// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef WEBKIT_FILEAPI_FILE_SYSTEM_OPERATION_H_ #define WEBKIT_FILEAPI_FILE_SYSTEM_OPERATION_H_ #include #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/file_util_proxy.h" #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_callback_factory.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/message_loop_proxy.h" #include "base/platform_file.h" #include "base/process.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "webkit/fileapi/file_system_operation_context.h" #include "webkit/fileapi/file_system_types.h" #include "webkit/quota/quota_manager.h" namespace base { class Time; } namespace net { class URLRequest; class URLRequestContext; } // namespace net class GURL; namespace fileapi { class FileSystemCallbackDispatcher; class FileSystemContext; class FileWriterDelegate; class FileSystemOperationTest; class FileSystemQuotaUtil; // This class is designed to serve one-time file system operation per instance. // Only one method(CreateFile, CreateDirectory, Copy, Move, DirectoryExists, // GetMetadata, ReadDirectory and Remove) may be called during the lifetime of // this object and it should be called no more than once. // This class is self-destructed, or get deleted via base::Owned() fater the // operation finishes and completion callback is called. class FileSystemOperation { public: // |dispatcher| will be owned by this class. FileSystemOperation(FileSystemCallbackDispatcher* dispatcher, scoped_refptr proxy, FileSystemContext* file_system_context); virtual ~FileSystemOperation(); void OpenFileSystem(const GURL& origin_url, fileapi::FileSystemType type, bool create); void CreateFile(const GURL& path, bool exclusive); void CreateDirectory(const GURL& path, bool exclusive, bool recursive); void Copy(const GURL& src_path, const GURL& dest_path); void Move(const GURL& src_path, const GURL& dest_path); void DirectoryExists(const GURL& path); void FileExists(const GURL& path); void GetMetadata(const GURL& path); void ReadDirectory(const GURL& path); void Remove(const GURL& path, bool recursive); void Write(scoped_refptr url_request_context, const GURL& path, const GURL& blob_url, int64 offset); void Truncate(const GURL& path, int64 length); void TouchFile(const GURL& path, const base::Time& last_access_time, const base::Time& last_modified_time); void OpenFile( const GURL& path, int file_flags, base::ProcessHandle peer_handle); void SyncGetPlatformPath(const GURL& path, FilePath* platform_path); // Try to cancel the current operation [we support cancelling write or // truncate only]. Report failure for the current operation, then tell the // passed-in operation to report success. void Cancel(FileSystemOperation* cancel_operation); private: class ScopedQuotaUtilHelper; FileSystemContext* file_system_context() const { return operation_context_.file_system_context(); } FileSystemOperationContext* file_system_operation_context() { return &operation_context_; } friend class FileSystemOperationTest; friend class FileSystemOperationWriteTest; friend class FileWriterDelegateTest; friend class FileSystemTestOriginHelper; friend class FileSystemQuotaTest; // The unit tests that need to specify and control the lifetime of the // file_util on their own should call this before performing the actual // operation. If it is given it will not be overwritten by the class. void set_override_file_util(FileSystemFileUtil* file_util) { operation_context_.set_src_file_util(file_util); operation_context_.set_dest_file_util(file_util); } void GetUsageAndQuotaThenCallback( const GURL& origin_url, const quota::QuotaManager::GetUsageAndQuotaCallback& callback); void DelayedCreateFileForQuota(bool exclusive, quota::QuotaStatusCode status, int64 usage, int64 quota); void DelayedCreateDirectoryForQuota(bool exclusive, bool recursive, quota::QuotaStatusCode status, int64 usage, int64 quota); void DelayedCopyForQuota(quota::QuotaStatusCode status, int64 usage, int64 quota); void DelayedMoveForQuota(quota::QuotaStatusCode status, int64 usage, int64 quota); void DelayedWriteForQuota(quota::QuotaStatusCode status, int64 usage, int64 quota); void DelayedTruncateForQuota(int64 length, quota::QuotaStatusCode status, int64 usage, int64 quota); void DelayedOpenFileForQuota(int file_flags, quota::QuotaStatusCode status, int64 usage, int64 quota); // A callback used for OpenFileSystem. void DidGetRootPath(bool success, const FilePath& path, const std::string& name); // Callback for CreateFile for |exclusive|=true cases. void DidEnsureFileExistsExclusive(base::PlatformFileError rv, bool created); // Callback for CreateFile for |exclusive|=false cases. void DidEnsureFileExistsNonExclusive(base::PlatformFileError rv, bool created); // Generic callback that translates platform errors to WebKit error codes. void DidFinishFileOperation(base::PlatformFileError rv); void DidDirectoryExists(base::PlatformFileError rv, const base::PlatformFileInfo& file_info, const FilePath& unused); void DidFileExists(base::PlatformFileError rv, const base::PlatformFileInfo& file_info, const FilePath& unused); void DidGetMetadata(base::PlatformFileError rv, const base::PlatformFileInfo& file_info, const FilePath& platform_path); void DidReadDirectory( base::PlatformFileError rv, const std::vector& entries); void DidWrite( base::PlatformFileError rv, int64 bytes, bool complete); void DidTouchFile(base::PlatformFileError rv); void DidOpenFile( base::PlatformFileError rv, base::PassPlatformFile file, bool created); // Helper for Write(). void OnFileOpenedForWrite( base::PlatformFileError rv, base::PassPlatformFile file, bool created); // Checks the validity of a given |path| for reading, cracks the path into // root URL and virtual path components, and returns the correct // FileSystemFileUtil subclass for this type. // Returns true if the given |path| is a valid FileSystem path. // Otherwise it calls dispatcher's DidFail method with // PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_SECURITY and returns false. // (Note: this doesn't delete this when it calls DidFail and returns false; // it's the caller's responsibility.) bool VerifyFileSystemPathForRead(const GURL& path, GURL* root_url, FileSystemType* type, FilePath* virtual_path, FileSystemFileUtil** file_util); // Checks the validity of a given |path| for writing, cracks the path into // root URL and virtual path components, and returns the correct // FileSystemFileUtil subclass for this type. // Returns true if the given |path| is a valid FileSystem path, and // its origin embedded in the path has the right to write. // Otherwise it fires dispatcher's DidFail method with // PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_SECURITY if the path is not valid for writing, // or with PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NO_SPACE if the origin is not allowed to // write to the storage. // In either case it returns false after firing DidFail. // If |create| flag is true this also checks if the |path| contains // any restricted names and chars. If it does, the call fires dispatcher's // DidFail with PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_SECURITY and returns false. // (Note: this doesn't delete this when it calls DidFail and returns false; // it's the caller's responsibility.) bool VerifyFileSystemPathForWrite(const GURL& path, bool create, GURL* root_url, FileSystemType* type, FilePath* virtual_path, FileSystemFileUtil** file_util); // Common internal routine for VerifyFileSystemPathFor{Read,Write}. bool VerifyFileSystemPath(const GURL& path, GURL* root_url, FileSystemType* type, FilePath* virtual_path, FileSystemFileUtil** file_util); // Setup*Context*() functions will call the appropriate VerifyFileSystem // function and store the results to operation_context_ and // *_virtual_path_. // Return the result of VerifyFileSystem*(). bool SetupSrcContextForRead(const GURL& path); bool SetupSrcContextForWrite(const GURL& path, bool create); bool SetupDestContextForWrite(const GURL& path, bool create); #ifndef NDEBUG enum OperationType { kOperationNone, kOperationOpenFileSystem, kOperationCreateFile, kOperationCreateDirectory, kOperationCopy, kOperationMove, kOperationDirectoryExists, kOperationFileExists, kOperationGetMetadata, kOperationReadDirectory, kOperationRemove, kOperationWrite, kOperationTruncate, kOperationTouchFile, kOperationOpenFile, kOperationGetLocalPath, kOperationCancel, }; // A flag to make sure we call operation only once per instance. OperationType pending_operation_; #endif // Proxy for calling file_util_proxy methods. scoped_refptr proxy_; // This can be NULL if the operation is cancelled on the way. scoped_ptr dispatcher_; FileSystemOperationContext operation_context_; scoped_ptr quota_util_helper_; // These are all used only by Write(). friend class FileWriterDelegate; scoped_ptr file_writer_delegate_; scoped_ptr blob_request_; scoped_ptr cancel_operation_; // Used only by OpenFile, in order to clone the file handle back to the // requesting process. base::ProcessHandle peer_handle_; // Used to keep a virtual path around while we check for quota. // If an operation needs only one path, use src_virtual_path_, even if it's a // write. FilePath src_virtual_path_; FilePath dest_virtual_path_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FileSystemOperation); }; } // namespace fileapi #endif // WEBKIT_FILEAPI_FILE_SYSTEM_OPERATION_H_