// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "webkit/glue/plugins/test/plugin_geturl_test.h" // url for "self". The %22%22 is to make a statement for javascript to // evaluate and return. #define SELF_URL "javascript:window.location+\"\"" // The identifier for the self url stream. #define SELF_URL_STREAM_ID 1 // The identifier for the fetched url stream. #define FETCHED_URL_STREAM_ID 2 // url for testing GetURL with a bogus URL. #define BOGUS_URL "bogoproto:///x:/asdf.xysdhffieasdf.asdhj/" // The identifier for the bogus url stream. #define BOGUS_URL_STREAM_ID 3 // The maximum chunk size of stream data. #define STREAM_CHUNK 197 namespace NPAPIClient { PluginGetURLTest::PluginGetURLTest(NPP id, NPNetscapeFuncs *host_functions) : PluginTest(id, host_functions), tests_started_(false), tests_in_progress_(0), test_file_handle_(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { } NPError PluginGetURLTest::SetWindow(NPWindow* pNPWindow) { if (!tests_started_) { tests_started_ = true; tests_in_progress_++; std::string url = SELF_URL; HostFunctions()->geturlnotify(id(), url.c_str(), NULL, reinterpret_cast(SELF_URL_STREAM_ID)); tests_in_progress_++; std::string bogus_url = BOGUS_URL; HostFunctions()->geturlnotify(id(), bogus_url.c_str(), NULL, reinterpret_cast(BOGUS_URL_STREAM_ID)); } return NPERR_NO_ERROR; } NPError PluginGetURLTest::NewStream(NPMIMEType type, NPStream* stream, NPBool seekable, uint16* stype) { if (stream == NULL) SetError("NewStream got null stream"); unsigned long stream_id = PtrToUlong(stream->notifyData); switch (stream_id) { case SELF_URL_STREAM_ID: break; case FETCHED_URL_STREAM_ID: { std::string filename = self_url_; if (filename.find("file:///", 0) != 0) { SetError("Test expects a file-url."); break; } filename = filename.substr(8); // remove "file:///" test_file_handle_ = CreateFileA(filename.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (test_file_handle_ == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) SetError("Could not open source file"); } break; case BOGUS_URL_STREAM_ID: SetError("Unexpected NewStream for BOGUS_URL"); break; default: SetError("Unexpected NewStream callback"); break; } return NPERR_NO_ERROR; } int32 PluginGetURLTest::WriteReady(NPStream *stream) { unsigned long stream_id = PtrToUlong(stream->notifyData); if (stream_id == BOGUS_URL_STREAM_ID) SetError("Received WriteReady for BOGUS_URL"); return STREAM_CHUNK; } int32 PluginGetURLTest::Write(NPStream *stream, int32 offset, int32 len, void *buffer) { if (stream == NULL) SetError("Write got null stream"); if (len < 0 || len > STREAM_CHUNK) SetError("Write got bogus stream chunk size"); unsigned long stream_id = PtrToUlong(stream->notifyData); switch (stream_id) { case SELF_URL_STREAM_ID: self_url_.append(static_cast(buffer), len); break; case FETCHED_URL_STREAM_ID: { char read_buffer[STREAM_CHUNK]; DWORD bytes = 0; if (!ReadFile(test_file_handle_, read_buffer, len, &bytes, NULL)) SetError("Could not read data from source file"); // Technically, readfile could return fewer than len // bytes. But this is not likely. if (bytes != len) SetError("Did not read correct bytelength from source file"); if (memcmp(read_buffer, buffer, len)) SetError("Content mismatch between data and source!"); } break; case BOGUS_URL_STREAM_ID: SetError("Unexpected write callback for BOGUS_URL"); break; default: SetError("Unexpected write callback"); break; } // Pretend that we took all the data. return len; } NPError PluginGetURLTest::DestroyStream(NPStream *stream, NPError reason) { if (stream == NULL) SetError("NewStream got null stream"); unsigned long stream_id = PtrToUlong(stream->notifyData); switch (stream_id) { case SELF_URL_STREAM_ID: // don't care break; case FETCHED_URL_STREAM_ID: { char read_buffer[STREAM_CHUNK]; DWORD bytes = 0; if (!ReadFile(test_file_handle_, read_buffer, sizeof(read_buffer), &bytes, NULL)) SetError("Could not read data from source file"); if (bytes != 0) SetError("Data and source mismatch on length"); CloseHandle(test_file_handle_); } break; default: SetError("Unexpected NewStream callback"); break; } return NPERR_NO_ERROR; } void PluginGetURLTest::StreamAsFile(NPStream* stream, const char* fname) { if (stream == NULL) SetError("NewStream got null stream"); unsigned long stream_id = PtrToUlong(stream->notifyData); switch (stream_id) { case SELF_URL_STREAM_ID: // don't care break; default: SetError("Unexpected NewStream callback"); break; } } void PluginGetURLTest::URLNotify(const char* url, NPReason reason, void* data) { if (!tests_in_progress_) { SetError("URLNotify received after tests completed"); return; } if (!url) { SetError("URLNotify received NULL url"); return; } unsigned long stream_id = PtrToUlong(data); switch (stream_id) { case SELF_URL_STREAM_ID: if (strcmp(url, SELF_URL) != 0) SetError("URLNotify reported incorrect url for SELF_URL"); // We have our stream url. Go fetch it. HostFunctions()->geturlnotify(id(), self_url_.c_str(), NULL, reinterpret_cast(FETCHED_URL_STREAM_ID)); break; case FETCHED_URL_STREAM_ID: if (!url || strcmp(url, self_url_.c_str()) != 0) SetError("URLNotify reported incorrect url for FETCHED_URL"); tests_in_progress_--; break; case BOGUS_URL_STREAM_ID: if (reason != NPRES_NETWORK_ERR) { std::string err = "BOGUS_URL received unexpected URLNotify status: "; char buf[10]; _itoa_s(reason, buf, 10, 10); err.append(buf); SetError(err); } tests_in_progress_--; break; default: SetError("Unexpected NewStream callback"); break; } if (tests_in_progress_ == 0) SignalTestCompleted(); } } // namespace NPAPIClient