// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "webkit/appcache/mock_appcache_storage.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/ref_counted.h" #include "base/stl_util-inl.h" #include "webkit/appcache/appcache.h" #include "webkit/appcache/appcache_entry.h" #include "webkit/appcache/appcache_group.h" #include "webkit/appcache/appcache_response.h" // This is a quick and easy 'mock' implementation of the storage interface // that doesn't put anything to disk. // // We simply add an extra reference to objects when they're put in storage, // and remove the extra reference when they are removed from storage. // Responses are never really removed from the in-memory disk cache. // Delegate callbacks are made asyncly to appropiately mimic what will // happen with a real disk-backed storage impl that involves IO on a // background thread. namespace appcache { MockAppCacheStorage::MockAppCacheStorage(AppCacheService* service) : AppCacheStorage(service), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(method_factory_(this)), simulate_make_group_obsolete_failure_(false), simulate_store_group_and_newest_cache_failure_(false) { last_cache_id_ = 0; last_entry_id_ = 0; last_group_id_ = 0; last_response_id_ = 0; } MockAppCacheStorage::~MockAppCacheStorage() { STLDeleteElements(&pending_tasks_); } void MockAppCacheStorage::LoadCache(int64 id, Delegate* delegate) { DCHECK(delegate); AppCache* cache = working_set_.GetCache(id); if (ShouldCacheLoadAppearAsync(cache)) { ScheduleTask(method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &MockAppCacheStorage::ProcessLoadCache, id, GetOrCreateDelegateReference(delegate))); return; } ProcessLoadCache(id, GetOrCreateDelegateReference(delegate)); } void MockAppCacheStorage::LoadOrCreateGroup( const GURL& manifest_url, Delegate* delegate) { DCHECK(delegate); AppCacheGroup* group = working_set_.GetGroup(manifest_url); if (ShouldGroupLoadAppearAsync(group)) { ScheduleTask(method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &MockAppCacheStorage::ProcessLoadOrCreateGroup, manifest_url, GetOrCreateDelegateReference(delegate))); return; } ProcessLoadOrCreateGroup( manifest_url, GetOrCreateDelegateReference(delegate)); } void MockAppCacheStorage::StoreGroupAndNewestCache( AppCacheGroup* group, Delegate* delegate) { DCHECK(group && delegate); DCHECK(group->newest_complete_cache()); // Always make this operation look async. ScheduleTask(method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &MockAppCacheStorage::ProcessStoreGroupAndNewestCache, group, group->newest_complete_cache(), GetOrCreateDelegateReference(delegate))); } void MockAppCacheStorage::FindResponseForMainRequest( const GURL& url, Delegate* delegate) { DCHECK(delegate); // Always make this operation look async. ScheduleTask(method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &MockAppCacheStorage::ProcessFindResponseForMainRequest, url, GetOrCreateDelegateReference(delegate))); } void MockAppCacheStorage::MarkEntryAsForeign( const GURL& entry_url, int64 cache_id) { AppCache* cache = working_set_.GetCache(cache_id); if (cache) { AppCacheEntry* entry = cache->GetEntry(entry_url); DCHECK(entry); if (entry) entry->add_types(AppCacheEntry::FOREIGN); } // TODO(michaeln): in real storage update in storage, and if this cache is // being loaded be sure to update the memory cache upon load completion. } void MockAppCacheStorage::MakeGroupObsolete( AppCacheGroup* group, Delegate* delegate) { DCHECK(group && delegate); // Always make this method look async. ScheduleTask(method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &MockAppCacheStorage::ProcessMakeGroupObsolete, group, GetOrCreateDelegateReference(delegate))); } AppCacheResponseReader* MockAppCacheStorage::CreateResponseReader( const GURL& origin, int64 response_id) { return new AppCacheResponseReader(response_id, disk_cache()); } AppCacheResponseWriter* MockAppCacheStorage::CreateResponseWriter( const GURL& manifest_url) { return new AppCacheResponseWriter(NewResponseId(), disk_cache()); } void MockAppCacheStorage::DoomResponses( const GURL& manifest_url, const std::vector& response_ids) { // We don't bother with actually removing responses from the disk-cache, // just keep track of which ids have been doomed. std::vector::const_iterator it = response_ids.begin(); while (it != response_ids.end()) { doomed_response_ids_.insert(*it); ++it; } } void MockAppCacheStorage::ProcessLoadCache( int64 id, scoped_refptr delegate_ref) { AppCache* cache = working_set_.GetCache(id); if (delegate_ref->delegate) delegate_ref->delegate->OnCacheLoaded(cache, id); } void MockAppCacheStorage::ProcessLoadOrCreateGroup( const GURL& manifest_url, scoped_refptr delegate_ref) { scoped_refptr group = working_set_.GetGroup(manifest_url); // Newly created groups are not put in the stored_groups collection // until StoreGroupAndNewestCache is called. if (!group) group = new AppCacheGroup(service_, manifest_url); if (delegate_ref->delegate) delegate_ref->delegate->OnGroupLoaded(group, manifest_url); } void MockAppCacheStorage::ProcessStoreGroupAndNewestCache( scoped_refptr group, scoped_refptr newest_cache, scoped_refptr delegate_ref) { DCHECK(group->newest_complete_cache() == newest_cache.get()); if (simulate_store_group_and_newest_cache_failure_) { if (delegate_ref->delegate) delegate_ref->delegate->OnGroupAndNewestCacheStored(group, false); return; } AddStoredGroup(group); AddStoredCache(group->newest_complete_cache()); // Copy the collection prior to removal, on final release // of a cache the group's collection will change. AppCacheGroup::Caches copy = group->old_caches(); RemoveStoredCaches(copy); if (delegate_ref->delegate) delegate_ref->delegate->OnGroupAndNewestCacheStored(group, true); // We don't bother with removing responses from 'mock' storage // TODO(michaeln): for 'real' storage... // std::set doomed_responses_ = responses from old caches // std::set needed_responses_ = responses from newest cache // foreach(needed_responses_) // doomed_responses_.remove(needed_response_); // DoomResponses(group->manifest_url(), doomed_responses_); } void MockAppCacheStorage::ProcessFindResponseForMainRequest( const GURL& url, scoped_refptr delegate_ref) { // TODO(michaeln): write me when doing AppCacheRequestHandler // foreach(stored_group) { // if (group->manifest_url()->origin() != url.GetOrigin()) // continue; // look for an entry // look for a fallback namespace // look for a online namespace // } if (delegate_ref->delegate) { delegate_ref->delegate->OnMainResponseFound( url, AppCacheEntry(), kNoCacheId, GURL()); } } void MockAppCacheStorage::ProcessMakeGroupObsolete( scoped_refptr group, scoped_refptr delegate_ref) { if (simulate_make_group_obsolete_failure_) { if (delegate_ref->delegate) delegate_ref->delegate->OnGroupMadeObsolete(group, false); return; } RemoveStoredGroup(group); if (group->newest_complete_cache()) RemoveStoredCache(group->newest_complete_cache()); // Copy the collection prior to removal, on final release // of a cache the group's collection will change. AppCacheGroup::Caches copy = group->old_caches(); RemoveStoredCaches(copy); group->set_obsolete(true); if (delegate_ref->delegate) delegate_ref->delegate->OnGroupMadeObsolete(group, true); } void MockAppCacheStorage::ScheduleTask(Task* task) { pending_tasks_.push_back(task); MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &MockAppCacheStorage::RunOnePendingTask)); } void MockAppCacheStorage::RunOnePendingTask() { DCHECK(!pending_tasks_.empty()); Task* task = pending_tasks_.front(); pending_tasks_.pop_front(); task->Run(); delete task; } void MockAppCacheStorage::AddStoredCache(AppCache* cache) { int64 cache_id = cache->cache_id(); if (stored_caches_.find(cache_id) == stored_caches_.end()) stored_caches_.insert(StoredCacheMap::value_type(cache_id, cache)); } void MockAppCacheStorage::RemoveStoredCache(AppCache* cache) { // Do not remove from the working set, active caches are still usable // and may be looked up by id until they fall out of use. stored_caches_.erase(cache->cache_id()); } void MockAppCacheStorage::RemoveStoredCaches( const AppCacheGroup::Caches& caches) { AppCacheGroup::Caches::const_iterator it = caches.begin(); while (it != caches.end()) { RemoveStoredCache(*it); ++it; } } void MockAppCacheStorage::AddStoredGroup(AppCacheGroup* group) { const GURL& url = group->manifest_url(); if (stored_groups_.find(url) == stored_groups_.end()) stored_groups_.insert(StoredGroupMap::value_type(url, group)); } void MockAppCacheStorage::RemoveStoredGroup(AppCacheGroup* group) { // Also remove from the working set, caches for an 'obsolete' group // may linger in use, but the group itself cannot be looked up by // 'manifest_url' in the working set any longer. working_set()->RemoveGroup(group); stored_groups_.erase(group->manifest_url()); } bool MockAppCacheStorage::ShouldGroupLoadAppearAsync( const AppCacheGroup* group) { // We'll have to query the database to see if a group for the // manifest_url exists on disk. So return true for async. if (!group) return true; // Groups without a newest cache can't have been put to disk yet, so // we can synchronously return a reference we have in the working set. if (!group->newest_complete_cache()) return false; // The LoadGroup interface implies also loading the newest cache, so // if loading the newest cache should appear async, so too must the // loading of this group. if (ShouldCacheLoadAppearAsync(group->newest_complete_cache())) return true; // If any of the old caches are "in use", then the group must also // be memory resident and not require async loading. const AppCacheGroup::Caches& old_caches = group->old_caches(); AppCacheGroup::Caches::const_iterator it = old_caches.begin(); while (it != old_caches.end()) { // "in use" caches don't require async loading if (!ShouldCacheLoadAppearAsync(*it)) return false; ++it; } return true; } bool MockAppCacheStorage::ShouldCacheLoadAppearAsync(const AppCache* cache) { if (!cache) return true; // If the 'stored' ref is the only ref, real storage will have to load from // the database. return IsCacheStored(cache) && cache->HasOneRef(); } } // namespace appcache