// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "webkit/appcache/appcache_host.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "webkit/appcache/appcache.h" #include "webkit/appcache/appcache_request_handler.h" namespace appcache { AppCacheHost::AppCacheHost(int host_id, AppCacheFrontend* frontend, AppCacheService* service) : host_id_(host_id), pending_main_resource_cache_id_(kNoCacheId), pending_selected_cache_id_(kNoCacheId), frontend_(frontend), service_(service), pending_get_status_callback_(NULL), pending_start_update_callback_(NULL), pending_swap_cache_callback_(NULL), pending_callback_param_(NULL), main_resource_blocked_(false) { } AppCacheHost::~AppCacheHost() { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, OnDestructionImminent(this)); if (associated_cache_.get()) associated_cache_->UnassociateHost(this); if (group_being_updated_.get()) group_being_updated_->RemoveUpdateObserver(this); service_->storage()->CancelDelegateCallbacks(this); } void AppCacheHost::AddObserver(Observer* observer) { observers_.AddObserver(observer); } void AppCacheHost::RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) { observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); } void AppCacheHost::SelectCache(const GURL& document_url, const int64 cache_document_was_loaded_from, const GURL& manifest_url) { DCHECK(!pending_start_update_callback_ && !pending_swap_cache_callback_ && !pending_get_status_callback_); if (main_resource_blocked_) frontend_->OnContentBlocked(host_id_); // First we handle an unusual case of SelectCache being called a second // time. Generally this shouldn't happen, but with bad content I think // this can occur... <html manifest=foo> <html manifest=bar></html></html> // We handle this by killing whatever loading we have initiated, and by // unassociating any hosts we currently have associated... and starting // anew with the inputs to this SelectCache call. // TODO(michaeln): at some point determine what behavior the algorithms // described in the HTML5 draft produce and have our impl produce those // results (or suggest changes to the algorihtms described in the spec // if the resulting behavior is just too insane). if (is_selection_pending()) { service_->storage()->CancelDelegateCallbacks(this); pending_selected_manifest_url_ = GURL(); pending_selected_cache_id_ = kNoCacheId; } else if (associated_cache()) { AssociateCache(NULL); } new_master_entry_url_ = GURL(); // 6.9.6 The application cache selection algorithm. // The algorithm is started here and continues in FinishCacheSelection, // after cache or group loading is complete. // Note: Foreign entries are detected on the client side and // MarkAsForeignEntry is called in that case, so that detection // step is skipped here. See WebApplicationCacheHostImpl.cc if (cache_document_was_loaded_from != kNoCacheId) { LoadSelectedCache(cache_document_was_loaded_from); return; } if (!manifest_url.is_empty() && (manifest_url.GetOrigin() == document_url.GetOrigin())) { // Note: The client detects if the document was not loaded using HTTP GET // and invokes SelectCache without a manifest url, so that detection step // is also skipped here. See WebApplicationCacheHostImpl.cc new_master_entry_url_ = document_url; LoadOrCreateGroup(manifest_url); return; } // TODO(michaeln): If there was a manifest URL, the user agent may report // to the user that it was ignored, to aid in application development. FinishCacheSelection(NULL, NULL); } // TODO(michaeln): change method name to MarkEntryAsForeign for consistency void AppCacheHost::MarkAsForeignEntry(const GURL& document_url, int64 cache_document_was_loaded_from) { service_->storage()->MarkEntryAsForeign( document_url, cache_document_was_loaded_from); SelectCache(document_url, kNoCacheId, GURL()); } void AppCacheHost::GetStatusWithCallback(GetStatusCallback* callback, void* callback_param) { DCHECK(!pending_start_update_callback_ && !pending_swap_cache_callback_ && !pending_get_status_callback_); pending_get_status_callback_ = callback; pending_callback_param_ = callback_param; if (is_selection_pending()) return; DoPendingGetStatus(); } void AppCacheHost::DoPendingGetStatus() { DCHECK(pending_get_status_callback_); pending_get_status_callback_->Run( GetStatus(), pending_callback_param_); pending_get_status_callback_ = NULL; pending_callback_param_ = NULL; } void AppCacheHost::StartUpdateWithCallback(StartUpdateCallback* callback, void* callback_param) { DCHECK(!pending_start_update_callback_ && !pending_swap_cache_callback_ && !pending_get_status_callback_); pending_start_update_callback_ = callback; pending_callback_param_ = callback_param; if (is_selection_pending()) return; DoPendingStartUpdate(); } void AppCacheHost::DoPendingStartUpdate() { DCHECK(pending_start_update_callback_); // 6.9.8 Application cache API bool success = false; if (associated_cache_ && associated_cache_->owning_group()) { AppCacheGroup* group = associated_cache_->owning_group(); if (!group->is_obsolete() && !group->is_being_deleted()) { success = true; group->StartUpdate(); } } pending_start_update_callback_->Run( success, pending_callback_param_); pending_start_update_callback_ = NULL; pending_callback_param_ = NULL; } void AppCacheHost::SwapCacheWithCallback(SwapCacheCallback* callback, void* callback_param) { DCHECK(!pending_start_update_callback_ && !pending_swap_cache_callback_ && !pending_get_status_callback_); pending_swap_cache_callback_ = callback; pending_callback_param_ = callback_param; if (is_selection_pending()) return; DoPendingSwapCache(); } void AppCacheHost::DoPendingSwapCache() { DCHECK(pending_swap_cache_callback_); // 6.9.8 Application cache API bool success = false; if (associated_cache_ && associated_cache_->owning_group()) { if (associated_cache_->owning_group()->is_obsolete()) { success = true; AssociateCache(NULL); } else if (swappable_cache_) { DCHECK(swappable_cache_.get() == swappable_cache_->owning_group()->newest_complete_cache()); success = true; AssociateCache(swappable_cache_); } } pending_swap_cache_callback_->Run( success, pending_callback_param_); pending_swap_cache_callback_ = NULL; pending_callback_param_ = NULL; } AppCacheRequestHandler* AppCacheHost::CreateRequestHandler( URLRequest* request, bool is_main_request) { if (is_main_request) return new AppCacheRequestHandler(this, true); if ((associated_cache() && associated_cache()->is_complete()) || is_selection_pending()) { return new AppCacheRequestHandler(this, false); } return NULL; } Status AppCacheHost::GetStatus() { // 6.9.8 Application cache API AppCache* cache = associated_cache(); if (!cache) return UNCACHED; // A cache without an owning group represents the cache being constructed // during the application cache update process. if (!cache->owning_group()) return DOWNLOADING; if (cache->owning_group()->is_obsolete()) return OBSOLETE; if (cache->owning_group()->update_status() == AppCacheGroup::CHECKING) return CHECKING; if (cache->owning_group()->update_status() == AppCacheGroup::DOWNLOADING) return DOWNLOADING; if (swappable_cache_) return UPDATE_READY; return IDLE; } void AppCacheHost::LoadOrCreateGroup(const GURL& manifest_url) { DCHECK(manifest_url.is_valid()); pending_selected_manifest_url_ = manifest_url; service_->storage()->LoadOrCreateGroup(manifest_url, this); } void AppCacheHost::OnGroupLoaded(AppCacheGroup* group, const GURL& manifest_url) { DCHECK(manifest_url == pending_selected_manifest_url_); pending_selected_manifest_url_ = GURL(); FinishCacheSelection(NULL, group); } void AppCacheHost::LoadSelectedCache(int64 cache_id) { DCHECK(cache_id != kNoCacheId); pending_selected_cache_id_ = cache_id; service_->storage()->LoadCache(cache_id, this); } void AppCacheHost::OnCacheLoaded(AppCache* cache, int64 cache_id) { if (cache_id == pending_main_resource_cache_id_) { pending_main_resource_cache_id_ = kNoCacheId; main_resource_cache_ = cache; } else if (cache_id == pending_selected_cache_id_) { pending_selected_cache_id_ = kNoCacheId; FinishCacheSelection(cache, NULL); } } void AppCacheHost::FinishCacheSelection( AppCache *cache, AppCacheGroup* group) { DCHECK(!associated_cache()); // 6.9.6 The application cache selection algorithm if (cache) { // If document was loaded from an application cache, Associate document // with the application cache from which it was loaded. Invoke the // application cache update process for that cache and with the browsing // context being navigated. DCHECK(cache->owning_group()); DCHECK(new_master_entry_url_.is_empty()); AssociateCache(cache); AppCacheGroup* owing_group = cache->owning_group(); if (!owing_group->is_obsolete() && !owing_group->is_being_deleted()) { owing_group->StartUpdateWithHost(this); ObserveGroupBeingUpdated(owing_group); } } else if (group && !group->is_being_deleted()) { // If document was loaded using HTTP GET or equivalent, and, there is a // manifest URL, and manifest URL has the same origin as document. // Invoke the application cache update process for manifest URL, with // the browsing context being navigated, and with document and the // resource from which document was loaded as the new master resourse. DCHECK(!group->is_obsolete()); DCHECK(new_master_entry_url_.is_valid()); AssociateCache(NULL); // The UpdateJob may produce one for us later. group->StartUpdateWithNewMasterEntry(this, new_master_entry_url_); ObserveGroupBeingUpdated(group); } else { // Otherwise, the Document is not associated with any application cache. new_master_entry_url_ = GURL(); AssociateCache(NULL); } // Respond to pending callbacks now that we have a selection. if (pending_get_status_callback_) DoPendingGetStatus(); else if (pending_start_update_callback_) DoPendingStartUpdate(); else if (pending_swap_cache_callback_) DoPendingSwapCache(); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, OnCacheSelectionComplete(this)); } void AppCacheHost::ObserveGroupBeingUpdated(AppCacheGroup* group) { DCHECK(!group_being_updated_); group_being_updated_ = group; newest_cache_of_group_being_updated_ = group->newest_complete_cache(); group->AddUpdateObserver(this); } void AppCacheHost::OnUpdateComplete(AppCacheGroup* group) { DCHECK_EQ(group, group_being_updated_); group->RemoveUpdateObserver(this); // Add a reference to the newest complete cache. SetSwappableCache(group); group_being_updated_ = NULL; newest_cache_of_group_being_updated_ = NULL; } void AppCacheHost::OnContentBlocked(AppCacheGroup* group) { frontend_->OnContentBlocked(host_id_); } void AppCacheHost::SetSwappableCache(AppCacheGroup* group) { if (!group) { swappable_cache_ = NULL; } else { AppCache* new_cache = group->newest_complete_cache(); if (new_cache != associated_cache_) swappable_cache_ = new_cache; else swappable_cache_ = NULL; } } void AppCacheHost::LoadMainResourceCache(int64 cache_id) { DCHECK(cache_id != kNoCacheId); if (pending_main_resource_cache_id_ == cache_id || (main_resource_cache_ && main_resource_cache_->cache_id() == cache_id)) { return; } pending_main_resource_cache_id_ = cache_id; service_->storage()->LoadCache(cache_id, this); } void AppCacheHost::NotifyMainResourceBlocked() { main_resource_blocked_ = true; } void AppCacheHost::AssociateCache(AppCache* cache) { if (associated_cache_.get()) { associated_cache_->UnassociateHost(this); } associated_cache_ = cache; SetSwappableCache(cache ? cache->owning_group() : NULL); if (cache) { cache->AssociateHost(this); frontend_->OnCacheSelected(host_id_, cache->cache_id(), GetStatus()); } else { frontend_->OnCacheSelected(host_id_, kNoCacheId, UNCACHED); } } } // namespace appcache