// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef WEBKIT_FILEAPI_FILE_SYSTEM_FILE_UTIL_PROXY_H_ #define WEBKIT_FILEAPI_FILE_SYSTEM_FILE_UTIL_PROXY_H_ #include #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/file_util_proxy.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/platform_file.h" #include "base/tracked_objects.h" namespace base { class MessageLoopProxy; class Time; } namespace fileapi { class FileSystemOperationContext; using base::MessageLoopProxy; using base::PlatformFile; using base::PlatformFileError; using base::PlatformFileInfo; // This class provides asynchronous access to common file routines for the // FileSystem API. class FileSystemFileUtilProxy { public: typedef base::FileUtilProxy::StatusCallback StatusCallback; typedef base::FileUtilProxy::CreateOrOpenCallback CreateOrOpenCallback; typedef base::FileUtilProxy::EnsureFileExistsCallback EnsureFileExistsCallback; typedef Callback3::Type GetFileInfoCallback; typedef Callback2::Type GetLocalPathCallback; typedef base::FileUtilProxy::ReadDirectoryCallback ReadDirectoryCallback; // Creates or opens a file with the given flags. It is invalid to pass NULL // for the callback. // If PLATFORM_FILE_CREATE is set in |file_flags| it always tries to create // a new file at the given |file_path| and calls back with // PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_FILE_EXISTS if the |file_path| already exists. static bool CreateOrOpen(const FileSystemOperationContext& context, scoped_refptr message_loop_proxy, const FilePath& file_path, int file_flags, const CreateOrOpenCallback& callback); // Close the given file handle. static bool Close(const FileSystemOperationContext& context, scoped_refptr message_loop_proxy, PlatformFile, StatusCallback* callback); // Ensures that the given |file_path| exist. This creates a empty new file // at |file_path| if the |file_path| does not exist. // If a new file han not existed and is created at the |file_path|, // |created| of the callback argument is set true and |error code| // is set PLATFORM_FILE_OK. // If the file already exists, |created| is set false and |error code| // is set PLATFORM_FILE_OK. // If the file hasn't existed but it couldn't be created for some other // reasons, |created| is set false and |error code| indicates the error. static bool EnsureFileExists( const FileSystemOperationContext& context, scoped_refptr message_loop_proxy, const FilePath& file_path, const EnsureFileExistsCallback& callback); // Maps virtual file patch to its local physical location. static bool GetLocalPath( const FileSystemOperationContext& context, scoped_refptr message_loop_proxy, const FilePath& virtual_path, GetLocalPathCallback* callback); // Retrieves the information about a file. It is invalid to pass NULL for the // callback. static bool GetFileInfo( const FileSystemOperationContext& context, scoped_refptr message_loop_proxy, const FilePath& file_path, GetFileInfoCallback* callback); static bool ReadDirectory(const FileSystemOperationContext& context, scoped_refptr message_loop_proxy, const FilePath& file_path, ReadDirectoryCallback* callback); // Creates directory at given path. It's an error to create // if |exclusive| is true and dir already exists. static bool CreateDirectory( const FileSystemOperationContext& context, scoped_refptr message_loop_proxy, const FilePath& file_path, bool exclusive, bool recursive, StatusCallback* callback); // Copies a file or a directory from |src_file_path| to |dest_file_path| // Error cases: // If destination file doesn't exist or destination's parent // doesn't exists. // If source dir exists but destination path is an existing file. // If source file exists but destination path is an existing directory. // If source is a parent of destination. // If source doesn't exists. static bool Copy(const FileSystemOperationContext& context, scoped_refptr message_loop_proxy, const FilePath& src_file_path, const FilePath& dest_file_path, StatusCallback* callback); // Moves a file or a directory from src_file_path to dest_file_path. // Error cases are similar to Copy method's error cases. static bool Move( const FileSystemOperationContext& context, scoped_refptr message_loop_proxy, const FilePath& src_file_path, const FilePath& dest_file_path, StatusCallback* callback); // Deletes a file or a directory. // It is an error to delete a non-empty directory with recursive=false. static bool Delete(const FileSystemOperationContext& context, scoped_refptr message_loop_proxy, const FilePath& file_path, bool recursive, StatusCallback* callback); // Touches a file. The callback can be NULL. static bool Touch( const FileSystemOperationContext& context, scoped_refptr message_loop_proxy, const FilePath& file_path, const base::Time& last_access_time, const base::Time& last_modified_time, StatusCallback* callback); // Truncates a file to the given length. If |length| is greater than the // current length of the file, the file will be extended with zeroes. // The callback can be NULL. static bool Truncate( const FileSystemOperationContext& context, scoped_refptr message_loop_proxy, const FilePath& path, int64 length, StatusCallback* callback); private: DISALLOW_IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS(FileSystemFileUtilProxy); }; } // namespace fileapi #endif // WEBKIT_FILEAPI_FILE_SYSTEM_FILE_UTIL_PROXY_H_