// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "webkit/appcache/appcache_update_job.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "net/base/io_buffer.h" #include "net/base/load_flags.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "webkit/appcache/appcache_group.h" #include "webkit/appcache/appcache_policy.h" #include "webkit/appcache/appcache_response.h" namespace appcache { static const int kBufferSize = 32768; static const size_t kMaxConcurrentUrlFetches = 2; static const int kMax503Retries = 3; // Extra info associated with requests for use during response processing. // This info is deleted when the URLRequest is deleted. class UpdateJobInfo : public URLRequest::UserData { public: enum RequestType { MANIFEST_FETCH, URL_FETCH, MASTER_ENTRY_FETCH, MANIFEST_REFETCH, }; explicit UpdateJobInfo(RequestType request_type) : type_(request_type), buffer_(new net::IOBuffer(kBufferSize)), retry_503_attempts_(0), update_job_(NULL), request_(NULL), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(write_callback_( this, &UpdateJobInfo::OnWriteComplete)) { } void SetUpResponseWriter(AppCacheResponseWriter* writer, AppCacheUpdateJob* update, URLRequest* request) { DCHECK(!response_writer_.get()); response_writer_.reset(writer); update_job_ = update; request_ = request; } void OnWriteComplete(int result) { // A completed write may delete the URL request and this object. update_job_->OnWriteResponseComplete(result, request_, this); } RequestType type_; scoped_refptr buffer_; int retry_503_attempts_; // Info needed to write responses to storage and process callbacks. scoped_ptr response_writer_; AppCacheUpdateJob* update_job_; URLRequest* request_; net::CompletionCallbackImpl write_callback_; }; // Helper class for collecting hosts per frontend when sending notifications // so that only one notification is sent for all hosts using the same frontend. class HostNotifier { public: typedef std::vector HostIds; typedef std::map NotifyHostMap; // Caller is responsible for ensuring there will be no duplicate hosts. void AddHost(AppCacheHost* host) { std::pair ret = hosts_to_notify.insert( NotifyHostMap::value_type(host->frontend(), HostIds())); ret.first->second.push_back(host->host_id()); } void AddHosts(const std::set& hosts) { for (std::set::const_iterator it = hosts.begin(); it != hosts.end(); ++it) { AddHost(*it); } } void SendNotifications(EventID event_id) { for (NotifyHostMap::iterator it = hosts_to_notify.begin(); it != hosts_to_notify.end(); ++it) { AppCacheFrontend* frontend = it->first; frontend->OnEventRaised(it->second, event_id); } } private: NotifyHostMap hosts_to_notify; }; AppCacheUpdateJob::AppCacheUpdateJob(AppCacheService* service, AppCacheGroup* group) : ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(method_factory_(this)), service_(service), group_(group), update_type_(UNKNOWN_TYPE), internal_state_(FETCH_MANIFEST), master_entries_completed_(0), url_fetches_completed_(0), manifest_url_request_(NULL), stored_state_(UNSTORED), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(manifest_info_write_callback_( this, &AppCacheUpdateJob::OnManifestInfoWriteComplete)), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(manifest_data_write_callback_( this, &AppCacheUpdateJob::OnManifestDataWriteComplete)), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(manifest_data_read_callback_( this, &AppCacheUpdateJob::OnManifestDataReadComplete)), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(policy_callback_( new net::CancelableCompletionCallback( this, &AppCacheUpdateJob::OnPolicyCheckComplete))) { DCHECK(group_); manifest_url_ = group_->manifest_url(); } AppCacheUpdateJob::~AppCacheUpdateJob() { if (internal_state_ != COMPLETED) Cancel(); DCHECK(!manifest_url_request_); DCHECK(pending_url_fetches_.empty()); DCHECK(!inprogress_cache_); DCHECK(pending_master_entries_.empty()); DCHECK(master_entry_fetches_.empty()); if (group_) group_->SetUpdateStatus(AppCacheGroup::IDLE); policy_callback_->Cancel(); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::StartUpdate(AppCacheHost* host, const GURL& new_master_resource) { DCHECK(group_->update_job() == this); DCHECK(!group_->is_obsolete()); bool is_new_pending_master_entry = false; if (!new_master_resource.is_empty()) { DCHECK(new_master_resource == host->pending_master_entry_url()); DCHECK(!new_master_resource.has_ref()); DCHECK(new_master_resource.GetOrigin() == manifest_url_.GetOrigin()); // Cannot add more to this update if already terminating. if (IsTerminating()) { group_->QueueUpdate(host, new_master_resource); return; } std::pair ret = pending_master_entries_.insert( PendingMasters::value_type(new_master_resource, PendingHosts())); is_new_pending_master_entry = ret.second; ret.first->second.push_back(host); host->AddObserver(this); } // Notify host (if any) if already checking or downloading. AppCacheGroup::UpdateStatus update_status = group_->update_status(); if (update_status == AppCacheGroup::CHECKING || update_status == AppCacheGroup::DOWNLOADING) { if (host) { NotifySingleHost(host, CHECKING_EVENT); if (update_status == AppCacheGroup::DOWNLOADING) NotifySingleHost(host, DOWNLOADING_EVENT); // Add to fetch list or an existing entry if already fetched. if (!new_master_resource.is_empty()) { AddMasterEntryToFetchList(host, new_master_resource, is_new_pending_master_entry); } } return; } // Begin update process for the group. group_->SetUpdateStatus(AppCacheGroup::CHECKING); if (group_->HasCache()) { update_type_ = UPGRADE_ATTEMPT; NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(CHECKING_EVENT); } else { update_type_ = CACHE_ATTEMPT; DCHECK(host); NotifySingleHost(host, CHECKING_EVENT); } if (!new_master_resource.is_empty()) { AddMasterEntryToFetchList(host, new_master_resource, is_new_pending_master_entry); } if (update_type_ == CACHE_ATTEMPT) CheckPolicy(); else FetchManifest(true); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::CheckPolicy() { int rv = net::OK; policy_callback_->AddRef(); // Balanced in OnPolicyCheckComplete. AppCachePolicy* policy = service_->appcache_policy(); if (policy) { rv = policy->CanCreateAppCache(manifest_url_, policy_callback_); if (rv == net::ERR_IO_PENDING) return; } OnPolicyCheckComplete(rv); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnPolicyCheckComplete(int rv) { policy_callback_->Release(); // Balanced in CheckPolicy. if (rv == net::OK) { FetchManifest(true); return; } MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &AppCacheUpdateJob::HandleCacheFailure)); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::HandleCacheFailure() { // TODO(michaeln): For now this is only invoked from one point // of failure. Overtime, attempt the migrate the various places // where we can detect a failure condition to use this same // method to enter the cache_failure state. internal_state_ = CACHE_FAILURE; CancelAllUrlFetches(); CancelAllMasterEntryFetches(); MaybeCompleteUpdate(); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::FetchManifest(bool is_first_fetch) { DCHECK(!manifest_url_request_); manifest_url_request_ = new URLRequest(manifest_url_, this); UpdateJobInfo::RequestType fetch_type = is_first_fetch ? UpdateJobInfo::MANIFEST_FETCH : UpdateJobInfo::MANIFEST_REFETCH; manifest_url_request_->SetUserData(this, new UpdateJobInfo(fetch_type)); manifest_url_request_->set_context(service_->request_context()); manifest_url_request_->set_load_flags( manifest_url_request_->load_flags() | net::LOAD_DISABLE_INTERCEPT); // Add any necessary Http headers before sending fetch request. if (is_first_fetch) { AppCacheEntry* entry = (update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT) ? group_->newest_complete_cache()->GetEntry(manifest_url_) : NULL; if (entry) { // Asynchronously load response info for manifest from newest cache. service_->storage()->LoadResponseInfo(manifest_url_, entry->response_id(), this); } else { AddHttpHeadersAndFetch(manifest_url_request_, NULL); } } else { DCHECK(internal_state_ == REFETCH_MANIFEST); DCHECK(manifest_response_info_.get()); AddHttpHeadersAndFetch(manifest_url_request_, manifest_response_info_.get()); } } void AppCacheUpdateJob::AddHttpHeadersAndFetch( URLRequest* request, const net::HttpResponseInfo* info) { DCHECK(request); if (info) { std::string extra_headers; // Add If-Modified-Since header if response info has Last-Modified header. const std::string last_modified = "Last-Modified"; std::string last_modified_value; info->headers->EnumerateHeader(NULL, last_modified, &last_modified_value); if (!last_modified_value.empty()) { extra_headers.append("If-Modified-Since: "); extra_headers.append(last_modified_value); } // Add If-None-Match header if resposne info has ETag header. const std::string etag = "ETag"; std::string etag_value; info->headers->EnumerateHeader(NULL, etag, &etag_value); if (!etag_value.empty()) { if (!extra_headers.empty()) extra_headers.append("\r\n"); extra_headers.append("If-None-Match: "); extra_headers.append(etag_value); } if (!extra_headers.empty()) request->SetExtraRequestHeaders(extra_headers); } request->Start(); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnResponseStarted(URLRequest *request) { if (request->status().is_success() && (request->GetResponseCode() / 100) == 2) { // Write response info to storage for URL fetches. Wait for async write // completion before reading any response data. UpdateJobInfo* info = static_cast(request->GetUserData(this)); if (info->type_ == UpdateJobInfo::URL_FETCH || info->type_ == UpdateJobInfo::MASTER_ENTRY_FETCH) { info->SetUpResponseWriter( service_->storage()->CreateResponseWriter(manifest_url_), this, request); stored_response_ids_.push_back(info->response_writer_->response_id()); scoped_refptr io_buffer = new HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer( new net::HttpResponseInfo(request->response_info())); info->response_writer_->WriteInfo(io_buffer, &info->write_callback_); } else { ReadResponseData(request); } } else { OnResponseCompleted(request); } } void AppCacheUpdateJob::ReadResponseData(URLRequest* request) { if (internal_state_ == CACHE_FAILURE || internal_state_ == CANCELLED || internal_state_ == COMPLETED) { return; } int bytes_read = 0; UpdateJobInfo* info = static_cast(request->GetUserData(this)); request->Read(info->buffer_, kBufferSize, &bytes_read); OnReadCompleted(request, bytes_read); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnReadCompleted(URLRequest* request, int bytes_read) { bool data_consumed = true; if (request->status().is_success() && bytes_read > 0) { UpdateJobInfo* info = static_cast(request->GetUserData(this)); data_consumed = ConsumeResponseData(request, info, bytes_read); if (data_consumed) { bytes_read = 0; while (request->Read(info->buffer_, kBufferSize, &bytes_read)) { if (bytes_read > 0) { data_consumed = ConsumeResponseData(request, info, bytes_read); if (!data_consumed) break; // wait for async data processing, then read more } else { break; } } } } if (data_consumed && !request->status().is_io_pending()) OnResponseCompleted(request); } bool AppCacheUpdateJob::ConsumeResponseData(URLRequest* request, UpdateJobInfo* info, int bytes_read) { DCHECK_GT(bytes_read, 0); switch (info->type_) { case UpdateJobInfo::MANIFEST_FETCH: manifest_data_.append(info->buffer_->data(), bytes_read); break; case UpdateJobInfo::URL_FETCH: case UpdateJobInfo::MASTER_ENTRY_FETCH: DCHECK(info->response_writer_.get()); info->response_writer_->WriteData(info->buffer_, bytes_read, &info->write_callback_); return false; // wait for async write completion to continue reading case UpdateJobInfo::MANIFEST_REFETCH: manifest_refetch_data_.append(info->buffer_->data(), bytes_read); break; default: NOTREACHED(); } return true; } void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnWriteResponseComplete(int result, URLRequest* request, UpdateJobInfo* info) { if (result < 0) { request->Cancel(); OnResponseCompleted(request); return; } ReadResponseData(request); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnReceivedRedirect(URLRequest* request, const GURL& new_url, bool* defer_redirect) { // Redirect is not allowed by the update process. request->Cancel(); OnResponseCompleted(request); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnResponseCompleted(URLRequest* request) { // Retry for 503s where retry-after is 0. if (request->status().is_success() && request->GetResponseCode() == 503 && RetryRequest(request)) { return; } UpdateJobInfo* info = static_cast(request->GetUserData(this)); switch (info->type_) { case UpdateJobInfo::MANIFEST_FETCH: HandleManifestFetchCompleted(request); break; case UpdateJobInfo::URL_FETCH: HandleUrlFetchCompleted(request); break; case UpdateJobInfo::MASTER_ENTRY_FETCH: HandleMasterEntryFetchCompleted(request); break; case UpdateJobInfo::MANIFEST_REFETCH: HandleManifestRefetchCompleted(request); break; default: NOTREACHED(); } delete request; } bool AppCacheUpdateJob::RetryRequest(URLRequest* request) { UpdateJobInfo* info = static_cast(request->GetUserData(this)); if (info->retry_503_attempts_ >= kMax503Retries) { return false; } if (!request->response_headers()->HasHeaderValue("retry-after", "0")) return false; const GURL& url = request->original_url(); URLRequest* retry = new URLRequest(url, this); UpdateJobInfo* retry_info = new UpdateJobInfo(info->type_); retry_info->retry_503_attempts_ = info->retry_503_attempts_ + 1; retry->SetUserData(this, retry_info); retry->set_context(request->context()); retry->set_load_flags(request->load_flags()); switch (info->type_) { case UpdateJobInfo::MANIFEST_FETCH: case UpdateJobInfo::MANIFEST_REFETCH: manifest_url_request_ = retry; manifest_data_.clear(); break; case UpdateJobInfo::URL_FETCH: pending_url_fetches_.erase(url); pending_url_fetches_.insert(PendingUrlFetches::value_type(url, retry)); break; case UpdateJobInfo::MASTER_ENTRY_FETCH: master_entry_fetches_.erase(url); master_entry_fetches_.insert(PendingUrlFetches::value_type(url, retry)); break; default: NOTREACHED(); } retry->Start(); delete request; return true; } void AppCacheUpdateJob::HandleManifestFetchCompleted(URLRequest* request) { DCHECK(internal_state_ == FETCH_MANIFEST); manifest_url_request_ = NULL; int response_code = -1; std::string mime_type; if (request->status().is_success()) { response_code = request->GetResponseCode(); request->GetMimeType(&mime_type); } if ((response_code / 100 == 2) && mime_type == kManifestMimeType) { manifest_response_info_.reset( new net::HttpResponseInfo(request->response_info())); if (update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT) CheckIfManifestChanged(); // continues asynchronously else ContinueHandleManifestFetchCompleted(true); } else if (response_code == 304 && update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT) { ContinueHandleManifestFetchCompleted(false); } else if (response_code == 404 || response_code == 410) { service_->storage()->MakeGroupObsolete(group_, this); // async } else { internal_state_ = CACHE_FAILURE; CancelAllMasterEntryFetches(); MaybeCompleteUpdate(); // if not done, run async cache failure steps } } void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnGroupMadeObsolete(AppCacheGroup* group, bool success) { DCHECK(master_entry_fetches_.empty()); CancelAllMasterEntryFetches(); if (success) { DCHECK(group->is_obsolete()); NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(OBSOLETE_EVENT); internal_state_ = COMPLETED; } else { // Treat failure to mark group obsolete as a cache failure. internal_state_ = CACHE_FAILURE; } MaybeCompleteUpdate(); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::ContinueHandleManifestFetchCompleted(bool changed) { DCHECK(internal_state_ == FETCH_MANIFEST); if (!changed) { DCHECK(update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT); internal_state_ = NO_UPDATE; // Wait for pending master entries to download. FetchMasterEntries(); MaybeCompleteUpdate(); // if not done, run async 6.9.4 step 7 substeps return; } Manifest manifest; if (!ParseManifest(manifest_url_, manifest_data_.data(), manifest_data_.length(), manifest)) { LOG(INFO) << "Failed to parse manifest: " << manifest_url_; internal_state_ = CACHE_FAILURE; CancelAllMasterEntryFetches(); MaybeCompleteUpdate(); // if not done, run async cache failure steps return; } // Proceed with update process. Section 6.9.4 steps 8-20. internal_state_ = DOWNLOADING; inprogress_cache_ = new AppCache(service_, service_->storage()->NewCacheId()); BuildUrlFileList(manifest); inprogress_cache_->InitializeWithManifest(&manifest); // Associate all pending master hosts with the newly created cache. for (PendingMasters::iterator it = pending_master_entries_.begin(); it != pending_master_entries_.end(); ++it) { PendingHosts& hosts = it->second; for (PendingHosts::iterator host_it = hosts.begin(); host_it != hosts.end(); ++host_it) { (*host_it)->AssociateCache(inprogress_cache_); } } group_->SetUpdateStatus(AppCacheGroup::DOWNLOADING); NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(DOWNLOADING_EVENT); FetchUrls(); FetchMasterEntries(); MaybeCompleteUpdate(); // if not done, continues when async fetches complete } void AppCacheUpdateJob::HandleUrlFetchCompleted(URLRequest* request) { DCHECK(internal_state_ == DOWNLOADING); const GURL& url = request->original_url(); pending_url_fetches_.erase(url); ++url_fetches_completed_; int response_code = request->status().is_success() ? request->GetResponseCode() : -1; AppCacheEntry& entry = url_file_list_.find(url)->second; if (request->status().is_success() && (response_code / 100 == 2)) { // Associate storage with the new entry. UpdateJobInfo* info = static_cast(request->GetUserData(this)); DCHECK(info->response_writer_.get()); entry.set_response_id(info->response_writer_->response_id()); entry.set_response_size(info->response_writer_->amount_written()); if (!inprogress_cache_->AddOrModifyEntry(url, entry)) duplicate_response_ids_.push_back(entry.response_id()); // Foreign entries will be detected during cache selection. // Note: 6.9.4, step 17.9 possible optimization: if resource is HTML or XML // file whose root element is an html element with a manifest attribute // whose value doesn't match the manifest url of the application cache // being processed, mark the entry as being foreign. } else { LOG(INFO) << "Request status: " << request->status().status() << " os_error: " << request->status().os_error() << " response code: " << response_code; if (entry.IsExplicit() || entry.IsFallback()) { internal_state_ = CACHE_FAILURE; CancelAllUrlFetches(); CancelAllMasterEntryFetches(); } else if (response_code == 404 || response_code == 410) { // Entry is skipped. They are dropped from the cache. } else if (update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT) { // Copy the response from the newest complete cache. AppCache* cache = group_->newest_complete_cache(); AppCacheEntry* copy = cache->GetEntry(url); if (copy) { entry.set_response_id(copy->response_id()); entry.set_response_size(copy->response_size()); inprogress_cache_->AddOrModifyEntry(url, entry); } } } // Fetch another URL now that one request has completed. if (internal_state_ != CACHE_FAILURE) FetchUrls(); MaybeCompleteUpdate(); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::HandleMasterEntryFetchCompleted(URLRequest* request) { DCHECK(internal_state_ == NO_UPDATE || internal_state_ == DOWNLOADING); // TODO(jennb): Handle downloads completing during cache failure when update // no longer fetches master entries directly. For now, we cancel all pending // master entry fetches when entering cache failure state so this will never // be called in CACHE_FAILURE state. const GURL& url = request->original_url(); master_entry_fetches_.erase(url); ++master_entries_completed_; int response_code = request->status().is_success() ? request->GetResponseCode() : -1; PendingMasters::iterator found = pending_master_entries_.find(url); DCHECK(found != pending_master_entries_.end()); PendingHosts& hosts = found->second; // Section 6.9.4. No update case: step 7.3, else step 22. if (response_code / 100 == 2) { // Add fetched master entry to the appropriate cache. UpdateJobInfo* info = static_cast(request->GetUserData(this)); AppCache* cache = inprogress_cache_ ? inprogress_cache_.get() : group_->newest_complete_cache(); DCHECK(info->response_writer_.get()); AppCacheEntry master_entry(AppCacheEntry::MASTER, info->response_writer_->response_id(), info->response_writer_->amount_written()); if (!cache->AddOrModifyEntry(url, master_entry)) duplicate_response_ids_.push_back(master_entry.response_id()); // In no-update case, associate host with the newest cache. if (!inprogress_cache_) { // TODO(michaeln): defer until the updated cache has been stored DCHECK(cache == group_->newest_complete_cache()); for (PendingHosts::iterator host_it = hosts.begin(); host_it != hosts.end(); ++host_it) { (*host_it)->AssociateCache(cache); } } } else { HostNotifier host_notifier; for (PendingHosts::iterator host_it = hosts.begin(); host_it != hosts.end(); ++host_it) { AppCacheHost* host = *host_it; host_notifier.AddHost(host); // In downloading case, disassociate host from inprogress cache. if (inprogress_cache_) host->AssociateCache(NULL); host->RemoveObserver(this); } hosts.clear(); host_notifier.SendNotifications(ERROR_EVENT); // In downloading case, update result is different if all master entries // failed vs. only some failing. if (inprogress_cache_) { // Only count successful downloads to know if all master entries failed. pending_master_entries_.erase(found); --master_entries_completed_; // Section 6.9.4, step 22.3. if (update_type_ == CACHE_ATTEMPT && pending_master_entries_.empty()) { CancelAllUrlFetches(); internal_state_ = CACHE_FAILURE; } } } if (internal_state_ != CACHE_FAILURE) FetchMasterEntries(); MaybeCompleteUpdate(); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::HandleManifestRefetchCompleted(URLRequest* request) { DCHECK(internal_state_ == REFETCH_MANIFEST); manifest_url_request_ = NULL; int response_code = request->status().is_success() ? request->GetResponseCode() : -1; if (response_code == 304 || manifest_data_ == manifest_refetch_data_) { // Only need to store response in storage if manifest is not already // an entry in the cache. AppCacheEntry* entry = inprogress_cache_->GetEntry(manifest_url_); if (entry) { entry->add_types(AppCacheEntry::MANIFEST); StoreGroupAndCache(); } else { manifest_response_writer_.reset( service_->storage()->CreateResponseWriter(manifest_url_)); stored_response_ids_.push_back(manifest_response_writer_->response_id()); scoped_refptr io_buffer = new HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer(manifest_response_info_.release()); manifest_response_writer_->WriteInfo(io_buffer, &manifest_info_write_callback_); } } else { LOG(INFO) << "Request status: " << request->status().status() << " os_error: " << request->status().os_error() << " response code: " << response_code; ScheduleUpdateRetry(kRerunDelayMs); internal_state_ = CACHE_FAILURE; MaybeCompleteUpdate(); // will definitely complete } } void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnManifestInfoWriteComplete(int result) { if (result > 0) { scoped_refptr io_buffer = new net::StringIOBuffer(manifest_data_); manifest_response_writer_->WriteData(io_buffer, manifest_data_.length(), &manifest_data_write_callback_); } else { internal_state_ = CACHE_FAILURE; MaybeCompleteUpdate(); // will definitely complete } } void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnManifestDataWriteComplete(int result) { if (result > 0) { AppCacheEntry entry(AppCacheEntry::MANIFEST, manifest_response_writer_->response_id(), manifest_response_writer_->amount_written()); if (!inprogress_cache_->AddOrModifyEntry(manifest_url_, entry)) duplicate_response_ids_.push_back(entry.response_id()); StoreGroupAndCache(); } else { internal_state_ = CACHE_FAILURE; MaybeCompleteUpdate(); // will definitely complete } } void AppCacheUpdateJob::StoreGroupAndCache() { DCHECK(stored_state_ == UNSTORED); stored_state_ = STORING; scoped_refptr newest_cache; if (inprogress_cache_) newest_cache.swap(inprogress_cache_); else newest_cache = group_->newest_complete_cache(); newest_cache->set_update_time(base::Time::Now()); service_->storage()->StoreGroupAndNewestCache(group_, newest_cache, this); // async } void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnGroupAndNewestCacheStored(AppCacheGroup* group, AppCache* newest_cache, bool success) { DCHECK(stored_state_ == STORING); if (success) { stored_state_ = STORED; } else { internal_state_ = CACHE_FAILURE; // Restore inprogress_cache_ to get the proper events delivered // and the proper cleanup to occur. if (newest_cache != group->newest_complete_cache()) inprogress_cache_ = newest_cache; } MaybeCompleteUpdate(); // will definitely complete } void AppCacheUpdateJob::NotifySingleHost(AppCacheHost* host, EventID event_id) { std::vector ids(1, host->host_id()); host->frontend()->OnEventRaised(ids, event_id); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::NotifyAllPendingMasterHosts(EventID event_id) { // Collect hosts so we only send one notification per frontend. // A host can only be associated with a single pending master entry // so no need to worry about duplicate hosts being added to the notifier. HostNotifier host_notifier; for (PendingMasters::iterator it = pending_master_entries_.begin(); it != pending_master_entries_.end(); ++it) { PendingHosts& hosts = it->second; for (PendingHosts::iterator host_it = hosts.begin(); host_it != hosts.end(); ++host_it) { host_notifier.AddHost(*host_it); } } host_notifier.SendNotifications(event_id); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(EventID event_id) { // Collect hosts so we only send one notification per frontend. // A host can only be associated with a single cache so no need to worry // about duplicate hosts being added to the notifier. HostNotifier host_notifier; if (inprogress_cache_) { DCHECK(internal_state_ == DOWNLOADING || internal_state_ == CACHE_FAILURE); host_notifier.AddHosts(inprogress_cache_->associated_hosts()); } AppCacheGroup::Caches old_caches = group_->old_caches(); for (AppCacheGroup::Caches::const_iterator it = old_caches.begin(); it != old_caches.end(); ++it) { host_notifier.AddHosts((*it)->associated_hosts()); } AppCache* newest_cache = group_->newest_complete_cache(); if (newest_cache) host_notifier.AddHosts(newest_cache->associated_hosts()); // TODO(jennb): if progress event, also pass params lengthComputable=true, // total = url_file_list_.size(), loaded=url_fetches_completed_. host_notifier.SendNotifications(event_id); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnDestructionImminent(AppCacheHost* host) { // The host is about to be deleted; remove from our collection. PendingMasters::iterator found = pending_master_entries_.find(host->pending_master_entry_url()); DCHECK(found != pending_master_entries_.end()); PendingHosts& hosts = found->second; PendingHosts::iterator it = std::find(hosts.begin(), hosts.end(), host); DCHECK(it != hosts.end()); hosts.erase(it); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::CheckIfManifestChanged() { DCHECK(update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT); AppCacheEntry* entry = group_->newest_complete_cache()->GetEntry(manifest_url_); DCHECK(entry); // Load manifest data from storage to compare against fetched manifest. manifest_response_reader_.reset( service_->storage()->CreateResponseReader(manifest_url_, entry->response_id())); read_manifest_buffer_ = new net::IOBuffer(kBufferSize); manifest_response_reader_->ReadData(read_manifest_buffer_, kBufferSize, &manifest_data_read_callback_); // async read } void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnManifestDataReadComplete(int result) { if (result > 0) { loaded_manifest_data_.append(read_manifest_buffer_->data(), result); manifest_response_reader_->ReadData(read_manifest_buffer_, kBufferSize, &manifest_data_read_callback_); // read more } else { read_manifest_buffer_ = NULL; manifest_response_reader_.reset(); ContinueHandleManifestFetchCompleted( result < 0 || manifest_data_ != loaded_manifest_data_); } } void AppCacheUpdateJob::BuildUrlFileList(const Manifest& manifest) { for (base::hash_set::const_iterator it = manifest.explicit_urls.begin(); it != manifest.explicit_urls.end(); ++it) { AddUrlToFileList(GURL(*it), AppCacheEntry::EXPLICIT); } const std::vector& fallbacks = manifest.fallback_namespaces; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = fallbacks.begin(); it != fallbacks.end(); ++it) { AddUrlToFileList(it->second, AppCacheEntry::FALLBACK); } // Add all master entries from newest complete cache. if (update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT) { const AppCache::EntryMap& entries = group_->newest_complete_cache()->entries(); for (AppCache::EntryMap::const_iterator it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); ++it) { const AppCacheEntry& entry = it->second; if (entry.IsMaster()) AddUrlToFileList(it->first, AppCacheEntry::MASTER); } } } void AppCacheUpdateJob::AddUrlToFileList(const GURL& url, int type) { std::pair ret = url_file_list_.insert( AppCache::EntryMap::value_type(url, AppCacheEntry(type))); if (ret.second) urls_to_fetch_.push_back(UrlsToFetch(url, false)); else ret.first->second.add_types(type); // URL already exists. Merge types. } void AppCacheUpdateJob::FetchUrls() { DCHECK(internal_state_ == DOWNLOADING); // Fetch each URL in the list according to section 6.9.4 step 17.1-17.3. // Fetch up to the concurrent limit. Other fetches will be triggered as each // each fetch completes. while (pending_url_fetches_.size() < kMaxConcurrentUrlFetches && !urls_to_fetch_.empty()) { // Notify about progress first to ensure it starts from 0% in case any // entries are skipped. NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(PROGRESS_EVENT); const GURL url = urls_to_fetch_.front().first; bool storage_checked = urls_to_fetch_.front().second; urls_to_fetch_.pop_front(); AppCache::EntryMap::iterator it = url_file_list_.find(url); DCHECK(it != url_file_list_.end()); AppCacheEntry& entry = it->second; if (ShouldSkipUrlFetch(entry)) { ++url_fetches_completed_; } else if (AlreadyFetchedEntry(url, entry.types())) { ++url_fetches_completed_; // saved a URL request } else if (!storage_checked && MaybeLoadFromNewestCache(url, entry)) { // Continues asynchronously after data is loaded from newest cache. } else { // Send URL request for the resource. URLRequest* request = new URLRequest(url, this); request->SetUserData(this, new UpdateJobInfo(UpdateJobInfo::URL_FETCH)); request->set_context(service_->request_context()); request->set_load_flags( request->load_flags() | net::LOAD_DISABLE_INTERCEPT); request->Start(); pending_url_fetches_.insert(PendingUrlFetches::value_type(url, request)); } } } void AppCacheUpdateJob::CancelAllUrlFetches() { // Cancel any pending URL requests. for (PendingUrlFetches::iterator it = pending_url_fetches_.begin(); it != pending_url_fetches_.end(); ++it) { delete it->second; } url_fetches_completed_ += pending_url_fetches_.size() + urls_to_fetch_.size(); pending_url_fetches_.clear(); urls_to_fetch_.clear(); } bool AppCacheUpdateJob::ShouldSkipUrlFetch(const AppCacheEntry& entry) { if (entry.IsExplicit() || entry.IsFallback()) { return false; } // TODO(jennb): decide if entry should be skipped to expire it from cache return false; } bool AppCacheUpdateJob::AlreadyFetchedEntry(const GURL& url, int entry_type) { DCHECK(internal_state_ == DOWNLOADING || internal_state_ == NO_UPDATE); AppCacheEntry* existing = inprogress_cache_ ? inprogress_cache_->GetEntry(url) : group_->newest_complete_cache()->GetEntry(url); if (existing) { existing->add_types(entry_type); return true; } return false; } void AppCacheUpdateJob::AddMasterEntryToFetchList(AppCacheHost* host, const GURL& url, bool is_new) { DCHECK(!IsTerminating()); if (internal_state_ == DOWNLOADING || internal_state_ == NO_UPDATE) { AppCache* cache; if (inprogress_cache_) { host->AssociateCache(inprogress_cache_); // always associate cache = inprogress_cache_.get(); } else { cache = group_->newest_complete_cache(); } // Update existing entry if it has already been fetched. AppCacheEntry* entry = cache->GetEntry(url); if (entry) { entry->add_types(AppCacheEntry::MASTER); if (internal_state_ == NO_UPDATE) host->AssociateCache(cache); // only associate if have entry if (is_new) ++master_entries_completed_; // pretend fetching completed return; } } // Add to fetch list if not already fetching. if (master_entry_fetches_.find(url) == master_entry_fetches_.end()) { master_entries_to_fetch_.insert(url); if (internal_state_ == DOWNLOADING || internal_state_ == NO_UPDATE) FetchMasterEntries(); } } void AppCacheUpdateJob::FetchMasterEntries() { DCHECK(internal_state_ == NO_UPDATE || internal_state_ == DOWNLOADING); // Fetch each master entry in the list, up to the concurrent limit. // Additional fetches will be triggered as each fetch completes. while (master_entry_fetches_.size() < kMaxConcurrentUrlFetches && !master_entries_to_fetch_.empty()) { const GURL& url = *master_entries_to_fetch_.begin(); if (AlreadyFetchedEntry(url, AppCacheEntry::MASTER)) { ++master_entries_completed_; // saved a URL request // In no update case, associate hosts to newest cache in group // now that master entry has been "successfully downloaded". if (internal_state_ == NO_UPDATE) { // TODO(michaeln): defer until the updated cache has been stored. DCHECK(!inprogress_cache_.get()); AppCache* cache = group_->newest_complete_cache(); PendingMasters::iterator found = pending_master_entries_.find(url); DCHECK(found != pending_master_entries_.end()); PendingHosts& hosts = found->second; for (PendingHosts::iterator host_it = hosts.begin(); host_it != hosts.end(); ++host_it) { (*host_it)->AssociateCache(cache); } } } else { // Send URL request for the master entry. URLRequest* request = new URLRequest(url, this); request->SetUserData(this, new UpdateJobInfo(UpdateJobInfo::MASTER_ENTRY_FETCH)); request->set_context(service_->request_context()); request->set_load_flags( request->load_flags() | net::LOAD_DISABLE_INTERCEPT); request->Start(); master_entry_fetches_.insert(PendingUrlFetches::value_type(url, request)); } master_entries_to_fetch_.erase(master_entries_to_fetch_.begin()); } } void AppCacheUpdateJob::CancelAllMasterEntryFetches() { // For now, cancel all in-progress fetches for master entries and pretend // all master entries fetches have completed. // TODO(jennb): Delete this when update no longer fetches master entries // directly. // Cancel all in-progress fetches. for (PendingUrlFetches::iterator it = master_entry_fetches_.begin(); it != master_entry_fetches_.end(); ++it) { delete it->second; master_entries_to_fetch_.insert(it->first); // back in unfetched list } master_entry_fetches_.clear(); master_entries_completed_ += master_entries_to_fetch_.size(); // Cache failure steps, step 2. // Pretend all master entries that have not yet been fetched have completed // downloading. Unassociate hosts from any appcache and send ERROR event. HostNotifier host_notifier; while (!master_entries_to_fetch_.empty()) { const GURL& url = *master_entries_to_fetch_.begin(); PendingMasters::iterator found = pending_master_entries_.find(url); DCHECK(found != pending_master_entries_.end()); PendingHosts& hosts = found->second; for (PendingHosts::iterator host_it = hosts.begin(); host_it != hosts.end(); ++host_it) { AppCacheHost* host = *host_it; host->AssociateCache(NULL); host_notifier.AddHost(host); host->RemoveObserver(this); } hosts.clear(); master_entries_to_fetch_.erase(master_entries_to_fetch_.begin()); } host_notifier.SendNotifications(ERROR_EVENT); } bool AppCacheUpdateJob::MaybeLoadFromNewestCache(const GURL& url, AppCacheEntry& entry) { if (update_type_ != UPGRADE_ATTEMPT) return false; AppCache* newest = group_->newest_complete_cache(); AppCacheEntry* copy_me = newest->GetEntry(url); if (!copy_me || !copy_me->has_response_id()) return false; // Load HTTP headers for entry from newest cache. loading_responses_.insert( LoadingResponses::value_type(copy_me->response_id(), url)); service_->storage()->LoadResponseInfo(manifest_url_, copy_me->response_id(), this); // Async: wait for OnResponseInfoLoaded to complete. return true; } void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnResponseInfoLoaded( AppCacheResponseInfo* response_info, int64 response_id) { const net::HttpResponseInfo* http_info = response_info ? response_info->http_response_info() : NULL; // Needed response info for a manifest fetch request. if (internal_state_ == FETCH_MANIFEST) { AddHttpHeadersAndFetch(manifest_url_request_, http_info); return; } LoadingResponses::iterator found = loading_responses_.find(response_id); DCHECK(found != loading_responses_.end()); const GURL& url = found->second; if (!http_info) { LoadFromNewestCacheFailed(url); // no response found } else { // Check if response can be re-used according to HTTP caching semantics. // Responses with a "vary" header get treated as expired. const std::string name = "vary"; std::string value; void* iter = NULL; if (http_info->headers->RequiresValidation(http_info->request_time, http_info->response_time, base::Time::Now()) || http_info->headers->EnumerateHeader(&iter, name, &value)) { LoadFromNewestCacheFailed(url); } else { DCHECK(group_->newest_complete_cache()); AppCacheEntry* copy_me = group_->newest_complete_cache()->GetEntry(url); DCHECK(copy_me); DCHECK(copy_me->response_id() == response_id); AppCache::EntryMap::iterator it = url_file_list_.find(url); DCHECK(it != url_file_list_.end()); AppCacheEntry& entry = it->second; entry.set_response_id(response_id); entry.set_response_size(copy_me->response_size()); inprogress_cache_->AddOrModifyEntry(url, entry); ++url_fetches_completed_; } } loading_responses_.erase(found); MaybeCompleteUpdate(); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::LoadFromNewestCacheFailed(const GURL& url) { if (internal_state_ == CACHE_FAILURE) return; // Re-insert url at front of fetch list. Indicate storage has been checked. urls_to_fetch_.push_front(AppCacheUpdateJob::UrlsToFetch(url, true)); FetchUrls(); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::MaybeCompleteUpdate() { // Must wait for any pending master entries or url fetches to complete. if (master_entries_completed_ != pending_master_entries_.size() || url_fetches_completed_ != url_file_list_.size()) { DCHECK(internal_state_ != COMPLETED); return; } switch (internal_state_) { case NO_UPDATE: if (master_entries_completed_ > 0) { switch (stored_state_) { case UNSTORED: StoreGroupAndCache(); return; case STORING: return; case STORED: break; } } // 6.9.4 steps 7.3-7.7. NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(NO_UPDATE_EVENT); DiscardDuplicateResponses(); internal_state_ = COMPLETED; break; case DOWNLOADING: internal_state_ = REFETCH_MANIFEST; FetchManifest(false); break; case REFETCH_MANIFEST: DCHECK(stored_state_ == STORED); if (update_type_ == CACHE_ATTEMPT) NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(CACHED_EVENT); else NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(UPDATE_READY_EVENT); DiscardDuplicateResponses(); internal_state_ = COMPLETED; break; case CACHE_FAILURE: // 6.9.4 cache failure steps 2-8. NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(ERROR_EVENT); DiscardInprogressCache(); // For a CACHE_ATTEMPT, group will be discarded when the host(s) that // started this update removes its reference to the group. Nothing more // to do here. internal_state_ = COMPLETED; break; default: break; } // Let the stack unwind before deletion to make it less risky as this // method is called from multiple places in this file. if (internal_state_ == COMPLETED) DeleteSoon(); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::ScheduleUpdateRetry(int delay_ms) { // TODO(jennb): post a delayed task with the "same parameters" as this job // to retry the update at a later time. Need group, URLs of pending master // entries and their hosts. } void AppCacheUpdateJob::Cancel() { internal_state_ = CANCELLED; if (manifest_url_request_) { delete manifest_url_request_; manifest_url_request_ = NULL; } for (PendingUrlFetches::iterator it = pending_url_fetches_.begin(); it != pending_url_fetches_.end(); ++it) { delete it->second; } pending_url_fetches_.clear(); for (PendingUrlFetches::iterator it = master_entry_fetches_.begin(); it != master_entry_fetches_.end(); ++it) { delete it->second; } master_entry_fetches_.clear(); ClearPendingMasterEntries(); DiscardInprogressCache(); // Delete response writer to avoid any callbacks. if (manifest_response_writer_.get()) manifest_response_writer_.reset(); service_->storage()->CancelDelegateCallbacks(this); policy_callback_->Cancel(); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::ClearPendingMasterEntries() { for (PendingMasters::iterator it = pending_master_entries_.begin(); it != pending_master_entries_.end(); ++it) { PendingHosts& hosts = it->second; for (PendingHosts::iterator host_it = hosts.begin(); host_it != hosts.end(); ++host_it) { (*host_it)->RemoveObserver(this); } } pending_master_entries_.clear(); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::DiscardInprogressCache() { service_->storage()->DoomResponses(manifest_url_, stored_response_ids_); if (!inprogress_cache_) return; AppCache::AppCacheHosts& hosts = inprogress_cache_->associated_hosts(); while (!hosts.empty()) (*hosts.begin())->AssociateCache(NULL); inprogress_cache_ = NULL; } void AppCacheUpdateJob::DiscardDuplicateResponses() { service_->storage()->DoomResponses(manifest_url_, duplicate_response_ids_); } void AppCacheUpdateJob::DeleteSoon() { ClearPendingMasterEntries(); manifest_response_writer_.reset(); service_->storage()->CancelDelegateCallbacks(this); // Break the connection with the group so the group cannot call delete // on this object after we've posted a task to delete ourselves. group_->SetUpdateStatus(AppCacheGroup::IDLE); group_ = NULL; MessageLoop::current()->DeleteSoon(FROM_HERE, this); } } // namespace appcache