// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef VIEWS_WIDGET_WIDGET_WIN_H_ #define VIEWS_WIDGET_WIDGET_WIN_H_ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h" #include "ui/base/win/window_impl.h" #include "views/focus/focus_manager.h" #include "views/ime/input_method_delegate.h" #include "views/layout/layout_manager.h" #include "views/widget/native_widget.h" #include "views/widget/widget.h" namespace ui { class ViewProp; } namespace gfx { class CanvasSkia; class Rect; } namespace views { class DropTargetWin; class RootView; class TooltipManagerWin; class Window; namespace internal { class NativeWidgetDelegate; } RootView* GetRootViewForHWND(HWND hwnd); // A Windows message reflected from other windows. This message is sent // with the following arguments: // hWnd - Target window // uMsg - kReflectedMessage // wParam - Should be 0 // lParam - Pointer to MSG struct containing the original message. const int kReflectedMessage = WM_APP + 3; // These two messages aren't defined in winuser.h, but they are sent to windows // with captions. They appear to paint the window caption and frame. // Unfortunately if you override the standard non-client rendering as we do // with CustomFrameWindow, sometimes Windows (not deterministically // reproducibly but definitely frequently) will send these messages to the // window and paint the standard caption/title over the top of the custom one. // So we need to handle these messages in CustomFrameWindow to prevent this // from happening. const int WM_NCUAHDRAWCAPTION = 0xAE; const int WM_NCUAHDRAWFRAME = 0xAF; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // WidgetWin // A Widget for a views hierarchy used to represent anything that can be // contained within an HWND, e.g. a control, a window, etc. Specializations // suitable for specific tasks, e.g. top level window, are derived from this. // // This Widget contains a RootView which owns the hierarchy of views within it. // As long as views are part of this tree, they will be deleted automatically // when the RootView is destroyed. If you remove a view from the tree, you are // then responsible for cleaning up after it. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class WidgetWin : public ui::WindowImpl, public Widget, public NativeWidget, public MessageLoopForUI::Observer, public internal::InputMethodDelegate { public: WidgetWin(); virtual ~WidgetWin(); // Returns the Widget associated with the specified HWND (if any). static WidgetWin* GetWidget(HWND hwnd); // Returns true if we are on Windows Vista or greater and composition is // enabled. static bool IsAeroGlassEnabled(); void set_delete_on_destroy(bool delete_on_destroy) { delete_on_destroy_ = delete_on_destroy; } // Disable Layered Window updates by setting to false. void set_can_update_layered_window(bool can_update_layered_window) { can_update_layered_window_ = can_update_layered_window; } // Obtain the view event with the given MSAA child id. Used in // NativeViewAccessibilityWin::get_accChild to support requests for // children of windowless controls. May return NULL // (see ViewHierarchyChanged). View* GetAccessibilityViewEventAt(int id); // Add a view that has recently fired an accessibility event. Returns a MSAA // child id which is generated by: -(index of view in vector + 1) which // guarantees a negative child id. This distinguishes the view from // positive MSAA child id's which are direct leaf children of views that have // associated hWnd's (e.g. WidgetWin). int AddAccessibilityViewEvent(View* view); // Clear a view that has recently been removed on a hierarchy change. void ClearAccessibilityViewEvent(View* view); // Overridden from Widget: virtual void Init(gfx::NativeView parent, const gfx::Rect& bounds) OVERRIDE; virtual void InitWithWidget(Widget* parent, const gfx::Rect& bounds) OVERRIDE; virtual gfx::NativeView GetNativeView() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetAccelerator(int cmd_id, ui::Accelerator* accelerator) OVERRIDE; virtual Window* GetWindow() OVERRIDE; virtual const Window* GetWindow() const OVERRIDE; virtual void ViewHierarchyChanged(bool is_add, View *parent, View *child) OVERRIDE; virtual void NotifyAccessibilityEvent( View* view, ui::AccessibilityTypes::Event event_type, bool send_native_event); BOOL IsWindow() const { return ::IsWindow(GetNativeView()); } BOOL ShowWindow(int command) { DCHECK(::IsWindow(GetNativeView())); return ::ShowWindow(GetNativeView(), command); } HWND GetParent() const { return ::GetParent(GetNativeView()); } LONG GetWindowLong(int index) { DCHECK(::IsWindow(GetNativeView())); return ::GetWindowLong(GetNativeView(), index); } BOOL GetWindowRect(RECT* rect) const { return ::GetWindowRect(GetNativeView(), rect); } LONG SetWindowLong(int index, LONG new_long) { DCHECK(::IsWindow(GetNativeView())); return ::SetWindowLong(GetNativeView(), index, new_long); } BOOL SetWindowPos(HWND hwnd_after, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, UINT flags) { DCHECK(::IsWindow(GetNativeView())); return ::SetWindowPos(GetNativeView(), hwnd_after, x, y, cx, cy, flags); } BOOL IsZoomed() const { DCHECK(::IsWindow(GetNativeView())); return ::IsZoomed(GetNativeView()); } BOOL MoveWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height) { return MoveWindow(x, y, width, height, TRUE); } BOOL MoveWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height, BOOL repaint) { DCHECK(::IsWindow(GetNativeView())); return ::MoveWindow(GetNativeView(), x, y, width, height, repaint); } int SetWindowRgn(HRGN region, BOOL redraw) { DCHECK(::IsWindow(GetNativeView())); return ::SetWindowRgn(GetNativeView(), region, redraw); } BOOL GetClientRect(RECT* rect) const { DCHECK(::IsWindow(GetNativeView())); return ::GetClientRect(GetNativeView(), rect); } // Resets the last move flag so that we can go around the optimization // that disregards duplicate mouse moves when ending animation requires // a new hit-test to do some highlighting as in TabStrip::RemoveTabAnimation // to cause the close button to highlight. void ResetLastMouseMoveFlag() { last_mouse_event_was_move_ = false; } // Overridden from NativeWidget: virtual void SetCreateParams(const Widget::CreateParams& params) OVERRIDE; virtual Widget* GetWidget() OVERRIDE; virtual void SetNativeWindowProperty(const char* name, void* value) OVERRIDE; virtual void* GetNativeWindowProperty(const char* name) OVERRIDE; virtual TooltipManager* GetTooltipManager() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsScreenReaderActive() const OVERRIDE; virtual void SetMouseCapture() OVERRIDE; virtual void ReleaseMouseCapture() OVERRIDE; virtual bool HasMouseCapture() const OVERRIDE; virtual InputMethod* GetInputMethodNative() OVERRIDE; virtual void ReplaceInputMethod(InputMethod* input_method) OVERRIDE; virtual gfx::Rect GetWindowScreenBounds() const OVERRIDE; virtual gfx::Rect GetClientAreaScreenBounds() const OVERRIDE; virtual void SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds) OVERRIDE; virtual void MoveAbove(gfx::NativeView native_view) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetShape(gfx::NativeRegion shape) OVERRIDE; virtual void Close() OVERRIDE; virtual void CloseNow() OVERRIDE; virtual void Show() OVERRIDE; virtual void Hide() OVERRIDE; virtual void SetOpacity(unsigned char opacity) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetAlwaysOnTop(bool on_top) OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsVisible() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsActive() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsAccessibleWidget() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool ContainsNativeView(gfx::NativeView native_view) const OVERRIDE; virtual void RunShellDrag(View* view, const ui::OSExchangeData& data, int operation) OVERRIDE; virtual void SchedulePaintInRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetCursor(gfx::NativeCursor cursor) OVERRIDE; protected: // Overridden from MessageLoop::Observer: void WillProcessMessage(const MSG& msg) OVERRIDE; virtual void DidProcessMessage(const MSG& msg) OVERRIDE; // Overridden from WindowImpl: virtual HICON GetDefaultWindowIcon() const OVERRIDE; virtual LRESULT OnWndProc(UINT message, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param) OVERRIDE; // Message Handlers ---------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_MSG_MAP_EX(WidgetWin) // Range handlers must go first! MESSAGE_RANGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_MOUSEFIRST, WM_MOUSELAST, OnMouseRange) MESSAGE_RANGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_NCMOUSEMOVE, WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK, OnMouseRange) // Reflected message handler MESSAGE_HANDLER_EX(kReflectedMessage, OnReflectedMessage) // CustomFrameWindow hacks MESSAGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_NCUAHDRAWCAPTION, OnNCUAHDrawCaption) MESSAGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_NCUAHDRAWFRAME, OnNCUAHDrawFrame) // Vista and newer MESSAGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_DWMCOMPOSITIONCHANGED, OnDwmCompositionChanged) // Non-atlcrack.h handlers MESSAGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_GETOBJECT, OnGetObject) // Mouse events. MESSAGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_MOUSEACTIVATE, OnMouseActivate) MESSAGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_MOUSELEAVE, OnMouseRange) MESSAGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_MOUSEWHEEL, OnMouseWheel) MESSAGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_NCMOUSELEAVE, OnMouseRange) // Key events. MESSAGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_KEYDOWN, OnKeyDown) MESSAGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_KEYUP, OnKeyUp) MESSAGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_SYSKEYDOWN, OnKeyDown) MESSAGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_SYSKEYUP, OnKeyUp) // IME Events. MESSAGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, OnImeMessages) MESSAGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION, OnImeMessages) MESSAGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_IME_COMPOSITION, OnImeMessages) MESSAGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION, OnImeMessages) MESSAGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_CHAR, OnImeMessages) MESSAGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_SYSCHAR, OnImeMessages) MESSAGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_DEADCHAR, OnImeMessages) MESSAGE_HANDLER_EX(WM_SYSDEADCHAR, OnImeMessages) // This list is in _ALPHABETICAL_ order! OR I WILL HURT YOU. MSG_WM_ACTIVATE(OnActivate) MSG_WM_ACTIVATEAPP(OnActivateApp) MSG_WM_APPCOMMAND(OnAppCommand) MSG_WM_CANCELMODE(OnCancelMode) MSG_WM_CAPTURECHANGED(OnCaptureChanged) MSG_WM_CLOSE(OnClose) MSG_WM_COMMAND(OnCommand) MSG_WM_CREATE(OnCreate) MSG_WM_DESTROY(OnDestroy) MSG_WM_DISPLAYCHANGE(OnDisplayChange) MSG_WM_ERASEBKGND(OnEraseBkgnd) MSG_WM_ENDSESSION(OnEndSession) MSG_WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE(OnEnterSizeMove) MSG_WM_EXITMENULOOP(OnExitMenuLoop) MSG_WM_EXITSIZEMOVE(OnExitSizeMove) MSG_WM_GETMINMAXINFO(OnGetMinMaxInfo) MSG_WM_HSCROLL(OnHScroll) MSG_WM_INITMENU(OnInitMenu) MSG_WM_INITMENUPOPUP(OnInitMenuPopup) MSG_WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE(OnInputLangChange) MSG_WM_KILLFOCUS(OnKillFocus) MSG_WM_MOVE(OnMove) MSG_WM_MOVING(OnMoving) MSG_WM_NCACTIVATE(OnNCActivate) MSG_WM_NCCALCSIZE(OnNCCalcSize) MSG_WM_NCHITTEST(OnNCHitTest) MSG_WM_NCPAINT(OnNCPaint) MSG_WM_NOTIFY(OnNotify) MSG_WM_PAINT(OnPaint) MSG_WM_POWERBROADCAST(OnPowerBroadcast) MSG_WM_SETFOCUS(OnSetFocus) MSG_WM_SETICON(OnSetIcon) MSG_WM_SETTEXT(OnSetText) MSG_WM_SETTINGCHANGE(OnSettingChange) MSG_WM_SIZE(OnSize) MSG_WM_SYSCOMMAND(OnSysCommand) MSG_WM_THEMECHANGED(OnThemeChanged) MSG_WM_VSCROLL(OnVScroll) MSG_WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING(OnWindowPosChanging) MSG_WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED(OnWindowPosChanged) END_MSG_MAP() // These are all virtual so that specialized Widgets can modify or augment // processing. // This list is in _ALPHABETICAL_ order! // Note: in the base class these functions must do nothing but convert point // coordinates to client coordinates (if necessary) and forward the // handling to the appropriate Process* function. This is so that // subclasses can easily override these methods to do different things // and have a convenient function to call to get the default behavior. virtual void OnActivate(UINT action, BOOL minimized, HWND window); virtual void OnActivateApp(BOOL active, DWORD thread_id); virtual LRESULT OnAppCommand(HWND window, short app_command, WORD device, int keystate); virtual void OnCancelMode(); virtual void OnCaptureChanged(HWND hwnd); virtual void OnClose(); virtual void OnCommand(UINT notification_code, int command_id, HWND window); virtual LRESULT OnCreate(CREATESTRUCT* create_struct); // WARNING: If you override this be sure and invoke super, otherwise we'll // leak a few things. virtual void OnDestroy(); virtual void OnDisplayChange(UINT bits_per_pixel, CSize screen_size); virtual LRESULT OnDwmCompositionChanged(UINT msg, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param); virtual void OnEndSession(BOOL ending, UINT logoff); virtual void OnEnterSizeMove(); virtual LRESULT OnEraseBkgnd(HDC dc); virtual void OnExitMenuLoop(BOOL is_track_popup_menu); virtual void OnExitSizeMove(); virtual LRESULT OnGetObject(UINT uMsg, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param); virtual void OnGetMinMaxInfo(MINMAXINFO* minmax_info); virtual void OnHScroll(int scroll_type, short position, HWND scrollbar); virtual LRESULT OnImeMessages(UINT message, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param); virtual void OnInitMenu(HMENU menu); virtual void OnInitMenuPopup(HMENU menu, UINT position, BOOL is_system_menu); virtual void OnInputLangChange(DWORD character_set, HKL input_language_id); virtual LRESULT OnKeyDown(UINT message, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param); virtual LRESULT OnKeyUp(UINT message, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param); virtual void OnKillFocus(HWND focused_window); virtual LRESULT OnMouseActivate(UINT message, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param); virtual LRESULT OnMouseRange(UINT message, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param); virtual LRESULT OnMouseWheel(UINT message, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param); virtual void OnMove(const CPoint& point); virtual void OnMoving(UINT param, LPRECT new_bounds); virtual LRESULT OnNCActivate(BOOL active); virtual LRESULT OnNCCalcSize(BOOL w_param, LPARAM l_param); virtual LRESULT OnNCHitTest(const CPoint& pt); virtual void OnNCPaint(HRGN rgn); virtual LRESULT OnNCUAHDrawCaption(UINT msg, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param); virtual LRESULT OnNCUAHDrawFrame(UINT msg, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param); virtual LRESULT OnNotify(int w_param, NMHDR* l_param); virtual void OnPaint(HDC dc); virtual LRESULT OnPowerBroadcast(DWORD power_event, DWORD data); virtual LRESULT OnReflectedMessage(UINT msg, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param); virtual void OnSetFocus(HWND focused_window); virtual LRESULT OnSetIcon(UINT size_type, HICON new_icon); virtual LRESULT OnSetText(const wchar_t* text); virtual void OnSettingChange(UINT flags, const wchar_t* section); virtual void OnSize(UINT param, const CSize& size); virtual void OnSysCommand(UINT notification_code, CPoint click); virtual void OnThemeChanged(); virtual void OnVScroll(int scroll_type, short position, HWND scrollbar); virtual void OnWindowPosChanging(WINDOWPOS* window_pos); virtual void OnWindowPosChanged(WINDOWPOS* window_pos); // Deletes this window as it is destroyed, override to provide different // behavior. virtual void OnFinalMessage(HWND window); // Start tracking all mouse events so that this window gets sent mouse leave // messages too. void TrackMouseEvents(DWORD mouse_tracking_flags); // Called when a MSAA screen reader client is detected. virtual void OnScreenReaderDetected(); // The TooltipManager. // WARNING: RootView's destructor calls into the TooltipManager. As such, this // must be destroyed AFTER root_view_. scoped_ptr tooltip_manager_; scoped_refptr drop_target_; // Are a subclass of WindowWin? bool is_window_; private: typedef ScopedVector ViewProps; // Implementation of GetWindow. Ascends the parents of |hwnd| returning the // first ancestor that is a Window. static Window* GetWindowImpl(HWND hwnd); // Returns the RootView that contains the focused view, or NULL if there is no // focused view. RootView* GetFocusedViewRootView(); // Called after the WM_ACTIVATE message has been processed by the default // windows procedure. static void PostProcessActivateMessage(WidgetWin* widget, int activation_state); // Synchronously paints the invalid contents of the Widget. void RedrawInvalidRect(); // Synchronously updates the invalid contents of the Widget. Valid for // layered windows only. void RedrawLayeredWindowContents(); // Responds to the client area changing size, either at window creation time // or subsequently. void ClientAreaSizeChanged(); // Overridden from NativeWidget. virtual gfx::AcceleratedWidget GetAcceleratedWidget() OVERRIDE; // Overridden from internal::InputMethodDelegate virtual void DispatchKeyEventPostIME(const KeyEvent& key) OVERRIDE; // A delegate implementation that handles events received here. internal::NativeWidgetDelegate* delegate_; // The following factory is used for calls to close the WidgetWin // instance. ScopedRunnableMethodFactory close_widget_factory_; // The flags currently being used with TrackMouseEvent to track mouse // messages. 0 if there is no active tracking. The value of this member is // used when tracking is canceled. DWORD active_mouse_tracking_flags_; // Should we keep an off-screen buffer? This is false by default, set to true // when WS_EX_LAYERED is specified before the native window is created. // // NOTE: this is intended to be used with a layered window (a window with an // extended window style of WS_EX_LAYERED). If you are using a layered window // and NOT changing the layered alpha or anything else, then leave this value // alone. OTOH if you are invoking SetLayeredWindowAttributes then you'll // most likely want to set this to false, or after changing the alpha toggle // the extended style bit to false than back to true. See MSDN for more // details. bool use_layered_buffer_; // The default alpha to be applied to the layered window. BYTE layered_alpha_; // A canvas that contains the window contents in the case of a layered // window. scoped_ptr layered_window_contents_; // We must track the invalid rect for a layered window ourselves, since // Windows will not do this properly with InvalidateRect()/GetUpdateRect(). // (In fact, it'll return misleading information from GetUpdateRect()). gfx::Rect layered_window_invalid_rect_; // A factory that allows us to schedule a redraw for layered windows. ScopedRunnableMethodFactory paint_layered_window_factory_; // Whether or not the window should delete itself when it is destroyed. // Set this to false via its setter for stack allocated instances. bool delete_on_destroy_; // True if we are allowed to update the layered window from the DIB backing // store if necessary. bool can_update_layered_window_; // Whether the focus should be restored next time we get enabled. Needed to // restore focus correctly when Windows modal dialogs are displayed. bool restore_focus_when_enabled_; // Instance of accessibility information and handling for MSAA root base::win::ScopedComPtr accessibility_root_; // Value determines whether the Widget is customized for accessibility. static bool screen_reader_active_; // The maximum number of view events in our vector below. static const int kMaxAccessibilityViewEvents = 20; // A vector used to access views for which we have sent notifications to // accessibility clients. It is used as a circular queue. std::vector accessibility_view_events_; // The current position of the view events vector. When incrementing, // we always mod this value with the max view events above . int accessibility_view_events_index_; // The last cursor that was active before the current one was selected. Saved // so that we can restore it. gfx::NativeCursor previous_cursor_; ViewProps props_; scoped_ptr input_method_; // Indicates if the |input_method_| is an InputMethodWin instance. bool is_input_method_win_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(WidgetWin); }; } // namespace views #endif // VIEWS_WIDGET_WIDGET_WIN_H_