// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /** * @fileoverview Tools is a main class that wires all components of the * DevTools frontend together. It is also responsible for overriding existing * WebInspector functionality while it is getting upstreamed into WebCore. */ goog.provide('devtools.Tools'); goog.require('devtools.DebuggerAgent'); goog.require('devtools.DomAgent'); goog.require('devtools.NetAgent'); devtools.ToolsAgent = function() { RemoteToolsAgent.DidEvaluateJavaScript = devtools.Callback.processCallback; RemoteToolsAgent.DidExecuteUtilityFunction = devtools.Callback.processCallback; RemoteToolsAgent.UpdateFocusedNode = goog.bind(this.updateFocusedNode, this); RemoteToolsAgent.FrameNavigate = goog.bind(this.frameNavigate, this); RemoteToolsAgent.AddMessageToConsole = goog.bind(this.addMessageToConsole, this); this.debuggerAgent_ = new devtools.DebuggerAgent(); this.domAgent_ = new devtools.DomAgent(); this.netAgent_ = new devtools.NetAgent(); }; /** * Resets tools agent to its initial state. */ devtools.ToolsAgent.prototype.reset = function() { this.domAgent_.reset(); this.netAgent_.reset(); this.debuggerAgent_.reset(); this.domAgent_.getDocumentElementAsync(); this.debuggerAgent_.requestScripts(); }; /** * @param {string} script Script exression to be evaluated in the context of the * inspected page. * @param {function(string):undefined} callback Function to call with the * result. */ devtools.ToolsAgent.prototype.evaluateJavaScript = function(script, callback) { var callbackId = devtools.Callback.wrap(callback); RemoteToolsAgent.EvaluateJavaScript(callbackId, script); }; /** * @return {devtools.DebuggerAgent} Debugger agent instance. */ devtools.ToolsAgent.prototype.getDebuggerAgent = function() { return this.debuggerAgent_; }; /** * DomAgent accessor. * @return {devtools.DomAgent} Dom agent instance. */ devtools.ToolsAgent.prototype.getDomAgent = function() { return this.domAgent_; }; /** * NetAgent accessor. * @return {devtools.NetAgent} Net agent instance. */ devtools.ToolsAgent.prototype.getNetAgent = function() { return this.netAgent_; }; /** * @see tools_agent.h */ devtools.ToolsAgent.prototype.updateFocusedNode = function(nodeId) { var node = this.domAgent_.getNodeForId(nodeId); WebInspector.updateFocusedNode(node); }; /** * @param {string} url Url frame navigated to. * @param {bool} topLevel True iff top level navigation occurred. * @see tools_agent.h */ devtools.ToolsAgent.prototype.frameNavigate = function(url, topLevel) { if (topLevel) { this.reset(); WebInspector.reset(); } }; /** * @param {Object} message Message object to add. * @see tools_agent.h */ devtools.ToolsAgent.prototype.addMessageToConsole = function(message) { var console = WebInspector.console; if (console) { console.addMessage(new WebInspector.ConsoleMessage( message.source, message.level, message.line, message.sourceId, undefined, 1, message.text)); } }; /** * Evaluates js expression. * @param {string} expr */ devtools.ToolsAgent.prototype.evaluate = function(expr) { RemoteToolsAgent.evaluate(expr); }; /** * Prints string to the inspector console or shows alert if the console doesn't * exist. * @param {string} text */ function debugPrint(text) { var console = WebInspector.console; if (console) { console.addMessage(new WebInspector.ConsoleMessage( '', undefined, 1, '', undefined, 1, text)); } else { alert(text); } } /** * Global instance of the tools agent. * @type {devtools.ToolsAgent} */ devtools.tools = null; var context = {}; // Used by WebCore's inspector routines. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Here and below are overrides to existing WebInspector methods only. // TODO(pfeldman): Patch WebCore and upstream changes. var oldLoaded = WebInspector.loaded; WebInspector.loaded = function() { devtools.tools = new devtools.ToolsAgent(); devtools.tools.reset(); Preferences.ignoreWhitespace = false; oldLoaded.call(this); DevToolsHost.loaded(); }; var webkitUpdateChildren = WebInspector.ElementsTreeElement.prototype.updateChildren; /** * @override */ WebInspector.ElementsTreeElement.prototype.updateChildren = function() { var self = this; devtools.tools.getDomAgent().getChildNodesAsync(this.representedObject, function() { webkitUpdateChildren.call(self); }); }; /** * @override */ WebInspector.ElementsPanel.prototype.performSearch = function(query) { this.searchCanceled(); devtools.tools.getDomAgent().performSearch(query, goog.bind(this.performSearchCallback_, this)); }; WebInspector.ElementsPanel.prototype.performSearchCallback_ = function(nodes) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) { var treeElement = this.treeOutline.findTreeElement(nodes[i]); if (treeElement) treeElement.highlighted = true; } if (nodes.length) { this.currentSearchResultIndex_ = 0; this.focusedDOMNode = nodes[0]; } this.searchResultCount_ = nodes.length; }; /** * @override */ WebInspector.ElementsPanel.prototype.searchCanceled = function() { this.currentSearchResultIndex_ = 0; this.searchResultCount_ = 0; devtools.tools.getDomAgent().searchCanceled( goog.bind(this.searchCanceledCallback_, this)); }; WebInspector.ElementsPanel.prototype.searchCanceledCallback_ = function(nodes) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var treeElement = this.treeOutline.findTreeElement(nodes[i]); if (treeElement) treeElement.highlighted = false; } }; /** * @override */ WebInspector.ElementsPanel.prototype.jumpToNextSearchResult = function() { if (!this.searchResultCount_) return; if (++this.currentSearchResultIndex_ >= this.searchResultCount_) this.currentSearchResultIndex_ = 0; this.focusedDOMNode = devtools.tools.getDomAgent(). getSearchResultNode(this.currentSearchResultIndex_); }; /** * @override */ WebInspector.ElementsPanel.prototype.jumpToPreviousSearchResult = function() { if (!this.searchResultCount_) return; if (--this.currentSearchResultIndex_ < 0) this.currentSearchResultIndex_ = this.searchResultCount_ - 1; this.focusedDOMNode = devtools.tools.getDomAgent(). getSearchResultNode(this.currentSearchResultIndex_); }; /** * @override */ WebInspector.Console.prototype._evalInInspectedWindow = function(expr) { return devtools.tools.evaluate(expr); }; /** * @override */ WebInspector.ElementsPanel.prototype.updateStyles = function(forceUpdate) { var stylesSidebarPane = this.sidebarPanes.styles; if (!stylesSidebarPane.expanded || !stylesSidebarPane.needsUpdate) return; var node = this.focusedDOMNode; if (node && node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && node.parentNode) node = node.parentNode; if (node && node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { var callback = function(stylesStr) { var styles = goog.json.parse(stylesStr); if (!styles.computedStyle) { return; } node.setStyles(styles.computedStyle, styles.inlineStyle, styles.styleAttributes, styles.matchedCSSRules); stylesSidebarPane.update(node, null, forceUpdate); stylesSidebarPane.needsUpdate = false; node.clearStyles(); }; devtools.tools.getDomAgent().getNodeStylesAsync( node, !Preferences.showUserAgentStyles, callback); } else { stylesSidebarPane.update(null, null, forceUpdate); stylesSidebarPane.needsUpdate = false; } }; /** * @override */ WebInspector.PropertiesSidebarPane.prototype.update = function(object) { var body = this.bodyElement; body.removeChildren(); this.sections = []; if (!object) { return; } var self = this; devtools.tools.getDomAgent().getNodePrototypesAsync(object.id_, function(json) { // Get array of prototype user-friendly names. var prototypes = goog.json.parse(json); for (var i = 0; i < prototypes.length; ++i) { var prototype = {}; prototype.id_ = object.id_; prototype.protoDepth_ = i; var section = new WebInspector.SidebarObjectPropertiesSection( prototype, prototypes[i]); self.sections.push(section); body.appendChild(section.element); } }); }; /** * Our implementation of ObjectPropertiesSection for Elements tab. * @constructor */ WebInspector.SidebarObjectPropertiesSection = function(object, title) { WebInspector.ObjectPropertiesSection.call(this, object, title, null /* subtitle */, null /* emptyPlaceholder */, null /* ignoreHasOwnProperty */, null /* extraProperties */, WebInspector.SidebarObjectPropertyTreeElement /* treeElementConstructor */ ); }; goog.inherits(WebInspector.SidebarObjectPropertiesSection, WebInspector.ObjectPropertiesSection); /** * @override */ WebInspector.SidebarObjectPropertiesSection.prototype.onpopulate = function() { var nodeId = this.object.id_; var protoDepth = this.object.protoDepth_; var path = []; devtools.tools.getDomAgent().getNodePropertiesAsync(nodeId, path, protoDepth, goog.partial(WebInspector.didGetNodePropertiesAsync_, this.propertiesTreeOutline, this.treeElementConstructor, nodeId, path)); }; /** * Our implementation of ObjectPropertyTreeElement for Elements tab. * @constructor */ WebInspector.SidebarObjectPropertyTreeElement = function(parentObject, propertyName) { WebInspector.ObjectPropertyTreeElement.call(this, parentObject, propertyName); }; goog.inherits(WebInspector.SidebarObjectPropertyTreeElement, WebInspector.ObjectPropertyTreeElement); /** * @override */ WebInspector.SidebarObjectPropertyTreeElement.prototype.onpopulate = function() { var nodeId = this.parentObject.devtools$$nodeId_; var path = this.parentObject.devtools$$path_.slice(0); path.push(this.propertyName); devtools.tools.getDomAgent().getNodePropertiesAsync(nodeId, path, -1, goog.partial( WebInspector.didGetNodePropertiesAsync_, this, this.treeOutline.section.treeElementConstructor, nodeId, path)); }; /** * This override is necessary for starting highlighting after the resource * was added into the frame. * @override */ WebInspector.SourceView.prototype.setupSourceFrameIfNeeded = function() { if (!this._frameNeedsSetup) { return; } this.attach(); var self = this; var identifier = this.resource.identifier; var element = this.sourceFrame.element; var netAgent = devtools.tools.getNetAgent(); netAgent.getResourceContentAsync(identifier, function(source) { var resource = netAgent.getResource(identifier); if (InspectorController.addSourceToFrame(resource.mimeType, source, element)) { delete self._frameNeedsSetup; if (resource.type === WebInspector.Resource.Type.Script) { self.sourceFrame.addEventListener('syntax highlighting complete', self._syntaxHighlightingComplete, self); self.sourceFrame.syntaxHighlightJavascript(); } else { self._sourceFrameSetupFinished(); } } }); return true; }; /** * Dummy object used during properties inspection. * @see WebInspector.didGetNodePropertiesAsync_ */ WebInspector.dummyObject_ = { 'foo' : 'bar' }; /** * Dummy function used during properties inspection. * @see WebInspector.didGetNodePropertiesAsync_ */ WebInspector.dummyFunction_ = function() {}; /** * Callback function used with the getNodeProperties. */ WebInspector.didGetNodePropertiesAsync_ = function(treeOutline, constructor, nodeId, path, json) { var props = goog.json.parse(json); var properties = []; var obj = {}; obj.devtools$$nodeId_ = nodeId; obj.devtools$$path_ = path; for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i += 3) { var type = props[i]; var name = props[i + 1]; var value = props[i + 2]; properties.push(name); if (type == 'object') { // fake object is going to be replaced on expand. obj[name] = WebInspector.dummyObject_; } else if (type == 'function') { // fake function is going to be replaced on expand. obj[name] = WebInspector.dummyFunction_; } else { obj[name] = value; } } properties.sort(); treeOutline.removeChildren(); for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; ++i) { var propertyName = properties[i]; treeOutline.appendChild(new constructor(obj, propertyName)); } }; /** * Replace WebKit method with our own implementation to use our call stack * representation. Original method uses Object.prototype.toString.call to * learn if scope object is a JSActivation which doesn't work in Chrome. */ WebInspector.ScopeChainSidebarPane.prototype.update = function(callFrame) { this.bodyElement.removeChildren(); this.sections = []; this.callFrame = callFrame; if (!callFrame) { var infoElement = document.createElement('div'); infoElement.className = 'info'; infoElement.textContent = WebInspector.UIString('Not Paused'); this.bodyElement.appendChild(infoElement); return; } if (!callFrame._expandedProperties) { callFrame._expandedProperties = {}; } var scopeObject = callFrame.localScope; var title = WebInspector.UIString('Local'); var subtitle = Object.describe(scopeObject, true); var emptyPlaceholder = null; var extraProperties = null; var section = new WebInspector.ObjectPropertiesSection(scopeObject, title, subtitle, emptyPlaceholder, true, extraProperties, WebInspector.ScopeChainSidebarPane.TreeElement); section.editInSelectedCallFrameWhenPaused = true; section.pane = this; section.expanded = true; this.sections.push(section); this.bodyElement.appendChild(section.element); }; /** * Custom implementation of TreeElement that asynchronously resolves children * using the debugger agent. * @constructor */ WebInspector.ScopeChainSidebarPane.TreeElement = function(parentObject, propertyName) { WebInspector.ScopeVariableTreeElement.call(this, parentObject, propertyName); } WebInspector.ScopeChainSidebarPane.TreeElement.inherits( WebInspector.ScopeVariableTreeElement); /** * @override */ WebInspector.ScopeChainSidebarPane.TreeElement.prototype.onpopulate = function() { var obj = this.parentObject[this.propertyName].value; devtools.tools.getDebuggerAgent().resolveChildren(obj, goog.bind(this.didResolveChildren_, this)); }; /** * Callback function used with the resolveChildren. */ WebInspector.ScopeChainSidebarPane.TreeElement.prototype.didResolveChildren_ = function(object) { this.removeChildren(); var constructor = this.treeOutline.section.treeElementConstructor; for (var name in object) { this.appendChild(new constructor(object, name)); } }; /** * @override */ WebInspector.StylePropertyTreeElement.prototype.toggleEnabled = function(event) { var enabled = event.target.checked; devtools.tools.getDomAgent().toggleNodeStyleAsync( this.style, enabled, this.name, function() { WebInspector.panels.elements.sidebarPanes.styles.needsUpdate = true; WebInspector.panels.elements.updateStyles(true); }); }; /** * @override */ WebInspector.StylePropertyTreeElement.prototype.applyStyleText = function( styleText, updateInterface) { devtools.tools.getDomAgent().applyStyleTextAsync(this.style, this.name, styleText, function() { if (updateInterface) { WebInspector.panels.elements.sidebarPanes.styles.needsUpdate = true; WebInspector.panels.elements.updateStyles(true); } }); }; /** * This function overrides standard searchableViews getters to perform search * only in the current view (other views are loaded asynchronously, no way to * search them yet). */ WebInspector.searchableViews_ = function() { var views = []; const visibleView = this.visibleView; if (visibleView && visibleView.performSearch) { views.push(visibleView); } return views; }; /** * @override */ WebInspector.ResourcesPanel.prototype.__defineGetter__( 'searchableViews', WebInspector.searchableViews_); /** * @override */ WebInspector.ScriptsPanel.prototype.__defineGetter__( 'searchableViews', WebInspector.searchableViews_); /** * @override */ WebInspector.Console.prototype._evalInInspectedWindow = function(expression) { if (WebInspector.panels.scripts.paused) return WebInspector.panels.scripts.evaluateInSelectedCallFrame(expression); var console = this; devtools.tools.evaluateJavaScript(expression, function(response) { // TODO(yurys): send exception information along with the response var exception = false; console.addMessage(new WebInspector.ConsoleCommandResult( response, exception, null /* commandMessage */)); }); // TODO(yurys): refactor WebInspector.Console so that the result is added into // the command log message. return 'evaluating...'; };