// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "views/widget/widget.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "ui/gfx/compositor.h" #include "views/focus/view_storage.h" #include "views/widget/default_theme_provider.h" #include "views/widget/root_view.h" #include "views/widget/native_widget.h" namespace views { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Widget, public: Widget::Widget() : native_widget_(NULL), widget_delegate_(NULL), dragged_view_(NULL) { } Widget::~Widget() { } // Unconverted methods (see header) -------------------------------------------- void Widget::Init(gfx::NativeView parent, const gfx::Rect& bounds) { GetRootView(); default_theme_provider_.reset(new DefaultThemeProvider); } void Widget::InitWithWidget(Widget* parent, const gfx::Rect& bounds) { } gfx::NativeView Widget::GetNativeView() const { return NULL; } void Widget::GenerateMousePressedForView(View* view, const gfx::Point& point) { } bool Widget::GetAccelerator(int cmd_id, ui::Accelerator* accelerator) { return false; } Window* Widget::GetWindow() { return NULL; } const Window* Widget::GetWindow() const { return NULL; } void Widget::ViewHierarchyChanged(bool is_add, View* parent, View* child) { if (!is_add) { if (child == dragged_view_) dragged_view_ = NULL; FocusManager* focus_manager = GetFocusManager(); if (focus_manager) focus_manager->ViewRemoved(child); ViewStorage::GetInstance()->ViewRemoved(parent, child); } } void Widget::NotifyNativeViewHierarchyChanged(bool attached, gfx::NativeView native_view) { if (!attached) { FocusManager* focus_manager = GetFocusManager(); // We are being removed from a window hierarchy. Treat this as // the root_view_ being removed. if (focus_manager) focus_manager->ViewRemoved(root_view_.get()); } root_view_->NotifyNativeViewHierarchyChanged(attached, native_view); } // Converted methods (see header) ---------------------------------------------- Widget* Widget::GetTopLevelWidget() { return const_cast( const_cast(this)->GetTopLevelWidget()); } const Widget* Widget::GetTopLevelWidget() const { NativeWidget* native_widget = NativeWidget::GetTopLevelNativeWidget(GetNativeView()); return native_widget ? native_widget->GetWidget() : NULL; } void Widget::SetContentsView(View* view) { root_view_->SetContentsView(view); } gfx::Rect Widget::GetWindowScreenBounds() const { return native_widget_->GetWindowScreenBounds(); } gfx::Rect Widget::GetClientAreaScreenBounds() const { return native_widget_->GetClientAreaScreenBounds(); } void Widget::SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds) { native_widget_->SetBounds(bounds); } void Widget::MoveAbove(Widget* widget) { native_widget_->MoveAbove(widget); } void Widget::SetShape(gfx::NativeRegion shape) { native_widget_->SetShape(shape); } void Widget::Close() { native_widget_->Close(); } void Widget::CloseNow() { native_widget_->CloseNow(); } void Widget::Show() { native_widget_->Show(); } void Widget::Hide() { native_widget_->Hide(); } void Widget::SetOpacity(unsigned char opacity) { native_widget_->SetOpacity(opacity); } void Widget::SetAlwaysOnTop(bool on_top) { native_widget_->SetAlwaysOnTop(on_top); } RootView* Widget::GetRootView() { if (!root_view_.get()) { // First time the root view is being asked for, create it now. root_view_.reset(CreateRootView()); } return root_view_.get(); } bool Widget::IsVisible() const { return native_widget_->IsVisible(); } bool Widget::IsActive() const { return native_widget_->IsActive(); } bool Widget::IsAccessibleWidget() const { return native_widget_->IsAccessibleWidget(); } ThemeProvider* Widget::GetThemeProvider() const { const Widget* root_widget = GetTopLevelWidget(); if (root_widget && root_widget != this) { // Attempt to get the theme provider, and fall back to the default theme // provider if not found. ThemeProvider* provider = root_widget->GetThemeProvider(); if (provider) return provider; provider = root_widget->default_theme_provider_.get(); if (provider) return provider; } return default_theme_provider_.get(); } FocusManager* Widget::GetFocusManager() { Widget* toplevel_widget = GetTopLevelWidget(); if (toplevel_widget && toplevel_widget != this) return toplevel_widget->focus_manager_.get(); return focus_manager_.get(); } bool Widget::ContainsNativeView(gfx::NativeView native_view) { if (native_widget_->ContainsNativeView(native_view)) return true; // A views::NativeViewHost may contain the given native view, without it being // an ancestor of hwnd(), so traverse the views::View hierarchy looking for // such views. return GetRootView()->ContainsNativeView(native_view); } void Widget::RunShellDrag(View* view, const ui::OSExchangeData& data, int operation) { dragged_view_ = view; native_widget_->RunShellDrag(view, data, operation); // If the view is removed during the drag operation, dragged_view_ is set to // NULL. if (view && dragged_view_ == view) { dragged_view_ = NULL; view->OnDragDone(); } } void Widget::SchedulePaintInRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) { native_widget_->SchedulePaintInRect(rect); } void Widget::SetCursor(gfx::NativeCursor cursor) { native_widget_->SetCursor(cursor); } FocusTraversable* Widget::GetFocusTraversable() { return root_view_.get(); } void Widget::ThemeChanged() { root_view_->ThemeChanged(); } void Widget::LocaleChanged() { root_view_->LocaleChanged(); } void Widget::SetFocusTraversableParent(FocusTraversable* parent) { root_view_->SetFocusTraversableParent(parent); } void Widget::SetFocusTraversableParentView(View* parent_view) { root_view_->SetFocusTraversableParentView(parent_view); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Widget, NativeWidgetDelegate implementation: void Widget::OnNativeFocus(gfx::NativeView focused_view) { GetFocusManager()->GetWidgetFocusManager()->OnWidgetFocusEvent( focused_view, GetNativeView()); } void Widget::OnNativeBlur(gfx::NativeView focused_view) { GetFocusManager()->GetWidgetFocusManager()->OnWidgetFocusEvent( GetNativeView(), focused_view); } void Widget::OnNativeWidgetCreated() { if (GetTopLevelWidget() == this) { // Only the top level Widget in a native widget hierarchy has a focus // manager. focus_manager_.reset(new FocusManager(this)); } } void Widget::OnSizeChanged(const gfx::Size& new_size) { root_view_->SetSize(new_size); } bool Widget::HasFocusManager() const { return !!focus_manager_.get(); } void Widget::OnNativeWidgetPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { GetRootView()->Paint(canvas); RefreshCompositeTree(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Widget, FocusTraversable implementation: FocusSearch* Widget::GetFocusSearch() { return root_view_->GetFocusSearch(); } FocusTraversable* Widget::GetFocusTraversableParent() { // We are a proxy to the root view, so we should be bypassed when traversing // up and as a result this should not be called. NOTREACHED(); return NULL; } View* Widget::GetFocusTraversableParentView() { // We are a proxy to the root view, so we should be bypassed when traversing // up and as a result this should not be called. NOTREACHED(); return NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Widget, protected: RootView* Widget::CreateRootView() { return new RootView(this); } void Widget::DestroyRootView() { root_view_.reset(); // Defer focus manager's destruction. This is for the case when the // focus manager is referenced by a child WidgetGtk (e.g. TabbedPane in a // dialog). When gtk_widget_destroy is called on the parent, the destroy // signal reaches parent first and then the child. Thus causing the parent // WidgetGtk's dtor executed before the child's. If child's view hierarchy // references this focus manager, it crashes. This will defer focus manager's // destruction after child WidgetGtk's dtor. FocusManager* focus_manager = focus_manager_.release(); if (focus_manager) MessageLoop::current()->DeleteSoon(FROM_HERE, focus_manager); } void Widget::ReplaceFocusManager(FocusManager* focus_manager) { focus_manager_.reset(focus_manager); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Widget, private: void Widget::RefreshCompositeTree() { if (!EnsureCompositor()) return; compositor_->NotifyStart(); root_view_->PaintComposite(compositor_.get()); compositor_->NotifyEnd(); } bool Widget::EnsureCompositor() { if (compositor_.get()) return true; // TODO(sad): If there is a parent Widget, then use the same compositor // instead of creating a new one here. gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget = native_widget_->GetAcceleratedWidget(); if (widget != gfx::kNullAcceleratedWidget) compositor_ = ui::Compositor::Create(widget); return compositor_.get() != NULL; } } // namespace views