// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "webkit/fileapi/file_system_util.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/platform/WebCString.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebSecurityOrigin.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/platform/WebString.h" #include "webkit/fileapi/file_system_types.h" namespace fileapi { const char kPersistentDir[] = "/persistent"; const char kTemporaryDir[] = "/temporary"; const char kIsolatedDir[] = "/isolated"; const char kExternalDir[] = "/external"; const char kTestDir[] = "/test"; // TODO(ericu): Consider removing support for '\', even on Windows, if possible. // There's a lot of test code that will need reworking, and we may have trouble // with FilePath elsewhere [e.g. DirName and other methods may also need // replacement]. FilePath VirtualPath::BaseName(const FilePath& virtual_path) { FilePath::StringType path = virtual_path.value(); // Keep everything after the final separator, but if the pathname is only // one character and it's a separator, leave it alone. while (path.size() > 1 && FilePath::IsSeparator(path[path.size() - 1])) path.resize(path.size() - 1); FilePath::StringType::size_type last_separator = path.find_last_of(FilePath::kSeparators); if (last_separator != FilePath::StringType::npos && last_separator < path.size() - 1) path.erase(0, last_separator + 1); return FilePath(path); } void VirtualPath::GetComponents( const FilePath& path, std::vector* components) { DCHECK(components); if (!components) return; components->clear(); if (path.value().empty()) return; std::vector ret_val; FilePath current = path; FilePath base; // Due to the way things are implemented, FilePath::DirName works here, // whereas FilePath::BaseName doesn't. while (current != current.DirName()) { base = BaseName(current); ret_val.push_back(base.value()); current = current.DirName(); } *components = std::vector(ret_val.rbegin(), ret_val.rend()); } GURL GetFileSystemRootURI(const GURL& origin_url, FileSystemType type) { // origin_url is based on a security origin, so http://foo.com or file:/// // instead of the corresponding filesystem URL. DCHECK(!origin_url.SchemeIsFileSystem()); std::string url = "filesystem:" + origin_url.GetWithEmptyPath().spec(); switch (type) { case kFileSystemTypeTemporary: url += (kTemporaryDir + 1); // We don't want the leading slash. return GURL(url + "/"); case kFileSystemTypePersistent: url += (kPersistentDir + 1); // We don't want the leading slash. return GURL(url + "/"); case kFileSystemTypeExternal: url += (kExternalDir + 1); // We don't want the leading slash. return GURL(url + "/"); case kFileSystemTypeIsolated: url += (kIsolatedDir + 1); // We don't want the leading slash. return GURL(url + "/"); case kFileSystemTypeTest: url += (kTestDir + 1); // We don't want the leading slash. return GURL(url + "/"); // Internal types are always pointed via isolated or external URLs. default: NOTREACHED(); } NOTREACHED(); return GURL(); } std::string GetFileSystemName(const GURL& origin_url, FileSystemType type) { std::string origin_identifier = GetOriginIdentifierFromURL(origin_url); std::string type_string = GetFileSystemTypeString(type); DCHECK(!type_string.empty()); return origin_identifier + ":" + type_string; } FileSystemType QuotaStorageTypeToFileSystemType( quota::StorageType storage_type) { switch (storage_type) { case quota::kStorageTypeTemporary: return kFileSystemTypeTemporary; case quota::kStorageTypePersistent: return kFileSystemTypePersistent; case quota::kStorageTypeSyncable: return kFileSystemTypeSyncable; case quota::kStorageTypeUnknown: return kFileSystemTypeUnknown; } return kFileSystemTypeUnknown; } quota::StorageType FileSystemTypeToQuotaStorageType(FileSystemType type) { switch (type) { case kFileSystemTypeTemporary: return quota::kStorageTypeTemporary; case kFileSystemTypePersistent: return quota::kStorageTypePersistent; case kFileSystemTypeSyncable: return quota::kStorageTypeSyncable; default: return quota::kStorageTypeUnknown; } } // TODO(kinuko): Merge these two methods (conversion methods between // origin url <==> identifier) with the ones in the database module. // http://crbug.com/116476 std::string GetOriginIdentifierFromURL(const GURL& url) { WebKit::WebSecurityOrigin web_security_origin = WebKit::WebSecurityOrigin::createFromString(UTF8ToUTF16(url.spec())); return web_security_origin.databaseIdentifier().utf8(); } GURL GetOriginURLFromIdentifier(const std::string& origin_identifier) { WebKit::WebSecurityOrigin web_security_origin = WebKit::WebSecurityOrigin::createFromDatabaseIdentifier( UTF8ToUTF16(origin_identifier)); // We need this work-around for file:/// URIs as // createFromDatabaseIdentifier returns null origin_url for them. if (web_security_origin.isUnique()) { if (origin_identifier.find("file__") == 0) return GURL("file:///"); return GURL(); } return GURL(web_security_origin.toString()); } std::string GetFileSystemTypeString(FileSystemType type) { switch (type) { case kFileSystemTypeTemporary: return "Temporary"; case kFileSystemTypePersistent: return "Persistent"; case kFileSystemTypeIsolated: return "Isolated"; case kFileSystemTypeExternal: return "External"; case kFileSystemTypeTest: return "Test"; case kFileSystemTypeNativeLocal: return "NativeLocal"; case kFileSystemTypeRestrictedNativeLocal: return "RestrictedNativeLocal"; case kFileSystemTypeDragged: return "Dragged"; case kFileSystemTypeNativeMedia: return "NativeMedia"; case kFileSystemTypeDeviceMedia: return "DeviceMedia"; case kFileSystemTypeDrive: return "Drive"; case kFileSystemTypeSyncable: return "Syncable"; case kFileSystemTypeUnknown: return "Unknown"; } NOTREACHED(); return std::string(); } std::string FilePathToString(const FilePath& file_path) { #if defined(OS_WIN) return UTF16ToUTF8(file_path.value()); #elif defined(OS_POSIX) return file_path.value(); #endif } FilePath StringToFilePath(const std::string& file_path_string) { #if defined(OS_WIN) return FilePath(UTF8ToUTF16(file_path_string)); #elif defined(OS_POSIX) return FilePath(file_path_string); #endif } WebKit::WebFileError PlatformFileErrorToWebFileError( base::PlatformFileError error_code) { switch (error_code) { case base::PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: return WebKit::WebFileErrorNotFound; case base::PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION: case base::PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_EXISTS: case base::PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_EMPTY: return WebKit::WebFileErrorInvalidModification; case base::PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_A_DIRECTORY: case base::PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_A_FILE: return WebKit::WebFileErrorTypeMismatch; case base::PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: return WebKit::WebFileErrorNoModificationAllowed; case base::PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_FAILED: return WebKit::WebFileErrorInvalidState; case base::PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_ABORT: return WebKit::WebFileErrorAbort; case base::PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_SECURITY: return WebKit::WebFileErrorSecurity; case base::PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NO_SPACE: return WebKit::WebFileErrorQuotaExceeded; default: return WebKit::WebFileErrorInvalidModification; } } std::string GetIsolatedFileSystemName(const GURL& origin_url, const std::string& filesystem_id) { std::string name(fileapi::GetFileSystemName(origin_url, fileapi::kFileSystemTypeIsolated)); name.append("_"); name.append(filesystem_id); return name; } bool CrackIsolatedFileSystemName(const std::string& filesystem_name, std::string* filesystem_id) { DCHECK(filesystem_id); // |filesystem_name| is of the form {origin}:isolated_{filesystem_id}. std::string start_token(":"); start_token = start_token.append( GetFileSystemTypeString(kFileSystemTypeIsolated)).append("_"); // WebKit uses different case in its constant for isolated file system // names, so we do a case insensitive compare by converting both strings // to uppercase. // TODO(benwells): Remove this when WebKit uses the same constant. start_token = StringToUpperASCII(start_token); std::string filesystem_name_upper = StringToUpperASCII(filesystem_name); size_t pos = filesystem_name_upper.find(start_token); if (pos == std::string::npos) return false; if (pos == 0) return false; *filesystem_id = filesystem_name.substr(pos + start_token.length(), std::string::npos); if (filesystem_id->empty()) return false; return true; } std::string GetIsolatedFileSystemRootURIString( const GURL& origin_url, const std::string& filesystem_id, const std::string& optional_root_name) { std::string root = GetFileSystemRootURI(origin_url, kFileSystemTypeIsolated).spec(); root.append(filesystem_id); root.append("/"); if (!optional_root_name.empty()) { DCHECK(!FilePath::FromUTF8Unsafe(optional_root_name).ReferencesParent()); root.append(optional_root_name); root.append("/"); } return root; } } // namespace fileapi