExchangeDataProviderGtk&>(data_->provider()); } } // namespace views