// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include #include "webkit/glue/plugins/plugin_list.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/registry.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/string_piece.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "webkit/activex_shim/activex_shared.h" #include "webkit/glue/webkit_glue.h" #include "webkit/glue/webplugin.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/plugin_lib.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" using base::TimeDelta; using base::TimeTicks; namespace NPAPI { scoped_refptr PluginList::singleton_; static const TCHAR kRegistryApps[] = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths"); static const TCHAR kRegistryFirefox[] = _T("firefox.exe"); static const TCHAR kRegistryAcrobat[] = _T("Acrobat.exe"); static const TCHAR kRegistryAcrobatReader[] = _T("AcroRd32.exe"); static const TCHAR kRegistryWindowsMedia[] = _T("wmplayer.exe"); static const TCHAR kRegistryQuickTime[] = _T("QuickTimePlayer.exe"); static const TCHAR kRegistryPath[] = _T("Path"); static const TCHAR kRegistryMozillaPlugins[] = _T("SOFTWARE\\MozillaPlugins"); static const TCHAR kRegistryFirefoxInstalled[] = _T("SOFTWARE\\Mozilla\\Mozilla Firefox"); static const TCHAR kMozillaActiveXPlugin[] = _T("npmozax.dll"); static const TCHAR kNewWMPPlugin[] = _T("np-mswmp.dll"); static const TCHAR kOldWMPPlugin[] = _T("npdsplay.dll"); static const TCHAR kYahooApplicationStatePlugin[] = _T("npystate.dll"); static const TCHAR kRegistryJava[] = _T("Software\\JavaSoft\\Java Runtime Environment"); static const TCHAR kRegistryBrowserJavaVersion[] = _T("BrowserJavaVersion"); static const TCHAR kRegistryCurrentJavaVersion[] = _T("CurrentVersion"); static const TCHAR kRegistryJavaHome[] = _T("JavaHome"); // Extra registry paths to search. static std::vector* extra_plugin_paths_ = NULL; PluginList* PluginList::Singleton() { if (singleton_.get() == NULL) { singleton_ = new PluginList(); singleton_->LoadPlugins(false); } return singleton_; } void PluginList::AddExtraPluginPath(const std::wstring& plugin_path) { DCHECK(!singleton_.get() || !singleton_->plugins_loaded_); if (!extra_plugin_paths_) extra_plugin_paths_ = new std::vector; extra_plugin_paths_->push_back(plugin_path); } PluginList::PluginList() : plugins_loaded_(false) { CommandLine command_line; dont_load_new_wmp_ = command_line.HasSwitch(kUseOldWMPPluginSwitch); use_internal_activex_shim_ = !command_line.HasSwitch(kNoNativeActiveXShimSwitch); } PluginList::~PluginList() { plugins_.clear(); } void PluginList::LoadPlugins(bool refresh) { if (plugins_loaded_ && !refresh) return; plugins_.clear(); plugins_loaded_ = true; TimeTicks start_time = TimeTicks::Now(); LoadInternalPlugins(); // Load any plugins listed in the registry if (extra_plugin_paths_) { for (size_t i = 0; i < extra_plugin_paths_->size(); ++i) { LoadPlugin((*extra_plugin_paths_)[i]); } } // Load from the application-specific area LoadPlugins(GetPluginAppDirectory()); // Load from the executable area LoadPlugins(GetPluginExeDirectory()); // Load Java LoadJavaPlugin(); // Load firefox plugins too. This is mainly to try to locate // a pre-installed Flash player. LoadFirefoxPlugins(); // Firefox hard-codes the paths of some popular plugins to ensure that // the plugins are found. We are going to copy this as well. LoadAcrobatPlugins(); LoadQuicktimePlugins(); LoadWindowsMediaPlugins(); if (webkit_glue::IsDefaultPluginEnabled()) { scoped_refptr default_plugin = PluginLib::CreatePluginLib( kDefaultPluginDllName); plugins_.push_back(default_plugin); } TimeTicks end_time = TimeTicks::Now(); TimeDelta elapsed = end_time - start_time; DLOG(INFO) << "Loaded plugin list in " << elapsed.InMilliseconds() << " ms."; } void PluginList::LoadPlugins(const std::wstring &path) { WIN32_FIND_DATA find_file_data; HANDLE find_handle; std::wstring dir = path; // FindFirstFile requires that you specify a wildcard for directories. dir.append(L"\\NP*.DLL"); find_handle = FindFirstFile(dir.c_str(), &find_file_data); if (find_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; do { if (!(find_file_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { std::wstring filename = path; filename.append(L"\\"); filename.append(find_file_data.cFileName); LoadPlugin(filename); } } while (FindNextFile(find_handle, &find_file_data) != 0); DCHECK(GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES); FindClose(find_handle); } void PluginList::LoadPlugin(const std::wstring &path) { std::wstring path_lc = StringToLowerASCII(path); if (!ShouldLoadPlugin(file_util::GetFilenameFromPath(path_lc))) return; scoped_refptr new_plugin = PluginLib::CreatePluginLib(path_lc); if (!new_plugin.get()) return; const WebPluginInfo& plugin_info = new_plugin->plugin_info(); for (size_t i = 0; i < plugin_info.mime_types.size(); ++i) { // TODO: don't load global handlers for now. // WebKit hands to the Plugin before it tries // to handle mimeTypes on its own. const std::string &mime_type = plugin_info.mime_types[i].mime_type; if (mime_type == "*" ) { #ifndef NDEBUG // Make an exception for NPSPY. if (plugin_info.file.find(L"npspy.dll") != std::wstring::npos) { // Put it at the beginning so it's used before the real plugin. plugins_.insert(plugins_.begin(), new_plugin.get()); } #endif continue; } if (!SupportsType(mime_type)) plugins_.push_back(new_plugin); } } bool PluginList::ShouldLoadPlugin(const std::wstring& filename) { // Depends on XPCOM. if (filename == kMozillaActiveXPlugin) return false; // Disable the yahoo application state plugin as it crashes the plugin // process on return from NPObjectStub::OnInvoke. Please refer to // http://b/issue?id=1372124 for more information. if (filename == kYahooApplicationStatePlugin) return false; // We will use activex shim to handle embeded wmp media. if (use_internal_activex_shim_) { if (filename == kNewWMPPlugin || filename == kOldWMPPlugin) return false; } else { // If both the new and old WMP plugins exist, only load the new one. if (filename == kNewWMPPlugin) { if (dont_load_new_wmp_) return false; int old_plugin = FindPluginFile(kOldWMPPlugin); if (old_plugin != -1) plugins_.erase(plugins_.begin() + old_plugin); } else if (filename == kOldWMPPlugin) { if (FindPluginFile(kNewWMPPlugin) != -1) return false; } } return true; } void PluginList::LoadInternalPlugins() { if (use_internal_activex_shim_) { scoped_refptr new_plugin = PluginLib::CreatePluginLib( kActiveXShimFileName); plugins_.push_back(new_plugin); new_plugin = PluginLib::CreatePluginLib( kActivexShimFileNameForMediaPlayer); plugins_.push_back(new_plugin); } } int PluginList::FindPluginFile(const std::wstring& filename) { for (size_t i = 0; i < plugins_.size(); ++i) { if (file_util::GetFilenameFromPath(plugins_[i]->plugin_info().file) == filename) { return static_cast(i); } } return -1; } PluginLib* PluginList::FindPlugin(const std::string& mime_type, const std::string& clsid, bool allow_wildcard) { DCHECK(mime_type == StringToLowerASCII(mime_type)); for (size_t idx = 0; idx < plugins_.size(); ++idx) { if (plugins_[idx]->SupportsType(mime_type, allow_wildcard)) { if (!clsid.empty() && plugins_[idx]->plugin_info().file == kActiveXShimFileName) { // Special handling for ActiveX shim. If ActiveX is not installed, we // should use the default plugin to show the installation UI. if (!activex_shim::IsActiveXInstalled(clsid)) continue; } return plugins_[idx]; } } return NULL; } PluginLib* PluginList::FindPlugin(const GURL &url, std::string* actual_mime_type) { std::wstring path = base::SysNativeMBToWide(url.path()); std::wstring extension_wide = file_util::GetFileExtensionFromPath(path); if (extension_wide.empty()) return NULL;; std::string extension = StringToLowerASCII(base::SysWideToNativeMB(extension_wide)); for (size_t idx = 0; idx < plugins_.size(); ++idx) { if (SupportsExtension(plugins_[idx]->plugin_info(), extension, actual_mime_type)) { return plugins_[idx]; } } return NULL; } bool PluginList::SupportsType(const std::string &mime_type) { DCHECK(mime_type == StringToLowerASCII(mime_type)); bool allow_wildcard = true; return (FindPlugin(mime_type, "", allow_wildcard ) != 0); } bool PluginList::SupportsExtension(const WebPluginInfo& info, const std::string &extension, std::string* actual_mime_type) { for (size_t i = 0; i < info.mime_types.size(); ++i) { const WebPluginMimeType& mime_type = info.mime_types[i]; for (size_t j = 0; j < mime_type.file_extensions.size(); ++j) { if (mime_type.file_extensions[j] == extension) { if (actual_mime_type) *actual_mime_type = mime_type.mime_type; return true; } } } return false; } bool PluginList::GetPlugins(bool refresh, std::vector* plugins) { if (refresh) LoadPlugins(true); plugins->resize(plugins_.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < plugins->size(); ++i) (*plugins)[i] = plugins_[i]->plugin_info(); return true; } bool PluginList::GetPluginInfo(const GURL& url, const std::string& mime_type, const std::string& clsid, bool allow_wildcard, WebPluginInfo* info, std::string* actual_mime_type) { scoped_refptr plugin = FindPlugin(mime_type, clsid, allow_wildcard); if (plugin.get() == NULL || (plugin->plugin_info().file == kDefaultPluginDllName && clsid.empty())) { scoped_refptr default_plugin = plugin; plugin = FindPlugin(url, actual_mime_type); // url matches may not return the default plugin if no match is found. if (plugin.get() == NULL && default_plugin.get() != NULL) plugin = default_plugin; } if (plugin.get() == NULL) return false; *info = plugin->plugin_info(); return true; } bool PluginList::GetPluginInfoByDllPath(const std::wstring& dll_path, WebPluginInfo* info) { for (size_t i = 0; i < plugins_.size(); ++i) { if (wcsicmp(plugins_[i]->plugin_info().file.c_str(), dll_path.c_str()) == 0) { *info = plugins_[i]->plugin_info(); return true; } } return false; } void PluginList::Shutdown() { // TODO } std::wstring PluginList::GetPluginAppDirectory() { std::wstring app_path; if (webkit_glue::GetApplicationDirectory(&app_path)) app_path.append(L"\\plugins"); return app_path; } std::wstring PluginList::GetPluginExeDirectory() { std::wstring exe_path; if (webkit_glue::GetExeDirectory(&exe_path)) exe_path.append(L"\\plugins"); return exe_path; } // Gets the installed path for a registered app. static bool GetInstalledPath(const TCHAR* app, std::wstring* out) { std::wstring reg_path(kRegistryApps); reg_path.append(L"\\"); reg_path.append(app); RegKey key(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, reg_path.c_str()); return key.ReadValue(kRegistryPath, out); } // Enumerate through the registry key to find all installed FireFox paths. // FireFox 3 beta and version 2 can coexist. See bug: 1025003 static void GetFirefoxInstalledPaths(std::vector* out) { RegistryKeyIterator it(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, kRegistryFirefoxInstalled); for (; it.Valid(); ++it) { std::wstring full_path = std::wstring(kRegistryFirefoxInstalled) + L"\\" + it.Name() + L"\\Main"; RegKey key(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, full_path.c_str(), KEY_READ); std::wstring install_dir; if (!key.ReadValue(L"Install Directory", &install_dir)) continue; out->push_back(install_dir); } } void PluginList::LoadFirefoxPlugins() { std::vector paths; GetFirefoxInstalledPaths(&paths); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i) { std::wstring path = paths[i] + L"\\plugins"; LoadPlugins(path); } LoadPluginsInRegistryFolder(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, kRegistryMozillaPlugins); LoadPluginsInRegistryFolder(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, kRegistryMozillaPlugins); std::wstring firefox_app_data_plugin_path; if (PathService::Get(base::DIR_APP_DATA, &firefox_app_data_plugin_path)) { firefox_app_data_plugin_path += L"\\Mozilla\\plugins"; LoadPlugins(firefox_app_data_plugin_path); } } void PluginList::LoadAcrobatPlugins() { std::wstring path; if (!GetInstalledPath(kRegistryAcrobatReader, &path) && !GetInstalledPath(kRegistryAcrobat, &path)) { return; } path.append(L"\\Browser"); LoadPlugins(path); } void PluginList::LoadQuicktimePlugins() { std::wstring path; if (GetInstalledPath(kRegistryQuickTime, &path)) { path.append(L"\\plugins"); LoadPlugins(path); } } void PluginList::LoadWindowsMediaPlugins() { std::wstring path; if (GetInstalledPath(kRegistryWindowsMedia, &path)) { LoadPlugins(path); } } void PluginList::LoadJavaPlugin() { // Load the new NPAPI Java plugin // 1. Open the main JRE key under HKLM RegKey java_key(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, kRegistryJava, KEY_QUERY_VALUE); // 2. Read the current Java version std::wstring java_version; if (!java_key.ReadValue(kRegistryBrowserJavaVersion, &java_version)) java_key.ReadValue(kRegistryCurrentJavaVersion, &java_version); if (!java_version.empty()) { java_key.OpenKey(java_version.c_str(), KEY_QUERY_VALUE); // 3. Install path of the JRE binaries is specified in "JavaHome" // value under the Java version key. std::wstring java_plugin_directory; if (java_key.ReadValue(kRegistryJavaHome, &java_plugin_directory)) { // 4. The new plugin resides under the 'bin/new_plugin' // subdirectory. DCHECK(!java_plugin_directory.empty()); java_plugin_directory.append(L"\\bin\\new_plugin"); // 5. We don't know the exact name of the DLL but it's in the form // NP*.dll so just invoke LoadPlugins on this path. LoadPlugins(java_plugin_directory); } } } void PluginList::LoadPluginsInRegistryFolder( HKEY root_key, const std::wstring& registry_folder) { for (RegistryKeyIterator iter(root_key, registry_folder.c_str()); iter.Valid(); ++iter) { // Use the registry to gather plugin across the file system. std::wstring reg_path = registry_folder; reg_path.append(L"\\"); reg_path.append(iter.Name()); RegKey key(root_key, reg_path.c_str()); std::wstring path; if (key.ReadValue(kRegistryPath, &path)) LoadPlugin(path); } } } // namespace NPAPI