/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "ChromeClientImpl.h" #include "AccessibilityObject.h" #include "AXObjectCache.h" #include "CharacterNames.h" #include "Console.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "Document.h" #include "DocumentLoader.h" #include "DatabaseTracker.h" #include "FloatRect.h" #include "FileChooser.h" #include "FrameLoadRequest.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "HitTestResult.h" #include "IntRect.h" #include "Node.h" #include "NotificationPresenterImpl.h" #include "Page.h" #include "PopupMenuChromium.h" #include "ScriptController.h" #if USE(V8) #include "V8Proxy.h" #endif #include "WebAccessibilityObject.h" #include "WebConsoleMessage.h" #include "WebCursorInfo.h" #include "WebFileChooserCompletionImpl.h" #include "WebFrameClient.h" #include "WebFrameImpl.h" #include "WebInputEvent.h" #include "WebKit.h" #include "WebPopupMenuImpl.h" #include "WebPopupMenuInfo.h" #include "WebRect.h" #include "WebTextDirection.h" #include "WebURLRequest.h" #include "WebViewClient.h" #include "WebViewImpl.h" #include "WindowFeatures.h" #include "WrappedResourceRequest.h" using namespace WebCore; namespace WebKit { ChromeClientImpl::ChromeClientImpl(WebViewImpl* webView) : m_webView(webView) , m_toolbarsVisible(true) , m_statusbarVisible(true) , m_scrollbarsVisible(true) , m_menubarVisible(true) , m_resizable(true) , m_ignoreNextSetCursor(false) { } ChromeClientImpl::~ChromeClientImpl() { } void ChromeClientImpl::chromeDestroyed() { // Our lifetime is bound to the WebViewImpl. } void ChromeClientImpl::setWindowRect(const FloatRect& r) { if (m_webView->client()) m_webView->client()->setWindowRect(IntRect(r)); } FloatRect ChromeClientImpl::windowRect() { WebRect rect; if (m_webView->client()) rect = m_webView->client()->rootWindowRect(); else { // These numbers will be fairly wrong. The window's x/y coordinates will // be the top left corner of the screen and the size will be the content // size instead of the window size. rect.width = m_webView->size().width; rect.height = m_webView->size().height; } return FloatRect(rect); } FloatRect ChromeClientImpl::pageRect() { // We hide the details of the window's border thickness from the web page by // simple re-using the window position here. So, from the point-of-view of // the web page, the window has no border. return windowRect(); } float ChromeClientImpl::scaleFactor() { // This is supposed to return the scale factor of the web page. It looks like // the implementor of the graphics layer is responsible for doing most of the // operations associated with scaling. However, this value is used ins some // cases by WebCore. For example, this is used as a scaling factor in canvas // so that things drawn in it are scaled just like the web page is. // // We don't currently implement scaling, so just return 1.0 (no scaling). return 1.0; } void ChromeClientImpl::focus() { if (!m_webView->client()) return; m_webView->client()->didFocus(); // If accessibility is enabled, we should notify assistive technology that // the active AccessibilityObject changed. const Frame* frame = m_webView->focusedWebCoreFrame(); if (!frame) return; Document* doc = frame->document(); if (doc && doc->axObjectCache()->accessibilityEnabled()) { Node* focusedNode = m_webView->focusedWebCoreNode(); if (!focusedNode) { // Could not retrieve focused Node. return; } // Retrieve the focused AccessibilityObject. AccessibilityObject* focusedAccObj = doc->axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(focusedNode->renderer()); // Alert assistive technology that focus changed. if (focusedAccObj) m_webView->client()->focusAccessibilityObject(WebAccessibilityObject(focusedAccObj)); } } void ChromeClientImpl::unfocus() { if (m_webView->client()) m_webView->client()->didBlur(); } bool ChromeClientImpl::canTakeFocus(FocusDirection) { // For now the browser can always take focus if we're not running layout // tests. return !layoutTestMode(); } void ChromeClientImpl::takeFocus(FocusDirection direction) { if (!m_webView->client()) return; if (direction == FocusDirectionBackward) m_webView->client()->focusPrevious(); else m_webView->client()->focusNext(); } void ChromeClientImpl::focusedNodeChanged(Node* node) { WebURL focus_url; if (node && node->isLink()) { // This HitTestResult hack is the easiest way to get a link URL out of a // WebCore::Node. HitTestResult hit_test(IntPoint(0, 0)); // This cast must be valid because of the isLink() check. hit_test.setURLElement(reinterpret_cast(node)); if (hit_test.isLiveLink()) focus_url = hit_test.absoluteLinkURL(); } m_webView->client()->setKeyboardFocusURL(focus_url); } Page* ChromeClientImpl::createWindow( Frame* frame, const FrameLoadRequest& r, const WindowFeatures& features) { if (!m_webView->client()) return 0; WebViewImpl* newView = static_cast( m_webView->client()->createView(WebFrameImpl::fromFrame(frame))); if (!newView) return 0; // The request is empty when we are just being asked to open a blank window. // This corresponds to window.open(""), for example. if (!r.resourceRequest().isEmpty()) { WrappedResourceRequest request(r.resourceRequest()); newView->mainFrame()->loadRequest(request); } return newView->page(); } static inline bool currentEventShouldCauseBackgroundTab(const WebInputEvent* inputEvent) { if (!inputEvent) return false; if (inputEvent->type != WebInputEvent::MouseUp) return false; const WebMouseEvent* mouseEvent = static_cast(inputEvent); WebNavigationPolicy policy; unsigned short buttonNumber; switch (mouseEvent->button) { case WebMouseEvent::ButtonLeft: buttonNumber = 0; break; case WebMouseEvent::ButtonMiddle: buttonNumber = 1; break; case WebMouseEvent::ButtonRight: buttonNumber = 2; break; default: return false; } bool ctrl = mouseEvent->modifiers & WebMouseEvent::ControlKey; bool shift = mouseEvent->modifiers & WebMouseEvent::ShiftKey; bool alt = mouseEvent->modifiers & WebMouseEvent::AltKey; bool meta = mouseEvent->modifiers & WebMouseEvent::MetaKey; if (!WebViewImpl::navigationPolicyFromMouseEvent(buttonNumber, ctrl, shift, alt, meta, &policy)) return false; return policy == WebNavigationPolicyNewBackgroundTab; } void ChromeClientImpl::show() { if (!m_webView->client()) return; // If our default configuration was modified by a script or wasn't // created by a user gesture, then show as a popup. Else, let this // new window be opened as a toplevel window. bool asPopup = !m_toolbarsVisible || !m_statusbarVisible || !m_scrollbarsVisible || !m_menubarVisible || !m_resizable; WebNavigationPolicy policy = WebNavigationPolicyNewForegroundTab; if (asPopup) policy = WebNavigationPolicyNewPopup; if (currentEventShouldCauseBackgroundTab(WebViewImpl::currentInputEvent())) policy = WebNavigationPolicyNewBackgroundTab; m_webView->client()->show(policy); } bool ChromeClientImpl::canRunModal() { return m_webView->client() != 0; } void ChromeClientImpl::runModal() { if (m_webView->client()) m_webView->client()->runModal(); } void ChromeClientImpl::setToolbarsVisible(bool value) { m_toolbarsVisible = value; } bool ChromeClientImpl::toolbarsVisible() { return m_toolbarsVisible; } void ChromeClientImpl::setStatusbarVisible(bool value) { m_statusbarVisible = value; } bool ChromeClientImpl::statusbarVisible() { return m_statusbarVisible; } void ChromeClientImpl::setScrollbarsVisible(bool value) { m_scrollbarsVisible = value; WebFrameImpl* web_frame = static_cast(m_webView->mainFrame()); if (web_frame) web_frame->setAllowsScrolling(value); } bool ChromeClientImpl::scrollbarsVisible() { return m_scrollbarsVisible; } void ChromeClientImpl::setMenubarVisible(bool value) { m_menubarVisible = value; } bool ChromeClientImpl::menubarVisible() { return m_menubarVisible; } void ChromeClientImpl::setResizable(bool value) { m_resizable = value; } void ChromeClientImpl::addMessageToConsole(MessageSource source, MessageType type, MessageLevel level, const String& message, unsigned lineNumber, const String& sourceID) { if (m_webView->client()) { m_webView->client()->didAddMessageToConsole( WebConsoleMessage(static_cast(level), message), sourceID, lineNumber); } } bool ChromeClientImpl::canRunBeforeUnloadConfirmPanel() { return m_webView->client() != 0; } bool ChromeClientImpl::runBeforeUnloadConfirmPanel(const String& message, Frame* frame) { if (m_webView->client()) { return m_webView->client()->runModalBeforeUnloadDialog( WebFrameImpl::fromFrame(frame), message); } return false; } void ChromeClientImpl::closeWindowSoon() { // Make sure this Page can no longer be found by JS. m_webView->page()->setGroupName(String()); // Make sure that all loading is stopped. Ensures that JS stops executing! m_webView->mainFrame()->stopLoading(); if (m_webView->client()) m_webView->client()->closeWidgetSoon(); } // Although a Frame is passed in, we don't actually use it, since we // already know our own m_webView. void ChromeClientImpl::runJavaScriptAlert(Frame* frame, const String& message) { if (m_webView->client()) { #if USE(V8) // Before showing the JavaScript dialog, we give the proxy implementation // a chance to process any pending console messages. V8Proxy::processConsoleMessages(); #endif m_webView->client()->runModalAlertDialog( WebFrameImpl::fromFrame(frame), message); } } // See comments for runJavaScriptAlert(). bool ChromeClientImpl::runJavaScriptConfirm(Frame* frame, const String& message) { if (m_webView->client()) { return m_webView->client()->runModalConfirmDialog( WebFrameImpl::fromFrame(frame), message); } return false; } // See comments for runJavaScriptAlert(). bool ChromeClientImpl::runJavaScriptPrompt(Frame* frame, const String& message, const String& defaultValue, String& result) { if (m_webView->client()) { WebString actualValue; bool ok = m_webView->client()->runModalPromptDialog( WebFrameImpl::fromFrame(frame), message, defaultValue, &actualValue); if (ok) result = actualValue; return ok; } return false; } void ChromeClientImpl::setStatusbarText(const String& message) { if (m_webView->client()) m_webView->client()->setStatusText(message); } bool ChromeClientImpl::shouldInterruptJavaScript() { // FIXME: implement me return false; } bool ChromeClientImpl::tabsToLinks() const { // Returns true if anchors should accept keyboard focus with the tab key. // This method is used in a convoluted fashion by EventHandler::tabsToLinks. // It's a twisted path (self-evident, but more complicated than seems // necessary), but the net result is that returning true from here, on a // platform other than MAC or QT, lets anchors get keyboard focus. return m_webView->tabsToLinks(); } IntRect ChromeClientImpl::windowResizerRect() const { IntRect result; if (m_webView->client()) result = m_webView->client()->windowResizerRect(); return result; } void ChromeClientImpl::repaint( const IntRect& paintRect, bool contentChanged, bool immediate, bool repaintContentOnly) { // Ignore spurious calls. if (!contentChanged || paintRect.isEmpty()) return; if (m_webView->client()) m_webView->client()->didInvalidateRect(paintRect); } void ChromeClientImpl::scroll( const IntSize& scrollDelta, const IntRect& scrollRect, const IntRect& clipRect) { if (m_webView->client()) { int dx = scrollDelta.width(); int dy = scrollDelta.height(); m_webView->client()->didScrollRect(dx, dy, clipRect); } } IntPoint ChromeClientImpl::screenToWindow(const IntPoint&) const { notImplemented(); return IntPoint(); } IntRect ChromeClientImpl::windowToScreen(const IntRect& rect) const { IntRect screenRect(rect); if (m_webView->client()) { WebRect windowRect = m_webView->client()->windowRect(); screenRect.move(windowRect.x, windowRect.y); } return screenRect; } void ChromeClientImpl::contentsSizeChanged(Frame* frame, const IntSize& size) const { WebFrameImpl* webframe = WebFrameImpl::fromFrame(frame); if (webframe->client()) webframe->client()->didChangeContentsSize(webframe, size); } void ChromeClientImpl::scrollbarsModeDidChange() const { } void ChromeClientImpl::mouseDidMoveOverElement( const HitTestResult& result, unsigned modifierFlags) { if (!m_webView->client()) return; // Find out if the mouse is over a link, and if so, let our UI know... if (result.isLiveLink() && !result.absoluteLinkURL().string().isEmpty()) m_webView->client()->setMouseOverURL(result.absoluteLinkURL()); else m_webView->client()->setMouseOverURL(WebURL()); } void ChromeClientImpl::setToolTip(const String& tooltipText, TextDirection dir) { if (!m_webView->client()) return; WebTextDirection textDirection = (dir == RTL) ? WebTextDirectionRightToLeft : WebTextDirectionLeftToRight; m_webView->client()->setToolTipText( tooltipText, textDirection); } void ChromeClientImpl::print(Frame* frame) { if (m_webView->client()) m_webView->client()->printPage(WebFrameImpl::fromFrame(frame)); } void ChromeClientImpl::exceededDatabaseQuota(Frame* frame, const String& databaseName) { // set a reasonable quota for now -- 5Mb should be enough for anybody // TODO(dglazkov): this should be configurable SecurityOrigin* origin = frame->document()->securityOrigin(); DatabaseTracker::tracker().setQuota(origin, 1024 * 1024 * 5); } #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) void ChromeClientImpl::reachedMaxAppCacheSize(int64_t spaceNeeded) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } #endif void ChromeClientImpl::runOpenPanel(Frame* frame, PassRefPtr fileChooser) { WebViewClient* client = m_webView->client(); if (!client) return; bool multipleFiles = fileChooser->allowsMultipleFiles(); WebString suggestion; if (fileChooser->filenames().size() > 0) suggestion = fileChooser->filenames()[0]; WebFileChooserCompletionImpl* chooserCompletion = new WebFileChooserCompletionImpl(fileChooser); bool ok = client->runFileChooser(multipleFiles, WebString(), suggestion, chooserCompletion); if (!ok) { // Choosing failed, so do callback with an empty list. chooserCompletion->didChooseFile(WebVector()); } } void ChromeClientImpl::popupOpened(PopupContainer* popupContainer, const IntRect& bounds, bool activatable, bool handleExternally) { if (!m_webView->client()) return; WebWidget* webwidget; if (handleExternally) { WebPopupMenuInfo popupInfo; getPopupMenuInfo(popupContainer, &popupInfo); webwidget = m_webView->client()->createPopupMenu(popupInfo); } else webwidget = m_webView->client()->createPopupMenu(activatable); static_cast(webwidget)->Init(popupContainer, bounds); } void ChromeClientImpl::setCursor(const WebCursorInfo& cursor) { if (m_ignoreNextSetCursor) { m_ignoreNextSetCursor = false; return; } if (m_webView->client()) m_webView->client()->didChangeCursor(cursor); } void ChromeClientImpl::setCursorForPlugin(const WebCursorInfo& cursor) { setCursor(cursor); // Currently, Widget::setCursor is always called after this function in // EventHandler.cpp and since we don't want that we set a flag indicating // that the next SetCursor call is to be ignored. m_ignoreNextSetCursor = true; } void ChromeClientImpl::formStateDidChange(const Node* node) { // The current history item is not updated yet. That happens lazily when // WebFrame::currentHistoryItem is requested. WebFrameImpl* webframe = WebFrameImpl::fromFrame(node->document()->frame()); if (webframe->client()) webframe->client()->didUpdateCurrentHistoryItem(webframe); } void ChromeClientImpl::getPopupMenuInfo(PopupContainer* popupContainer, WebPopupMenuInfo* info) { const Vector& inputItems = popupContainer->popupData(); WebVector outputItems(inputItems.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < inputItems.size(); ++i) { const PopupItem& inputItem = *inputItems[i]; WebPopupMenuInfo::Item& outputItem = outputItems[i]; outputItem.label = inputItem.label; outputItem.enabled = inputItem.enabled; switch (inputItem.type) { case PopupItem::TypeOption: outputItem.type = WebPopupMenuInfo::Item::Option; break; case PopupItem::TypeGroup: outputItem.type = WebPopupMenuInfo::Item::Group; break; case PopupItem::TypeSeparator: outputItem.type = WebPopupMenuInfo::Item::Separator; break; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } } info->itemHeight = popupContainer->menuItemHeight(); info->selectedIndex = popupContainer->selectedIndex(); info->items.swap(outputItems); } #if ENABLE(NOTIFICATIONS) NotificationPresenter* ChromeClientImpl::notificationPresenter() const { return m_webView->notificationPresenterImpl(); } #endif } // namespace WebKit