// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "webkit/browser/appcache/appcache_request_handler.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_job.h" #include "webkit/browser/appcache/appcache.h" #include "webkit/browser/appcache/appcache_backend_impl.h" #include "webkit/browser/appcache/appcache_policy.h" #include "webkit/browser/appcache/appcache_url_request_job.h" namespace appcache { AppCacheRequestHandler::AppCacheRequestHandler( AppCacheHost* host, ResourceType::Type resource_type) : host_(host), resource_type_(resource_type), is_waiting_for_cache_selection_(false), found_group_id_(0), found_cache_id_(0), found_network_namespace_(false), cache_entry_not_found_(false), maybe_load_resource_executed_(false) { DCHECK(host_); host_->AddObserver(this); } AppCacheRequestHandler::~AppCacheRequestHandler() { if (host_) { storage()->CancelDelegateCallbacks(this); host_->RemoveObserver(this); } } AppCacheStorage* AppCacheRequestHandler::storage() const { DCHECK(host_); return host_->storage(); } AppCacheURLRequestJob* AppCacheRequestHandler::MaybeLoadResource( net::URLRequest* request, net::NetworkDelegate* network_delegate) { maybe_load_resource_executed_ = true; if (!host_ || !IsSchemeAndMethodSupported(request) || cache_entry_not_found_) return NULL; // This method can get called multiple times over the life // of a request. The case we detect here is having scheduled // delivery of a "network response" using a job setup on an // earlier call thru this method. To send the request thru // to the network involves restarting the request altogether, // which will call thru to our interception layer again. // This time thru, we return NULL so the request hits the wire. if (job_.get()) { DCHECK(job_->is_delivering_network_response() || job_->cache_entry_not_found()); if (job_->cache_entry_not_found()) cache_entry_not_found_ = true; job_ = NULL; storage()->CancelDelegateCallbacks(this); return NULL; } // Clear out our 'found' fields since we're starting a request for a // new resource, any values in those fields are no longer valid. found_entry_ = AppCacheEntry(); found_fallback_entry_ = AppCacheEntry(); found_cache_id_ = kNoCacheId; found_manifest_url_ = GURL(); found_network_namespace_ = false; if (is_main_resource()) MaybeLoadMainResource(request, network_delegate); else MaybeLoadSubResource(request, network_delegate); // If its been setup to deliver a network response, we can just delete // it now and return NULL instead to achieve that since it couldn't // have been started yet. if (job_.get() && job_->is_delivering_network_response()) { DCHECK(!job_->has_been_started()); job_ = NULL; } return job_.get(); } AppCacheURLRequestJob* AppCacheRequestHandler::MaybeLoadFallbackForRedirect( net::URLRequest* request, net::NetworkDelegate* network_delegate, const GURL& location) { if (!host_ || !IsSchemeAndMethodSupported(request) || cache_entry_not_found_) return NULL; if (is_main_resource()) return NULL; // TODO(vabr) This is a temporary fix (see crbug/141114). We should get rid of // it once a more general solution to crbug/121325 is in place. if (!maybe_load_resource_executed_) return NULL; if (request->url().GetOrigin() == location.GetOrigin()) return NULL; DCHECK(!job_.get()); // our jobs never generate redirects if (found_fallback_entry_.has_response_id()) { // 6.9.6, step 4: If this results in a redirect to another origin, // get the resource of the fallback entry. job_ = new AppCacheURLRequestJob(request, network_delegate, storage(), host_, is_main_resource()); DeliverAppCachedResponse( found_fallback_entry_, found_cache_id_, found_group_id_, found_manifest_url_, true, found_namespace_entry_url_); } else if (!found_network_namespace_) { // 6.9.6, step 6: Fail the resource load. job_ = new AppCacheURLRequestJob(request, network_delegate, storage(), host_, is_main_resource()); DeliverErrorResponse(); } else { // 6.9.6 step 3 and 5: Fetch the resource normally. } return job_.get(); } AppCacheURLRequestJob* AppCacheRequestHandler::MaybeLoadFallbackForResponse( net::URLRequest* request, net::NetworkDelegate* network_delegate) { if (!host_ || !IsSchemeAndMethodSupported(request) || cache_entry_not_found_) return NULL; if (!found_fallback_entry_.has_response_id()) return NULL; if (request->status().status() == net::URLRequestStatus::CANCELED) { // 6.9.6, step 4: But not if the user canceled the download. return NULL; } // We don't fallback for responses that we delivered. if (job_.get()) { DCHECK(!job_->is_delivering_network_response()); return NULL; } if (request->status().is_success()) { int code_major = request->GetResponseCode() / 100; if (code_major !=4 && code_major != 5) return NULL; // Servers can override the fallback behavior with a response header. const std::string kFallbackOverrideHeader( "x-chromium-appcache-fallback-override"); const std::string kFallbackOverrideValue( "disallow-fallback"); std::string header_value; request->GetResponseHeaderByName(kFallbackOverrideHeader, &header_value); if (header_value == kFallbackOverrideValue) return NULL; } // 6.9.6, step 4: If this results in a 4xx or 5xx status code // or there were network errors, get the resource of the fallback entry. job_ = new AppCacheURLRequestJob(request, network_delegate, storage(), host_, is_main_resource()); DeliverAppCachedResponse( found_fallback_entry_, found_cache_id_, found_group_id_, found_manifest_url_, true, found_namespace_entry_url_); return job_.get(); } void AppCacheRequestHandler::GetExtraResponseInfo( int64* cache_id, GURL* manifest_url) { if (job_.get() && job_->is_delivering_appcache_response()) { *cache_id = job_->cache_id(); *manifest_url = job_->manifest_url(); } } void AppCacheRequestHandler::PrepareForCrossSiteTransfer(int old_process_id) { if (!host_) return; AppCacheBackendImpl* backend = host_->service()->GetBackend(old_process_id); host_for_cross_site_transfer_ = backend->TransferHostOut(host_->host_id()); DCHECK_EQ(host_, host_for_cross_site_transfer_.get()); } void AppCacheRequestHandler::CompleteCrossSiteTransfer( int new_process_id, int new_host_id) { if (!host_for_cross_site_transfer_.get()) return; DCHECK_EQ(host_, host_for_cross_site_transfer_.get()); AppCacheBackendImpl* backend = host_->service()->GetBackend(new_process_id); backend->TransferHostIn(new_host_id, host_for_cross_site_transfer_.Pass()); } void AppCacheRequestHandler::OnDestructionImminent(AppCacheHost* host) { storage()->CancelDelegateCallbacks(this); host_ = NULL; // no need to RemoveObserver, the host is being deleted // Since the host is being deleted, we don't have to complete any job // that is current running. It's destined for the bit bucket anyway. if (job_.get()) { job_->Kill(); job_ = NULL; } } void AppCacheRequestHandler::DeliverAppCachedResponse( const AppCacheEntry& entry, int64 cache_id, int64 group_id, const GURL& manifest_url, bool is_fallback, const GURL& namespace_entry_url) { DCHECK(host_ && job_.get() && job_->is_waiting()); DCHECK(entry.has_response_id()); if (ResourceType::IsFrame(resource_type_) && !namespace_entry_url.is_empty()) host_->NotifyMainResourceIsNamespaceEntry(namespace_entry_url); job_->DeliverAppCachedResponse(manifest_url, group_id, cache_id, entry, is_fallback); } void AppCacheRequestHandler::DeliverErrorResponse() { DCHECK(job_.get() && job_->is_waiting()); job_->DeliverErrorResponse(); } void AppCacheRequestHandler::DeliverNetworkResponse() { DCHECK(job_.get() && job_->is_waiting()); job_->DeliverNetworkResponse(); } // Main-resource handling ---------------------------------------------- void AppCacheRequestHandler::MaybeLoadMainResource( net::URLRequest* request, net::NetworkDelegate* network_delegate) { DCHECK(!job_.get()); DCHECK(host_); const AppCacheHost* spawning_host = ResourceType::IsSharedWorker(resource_type_) ? host_ : host_->GetSpawningHost(); GURL preferred_manifest_url = spawning_host ? spawning_host->preferred_manifest_url() : GURL(); // We may have to wait for our storage query to complete, but // this query can also complete syncrhonously. job_ = new AppCacheURLRequestJob(request, network_delegate, storage(), host_, is_main_resource()); storage()->FindResponseForMainRequest( request->url(), preferred_manifest_url, this); } void AppCacheRequestHandler::OnMainResponseFound( const GURL& url, const AppCacheEntry& entry, const GURL& namespace_entry_url, const AppCacheEntry& fallback_entry, int64 cache_id, int64 group_id, const GURL& manifest_url) { DCHECK(job_.get()); DCHECK(host_); DCHECK(is_main_resource()); DCHECK(!entry.IsForeign()); DCHECK(!fallback_entry.IsForeign()); DCHECK(!(entry.has_response_id() && fallback_entry.has_response_id())); if (!job_.get()) return; AppCachePolicy* policy = host_->service()->appcache_policy(); bool was_blocked_by_policy = !manifest_url.is_empty() && policy && !policy->CanLoadAppCache(manifest_url, host_->first_party_url()); if (was_blocked_by_policy) { if (ResourceType::IsFrame(resource_type_)) { host_->NotifyMainResourceBlocked(manifest_url); } else { DCHECK(ResourceType::IsSharedWorker(resource_type_)); host_->frontend()->OnContentBlocked(host_->host_id(), manifest_url); } DeliverNetworkResponse(); return; } if (ResourceType::IsFrame(resource_type_) && cache_id != kNoCacheId) { // AppCacheHost loads and holds a reference to the main resource cache // for two reasons, firstly to preload the cache into the working set // in advance of subresource loads happening, secondly to prevent the // AppCache from falling out of the working set on frame navigations. host_->LoadMainResourceCache(cache_id); host_->set_preferred_manifest_url(manifest_url); } // 6.11.1 Navigating across documents, steps 10 and 14. found_entry_ = entry; found_namespace_entry_url_ = namespace_entry_url; found_fallback_entry_ = fallback_entry; found_cache_id_ = cache_id; found_group_id_ = group_id; found_manifest_url_ = manifest_url; found_network_namespace_ = false; // not applicable to main requests if (found_entry_.has_response_id()) { DCHECK(!found_fallback_entry_.has_response_id()); DeliverAppCachedResponse( found_entry_, found_cache_id_, found_group_id_, found_manifest_url_, false, found_namespace_entry_url_); } else { DeliverNetworkResponse(); } } // Sub-resource handling ---------------------------------------------- void AppCacheRequestHandler::MaybeLoadSubResource( net::URLRequest* request, net::NetworkDelegate* network_delegate) { DCHECK(!job_.get()); if (host_->is_selection_pending()) { // We have to wait until cache selection is complete and the // selected cache is loaded. is_waiting_for_cache_selection_ = true; job_ = new AppCacheURLRequestJob(request, network_delegate, storage(), host_, is_main_resource()); return; } if (!host_->associated_cache() || !host_->associated_cache()->is_complete() || host_->associated_cache()->owning_group()->is_being_deleted()) { return; } job_ = new AppCacheURLRequestJob(request, network_delegate, storage(), host_, is_main_resource()); ContinueMaybeLoadSubResource(); } void AppCacheRequestHandler::ContinueMaybeLoadSubResource() { // 6.9.6 Changes to the networking model // If the resource is not to be fetched using the HTTP GET mechanism or // equivalent ... then fetch the resource normally. DCHECK(job_.get()); DCHECK(host_->associated_cache() && host_->associated_cache()->is_complete()); const GURL& url = job_->request()->url(); AppCache* cache = host_->associated_cache(); storage()->FindResponseForSubRequest( host_->associated_cache(), url, &found_entry_, &found_fallback_entry_, &found_network_namespace_); if (found_entry_.has_response_id()) { // Step 2: If there's an entry, get it instead. DCHECK(!found_network_namespace_ && !found_fallback_entry_.has_response_id()); found_cache_id_ = cache->cache_id(); found_group_id_ = cache->owning_group()->group_id(); found_manifest_url_ = cache->owning_group()->manifest_url(); DeliverAppCachedResponse( found_entry_, found_cache_id_, found_group_id_, found_manifest_url_, false, GURL()); return; } if (found_fallback_entry_.has_response_id()) { // Step 4: Fetch the resource normally, if this results // in certain conditions, then use the fallback. DCHECK(!found_network_namespace_ && !found_entry_.has_response_id()); found_cache_id_ = cache->cache_id(); found_manifest_url_ = cache->owning_group()->manifest_url(); DeliverNetworkResponse(); return; } if (found_network_namespace_) { // Step 3 and 5: Fetch the resource normally. DCHECK(!found_entry_.has_response_id() && !found_fallback_entry_.has_response_id()); DeliverNetworkResponse(); return; } // Step 6: Fail the resource load. DeliverErrorResponse(); } void AppCacheRequestHandler::OnCacheSelectionComplete(AppCacheHost* host) { DCHECK(host == host_); if (is_main_resource()) return; if (!is_waiting_for_cache_selection_) return; is_waiting_for_cache_selection_ = false; if (!host_->associated_cache() || !host_->associated_cache()->is_complete()) { DeliverNetworkResponse(); return; } ContinueMaybeLoadSubResource(); } } // namespace appcache