REM @echo off setlocal set IntDir=%1 set OutDir=%2 set CYGWIN_ROOT=%~dp0..\..\..\third_party\cygwin\ set GNU_ROOT=%~dp0..\..\..\third_party\gnu\files set PATH=%CYGWIN_ROOT%bin;%GNU_ROOT%;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\system32 :: Ensure that the cygwin mount points are defined CALL %CYGWIN_ROOT%setup_mount.bat > NUL :: Fix tempfile() on vista: without this flag, the files that it creates are not accessible. set CYGWIN=nontsec :: Help dftables script to find a usable temporary directory. For an unknown :: reason, /tmp is not defined on cygwin and this script looks at TMPDIR :: environment variable, which is usually not defined on Windows either. if "%TMPDIR%" == "" ( REM It fails in even stranger way if the TEMP folder is not owned by the REM current user, so create a folder to make sure we are the owner. set TMPDIR=%TEMP%\javascriptcore_pcre mkdir %TEMP%\javascriptcore_pcre bash "%IntDir%" "..\..\..\third_party\WebKit" rd /q /s %TEMP%\javascriptcore_pcre ) else ( bash "%IntDir%" "..\..\..\third_party\WebKit" ) call copy_files.bat %IntDir%\JavaScriptCore endlocal