// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef WEBKIT_APPCACHE_APPCACHE_STORAGE_IMPL_H_ #define WEBKIT_APPCACHE_APPCACHE_STORAGE_IMPL_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "base/message_loop_proxy.h" #include "base/task.h" #include "webkit/appcache/appcache_database.h" #include "webkit/appcache/appcache_disk_cache.h" #include "webkit/appcache/appcache_export.h" #include "webkit/appcache/appcache_storage.h" namespace appcache { class AppCacheStorageImpl : public AppCacheStorage { public: explicit AppCacheStorageImpl(AppCacheService* service); virtual ~AppCacheStorageImpl(); void Initialize(const FilePath& cache_directory, base::MessageLoopProxy* db_thread, base::MessageLoopProxy* cache_thread); void Disable(); bool is_disabled() const { return is_disabled_; } // AppCacheStorage methods, see the base class for doc comments. virtual void GetAllInfo(Delegate* delegate) OVERRIDE; virtual void LoadCache(int64 id, Delegate* delegate) OVERRIDE; virtual void LoadOrCreateGroup(const GURL& manifest_url, Delegate* delegate) OVERRIDE; virtual void StoreGroupAndNewestCache(AppCacheGroup* group, AppCache* newest_cache, Delegate* delegate) OVERRIDE; virtual void FindResponseForMainRequest(const GURL& url, const GURL& preferred_manifest_url, Delegate* delegate) OVERRIDE; virtual void FindResponseForSubRequest( AppCache* cache, const GURL& url, AppCacheEntry* found_entry, AppCacheEntry* found_fallback_entry, bool* found_network_namespace) OVERRIDE; virtual void MarkEntryAsForeign(const GURL& entry_url, int64 cache_id) OVERRIDE; virtual void MakeGroupObsolete(AppCacheGroup* group, Delegate* delegate) OVERRIDE; virtual AppCacheResponseReader* CreateResponseReader( const GURL& manifest_url, int64 group_id, int64 response_id) OVERRIDE; virtual AppCacheResponseWriter* CreateResponseWriter( const GURL& manifest_url, int64 group_id) OVERRIDE; virtual void DoomResponses(const GURL& manifest_url, const std::vector& response_ids) OVERRIDE; virtual void DeleteResponses(const GURL& manifest_url, const std::vector& response_ids) OVERRIDE; virtual void PurgeMemory() OVERRIDE; private: friend class AppCacheStorageImplTest; // The AppCacheStorageImpl class methods and datamembers may only be // accessed on the IO thread. This class manufactures seperate DatabaseTasks // which access the DB on a seperate background thread. class DatabaseTask; class InitTask; class CloseConnectionTask; class DisableDatabaseTask; class GetAllInfoTask; class StoreOrLoadTask; class CacheLoadTask; class GroupLoadTask; class StoreGroupAndCacheTask; class FindMainResponseTask; class MarkEntryAsForeignTask; class MakeGroupObsoleteTask; class GetDeletableResponseIdsTask; class InsertDeletableResponseIdsTask; class DeleteDeletableResponseIdsTask; class UpdateGroupLastAccessTimeTask; typedef std::deque DatabaseTaskQueue; typedef std::map PendingCacheLoads; typedef std::map PendingGroupLoads; typedef std::deque > PendingForeignMarkings; typedef std::set PendingQuotaQueries; bool IsInitTaskComplete() { return last_cache_id_ != AppCacheStorage::kUnitializedId; } CacheLoadTask* GetPendingCacheLoadTask(int64 cache_id); GroupLoadTask* GetPendingGroupLoadTask(const GURL& manifest_url); void GetPendingForeignMarkingsForCache( int64 cache_id, std::vector* urls); void ScheduleSimpleTask(const base::Closure& task); void RunOnePendingSimpleTask(); void DelayedStartDeletingUnusedResponses(); void StartDeletingResponses(const std::vector& response_ids); void ScheduleDeleteOneResponse(); void DeleteOneResponse(); void OnDeletedOneResponse(int rv); void OnDiskCacheInitialized(int rv); // Sometimes we can respond without having to query the database. bool FindResponseForMainRequestInGroup( AppCacheGroup* group, const GURL& url, Delegate* delegate); void DeliverShortCircuitedFindMainResponse( const GURL& url, const AppCacheEntry& found_entry, scoped_refptr group, scoped_refptr newest_cache, scoped_refptr delegate_ref); void CallOnMainResponseFound( DelegateReferenceVector* delegates, const GURL& url, const AppCacheEntry& entry, const GURL& fallback_url, const AppCacheEntry& fallback_entry, int64 cache_id, int64 group_id, const GURL& manifest_url); APPCACHE_EXPORT AppCacheDiskCache* disk_cache(); // The directory in which we place files in the file system. FilePath cache_directory_; bool is_incognito_; // This class operates primarily on the IO thread, but schedules // its DatabaseTasks on the db thread. Separately, the disk_cache uses // the cache_thread. scoped_refptr db_thread_; scoped_refptr cache_thread_; // Structures to keep track of DatabaseTasks that are in-flight. DatabaseTaskQueue scheduled_database_tasks_; PendingCacheLoads pending_cache_loads_; PendingGroupLoads pending_group_loads_; PendingForeignMarkings pending_foreign_markings_; PendingQuotaQueries pending_quota_queries_; // Structures to keep track of lazy response deletion. std::deque deletable_response_ids_; std::vector deleted_response_ids_; bool is_response_deletion_scheduled_; bool did_start_deleting_responses_; int64 last_deletable_response_rowid_; // Created on the IO thread, but only used on the DB thread. AppCacheDatabase* database_; // Set if we discover a fatal error like a corrupt SQL database or // disk cache and cannot continue. bool is_disabled_; scoped_ptr disk_cache_; // Used to short-circuit certain operations without having to schedule // any tasks on the background database thread. std::deque pending_simple_tasks_; base::WeakPtrFactory weak_factory_; friend class ChromeAppCacheServiceTest; }; } // namespace appcache #endif // WEBKIT_APPCACHE_APPCACHE_STORAGE_IMPL_H_