// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "InspectorClient.h"
#include "base/ref_counted.h"

class WebNodeHighlight;
class WebView;

class WebInspectorClient : public WebCore::InspectorClient {

  // InspectorClient
  virtual void inspectorDestroyed();

  virtual WebCore::Page* createPage();
  virtual WebCore::String localizedStringsURL();
  virtual void showWindow();
  virtual void closeWindow();
  virtual bool windowVisible();

  virtual void attachWindow();
  virtual void detachWindow();

  virtual void setAttachedWindowHeight(unsigned height);

  virtual void highlight(WebCore::Node*);
  virtual void hideHighlight();

  virtual void inspectedURLChanged(const WebCore::String& newURL);

  virtual void populateSetting(
      const WebCore::String& key, WebCore::InspectorController::Setting&);
  virtual void storeSetting(
      const WebCore::String& key, const WebCore::InspectorController::Setting&);
  virtual void removeSetting(const WebCore::String& key);


  // The WebView of the page being inspected; gets passed to the constructor
  scoped_refptr<WebView> inspected_web_view_;

  // The WebView of the Inspector popup window
  WebView* inspector_web_view_;