// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "config.h" #pragma warning(push, 0) #include "ContextMenu.h" #include "Document.h" #include "DocumentLoader.h" #include "Editor.h" #include "FrameLoader.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "HitTestResult.h" #include "KURL.h" #include "Widget.h" #pragma warning(pop) #undef LOG #include "webkit/glue/context_menu_client_impl.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "webkit/glue/context_node_types.h" #include "webkit/glue/glue_util.h" #include "webkit/glue/webdocumentloader_impl.h" #include "webkit/glue/webview_impl.h" #include "base/word_iterator.h" // Helper function to determine whether text is a single word or a sentence. static bool IsASingleWord(const std::wstring& text) { WordIterator iter(text, WordIterator::BREAK_WORD); int word_count = 0; if (!iter.Init()) return false; while (iter.Advance()) { if (iter.IsWord()) { word_count++; if (word_count > 1) // More than one word. return false; } } // Check for 0 words. if (!word_count) return false; // Has a single word. return true; } // Helper function to get misspelled word on which context menu // is to be evolked. This function also sets the word on which context menu // has been evoked to be the selected word, as required. static std::wstring GetMisspelledWord(WebCore::ContextMenu* default_menu, WebCore::Frame* selected_frame) { std::wstring misspelled_word_string; // First select from selectedText to check for multiple word selection. misspelled_word_string = CollapseWhitespace( webkit_glue::StringToStdWString(selected_frame->selectedText()), false); // Don't provide suggestions for multiple words. if (!misspelled_word_string.empty() && !IsASingleWord(misspelled_word_string)) return L""; // Expand around the click to see if we clicked a word. WebCore::Selection selection; WebCore::VisiblePosition pos(default_menu->hitTestResult().innerNode()-> renderer()->positionForPoint(default_menu->hitTestResult(). localPoint())); if (pos.isNotNull()) { selection = WebCore::Selection(pos); selection.expandUsingGranularity(WebCore::WordGranularity); } if (selection.isRange()) { selected_frame->setSelectionGranularity(WebCore::WordGranularity); } if (selected_frame->shouldChangeSelection(selection)) selected_frame->selectionController()->setSelection(selection); misspelled_word_string = CollapseWhitespace( webkit_glue::StringToStdWString(selected_frame->selectedText()), false); return misspelled_word_string; } ContextMenuClientImpl::~ContextMenuClientImpl() { } void ContextMenuClientImpl::contextMenuDestroyed() { delete this; } // Figure out the URL of a page or subframe. Returns |page_type| as the type, // which indicates page or subframe, or ContextNode::NONE if the URL could not // be determined for some reason. static ContextNode::Type GetTypeAndURLFromFrame(WebCore::Frame* frame, GURL* url, ContextNode::Type page_type) { ContextNode::Type type = ContextNode::NONE; if (frame) { WebCore::DocumentLoader* dl = frame->loader()->documentLoader(); if (dl) { WebDataSource* ds = static_cast<WebDocumentLoaderImpl*>(dl)-> GetDataSource(); if (ds) { type = page_type; *url = ds->HasUnreachableURL() ? ds->GetUnreachableURL() : ds->GetRequest().GetURL(); } } } return type; } WebCore::PlatformMenuDescription ContextMenuClientImpl::getCustomMenuFromDefaultItems( WebCore::ContextMenu* default_menu) { // Displaying the context menu in this function is a big hack as we don't // have context, i.e. whether this is being invoked via a script or in // response to user input (Mouse event WM_RBUTTONDOWN, // Keyboard events KeyVK_APPS, Shift+F10). Check if this is being invoked // in response to the above input events before popping up the context menu. if (!webview_->context_menu_allowed()) return NULL; WebCore::HitTestResult r = default_menu->hitTestResult(); WebCore::Frame* selected_frame = r.innerNonSharedNode()->document()->frame(); WebCore::IntPoint menu_point = selected_frame->view()->contentsToWindow(r.point()); ContextNode::Type type = ContextNode::NONE; // Links, Images and Image-Links take preference over all else. WebCore::KURL link_url = r.absoluteLinkURL(); std::wstring link_url_string; if (!link_url.isEmpty()) { type = ContextNode::LINK; } WebCore::KURL image_url = r.absoluteImageURL(); std::wstring image_url_string; if (!image_url.isEmpty()) { type = ContextNode::IMAGE; } if (!image_url.isEmpty() && !link_url.isEmpty()) type = ContextNode::IMAGE_LINK; // If it's not a link, an image or an image link, show a selection menu or a // more generic page menu. std::wstring selection_text_string; std::wstring misspelled_word_string; GURL frame_url; GURL page_url; std::string frame_encoding; // Send the frame and page URLs in any case. ContextNode::Type frame_type = ContextNode::NONE; ContextNode::Type page_type = GetTypeAndURLFromFrame(webview_->main_frame()->frame(), &page_url, ContextNode::PAGE); if (selected_frame != webview_->main_frame()->frame()) { frame_type = GetTypeAndURLFromFrame(selected_frame, &frame_url, ContextNode::FRAME); frame_encoding = WideToUTF8( webkit_glue::StringToStdWString(selected_frame->loader()->encoding())); } if (type == ContextNode::NONE) { if (r.isContentEditable()) { type = ContextNode::EDITABLE; if (webview_->FocusedFrameNeedsSpellchecking()) { misspelled_word_string = GetMisspelledWord(default_menu, selected_frame); } } else if (r.isSelected()) { type = ContextNode::SELECTION; selection_text_string = CollapseWhitespace( webkit_glue::StringToStdWString(selected_frame->selectedText()), false); } else if (selected_frame != webview_->main_frame()->frame()) { type = frame_type; } else { type = page_type; } } int edit_flags = ContextNode::CAN_DO_NONE; if (webview_->GetFocusedWebCoreFrame()->editor()->canUndo()) edit_flags |= ContextNode::CAN_UNDO; if (webview_->GetFocusedWebCoreFrame()->editor()->canRedo()) edit_flags |= ContextNode::CAN_REDO; if (webview_->GetFocusedWebCoreFrame()->editor()->canCut()) edit_flags |= ContextNode::CAN_CUT; if (webview_->GetFocusedWebCoreFrame()->editor()->canCopy()) edit_flags |= ContextNode::CAN_COPY; if (webview_->GetFocusedWebCoreFrame()->editor()->canPaste()) edit_flags |= ContextNode::CAN_PASTE; if (webview_->GetFocusedWebCoreFrame()->editor()->canDelete()) edit_flags |= ContextNode::CAN_DELETE; // We can always select all... edit_flags |= ContextNode::CAN_SELECT_ALL; WebViewDelegate* d = webview_->delegate(); if (d) { d->ShowContextMenu(webview_, type, menu_point.x(), menu_point.y(), webkit_glue::KURLToGURL(link_url), webkit_glue::KURLToGURL(image_url), page_url, frame_url, selection_text_string, misspelled_word_string, edit_flags, frame_encoding); } return NULL; } void ContextMenuClientImpl::contextMenuItemSelected( WebCore::ContextMenuItem*, const WebCore::ContextMenu*) { } void ContextMenuClientImpl::downloadURL(const WebCore::KURL&) { } void ContextMenuClientImpl::copyImageToClipboard(const WebCore::HitTestResult&) { } void ContextMenuClientImpl::searchWithGoogle(const WebCore::Frame*) { } void ContextMenuClientImpl::lookUpInDictionary(WebCore::Frame*) { } void ContextMenuClientImpl::speak(const WebCore::String&) { } void ContextMenuClientImpl::stopSpeaking() { } bool ContextMenuClientImpl::shouldIncludeInspectElementItem() { return false; // TODO(jackson): Eventually include the inspector context menu item }