// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "config.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/webplugin_delegate_impl.h" #include #include #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/lazy_instance.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/stats_counters.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "webkit/default_plugin/plugin_impl.h" #include "webkit/glue/glue_util.h" #include "webkit/glue/webplugin.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/plugin_constants_win.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/plugin_instance.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/plugin_lib.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/plugin_list.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/plugin_stream_url.h" #include "webkit/glue/webkit_glue.h" namespace { const wchar_t kWebPluginDelegateProperty[] = L"WebPluginDelegateProperty"; const wchar_t kPluginNameAtomProperty[] = L"PluginNameAtom"; const wchar_t kDummyActivationWindowName[] = L"DummyWindowForActivation"; const wchar_t kPluginOrigProc[] = L"OriginalPtr"; const wchar_t kPluginFlashThrottle[] = L"FlashThrottle"; // The fastest we are willing to process WM_USER+1 events for Flash. // Flash can easily exceed the limits of our CPU if we don't throttle it. // The throttle has been chosen by testing various delays and compromising // on acceptable Flash performance and reasonable CPU consumption. // // I'd like to make the throttle delay variable, based on the amount of // time currently required to paint Flash plugins. There isn't a good // way to count the time spent in aggregate plugin painting, however, so // this seems to work well enough. const int kFlashWMUSERMessageThrottleDelayMs = 5; // The current instance of the plugin which entered the modal loop. WebPluginDelegateImpl* g_current_plugin_instance = NULL; // base::LazyInstance > g_throttle_queue(base::LINKER_INITIALIZED); } // namespace WebPluginDelegate* WebPluginDelegate::Create( const FilePath& filename, const std::string& mime_type, gfx::NativeView containing_view) { scoped_refptr plugin = NPAPI::PluginLib::CreatePluginLib(filename); if (plugin.get() == NULL) return NULL; NPError err = plugin->NP_Initialize(); if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR) return NULL; scoped_refptr instance = plugin->CreateInstance(mime_type); return new WebPluginDelegateImpl(containing_view, instance.get()); } bool WebPluginDelegateImpl::IsPluginDelegateWindow(gfx::NativeWindow window) { return false; } bool WebPluginDelegateImpl::GetPluginNameFromWindow( gfx::NativeWindow window, std::wstring *plugin_name) { if (NULL == plugin_name) { return false; } if (!IsPluginDelegateWindow(window)) { return false; } return false; } bool WebPluginDelegateImpl::IsDummyActivationWindow(gfx::NativeWindow window) { return false; } WebPluginDelegateImpl::WebPluginDelegateImpl( gfx::NativeView containing_view, NPAPI::PluginInstance *instance) : parent_(containing_view), instance_(instance), quirks_(0), plugin_(NULL), windowless_(false), windowed_handle_(NULL), windowed_did_set_window_(false), windowless_needs_set_window_(true), handle_event_depth_(0), user_gesture_message_posted_(this), user_gesture_msg_factory_(this) { memset(&window_, 0, sizeof(window_)); const WebPluginInfo& plugin_info = instance_->plugin_lib()->plugin_info(); std::string filename = StringToLowerASCII(plugin_info.path.BaseName().value()); // plugin_module_handle_ = ::GetModuleHandle(plugin_info.path.value().c_str()); } WebPluginDelegateImpl::~WebPluginDelegateImpl() { DestroyInstance(); if (!windowless_) WindowedDestroyWindow(); } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::PluginDestroyed() { delete this; } bool WebPluginDelegateImpl::Initialize(const GURL& url, char** argn, char** argv, int argc, WebPlugin* plugin, bool load_manually) { plugin_ = plugin; instance_->set_web_plugin(plugin); NPAPI::PluginInstance* old_instance = NPAPI::PluginInstance::SetInitializingInstance(instance_); bool start_result = instance_->Start(url, argn, argv, argc, load_manually); NPAPI::PluginInstance::SetInitializingInstance(old_instance); if (!start_result) return false; windowless_ = instance_->windowless(); if (windowless_) { // For windowless plugins we should set the containing window handle // as the instance window handle. This is what Safari does. Not having // a valid window handle causes subtle bugs with plugins which retreive // the window handle and validate the same. The window handle can be // retreived via NPN_GetValue of NPNVnetscapeWindow. // instance_->set_window_handle(parent_); } else { if (!WindowedCreatePlugin()) return false; } // plugin->SetWindow(windowed_handle_); plugin_url_ = url.spec(); return true; } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::DestroyInstance() { if (instance_ && (instance_->npp()->ndata != NULL)) { // Shutdown all streams before destroying so that // no streams are left "in progress". Need to do // this before calling set_web_plugin(NULL) because the // instance uses the helper to do the download. instance_->CloseStreams(); window_.window = NULL; instance_->NPP_SetWindow(&window_); instance_->NPP_Destroy(); instance_->set_web_plugin(NULL); if (instance_->plugin_lib()) { // Unpatch if this is the last plugin instance. } instance_ = 0; } } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::UpdateGeometry( const gfx::Rect& window_rect, const gfx::Rect& clip_rect) { if (windowless_) { WindowlessUpdateGeometry(window_rect, clip_rect); } else { WindowedUpdateGeometry(window_rect, clip_rect); } } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::Paint(CGContextRef context, const gfx::Rect& rect) { if (windowless_) WindowlessPaint(context, rect); } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::Print(CGContextRef context) { // Disabling the call to NPP_Print as it causes a crash in // flash in some cases. In any case this does not work as expected // as the EMF meta file dc passed in needs to be created with the // the plugin window dc as its sibling dc and the window rect // in .01 mm units. } NPObject* WebPluginDelegateImpl::GetPluginScriptableObject() { return instance_->GetPluginScriptableObject(); } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::DidFinishLoadWithReason(NPReason reason) { instance()->DidFinishLoadWithReason(reason); } int WebPluginDelegateImpl::GetProcessId() { // We are in process, so the plugin pid is this current process pid. return getpid(); } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::SendJavaScriptStream(const std::string& url, const std::wstring& result, bool success, bool notify_needed, intptr_t notify_data) { instance()->SendJavaScriptStream(url, result, success, notify_needed, notify_data); } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::DidReceiveManualResponse( const std::string& url, const std::string& mime_type, const std::string& headers, uint32 expected_length, uint32 last_modified) { if (!windowless_) { // Calling NPP_WriteReady before NPP_SetWindow causes movies to not load in // Flash. See http://b/issue?id=892174. DCHECK(windowed_did_set_window_); } instance()->DidReceiveManualResponse(url, mime_type, headers, expected_length, last_modified); } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::DidReceiveManualData(const char* buffer, int length) { instance()->DidReceiveManualData(buffer, length); } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::DidFinishManualLoading() { instance()->DidFinishManualLoading(); } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::DidManualLoadFail() { instance()->DidManualLoadFail(); } FilePath WebPluginDelegateImpl::GetPluginPath() { return instance()->plugin_lib()->plugin_info().path; } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::InstallMissingPlugin() { NPEvent evt; instance()->NPP_HandleEvent(&evt); } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::WindowedUpdateGeometry( const gfx::Rect& window_rect, const gfx::Rect& clip_rect) { if (WindowedReposition(window_rect, clip_rect) || !windowed_did_set_window_) { // Let the plugin know that it has been moved WindowedSetWindow(); } } bool WebPluginDelegateImpl::WindowedCreatePlugin() { DCHECK(!windowed_handle_); // create window if (windowed_handle_ == 0) return false; return true; } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::WindowedDestroyWindow() { if (windowed_handle_ != NULL) { // destroy the window windowed_handle_ = 0; } } bool WebPluginDelegateImpl::WindowedReposition( const gfx::Rect& window_rect, const gfx::Rect& clip_rect) { if (!windowed_handle_) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } if (window_rect_ == window_rect && clip_rect_ == clip_rect) return false; // Clipping is handled by WebPlugin. if (window_rect.size() != window_rect_.size()) { // resize window } window_rect_ = window_rect; clip_rect_ = clip_rect; // Ensure that the entire window gets repainted. // invalidate entire window return true; } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::WindowedSetWindow() { if (!instance_) return; if (!windowed_handle_) { NOTREACHED(); return; } // instance()->set_window_handle(windowed_handle_); DCHECK(!instance()->windowless()); window_.clipRect.top = clip_rect_.y(); window_.clipRect.left = clip_rect_.x(); window_.clipRect.bottom = clip_rect_.y() + clip_rect_.height(); window_.clipRect.right = clip_rect_.x() + clip_rect_.width(); window_.height = window_rect_.height(); window_.width = window_rect_.width(); window_.x = window_rect_.x(); window_.y = window_rect_.y(); cg_context_.context = NULL; cg_context_.window = NULL; window_.window = &cg_context_; window_.type = NPWindowTypeDrawable; // NPWindowTypeWindow; // Reset this flag before entering the instance in case of side-effects. windowed_did_set_window_ = true; NPError err = instance()->NPP_SetWindow(&window_); } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::WindowlessUpdateGeometry( const gfx::Rect& window_rect, const gfx::Rect& clip_rect) { // Only resend to the instance if the geometry has changed. if (window_rect == window_rect_ && clip_rect == clip_rect_) return; // We will inform the instance of this change when we call NPP_SetWindow. clip_rect_ = clip_rect; cutout_rects_.clear(); if (window_rect_ != window_rect) { window_rect_ = window_rect; WindowlessSetWindow(true); NPEvent pos_changed_event; instance()->NPP_HandleEvent(&pos_changed_event); } } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::WindowlessPaint(gfx::NativeDrawingContext hdc, const gfx::Rect& damage_rect) { static StatsRate plugin_paint("Plugin.Paint"); StatsScope scope(plugin_paint); NPEvent paint_event; instance()->NPP_HandleEvent(&paint_event); } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::WindowlessSetWindow(bool force_set_window) { if (!instance()) return; if (window_rect_.IsEmpty()) // wait for geometry to be set. return; DCHECK(instance()->windowless()); window_.clipRect.top = clip_rect_.y(); window_.clipRect.left = clip_rect_.x(); window_.clipRect.bottom = clip_rect_.y() + clip_rect_.height(); window_.clipRect.right = clip_rect_.x() + clip_rect_.width(); window_.height = window_rect_.height(); window_.width = window_rect_.width(); window_.x = window_rect_.x(); window_.y = window_rect_.y(); window_.type = NPWindowTypeDrawable; if (!force_set_window) // Reset this flag before entering the instance in case of side-effects. windowless_needs_set_window_ = false; NPError err = instance()->NPP_SetWindow(&window_); DCHECK(err == NPERR_NO_ERROR); } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::SetFocus() { DCHECK(instance()->windowless()); NPEvent focus_event; instance()->NPP_HandleEvent(&focus_event); } bool WebPluginDelegateImpl::HandleEvent(NPEvent* event, WebCursor* cursor) { DCHECK(windowless_) << "events should only be received in windowless mode"; DCHECK(cursor != NULL); return true; } WebPluginResourceClient* WebPluginDelegateImpl::CreateResourceClient( int resource_id, const std::string &url, bool notify_needed, intptr_t notify_data, intptr_t existing_stream) { // Stream already exists. This typically happens for range requests // initiated via NPN_RequestRead. if (existing_stream) { NPAPI::PluginStream* plugin_stream = reinterpret_cast(existing_stream); plugin_stream->CancelRequest(); return plugin_stream->AsResourceClient(); } if (notify_needed) { instance()->SetURLLoadData(GURL(url.c_str()), notify_data); } std::string mime_type; NPAPI::PluginStreamUrl *stream = instance()->CreateStream( resource_id, url, mime_type, notify_needed, reinterpret_cast(notify_data)); return stream; } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::URLRequestRouted(const std::string&url, bool notify_needed, intptr_t notify_data) { if (notify_needed) { instance()->SetURLLoadData(GURL(url.c_str()), notify_data); } }