// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "webkit/fileapi/file_system_path_manager.h" #include #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_callback_factory.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/message_loop_proxy.h" #include "base/scoped_temp_dir.h" #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "webkit/fileapi/file_system_util.h" #include "webkit/fileapi/sandbox_mount_point_provider.h" #include "webkit/quota/mock_special_storage_policy.h" namespace fileapi { namespace { // PS stands for path separator. #if defined(FILE_PATH_USES_WIN_SEPARATORS) #define PS "\\" #else #define PS "/" #endif struct RootPathTestCase { fileapi::FileSystemType type; const char* origin_url; const char* expected_path; }; const struct RootPathTest { fileapi::FileSystemType type; const char* origin_url; const char* expected_path; } kRootPathTestCases[] = { { fileapi::kFileSystemTypeTemporary, "http://foo:1/", "000" PS "t" }, { fileapi::kFileSystemTypePersistent, "http://foo:1/", "000" PS "p" }, { fileapi::kFileSystemTypeTemporary, "http://bar.com/", "001" PS "t" }, { fileapi::kFileSystemTypePersistent, "http://bar.com/", "001" PS "p" }, { fileapi::kFileSystemTypeTemporary, "https://foo:2/", "002" PS "t" }, { fileapi::kFileSystemTypePersistent, "https://foo:2/", "002" PS "p" }, { fileapi::kFileSystemTypeTemporary, "https://bar.com/", "003" PS "t" }, { fileapi::kFileSystemTypePersistent, "https://bar.com/", "003" PS "p" }, #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) { fileapi::kFileSystemTypeExternal, "chrome-extension://foo/", "chrome-extension__0" PS "External" }, #endif }; const struct RootPathFileURITest { fileapi::FileSystemType type; const char* origin_url; const char* expected_path; const char* virtual_path; } kRootPathFileURITestCases[] = { { fileapi::kFileSystemTypeTemporary, "file:///", "000" PS "t", NULL }, { fileapi::kFileSystemTypePersistent, "file:///", "000" PS "p", NULL }, #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) { fileapi::kFileSystemTypeExternal, "chrome-extension://foo/", "chrome-extension__0" PS "External", "testing" }, #endif }; const struct CheckValidPathTest { FilePath::StringType path; bool expected_valid; } kCheckValidPathTestCases[] = { { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("//tmp/foo.txt"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("//etc/hosts"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("foo.txt"), true, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a/b/c"), true, }, // Any paths that includes parent references are considered invalid. { FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".."), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("tmp/.."), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a/b/../c/.."), false, }, }; const char* const kPathToVirtualPathTestCases[] = { "", "a", "a" PS "b", "a" PS "b" PS "c", }; const struct IsRestrictedNameTest { FilePath::StringType name; bool expected_dangerous; } kIsRestrictedNameTestCases[] = { // Names that contain strings that used to be restricted, but are now allowed. { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("con"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Con.txt"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Prn.png"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("AUX"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("nUl."), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("coM1"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("COM3.com"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("cOM7"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("com9"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("lpT1"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("LPT4.com"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("lPT8"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("lPT9"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("com1."), false, }, // Similar cases that have always been allowed. { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("con3"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("PrnImage.png"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("AUXX"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("NULL"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("coM0"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("COM.com"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("lpT0"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("LPT.com"), false, }, // Ends with period or whitespace--used to be banned, now OK. { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("b "), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("b\t"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("b\n"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("b\r\n"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("b."), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("b.."), false, }, // Similar cases that have always been allowed. { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("b c"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("b\tc"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("b\nc"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("b\r\nc"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("b c d e f"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("b.c"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("b..c"), false, }, // Name that has restricted chars in it. { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("\\"), true, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("/"), true, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a\\b"), true, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a/b"), true, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("ab\\"), true, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("ab/"), true, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("\\ab"), true, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("/ab"), true, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("ab/.txt"), true, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("ab\\.txt"), true, }, // Names that contain chars that were formerly restricted, now OK. { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("ab"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a:b"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a?b"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a|b"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("ab<.txt"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("ab>.txt"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("ab:.txt"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("ab?.txt"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("ab|.txt"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("ab"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL(":ab"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("?ab"), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("|ab"), false, }, // Names that are restricted still. { FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".."), true, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("."), true, }, // Similar but safe cases. { FILE_PATH_LITERAL(" ."), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL(". "), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL(" . "), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL(" .."), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".. "), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL(" .. "), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("b."), false, }, { FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".b"), false, }, }; FilePath UTF8ToFilePath(const std::string& str) { FilePath::StringType result; #if defined(OS_POSIX) result = base::SysWideToNativeMB(UTF8ToWide(str)); #elif defined(OS_WIN) result = UTF8ToUTF16(str); #endif return FilePath(result); } } // namespace class FileSystemPathManagerTest : public testing::Test { public: FileSystemPathManagerTest() : callback_factory_(ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(this)) { } void SetUp() { ASSERT_TRUE(data_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir()); root_path_callback_status_ = false; root_path_.clear(); file_system_name_.clear(); } protected: FileSystemPathManager* NewPathManager( bool incognito, bool allow_file_access) { FileSystemPathManager* manager = new FileSystemPathManager( base::MessageLoopProxy::current(), data_dir_.path(), scoped_refptr( new quota::MockSpecialStoragePolicy), incognito, allow_file_access); #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) fileapi::ExternalFileSystemMountPointProvider* ext_provider = manager->external_provider(); ext_provider->AddMountPoint(FilePath("/tmp/testing")); #endif return manager; } void OnGetRootPath(bool success, const FilePath& root_path, const std::string& name) { root_path_callback_status_ = success; root_path_ = root_path; file_system_name_ = name; } bool GetRootPath(FileSystemPathManager* manager, const GURL& origin_url, fileapi::FileSystemType type, bool create, FilePath* root_path) { manager->ValidateFileSystemRootAndGetURL(origin_url, type, create, callback_factory_.NewCallback( &FileSystemPathManagerTest::OnGetRootPath)); MessageLoop::current()->RunAllPending(); if (root_path) *root_path = root_path_; return root_path_callback_status_; } FilePath data_path() { return data_dir_.path(); } FilePath file_system_path() { return data_dir_.path().Append( SandboxMountPointProvider::kNewFileSystemDirectory); } FilePath external_file_system_path() { return UTF8ToFilePath(std::string(fileapi::kExternalDir)); } FilePath external_file_path_root() { return UTF8ToFilePath(std::string("/tmp")); } private: ScopedTempDir data_dir_; base::ScopedCallbackFactory callback_factory_; bool root_path_callback_status_; FilePath root_path_; std::string file_system_name_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FileSystemPathManagerTest); }; TEST_F(FileSystemPathManagerTest, GetRootPathCreateAndExamine) { std::vector returned_root_path( ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kRootPathTestCases)); scoped_ptr manager(NewPathManager(false, false)); // Create a new root directory. for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kRootPathTestCases); ++i) { SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "RootPath (create) #" << i << " " << kRootPathTestCases[i].expected_path); FilePath root_path; EXPECT_TRUE(GetRootPath(manager.get(), GURL(kRootPathTestCases[i].origin_url), kRootPathTestCases[i].type, true /* create */, &root_path)); if (kRootPathTestCases[i].type != fileapi::kFileSystemTypeExternal) { FilePath expected = file_system_path().AppendASCII( kRootPathTestCases[i].expected_path); EXPECT_EQ(expected.value(), root_path.value()); EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::DirectoryExists(root_path)); } else { // External file system root path is virtual one and does not match // anything from the actual file system. EXPECT_EQ(external_file_system_path().value(), root_path.value()); } ASSERT_TRUE(returned_root_path.size() > i); returned_root_path[i] = root_path; } // Get the root directory with create=false and see if we get the // same directory. for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kRootPathTestCases); ++i) { SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "RootPath (get) #" << i << " " << kRootPathTestCases[i].expected_path); FilePath root_path; EXPECT_TRUE(GetRootPath(manager.get(), GURL(kRootPathTestCases[i].origin_url), kRootPathTestCases[i].type, false /* create */, &root_path)); ASSERT_TRUE(returned_root_path.size() > i); EXPECT_EQ(returned_root_path[i].value(), root_path.value()); } } TEST_F(FileSystemPathManagerTest, GetRootPathCreateAndExamineWithNewManager) { std::vector returned_root_path( ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kRootPathTestCases)); scoped_ptr manager(NewPathManager(false, false)); GURL origin_url("http://foo.com:1/"); FilePath root_path1; EXPECT_TRUE(GetRootPath(manager.get(), origin_url, kFileSystemTypeTemporary, true, &root_path1)); manager.reset(NewPathManager(false, false)); FilePath root_path2; EXPECT_TRUE(GetRootPath(manager.get(), origin_url, kFileSystemTypeTemporary, false, &root_path2)); EXPECT_EQ(root_path1.value(), root_path2.value()); } TEST_F(FileSystemPathManagerTest, GetRootPathGetWithoutCreate) { scoped_ptr manager(NewPathManager(false, false)); // Try to get a root directory without creating. for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kRootPathTestCases); ++i) { SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "RootPath (create=false) #" << i << " " << kRootPathTestCases[i].expected_path); EXPECT_FALSE(GetRootPath(manager.get(), GURL(kRootPathTestCases[i].origin_url), kRootPathTestCases[i].type, false /* create */, NULL)); } } TEST_F(FileSystemPathManagerTest, GetRootPathInIncognito) { scoped_ptr manager(NewPathManager( true /* incognito */, false)); // Try to get a root directory. for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kRootPathTestCases); ++i) { SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "RootPath (incognito) #" << i << " " << kRootPathTestCases[i].expected_path); EXPECT_FALSE(GetRootPath(manager.get(), GURL(kRootPathTestCases[i].origin_url), kRootPathTestCases[i].type, true /* create */, NULL)); } } TEST_F(FileSystemPathManagerTest, GetRootPathFileURI) { scoped_ptr manager(NewPathManager(false, false)); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kRootPathFileURITestCases); ++i) { SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "RootPathFileURI (disallow) #" << i << " " << kRootPathFileURITestCases[i].expected_path); EXPECT_FALSE(GetRootPath(manager.get(), GURL(kRootPathFileURITestCases[i].origin_url), kRootPathFileURITestCases[i].type, true /* create */, NULL)); } } TEST_F(FileSystemPathManagerTest, GetRootPathFileURIWithAllowFlag) { scoped_ptr manager(NewPathManager( false, true /* allow_file_access_from_files */)); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kRootPathFileURITestCases); ++i) { SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "RootPathFileURI (allow) #" << i << " " << kRootPathFileURITestCases[i].expected_path); FilePath root_path; EXPECT_TRUE(GetRootPath(manager.get(), GURL(kRootPathFileURITestCases[i].origin_url), kRootPathFileURITestCases[i].type, true /* create */, &root_path)); if (kRootPathFileURITestCases[i].type != fileapi::kFileSystemTypeExternal) { FilePath expected = file_system_path().AppendASCII( kRootPathFileURITestCases[i].expected_path); EXPECT_EQ(expected.value(), root_path.value()); EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::DirectoryExists(root_path)); } else { EXPECT_EQ(external_file_path_root().value(), root_path.value()); } } } TEST_F(FileSystemPathManagerTest, IsRestrictedName) { scoped_ptr manager(NewPathManager(false, false)); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kIsRestrictedNameTestCases); ++i) { SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "IsRestrictedName #" << i << " " << kIsRestrictedNameTestCases[i].name); FilePath name(kIsRestrictedNameTestCases[i].name); EXPECT_EQ(kIsRestrictedNameTestCases[i].expected_dangerous, manager->IsRestrictedFileName(kFileSystemTypeTemporary, name)); } } } // namespace fileapi