// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "webkit/browser/fileapi/sandbox_directory_database.h" #include #include #include #include #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/files/file_enumerator.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/pickle.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "third_party/leveldatabase/src/include/leveldb/db.h" #include "third_party/leveldatabase/src/include/leveldb/write_batch.h" #include "webkit/browser/fileapi/file_system_usage_cache.h" #include "webkit/common/fileapi/file_system_util.h" namespace { bool PickleFromFileInfo(const storage::SandboxDirectoryDatabase::FileInfo& info, Pickle* pickle) { DCHECK(pickle); std::string data_path; // Round off here to match the behavior of the filesystem on real files. base::Time time = base::Time::FromDoubleT(floor(info.modification_time.ToDoubleT())); std::string name; data_path = storage::FilePathToString(info.data_path); name = storage::FilePathToString(base::FilePath(info.name)); if (pickle->WriteInt64(info.parent_id) && pickle->WriteString(data_path) && pickle->WriteString(name) && pickle->WriteInt64(time.ToInternalValue())) return true; NOTREACHED(); return false; } bool FileInfoFromPickle(const Pickle& pickle, storage::SandboxDirectoryDatabase::FileInfo* info) { PickleIterator iter(pickle); std::string data_path; std::string name; int64 internal_time; if (pickle.ReadInt64(&iter, &info->parent_id) && pickle.ReadString(&iter, &data_path) && pickle.ReadString(&iter, &name) && pickle.ReadInt64(&iter, &internal_time)) { info->data_path = storage::StringToFilePath(data_path); info->name = storage::StringToFilePath(name).value(); info->modification_time = base::Time::FromInternalValue(internal_time); return true; } LOG(ERROR) << "Pickle could not be digested!"; return false; } const base::FilePath::CharType kDirectoryDatabaseName[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Paths"); const char kChildLookupPrefix[] = "CHILD_OF:"; const char kChildLookupSeparator[] = ":"; const char kLastFileIdKey[] = "LAST_FILE_ID"; const char kLastIntegerKey[] = "LAST_INTEGER"; const int64 kMinimumReportIntervalHours = 1; const char kInitStatusHistogramLabel[] = "FileSystem.DirectoryDatabaseInit"; const char kDatabaseRepairHistogramLabel[] = "FileSystem.DirectoryDatabaseRepair"; enum InitStatus { INIT_STATUS_OK = 0, INIT_STATUS_CORRUPTION, INIT_STATUS_IO_ERROR, INIT_STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR, INIT_STATUS_MAX }; enum RepairResult { DB_REPAIR_SUCCEEDED = 0, DB_REPAIR_FAILED, DB_REPAIR_MAX }; std::string GetChildLookupKey( storage::SandboxDirectoryDatabase::FileId parent_id, const base::FilePath::StringType& child_name) { std::string name; name = storage::FilePathToString(base::FilePath(child_name)); return std::string(kChildLookupPrefix) + base::Int64ToString(parent_id) + std::string(kChildLookupSeparator) + name; } std::string GetChildListingKeyPrefix( storage::SandboxDirectoryDatabase::FileId parent_id) { return std::string(kChildLookupPrefix) + base::Int64ToString(parent_id) + std::string(kChildLookupSeparator); } const char* LastFileIdKey() { return kLastFileIdKey; } const char* LastIntegerKey() { return kLastIntegerKey; } std::string GetFileLookupKey( storage::SandboxDirectoryDatabase::FileId file_id) { return base::Int64ToString(file_id); } // Assumptions: // - Any database entry is one of: // - ("CHILD_OF:|parent_id|:", "|file_id|"), // - ("LAST_FILE_ID", "|last_file_id|"), // - ("LAST_INTEGER", "|last_integer|"), // - ("|file_id|", "pickled FileInfo") // where FileInfo has |parent_id|, |data_path|, |name| and // |modification_time|, // Constraints: // - Each file in the database has unique backing file. // - Each file in |filesystem_data_directory_| has a database entry. // - Directory structure is tree, i.e. connected and acyclic. class DatabaseCheckHelper { public: typedef storage::SandboxDirectoryDatabase::FileId FileId; typedef storage::SandboxDirectoryDatabase::FileInfo FileInfo; DatabaseCheckHelper(storage::SandboxDirectoryDatabase* dir_db, leveldb::DB* db, const base::FilePath& path); bool IsFileSystemConsistent() { return IsDatabaseEmpty() || (ScanDatabase() && ScanDirectory() && ScanHierarchy()); } private: bool IsDatabaseEmpty(); // These 3 methods need to be called in the order. Each method requires its // previous method finished successfully. They also require the database is // not empty. bool ScanDatabase(); bool ScanDirectory(); bool ScanHierarchy(); storage::SandboxDirectoryDatabase* dir_db_; leveldb::DB* db_; base::FilePath path_; std::set files_in_db_; size_t num_directories_in_db_; size_t num_files_in_db_; size_t num_hierarchy_links_in_db_; FileId last_file_id_; FileId last_integer_; }; DatabaseCheckHelper::DatabaseCheckHelper( storage::SandboxDirectoryDatabase* dir_db, leveldb::DB* db, const base::FilePath& path) : dir_db_(dir_db), db_(db), path_(path), num_directories_in_db_(0), num_files_in_db_(0), num_hierarchy_links_in_db_(0), last_file_id_(-1), last_integer_(-1) { DCHECK(dir_db_); DCHECK(db_); DCHECK(!path_.empty() && base::DirectoryExists(path_)); } bool DatabaseCheckHelper::IsDatabaseEmpty() { scoped_ptr itr(db_->NewIterator(leveldb::ReadOptions())); itr->SeekToFirst(); return !itr->Valid(); } bool DatabaseCheckHelper::ScanDatabase() { // Scans all database entries sequentially to verify each of them has unique // backing file. int64 max_file_id = -1; std::set file_ids; scoped_ptr itr(db_->NewIterator(leveldb::ReadOptions())); for (itr->SeekToFirst(); itr->Valid(); itr->Next()) { std::string key = itr->key().ToString(); if (StartsWithASCII(key, kChildLookupPrefix, true)) { // key: "CHILD_OF::" // value: "" ++num_hierarchy_links_in_db_; } else if (key == kLastFileIdKey) { // key: "LAST_FILE_ID" // value: "" if (last_file_id_ >= 0 || !base::StringToInt64(itr->value().ToString(), &last_file_id_)) return false; if (last_file_id_ < 0) return false; } else if (key == kLastIntegerKey) { // key: "LAST_INTEGER" // value: "" if (last_integer_ >= 0 || !base::StringToInt64(itr->value().ToString(), &last_integer_)) return false; } else { // key: "" // value: "" FileInfo file_info; if (!FileInfoFromPickle( Pickle(itr->value().data(), itr->value().size()), &file_info)) return false; FileId file_id = -1; if (!base::StringToInt64(key, &file_id) || file_id < 0) return false; if (max_file_id < file_id) max_file_id = file_id; if (!file_ids.insert(file_id).second) return false; if (file_info.is_directory()) { ++num_directories_in_db_; DCHECK(file_info.data_path.empty()); } else { // Ensure any pair of file entry don't share their data_path. if (!files_in_db_.insert(file_info.data_path).second) return false; // Ensure the backing file exists as a normal file. base::File::Info platform_file_info; if (!base::GetFileInfo( path_.Append(file_info.data_path), &platform_file_info) || platform_file_info.is_directory || platform_file_info.is_symbolic_link) { // leveldb::Iterator iterates a snapshot of the database. // So even after RemoveFileInfo() call, we'll visit hierarchy link // from |parent_id| to |file_id|. if (!dir_db_->RemoveFileInfo(file_id)) return false; --num_hierarchy_links_in_db_; files_in_db_.erase(file_info.data_path); } else { ++num_files_in_db_; } } } } // TODO(tzik): Add constraint for |last_integer_| to avoid possible // data path confliction on ObfuscatedFileUtil. return max_file_id <= last_file_id_; } bool DatabaseCheckHelper::ScanDirectory() { // TODO(kinuko): Scans all local file system entries to verify each of them // has a database entry. const base::FilePath kExcludes[] = { base::FilePath(kDirectoryDatabaseName), base::FilePath(storage::FileSystemUsageCache::kUsageFileName), }; // Any path in |pending_directories| is relative to |path_|. std::stack pending_directories; pending_directories.push(base::FilePath()); while (!pending_directories.empty()) { base::FilePath dir_path = pending_directories.top(); pending_directories.pop(); base::FileEnumerator file_enum( dir_path.empty() ? path_ : path_.Append(dir_path), false /* not recursive */, base::FileEnumerator::DIRECTORIES | base::FileEnumerator::FILES); base::FilePath absolute_file_path; while (!(absolute_file_path = file_enum.Next()).empty()) { base::FileEnumerator::FileInfo find_info = file_enum.GetInfo(); base::FilePath relative_file_path; if (!path_.AppendRelativePath(absolute_file_path, &relative_file_path)) return false; if (std::find(kExcludes, kExcludes + arraysize(kExcludes), relative_file_path) != kExcludes + arraysize(kExcludes)) continue; if (find_info.IsDirectory()) { pending_directories.push(relative_file_path); continue; } // Check if the file has a database entry. std::set::iterator itr = files_in_db_.find(relative_file_path); if (itr == files_in_db_.end()) { if (!base::DeleteFile(absolute_file_path, false)) return false; } else { files_in_db_.erase(itr); } } } return files_in_db_.empty(); } bool DatabaseCheckHelper::ScanHierarchy() { size_t visited_directories = 0; size_t visited_files = 0; size_t visited_links = 0; std::stack directories; directories.push(0); // Check if the root directory exists as a directory. FileInfo file_info; if (!dir_db_->GetFileInfo(0, &file_info)) return false; if (file_info.parent_id != 0 || !file_info.is_directory()) return false; while (!directories.empty()) { ++visited_directories; FileId dir_id = directories.top(); directories.pop(); std::vector children; if (!dir_db_->ListChildren(dir_id, &children)) return false; for (std::vector::iterator itr = children.begin(); itr != children.end(); ++itr) { // Any directory must not have root directory as child. if (!*itr) return false; // Check if the child knows the parent as its parent. FileInfo file_info; if (!dir_db_->GetFileInfo(*itr, &file_info)) return false; if (file_info.parent_id != dir_id) return false; // Check if the parent knows the name of its child correctly. FileId file_id; if (!dir_db_->GetChildWithName(dir_id, file_info.name, &file_id) || file_id != *itr) return false; if (file_info.is_directory()) directories.push(*itr); else ++visited_files; ++visited_links; } } // Check if we've visited all database entries. return num_directories_in_db_ == visited_directories && num_files_in_db_ == visited_files && num_hierarchy_links_in_db_ == visited_links; } // Returns true if the given |data_path| contains no parent references ("..") // and does not refer to special system files. // This is called in GetFileInfo, AddFileInfo and UpdateFileInfo to // ensure we're only dealing with valid data paths. bool VerifyDataPath(const base::FilePath& data_path) { // |data_path| should not contain any ".." and should be a relative path // (to the filesystem_data_directory_). if (data_path.ReferencesParent() || data_path.IsAbsolute()) return false; // See if it's not pointing to the special system paths. const base::FilePath kExcludes[] = { base::FilePath(kDirectoryDatabaseName), base::FilePath(storage::FileSystemUsageCache::kUsageFileName), }; for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kExcludes); ++i) { if (data_path == kExcludes[i] || kExcludes[i].IsParent(data_path)) return false; } return true; } } // namespace namespace storage { SandboxDirectoryDatabase::FileInfo::FileInfo() : parent_id(0) { } SandboxDirectoryDatabase::FileInfo::~FileInfo() { } SandboxDirectoryDatabase::SandboxDirectoryDatabase( const base::FilePath& filesystem_data_directory, leveldb::Env* env_override) : filesystem_data_directory_(filesystem_data_directory), env_override_(env_override) { } SandboxDirectoryDatabase::~SandboxDirectoryDatabase() { } bool SandboxDirectoryDatabase::GetChildWithName( FileId parent_id, const base::FilePath::StringType& name, FileId* child_id) { if (!Init(REPAIR_ON_CORRUPTION)) return false; DCHECK(child_id); std::string child_key = GetChildLookupKey(parent_id, name); std::string child_id_string; leveldb::Status status = db_->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(), child_key, &child_id_string); if (status.IsNotFound()) return false; if (status.ok()) { if (!base::StringToInt64(child_id_string, child_id)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Hit database corruption!"; return false; } return true; } HandleError(FROM_HERE, status); return false; } bool SandboxDirectoryDatabase::GetFileWithPath( const base::FilePath& path, FileId* file_id) { std::vector components; VirtualPath::GetComponents(path, &components); FileId local_id = 0; std::vector::iterator iter; for (iter = components.begin(); iter != components.end(); ++iter) { base::FilePath::StringType name; name = *iter; if (name == FILE_PATH_LITERAL("/")) continue; if (!GetChildWithName(local_id, name, &local_id)) return false; } *file_id = local_id; return true; } bool SandboxDirectoryDatabase::ListChildren( FileId parent_id, std::vector* children) { // Check to add later: fail if parent is a file, at least in debug builds. if (!Init(REPAIR_ON_CORRUPTION)) return false; DCHECK(children); std::string child_key_prefix = GetChildListingKeyPrefix(parent_id); scoped_ptr iter(db_->NewIterator(leveldb::ReadOptions())); iter->Seek(child_key_prefix); children->clear(); while (iter->Valid() && StartsWithASCII(iter->key().ToString(), child_key_prefix, true)) { std::string child_id_string = iter->value().ToString(); FileId child_id; if (!base::StringToInt64(child_id_string, &child_id)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Hit database corruption!"; return false; } children->push_back(child_id); iter->Next(); } return true; } bool SandboxDirectoryDatabase::GetFileInfo(FileId file_id, FileInfo* info) { if (!Init(REPAIR_ON_CORRUPTION)) return false; DCHECK(info); std::string file_key = GetFileLookupKey(file_id); std::string file_data_string; leveldb::Status status = db_->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(), file_key, &file_data_string); if (status.ok()) { bool success = FileInfoFromPickle( Pickle(file_data_string.data(), file_data_string.length()), info); if (!success) return false; if (!VerifyDataPath(info->data_path)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Resolved data path is invalid: " << info->data_path.value(); return false; } return true; } // Special-case the root, for databases that haven't been initialized yet. // Without this, a query for the root's file info, made before creating the // first file in the database, will fail and confuse callers. if (status.IsNotFound() && !file_id) { info->name = base::FilePath::StringType(); info->data_path = base::FilePath(); info->modification_time = base::Time::Now(); info->parent_id = 0; return true; } HandleError(FROM_HERE, status); return false; } base::File::Error SandboxDirectoryDatabase::AddFileInfo( const FileInfo& info, FileId* file_id) { if (!Init(REPAIR_ON_CORRUPTION)) return base::File::FILE_ERROR_FAILED; DCHECK(file_id); std::string child_key = GetChildLookupKey(info.parent_id, info.name); std::string child_id_string; leveldb::Status status = db_->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(), child_key, &child_id_string); if (status.ok()) { LOG(ERROR) << "File exists already!"; return base::File::FILE_ERROR_EXISTS; } if (!status.IsNotFound()) { HandleError(FROM_HERE, status); return base::File::FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } if (!IsDirectory(info.parent_id)) { LOG(ERROR) << "New parent directory is a file!"; return base::File::FILE_ERROR_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; } // This would be a fine place to limit the number of files in a directory, if // we decide to add that restriction. FileId temp_id; if (!GetLastFileId(&temp_id)) return base::File::FILE_ERROR_FAILED; ++temp_id; leveldb::WriteBatch batch; if (!AddFileInfoHelper(info, temp_id, &batch)) return base::File::FILE_ERROR_FAILED; batch.Put(LastFileIdKey(), base::Int64ToString(temp_id)); status = db_->Write(leveldb::WriteOptions(), &batch); if (!status.ok()) { HandleError(FROM_HERE, status); return base::File::FILE_ERROR_FAILED; } *file_id = temp_id; return base::File::FILE_OK; } bool SandboxDirectoryDatabase::RemoveFileInfo(FileId file_id) { if (!Init(REPAIR_ON_CORRUPTION)) return false; leveldb::WriteBatch batch; if (!RemoveFileInfoHelper(file_id, &batch)) return false; leveldb::Status status = db_->Write(leveldb::WriteOptions(), &batch); if (!status.ok()) { HandleError(FROM_HERE, status); return false; } return true; } bool SandboxDirectoryDatabase::UpdateFileInfo( FileId file_id, const FileInfo& new_info) { // TODO(ericu): We should also check to see that this doesn't create a loop, // but perhaps only in a debug build. if (!Init(REPAIR_ON_CORRUPTION)) return false; DCHECK(file_id); // You can't remove the root, ever. Just delete the DB. FileInfo old_info; if (!GetFileInfo(file_id, &old_info)) return false; if (old_info.parent_id != new_info.parent_id && !IsDirectory(new_info.parent_id)) return false; if (old_info.parent_id != new_info.parent_id || old_info.name != new_info.name) { // Check for name clashes. FileId temp_id; if (GetChildWithName(new_info.parent_id, new_info.name, &temp_id)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Name collision on move."; return false; } } leveldb::WriteBatch batch; if (!RemoveFileInfoHelper(file_id, &batch) || !AddFileInfoHelper(new_info, file_id, &batch)) return false; leveldb::Status status = db_->Write(leveldb::WriteOptions(), &batch); if (!status.ok()) { HandleError(FROM_HERE, status); return false; } return true; } bool SandboxDirectoryDatabase::UpdateModificationTime( FileId file_id, const base::Time& modification_time) { FileInfo info; if (!GetFileInfo(file_id, &info)) return false; info.modification_time = modification_time; Pickle pickle; if (!PickleFromFileInfo(info, &pickle)) return false; leveldb::Status status = db_->Put( leveldb::WriteOptions(), GetFileLookupKey(file_id), leveldb::Slice(reinterpret_cast(pickle.data()), pickle.size())); if (!status.ok()) { HandleError(FROM_HERE, status); return false; } return true; } bool SandboxDirectoryDatabase::OverwritingMoveFile( FileId src_file_id, FileId dest_file_id) { FileInfo src_file_info; FileInfo dest_file_info; if (!GetFileInfo(src_file_id, &src_file_info)) return false; if (!GetFileInfo(dest_file_id, &dest_file_info)) return false; if (src_file_info.is_directory() || dest_file_info.is_directory()) return false; leveldb::WriteBatch batch; // This is the only field that really gets moved over; if you add fields to // FileInfo, e.g. ctime, they might need to be copied here. dest_file_info.data_path = src_file_info.data_path; if (!RemoveFileInfoHelper(src_file_id, &batch)) return false; Pickle pickle; if (!PickleFromFileInfo(dest_file_info, &pickle)) return false; batch.Put( GetFileLookupKey(dest_file_id), leveldb::Slice(reinterpret_cast(pickle.data()), pickle.size())); leveldb::Status status = db_->Write(leveldb::WriteOptions(), &batch); if (!status.ok()) { HandleError(FROM_HERE, status); return false; } return true; } bool SandboxDirectoryDatabase::GetNextInteger(int64* next) { if (!Init(REPAIR_ON_CORRUPTION)) return false; DCHECK(next); std::string int_string; leveldb::Status status = db_->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(), LastIntegerKey(), &int_string); if (status.ok()) { int64 temp; if (!base::StringToInt64(int_string, &temp)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Hit database corruption!"; return false; } ++temp; status = db_->Put(leveldb::WriteOptions(), LastIntegerKey(), base::Int64ToString(temp)); if (!status.ok()) { HandleError(FROM_HERE, status); return false; } *next = temp; return true; } if (!status.IsNotFound()) { HandleError(FROM_HERE, status); return false; } // The database must not yet exist; initialize it. if (!StoreDefaultValues()) return false; return GetNextInteger(next); } // static bool SandboxDirectoryDatabase::DestroyDatabase(const base::FilePath& path, leveldb::Env* env_override) { std::string name = FilePathToString(path.Append(kDirectoryDatabaseName)); leveldb::Options options; if (env_override) options.env = env_override; leveldb::Status status = leveldb::DestroyDB(name, options); if (status.ok()) return true; LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to destroy a database with status " << status.ToString(); return false; } bool SandboxDirectoryDatabase::Init(RecoveryOption recovery_option) { if (db_) return true; std::string path = FilePathToString(filesystem_data_directory_.Append( kDirectoryDatabaseName)); leveldb::Options options; options.max_open_files = 0; // Use minimum. options.create_if_missing = true; if (env_override_) options.env = env_override_; leveldb::DB* db; leveldb::Status status = leveldb::DB::Open(options, path, &db); ReportInitStatus(status); if (status.ok()) { db_.reset(db); return true; } HandleError(FROM_HERE, status); // Corruption due to missing necessary MANIFEST-* file causes IOError instead // of Corruption error. // Try to repair database even when IOError case. if (!status.IsCorruption() && !status.IsIOError()) return false; switch (recovery_option) { case FAIL_ON_CORRUPTION: return false; case REPAIR_ON_CORRUPTION: LOG(WARNING) << "Corrupted SandboxDirectoryDatabase detected." << " Attempting to repair."; if (RepairDatabase(path)) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(kDatabaseRepairHistogramLabel, DB_REPAIR_SUCCEEDED, DB_REPAIR_MAX); return true; } UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(kDatabaseRepairHistogramLabel, DB_REPAIR_FAILED, DB_REPAIR_MAX); LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to repair SandboxDirectoryDatabase."; // fall through case DELETE_ON_CORRUPTION: LOG(WARNING) << "Clearing SandboxDirectoryDatabase."; if (!base::DeleteFile(filesystem_data_directory_, true)) return false; if (!base::CreateDirectory(filesystem_data_directory_)) return false; return Init(FAIL_ON_CORRUPTION); } NOTREACHED(); return false; } bool SandboxDirectoryDatabase::RepairDatabase(const std::string& db_path) { DCHECK(!db_.get()); leveldb::Options options; options.max_open_files = 0; // Use minimum. if (env_override_) options.env = env_override_; if (!leveldb::RepairDB(db_path, options).ok()) return false; if (!Init(FAIL_ON_CORRUPTION)) return false; if (IsFileSystemConsistent()) return true; db_.reset(); return false; } bool SandboxDirectoryDatabase::IsDirectory(FileId file_id) { FileInfo info; if (!file_id) return true; // The root is a directory. if (!GetFileInfo(file_id, &info)) return false; if (!info.is_directory()) return false; return true; } bool SandboxDirectoryDatabase::IsFileSystemConsistent() { if (!Init(FAIL_ON_CORRUPTION)) return false; DatabaseCheckHelper helper(this, db_.get(), filesystem_data_directory_); return helper.IsFileSystemConsistent(); } void SandboxDirectoryDatabase::ReportInitStatus( const leveldb::Status& status) { base::Time now = base::Time::Now(); const base::TimeDelta minimum_interval = base::TimeDelta::FromHours(kMinimumReportIntervalHours); if (last_reported_time_ + minimum_interval >= now) return; last_reported_time_ = now; if (status.ok()) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(kInitStatusHistogramLabel, INIT_STATUS_OK, INIT_STATUS_MAX); } else if (status.IsCorruption()) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(kInitStatusHistogramLabel, INIT_STATUS_CORRUPTION, INIT_STATUS_MAX); } else if (status.IsIOError()) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(kInitStatusHistogramLabel, INIT_STATUS_IO_ERROR, INIT_STATUS_MAX); } else { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(kInitStatusHistogramLabel, INIT_STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR, INIT_STATUS_MAX); } } bool SandboxDirectoryDatabase::StoreDefaultValues() { // Verify that this is a totally new database, and initialize it. scoped_ptr iter(db_->NewIterator(leveldb::ReadOptions())); iter->SeekToFirst(); if (iter->Valid()) { // DB was not empty--we shouldn't have been called. LOG(ERROR) << "File system origin database is corrupt!"; return false; } // This is always the first write into the database. If we ever add a // version number, it should go in this transaction too. FileInfo root; root.parent_id = 0; root.modification_time = base::Time::Now(); leveldb::WriteBatch batch; if (!AddFileInfoHelper(root, 0, &batch)) return false; batch.Put(LastFileIdKey(), base::Int64ToString(0)); batch.Put(LastIntegerKey(), base::Int64ToString(-1)); leveldb::Status status = db_->Write(leveldb::WriteOptions(), &batch); if (!status.ok()) { HandleError(FROM_HERE, status); return false; } return true; } bool SandboxDirectoryDatabase::GetLastFileId(FileId* file_id) { if (!Init(REPAIR_ON_CORRUPTION)) return false; DCHECK(file_id); std::string id_string; leveldb::Status status = db_->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(), LastFileIdKey(), &id_string); if (status.ok()) { if (!base::StringToInt64(id_string, file_id)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Hit database corruption!"; return false; } return true; } if (!status.IsNotFound()) { HandleError(FROM_HERE, status); return false; } // The database must not yet exist; initialize it. if (!StoreDefaultValues()) return false; *file_id = 0; return true; } // This does very few safety checks! bool SandboxDirectoryDatabase::AddFileInfoHelper( const FileInfo& info, FileId file_id, leveldb::WriteBatch* batch) { if (!VerifyDataPath(info.data_path)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid data path is given: " << info.data_path.value(); return false; } std::string id_string = GetFileLookupKey(file_id); if (!file_id) { // The root directory doesn't need to be looked up by path from its parent. DCHECK(!info.parent_id); DCHECK(info.data_path.empty()); } else { std::string child_key = GetChildLookupKey(info.parent_id, info.name); batch->Put(child_key, id_string); } Pickle pickle; if (!PickleFromFileInfo(info, &pickle)) return false; batch->Put( id_string, leveldb::Slice(reinterpret_cast(pickle.data()), pickle.size())); return true; } // This does very few safety checks! bool SandboxDirectoryDatabase::RemoveFileInfoHelper( FileId file_id, leveldb::WriteBatch* batch) { DCHECK(file_id); // You can't remove the root, ever. Just delete the DB. FileInfo info; if (!GetFileInfo(file_id, &info)) return false; if (info.data_path.empty()) { // It's a directory std::vector children; // TODO(ericu): Make a faster is-the-directory-empty check. if (!ListChildren(file_id, &children)) return false; if (children.size()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Can't remove a directory with children."; return false; } } batch->Delete(GetChildLookupKey(info.parent_id, info.name)); batch->Delete(GetFileLookupKey(file_id)); return true; } void SandboxDirectoryDatabase::HandleError( const tracked_objects::Location& from_here, const leveldb::Status& status) { LOG(ERROR) << "SandboxDirectoryDatabase failed at: " << from_here.ToString() << " with error: " << status.ToString(); db_.reset(); } } // namespace storage