// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /** * @fileoverview Profiler processor is used to process log file produced * by V8 and produce an internal profile representation which is used * for building profile views in 'Profiles' tab. */ goog.provide('devtools.profiler.Processor'); /** * Creates a Profile View builder object compatible with WebKit Profiler UI. * * @param {number} samplingRate Number of ms between profiler ticks. * @constructor */ devtools.profiler.WebKitViewBuilder = function(samplingRate) { devtools.profiler.ViewBuilder.call(this, samplingRate); }; goog.inherits(devtools.profiler.WebKitViewBuilder, devtools.profiler.ViewBuilder); /** * @override */ devtools.profiler.WebKitViewBuilder.prototype.createViewNode = function( funcName, totalTime, selfTime, head) { return new devtools.profiler.WebKitViewNode( funcName, totalTime, selfTime, head); }; /** * Constructs a Profile View node object for displaying in WebKit Profiler UI. * * @param {string} internalFuncName A fully qualified function name. * @param {number} totalTime Amount of time that application spent in the * corresponding function and its descendants (not that depending on * profile they can be either callees or callers.) * @param {number} selfTime Amount of time that application spent in the * corresponding function only. * @param {devtools.profiler.ProfileView.Node} head Profile view head. * @constructor */ devtools.profiler.WebKitViewNode = function( internalFuncName, totalTime, selfTime, head) { devtools.profiler.ProfileView.Node.call(this, internalFuncName, totalTime, selfTime, head); this.initFuncInfo_(); this.callUID = internalFuncName; }; goog.inherits(devtools.profiler.WebKitViewNode, devtools.profiler.ProfileView.Node); /** * RegEx for stripping V8's prefixes of compiled functions. */ devtools.profiler.WebKitViewNode.FUNC_NAME_STRIP_RE = /^(?:LazyCompile|Function): (.*)$/; /** * RegEx for extracting script source URL and line number. */ devtools.profiler.WebKitViewNode.FUNC_NAME_PARSE_RE = /^([^ ]+) (.*):(\d+)( \{\d+\})?$/; /** * Inits 'functionName', 'url', and 'lineNumber' fields using 'internalFuncName' * field. * @private */ devtools.profiler.WebKitViewNode.prototype.initFuncInfo_ = function() { var nodeAlias = devtools.profiler.WebKitViewNode; this.functionName = this.internalFuncName; var strippedName = nodeAlias.FUNC_NAME_STRIP_RE.exec(this.functionName); if (strippedName) { this.functionName = strippedName[1]; } var parsedName = nodeAlias.FUNC_NAME_PARSE_RE.exec(this.functionName); if (parsedName) { this.functionName = parsedName[1]; if (parsedName[4]) { this.functionName += parsedName[4]; } this.url = parsedName[2]; this.lineNumber = parsedName[3]; } else { this.url = ''; this.lineNumber = 0; } }; /** * Ancestor of a profile object that leaves out only JS-related functions. * @constructor */ devtools.profiler.JsProfile = function() { devtools.profiler.Profile.call(this); }; goog.inherits(devtools.profiler.JsProfile, devtools.profiler.Profile); /** * RegExp that leaves only JS functions. * @type {RegExp} */ devtools.profiler.JsProfile.JS_FUNC_RE = /^(LazyCompile|Function|Script):/; /** * RegExp that filters out native code (ending with "native src.js:xxx"). * @type {RegExp} */ devtools.profiler.JsProfile.JS_NATIVE_FUNC_RE = /\ native\ \w+\.js:\d+$/; /** * RegExp that filters out native scripts. * @type {RegExp} */ devtools.profiler.JsProfile.JS_NATIVE_SCRIPT_RE = /^Script:\ native/; /** * @override */ devtools.profiler.JsProfile.prototype.skipThisFunction = function(name) { return !devtools.profiler.JsProfile.JS_FUNC_RE.test(name) || // To profile V8's natives comment out two lines below and '||' above. devtools.profiler.JsProfile.JS_NATIVE_FUNC_RE.test(name) || devtools.profiler.JsProfile.JS_NATIVE_SCRIPT_RE.test(name); }; /** * Profiler processor. Consumes profiler log and builds profile views. * * @param {function(devtools.profiler.ProfileView)} newProfileCallback Callback * that receives a new processed profile. * @constructor */ devtools.profiler.Processor = function() { devtools.profiler.LogReader.call(this, { 'code-creation': { parsers: [null, this.createAddressParser('code'), parseInt, null], processor: this.processCodeCreation_, backrefs: true, needsProfile: true }, 'code-move': { parsers: [this.createAddressParser('code'), this.createAddressParser('code-move-to')], processor: this.processCodeMove_, backrefs: true, needsProfile: true }, 'code-delete': { parsers: [this.createAddressParser('code')], processor: this.processCodeDelete_, backrefs: true, needsProfile: true }, 'tick': { parsers: [this.createAddressParser('code'), this.createAddressParser('stack'), parseInt, 'var-args'], processor: this.processTick_, backrefs: true, needProfile: true }, 'profiler': { parsers: [null, 'var-args'], processor: this.processProfiler_, needsProfile: false }, 'heap-sample-begin': { parsers: [null, null, parseInt], processor: this.processHeapSampleBegin_ }, 'heap-sample-stats': { parsers: [null, null, parseInt, parseInt], processor: this.processHeapSampleStats_ }, 'heap-sample-item': { parsers: [null, parseInt, parseInt], processor: this.processHeapSampleItem_ }, 'heap-js-cons-item': { parsers: [null, parseInt, parseInt], processor: this.processHeapJsConsItem_ }, 'heap-js-ret-item': { parsers: [null, 'var-args'], processor: this.processHeapJsRetItem_ }, 'heap-sample-end': { parsers: [null, null], processor: this.processHeapSampleEnd_ }, // Not used in DevTools Profiler. 'shared-library': null, // Obsolete row types. 'code-allocate': null, 'begin-code-region': null, 'end-code-region': null}); /** * Callback that is called when a new profile is encountered in the log. * @type {function()} */ this.startedProfileProcessing_ = null; /** * Callback that is called periodically to display processing status. * @type {function()} */ this.profileProcessingStatus_ = null; /** * Callback that is called when a profile has been processed and is ready * to be shown. * @type {function(devtools.profiler.ProfileView)} */ this.finishedProfileProcessing_ = null; /** * The current profile. * @type {devtools.profiler.JsProfile} */ this.currentProfile_ = null; /** * Builder of profile views. Created during "profiler,begin" event processing. * @type {devtools.profiler.WebKitViewBuilder} */ this.viewBuilder_ = null; /** * Next profile id. * @type {number} */ this.profileId_ = 1; /** * Counter for processed ticks. * @type {number} */ this.ticksCount_ = 0; /** * Interval id for updating processing status. * @type {number} */ this.processingInterval_ = null; /** * The current heap snapshot. * @type {string} */ this.currentHeapSnapshot_ = null; /** * Next heap snapshot id. * @type {number} */ this.heapSnapshotId_ = 1; }; goog.inherits(devtools.profiler.Processor, devtools.profiler.LogReader); /** * @override */ devtools.profiler.Processor.prototype.printError = function(str) { debugPrint(str); }; /** * @override */ devtools.profiler.Processor.prototype.skipDispatch = function(dispatch) { return dispatch.needsProfile && this.currentProfile_ == null; }; /** * Sets profile processing callbacks. * * @param {function()} started Started processing callback. * @param {function(devtools.profiler.ProfileView)} finished Finished * processing callback. */ devtools.profiler.Processor.prototype.setCallbacks = function( started, processing, finished) { this.startedProfileProcessing_ = started; this.profileProcessingStatus_ = processing; this.finishedProfileProcessing_ = finished; }; /** * An address for the fake "(program)" entry. WebKit's visualisation * has assumptions on how the top of the call tree should look like, * and we need to add a fake entry as the topmost function. This * address is chosen because it's the end address of the first memory * page, which is never used for code or data, but only as a guard * page for catching AV errors. * * @type {number} */ devtools.profiler.Processor.PROGRAM_ENTRY = 0xffff; /** * @type {string} */ devtools.profiler.Processor.PROGRAM_ENTRY_STR = '0xffff'; /** * Sets new profile callback. * @param {function(devtools.profiler.ProfileView)} callback Callback function. */ devtools.profiler.Processor.prototype.setNewProfileCallback = function( callback) { this.newProfileCallback_ = callback; }; devtools.profiler.Processor.prototype.processProfiler_ = function( state, params) { switch (state) { case 'resume': if (this.currentProfile_ == null) { this.currentProfile_ = new devtools.profiler.JsProfile(); // see the comment for devtools.profiler.Processor.PROGRAM_ENTRY this.currentProfile_.addCode( 'Function', '(program)', devtools.profiler.Processor.PROGRAM_ENTRY, 1); if (this.startedProfileProcessing_) { this.startedProfileProcessing_(); } this.ticksCount_ = 0; var self = this; if (this.profileProcessingStatus_) { this.processingInterval_ = window.setInterval( function() { self.profileProcessingStatus_(self.ticksCount_); }, 1000); } } break; case 'pause': if (this.currentProfile_ != null) { window.clearInterval(this.processingInterval_); this.processingInterval_ = null; if (this.finishedProfileProcessing_) { this.finishedProfileProcessing_(this.createProfileForView()); } this.currentProfile_ = null; } break; case 'begin': var samplingRate = NaN; if (params.length > 0) { samplingRate = parseInt(params[0]); } if (isNaN(samplingRate)) { samplingRate = 1; } this.viewBuilder_ = new devtools.profiler.WebKitViewBuilder(samplingRate); break; // These events are valid but aren't used. case 'compression': case 'end': break; default: throw new Error('unknown profiler state: ' + state); } }; devtools.profiler.Processor.prototype.processCodeCreation_ = function( type, start, size, name) { this.currentProfile_.addCode(this.expandAlias(type), name, start, size); }; devtools.profiler.Processor.prototype.processCodeMove_ = function(from, to) { this.currentProfile_.moveCode(from, to); }; devtools.profiler.Processor.prototype.processCodeDelete_ = function(start) { this.currentProfile_.deleteCode(start); }; devtools.profiler.Processor.prototype.processTick_ = function( pc, sp, vmState, stack) { // see the comment for devtools.profiler.Processor.PROGRAM_ENTRY stack.push(devtools.profiler.Processor.PROGRAM_ENTRY_STR); this.currentProfile_.recordTick(this.processStack(pc, stack)); this.ticksCount_++; }; devtools.profiler.Processor.prototype.processHeapSampleBegin_ = function( space, state, ticks) { if (space != 'Heap') return; this.currentHeapSnapshot_ = { number: this.heapSnapshotId_++, entries: {}, clusters: {}, lowlevels: {}, ticks: ticks }; }; devtools.profiler.Processor.prototype.processHeapSampleStats_ = function( space, state, capacity, used) { if (space != 'Heap') return; this.currentHeapSnapshot_.capacity = capacity; this.currentHeapSnapshot_.used = used; }; devtools.profiler.Processor.prototype.processHeapSampleItem_ = function( item, number, size) { if (!this.currentHeapSnapshot_) return; this.currentHeapSnapshot_.lowlevels[item] = { type: item, count: number, size: size }; }; devtools.profiler.Processor.prototype.processHeapJsConsItem_ = function( item, number, size) { if (!this.currentHeapSnapshot_) return; this.currentHeapSnapshot_.entries[item] = { cons: item, count: number, size: size, retainers: {} }; }; devtools.profiler.Processor.prototype.processHeapJsRetItem_ = function( item, retainersArray) { if (!this.currentHeapSnapshot_) return; var rawRetainers = {}; for (var i = 0, n = retainersArray.length; i < n; ++i) { var entry = retainersArray[i].split(';'); rawRetainers[entry[0]] = parseInt(entry[1], 10); } function mergeRetainers(entry) { for (var rawRetainer in rawRetainers) { var consName = rawRetainer.indexOf(':') != -1 ? rawRetainer.split(':')[0] : rawRetainer; if (!(consName in entry.retainers)) entry.retainers[consName] = { cons: consName, count: 0, clusters: {} }; var retainer = entry.retainers[consName]; retainer.count += rawRetainers[rawRetainer]; if (consName != rawRetainer) retainer.clusters[rawRetainer] = true; } } if (item.indexOf(':') != -1) { // Array, Function, or Object instances cluster case. if (!(item in this.currentHeapSnapshot_.clusters)) { this.currentHeapSnapshot_.clusters[item] = { cons: item, retainers: {} }; } mergeRetainers(this.currentHeapSnapshot_.clusters[item]); item = item.split(':')[0]; } mergeRetainers(this.currentHeapSnapshot_.entries[item]); }; devtools.profiler.Processor.prototype.processHeapSampleEnd_ = function( space, state) { if (space != 'Heap') return; var snapshot = this.currentHeapSnapshot_; this.currentHeapSnapshot_ = null; // For some reason, 'used' from 'heap-sample-stats' sometimes differ from // the sum of objects sizes. To avoid discrepancy, we re-calculate 'used'. snapshot.used = 0; for (var item in snapshot.lowlevels) { snapshot.used += snapshot.lowlevels[item].size; } WebInspector.panels.profiles.addSnapshot(snapshot); }; /** * Creates a profile for further displaying in ProfileView. */ devtools.profiler.Processor.prototype.createProfileForView = function() { var profile = this.viewBuilder_.buildView( this.currentProfile_.getTopDownProfile()); profile.uid = this.profileId_++; profile.title = UserInitiatedProfileName + '.' + profile.uid; return profile; };