// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "webkit/glue/plugins/webplugin_delegate_impl.h" #include #include #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/iat_patch.h" #include "base/lazy_instance.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/registry.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/stats_counters.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/win_util.h" #include "skia/ext/platform_canvas.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebInputEvent.h" #include "webkit/default_plugin/plugin_impl.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/plugin_constants_win.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/plugin_instance.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/plugin_lib.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/plugin_list.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/plugin_stream_url.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/webplugin.h" #include "webkit/glue/webkit_glue.h" using WebKit::WebCursorInfo; using WebKit::WebKeyboardEvent; using WebKit::WebInputEvent; using WebKit::WebMouseEvent; namespace { const wchar_t kWebPluginDelegateProperty[] = L"WebPluginDelegateProperty"; const wchar_t kPluginNameAtomProperty[] = L"PluginNameAtom"; const wchar_t kDummyActivationWindowName[] = L"DummyWindowForActivation"; const wchar_t kPluginOrigProc[] = L"OriginalPtr"; const wchar_t kPluginFlashThrottle[] = L"FlashThrottle"; // The fastest we are willing to process WM_USER+1 events for Flash. // Flash can easily exceed the limits of our CPU if we don't throttle it. // The throttle has been chosen by testing various delays and compromising // on acceptable Flash performance and reasonable CPU consumption. // // I'd like to make the throttle delay variable, based on the amount of // time currently required to paint Flash plugins. There isn't a good // way to count the time spent in aggregate plugin painting, however, so // this seems to work well enough. const int kFlashWMUSERMessageThrottleDelayMs = 5; // Flash displays popups in response to user clicks by posting a WM_USER // message to the plugin window. The handler for this message displays // the popup. To ensure that the popups allowed state is sent correctly // to the renderer we reset the popups allowed state in a timer. const int kWindowedPluginPopupTimerMs = 50; // The current instance of the plugin which entered the modal loop. WebPluginDelegateImpl* g_current_plugin_instance = NULL; typedef std::deque ThrottleQueue; base::LazyInstance g_throttle_queue(base::LINKER_INITIALIZED); // Helper object for patching the TrackPopupMenu API. base::LazyInstance g_iat_patch_track_popup_menu( base::LINKER_INITIALIZED); // Helper object for patching the SetCursor API. base::LazyInstance g_iat_patch_set_cursor( base::LINKER_INITIALIZED); // Helper object for patching the RegEnumKeyExW API. base::LazyInstance g_iat_patch_reg_enum_key_ex_w( base::LINKER_INITIALIZED); // http://crbug.com/16114 // Enforces providing a valid device context in NPWindow, so that NPP_SetWindow // is never called with NPNWindoTypeDrawable and NPWindow set to NULL. // Doing so allows removing NPP_SetWindow call during painting a windowless // plugin, which otherwise could trigger layout change while painting by // invoking NPN_Evaluate. Which would cause bad, bad crashes. Bad crashes. // TODO(dglazkov): If this approach doesn't produce regressions, move class to // webplugin_delegate_impl.h and implement for other platforms. class DrawableContextEnforcer { public: explicit DrawableContextEnforcer(NPWindow* window) : window_(window), disposable_dc_(window && !window->window) { // If NPWindow is NULL, create a device context with monochrome 1x1 surface // and stuff it to NPWindow. if (disposable_dc_) window_->window = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); } ~DrawableContextEnforcer() { if (!disposable_dc_) return; DeleteDC(static_cast(window_->window)); window_->window = NULL; } private: NPWindow* window_; bool disposable_dc_; }; // These are from ntddk.h typedef LONG NTSTATUS; #ifndef STATUS_SUCCESS #define STATUS_SUCCESS ((NTSTATUS)0x00000000L) #endif #ifndef STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL #define STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ((NTSTATUS)0xC0000023L) #endif typedef enum _KEY_INFORMATION_CLASS { KeyBasicInformation, KeyNodeInformation, KeyFullInformation, KeyNameInformation, KeyCachedInformation, KeyVirtualizationInformation } KEY_INFORMATION_CLASS; typedef struct _KEY_NAME_INFORMATION { ULONG NameLength; WCHAR Name[1]; } KEY_NAME_INFORMATION, *PKEY_NAME_INFORMATION; typedef DWORD (__stdcall *ZwQueryKeyType)( HANDLE key_handle, int key_information_class, PVOID key_information, ULONG length, PULONG result_length); // Returns a key's full path. std::wstring GetKeyPath(HKEY key) { if (key == NULL) return L""; HMODULE dll = GetModuleHandle(L"ntdll.dll"); if (dll == NULL) return L""; ZwQueryKeyType func = reinterpret_cast( ::GetProcAddress(dll, "ZwQueryKey")); if (func == NULL) return L""; DWORD size = 0; DWORD result = 0; result = func(key, KeyNameInformation, 0, 0, &size); if (result != STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) return L""; scoped_array buffer(new char[size]); if (buffer.get() == NULL) return L""; result = func(key, KeyNameInformation, buffer.get(), size, &size); if (result != STATUS_SUCCESS) return L""; KEY_NAME_INFORMATION* info = reinterpret_cast(buffer.get()); return std::wstring(info->Name, info->NameLength / sizeof(wchar_t)); } } // namespace bool WebPluginDelegateImpl::IsPluginDelegateWindow(HWND window) { // We use a buffer that is one char longer than we need to detect cases where // kNativeWindowClassName is a prefix of the given window's class name. It // happens that GetClassNameW will just silently truncate the class name to // fit into the given buffer. wchar_t class_name[arraysize(kNativeWindowClassName) + 1]; if (!GetClassNameW(window, class_name, arraysize(class_name))) return false; return wcscmp(class_name, kNativeWindowClassName) == 0; } bool WebPluginDelegateImpl::GetPluginNameFromWindow( HWND window, std::wstring *plugin_name) { if (NULL == plugin_name) { return false; } if (!IsPluginDelegateWindow(window)) { return false; } ATOM plugin_name_atom = reinterpret_cast( GetPropW(window, kPluginNameAtomProperty)); if (plugin_name_atom != 0) { WCHAR plugin_name_local[MAX_PATH] = {0}; GlobalGetAtomNameW(plugin_name_atom, plugin_name_local, ARRAYSIZE(plugin_name_local)); *plugin_name = plugin_name_local; return true; } return false; } bool WebPluginDelegateImpl::IsDummyActivationWindow(HWND window) { if (!IsWindow(window)) return false; wchar_t window_title[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0}; if (GetWindowText(window, window_title, arraysize(window_title))) { return (0 == lstrcmpiW(window_title, kDummyActivationWindowName)); } return false; } LRESULT CALLBACK WebPluginDelegateImpl::HandleEventMessageFilterHook( int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (g_current_plugin_instance) { g_current_plugin_instance->OnModalLoopEntered(); } else { NOTREACHED(); } return CallNextHookEx(NULL, code, wParam, lParam); } LRESULT CALLBACK WebPluginDelegateImpl::MouseHookProc( int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (code == HC_ACTION) { MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT* hook_struct = reinterpret_cast(lParam); if (hook_struct) HandleCaptureForMessage(hook_struct->hwnd, wParam); } return CallNextHookEx(NULL, code, wParam, lParam); } WebPluginDelegateImpl::WebPluginDelegateImpl( gfx::PluginWindowHandle containing_view, NPAPI::PluginInstance *instance) : parent_(containing_view), instance_(instance), quirks_(0), plugin_(NULL), windowless_(false), windowed_handle_(NULL), windowed_did_set_window_(false), plugin_wnd_proc_(NULL), last_message_(0), is_calling_wndproc(false), keyboard_layout_(NULL), parent_thread_id_(0), dummy_window_for_activation_(NULL), handle_event_message_filter_hook_(NULL), handle_event_pump_messages_event_(NULL), user_gesture_message_posted_(false), #pragma warning(suppress: 4355) // can use this user_gesture_msg_factory_(this), handle_event_depth_(0), mouse_hook_(NULL) { memset(&window_, 0, sizeof(window_)); const WebPluginInfo& plugin_info = instance_->plugin_lib()->plugin_info(); std::wstring filename = StringToLowerASCII(plugin_info.path.BaseName().value()); if (instance_->mime_type() == "application/x-shockwave-flash" || filename == kFlashPlugin) { // Flash only requests windowless plugins if we return a Mozilla user // agent. instance_->set_use_mozilla_user_agent(); quirks_ |= PLUGIN_QUIRK_THROTTLE_WM_USER_PLUS_ONE; quirks_ |= PLUGIN_QUIRK_PATCH_SETCURSOR; quirks_ |= PLUGIN_QUIRK_ALWAYS_NOTIFY_SUCCESS; quirks_ |= PLUGIN_QUIRK_HANDLE_MOUSE_CAPTURE; } else if (filename == kAcrobatReaderPlugin) { // Check for the version number above or equal 9. std::vector version; SplitString(plugin_info.version, L'.', &version); if (version.size() > 0) { int major = static_cast(StringToInt64(version[0])); if (major >= 9) { quirks_ |= PLUGIN_QUIRK_DIE_AFTER_UNLOAD; // 9.2 needs this. quirks_ |= PLUGIN_QUIRK_SETWINDOW_TWICE; } } quirks_ |= PLUGIN_QUIRK_BLOCK_NONSTANDARD_GETURL_REQUESTS; } else if (plugin_info.name.find(L"Windows Media Player") != std::wstring::npos) { // Windows Media Player needs two NPP_SetWindow calls. quirks_ |= PLUGIN_QUIRK_SETWINDOW_TWICE; // Windowless mode doesn't work in the WMP NPAPI plugin. quirks_ |= PLUGIN_QUIRK_NO_WINDOWLESS; if (filename == kOldWMPPlugin) { // Non-admin users on XP couldn't modify the key to force the new UI. quirks_ |= PLUGIN_QUIRK_PATCH_REGENUMKEYEXW; } } else if (instance_->mime_type() == "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" || filename == kRealPlayerPlugin) { quirks_ |= PLUGIN_QUIRK_DONT_CALL_WND_PROC_RECURSIVELY; } else if (plugin_info.name.find(L"VLC Multimedia Plugin") != std::wstring::npos || plugin_info.name.find(L"VLC Multimedia Plug-in") != std::wstring::npos) { // VLC hangs on NPP_Destroy if we call NPP_SetWindow with a null window // handle quirks_ |= PLUGIN_QUIRK_DONT_SET_NULL_WINDOW_HANDLE_ON_DESTROY; // VLC 0.8.6d and 0.8.6e crash if multiple instances are created. quirks_ |= PLUGIN_QUIRK_DONT_ALLOW_MULTIPLE_INSTANCES; } else if (filename == kSilverlightPlugin) { // Explanation for this quirk can be found in // WebPluginDelegateImpl::Initialize. quirks_ |= PLUGIN_QUIRK_PATCH_SETCURSOR; } } WebPluginDelegateImpl::~WebPluginDelegateImpl() { if (::IsWindow(dummy_window_for_activation_)) { ::DestroyWindow(dummy_window_for_activation_); } DestroyInstance(); if (!windowless_) WindowedDestroyWindow(); if (handle_event_pump_messages_event_) { CloseHandle(handle_event_pump_messages_event_); } } bool WebPluginDelegateImpl::PlatformInitialize() { plugin_->SetWindow(windowed_handle_); if (windowless_ && !instance_->plugin_lib()->internal()) { CreateDummyWindowForActivation(); handle_event_pump_messages_event_ = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); plugin_->SetWindowlessPumpEvent(handle_event_pump_messages_event_); } // We cannot patch internal plugins as they are not shared libraries. if (!instance_->plugin_lib()->internal()) { // Windowless plugins call the WindowFromPoint API and passes the result of // that to the TrackPopupMenu API call as the owner window. This causes the // API to fail as the API expects the window handle to live on the same // thread as the caller. It works in the other browsers as the plugin lives // on the browser thread. Our workaround is to intercept the TrackPopupMenu // API and replace the window handle with the dummy activation window. if (windowless_ && !g_iat_patch_track_popup_menu.Pointer()->is_patched()) { g_iat_patch_track_popup_menu.Pointer()->Patch( GetPluginPath().value().c_str(), "user32.dll", "TrackPopupMenu", WebPluginDelegateImpl::TrackPopupMenuPatch); } // Windowless plugins can set cursors by calling the SetCursor API. This // works because the thread inputs of the browser UI thread and the plugin // thread are attached. We intercept the SetCursor API for windowless // plugins and remember the cursor being set. This is shipped over to the // browser in the HandleEvent call, which ensures that the cursor does not // change when a windowless plugin instance changes the cursor // in a background tab. if (windowless_ && !g_iat_patch_set_cursor.Pointer()->is_patched() && (quirks_ & PLUGIN_QUIRK_PATCH_SETCURSOR)) { g_iat_patch_set_cursor.Pointer()->Patch( GetPluginPath().value().c_str(), "user32.dll", "SetCursor", WebPluginDelegateImpl::SetCursorPatch); } // The windowed flash plugin has a bug which occurs when the plugin enters // fullscreen mode. It basically captures the mouse on WM_LBUTTONDOWN and // does not release capture correctly causing it to stop receiving // subsequent mouse events. This problem is also seen in Safari where there // is code to handle this in the wndproc. However the plugin subclasses the // window again in WM_LBUTTONDOWN before entering full screen. As a result // Safari does not receive the WM_LBUTTONUP message. To workaround this // issue we use a per thread mouse hook. This bug does not occur in Firefox // and opera. Firefox has code similar to Safari. It could well be a bug in // the flash plugin, which only occurs in webkit based browsers. if (quirks_ & PLUGIN_QUIRK_HANDLE_MOUSE_CAPTURE) { mouse_hook_ = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE, MouseHookProc, NULL, GetCurrentThreadId()); } } // On XP, WMP will use its old UI unless a registry key under HKLM has the // name of the current process. We do it in the installer for admin users, // for the rest patch this function. if ((quirks_ & PLUGIN_QUIRK_PATCH_REGENUMKEYEXW) && win_util::GetWinVersion() == win_util::WINVERSION_XP && !RegKey().Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\MediaPlayer\\ShimInclusionList\\chrome.exe") && !g_iat_patch_reg_enum_key_ex_w.Pointer()->is_patched()) { g_iat_patch_reg_enum_key_ex_w.Pointer()->Patch( L"wmpdxm.dll", "advapi32.dll", "RegEnumKeyExW", WebPluginDelegateImpl::RegEnumKeyExWPatch); } return true; } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::PlatformDestroyInstance() { if (!instance_->plugin_lib()) return; // Unpatch if this is the last plugin instance. if (instance_->plugin_lib()->instance_count() != 1) return; if (g_iat_patch_set_cursor.Pointer()->is_patched()) g_iat_patch_set_cursor.Pointer()->Unpatch(); if (g_iat_patch_track_popup_menu.Pointer()->is_patched()) g_iat_patch_track_popup_menu.Pointer()->Unpatch(); if (g_iat_patch_reg_enum_key_ex_w.Pointer()->is_patched()) g_iat_patch_reg_enum_key_ex_w.Pointer()->Unpatch(); if (mouse_hook_) { UnhookWindowsHookEx(mouse_hook_); mouse_hook_ = NULL; } } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::Paint(skia::PlatformCanvas* canvas, const gfx::Rect& rect) { if (windowless_) { HDC hdc = canvas->beginPlatformPaint(); WindowlessPaint(hdc, rect); canvas->endPlatformPaint(); } } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::Print(HDC hdc) { // Disabling the call to NPP_Print as it causes a crash in // flash in some cases. In any case this does not work as expected // as the EMF meta file dc passed in needs to be created with the // the plugin window dc as its sibling dc and the window rect // in .01 mm units. #if 0 NPPrint npprint; npprint.mode = NP_EMBED; npprint.print.embedPrint.platformPrint = reinterpret_cast(hdc); npprint.print.embedPrint.window = window_; instance()->NPP_Print(&npprint); #endif } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::InstallMissingPlugin() { NPEvent evt; evt.event = PluginInstallerImpl::kInstallMissingPluginMessage; evt.lParam = 0; evt.wParam = 0; instance()->NPP_HandleEvent(&evt); } bool WebPluginDelegateImpl::WindowedCreatePlugin() { DCHECK(!windowed_handle_); RegisterNativeWindowClass(); // The window will be sized and shown later. windowed_handle_ = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_LEFT | WS_EX_LTRREADING | WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR, kNativeWindowClassName, 0, WS_POPUP | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, 0, 0, 0, 0, parent_, 0, GetModuleHandle(NULL), 0); if (windowed_handle_ == 0) return false; if (IsWindow(parent_)) { // This is a tricky workaround for Issue 2673 in chromium "Flash: IME not // available". To use IMEs in this window, we have to make Windows attach // IMEs to this window (i.e. load IME DLLs, attach them to this process, // and add their message hooks to this window). Windows attaches IMEs while // this process creates a top-level window. On the other hand, to layout // this window correctly in the given parent window (RenderWidgetHostHWND), // this window should be a child window of the parent window. // To satisfy both of the above conditions, this code once creates a // top-level window and change it to a child window of the parent window. SetWindowLongPtr(windowed_handle_, GWL_STYLE, WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS); SetParent(windowed_handle_, parent_); } BOOL result = SetProp(windowed_handle_, kWebPluginDelegateProperty, this); DCHECK(result == TRUE) << "SetProp failed, last error = " << GetLastError(); // Get the name of the plugin, create an atom and set that in a window // property. Use an atom so that other processes can access the name of // the plugin that this window is hosting if (instance_ != NULL) { NPAPI::PluginLib* plugin_lib = instance()->plugin_lib(); if (plugin_lib != NULL) { std::wstring plugin_name = plugin_lib->plugin_info().name; if (!plugin_name.empty()) { ATOM plugin_name_atom = GlobalAddAtomW(plugin_name.c_str()); DCHECK(0 != plugin_name_atom); result = SetProp(windowed_handle_, kPluginNameAtomProperty, reinterpret_cast(plugin_name_atom)); DCHECK(result == TRUE) << "SetProp failed, last error = " << GetLastError(); } } } // Calling SetWindowLongPtrA here makes the window proc ASCII, which is // required by at least the Shockwave Director plug-in. SetWindowLongPtrA( windowed_handle_, GWL_WNDPROC, reinterpret_cast(DefWindowProcA)); return true; } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::WindowedDestroyWindow() { if (windowed_handle_ != NULL) { // Unsubclass the window. WNDPROC current_wnd_proc = reinterpret_cast( GetWindowLongPtr(windowed_handle_, GWLP_WNDPROC)); if (current_wnd_proc == NativeWndProc) { SetWindowLongPtr(windowed_handle_, GWLP_WNDPROC, reinterpret_cast(plugin_wnd_proc_)); } plugin_->WillDestroyWindow(windowed_handle_); DestroyWindow(windowed_handle_); windowed_handle_ = 0; } } // Erase all messages in the queue destined for a particular window. // When windows are closing, callers should use this function to clear // the queue. // static void WebPluginDelegateImpl::ClearThrottleQueueForWindow(HWND window) { ThrottleQueue* throttle_queue = g_throttle_queue.Pointer(); ThrottleQueue::iterator it; for (it = throttle_queue->begin(); it != throttle_queue->end(); ) { if (it->hwnd == window) { it = throttle_queue->erase(it); } else { it++; } } } // Delayed callback for processing throttled messages. // Throttled messages are aggregated globally across all plugins. // static void WebPluginDelegateImpl::OnThrottleMessage() { // The current algorithm walks the list and processes the first // message it finds for each plugin. It is important to service // all active plugins with each pass through the throttle, otherwise // we see video jankiness. Copy the set to notify before notifying // since we may re-enter OnThrottleMessage from CallWindowProc! ThrottleQueue* throttle_queue = g_throttle_queue.Pointer(); ThrottleQueue notify_queue; std::set processed; ThrottleQueue::iterator it = throttle_queue->begin(); while (it != throttle_queue->end()) { const MSG& msg = *it; if (processed.find(msg.hwnd) == processed.end()) { processed.insert(msg.hwnd); notify_queue.push_back(msg); it = throttle_queue->erase(it); } else { it++; } } for (it = notify_queue.begin(); it != notify_queue.end(); ++it) { const MSG& msg = *it; WNDPROC proc = reinterpret_cast(msg.time); // It is possible that the window was closed after we queued // this message. This is a rare event; just verify the window // is alive. (see also bug 1259488) if (IsWindow(msg.hwnd)) CallWindowProc(proc, msg.hwnd, msg.message, msg.wParam, msg.lParam); } if (!throttle_queue->empty()) { MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableFunction(&WebPluginDelegateImpl::OnThrottleMessage), kFlashWMUSERMessageThrottleDelayMs); } } // Schedule a windows message for delivery later. // static void WebPluginDelegateImpl::ThrottleMessage(WNDPROC proc, HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { MSG msg; msg.time = reinterpret_cast(proc); msg.hwnd = hwnd; msg.message = message; msg.wParam = wParam; msg.lParam = lParam; ThrottleQueue* throttle_queue = g_throttle_queue.Pointer(); throttle_queue->push_back(msg); if (throttle_queue->size() == 1) { MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableFunction(&WebPluginDelegateImpl::OnThrottleMessage), kFlashWMUSERMessageThrottleDelayMs); } } // We go out of our way to find the hidden windows created by Flash for // windowless plugins. We throttle the rate at which they deliver messages // so that they will not consume outrageous amounts of CPU. // static LRESULT CALLBACK WebPluginDelegateImpl::FlashWindowlessWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { WNDPROC old_proc = reinterpret_cast(GetProp(hwnd, kPluginOrigProc)); DCHECK(old_proc); switch (message) { case WM_NCDESTROY: { WebPluginDelegateImpl::ClearThrottleQueueForWindow(hwnd); break; } // Flash may flood the message queue with WM_USER+1 message causing 100% CPU // usage. See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=132759. We // prevent this by throttling the messages. case WM_USER + 1: { WebPluginDelegateImpl::ThrottleMessage(old_proc, hwnd, message, wparam, lparam); return TRUE; } default: { break; } } return CallWindowProc(old_proc, hwnd, message, wparam, lparam); } // Callback for enumerating the Flash windows. BOOL CALLBACK EnumFlashWindows(HWND window, LPARAM arg) { WNDPROC wnd_proc = reinterpret_cast(arg); TCHAR class_name[1024]; if (!RealGetWindowClass(window, class_name, sizeof(class_name)/sizeof(TCHAR))) { LOG(ERROR) << "RealGetWindowClass failure: " << GetLastError(); return FALSE; } if (wcscmp(class_name, L"SWFlash_PlaceholderX")) return TRUE; WNDPROC current_wnd_proc = reinterpret_cast( GetWindowLongPtr(window, GWLP_WNDPROC)); if (current_wnd_proc != wnd_proc) { WNDPROC old_flash_proc = reinterpret_cast(SetWindowLongPtr( window, GWLP_WNDPROC, reinterpret_cast(wnd_proc))); DCHECK(old_flash_proc); BOOL result = SetProp(window, kPluginOrigProc, old_flash_proc); if (!result) { LOG(ERROR) << "SetProp failed, last error = " << GetLastError(); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } bool WebPluginDelegateImpl::CreateDummyWindowForActivation() { DCHECK(!dummy_window_for_activation_); dummy_window_for_activation_ = CreateWindowEx( 0, L"Static", kDummyActivationWindowName, WS_CHILD, 0, 0, 0, 0, parent_, 0, GetModuleHandle(NULL), 0); if (dummy_window_for_activation_ == 0) return false; // Flash creates background windows which use excessive CPU in our // environment; we wrap these windows and throttle them so that they don't // get out of hand. if (!EnumThreadWindows(::GetCurrentThreadId(), EnumFlashWindows, reinterpret_cast( &WebPluginDelegateImpl::FlashWindowlessWndProc))) { // Log that this happened. Flash will still work; it just means the // throttle isn't installed (and Flash will use more CPU). NOTREACHED(); LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to wrap all windowless Flash windows"; } return true; } bool WebPluginDelegateImpl::WindowedReposition( const gfx::Rect& window_rect, const gfx::Rect& clip_rect) { if (!windowed_handle_) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } if (window_rect_ == window_rect && clip_rect_ == clip_rect) return false; // We only set the plugin's size here. Its position is moved elsewhere, which // allows the window moves/scrolling/clipping to be synchronized with the page // and other windows. // If the plugin window has no parent, then don't focus it because it isn't // being displayed anywhere. See: // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=32658 if (window_rect.size() != window_rect_.size()) { UINT flags = SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER; if (!GetParent(windowed_handle_)) flags |= SWP_NOACTIVATE; ::SetWindowPos(windowed_handle_, NULL, 0, 0, window_rect.width(), window_rect.height(), flags); } window_rect_ = window_rect; clip_rect_ = clip_rect; // Ensure that the entire window gets repainted. ::InvalidateRect(windowed_handle_, NULL, FALSE); return true; } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::WindowedSetWindow() { if (!instance_) return; if (!windowed_handle_) { NOTREACHED(); return; } instance()->set_window_handle(windowed_handle_); DCHECK(!instance()->windowless()); window_.clipRect.top = std::max(0, clip_rect_.y()); window_.clipRect.left = std::max(0, clip_rect_.x()); window_.clipRect.bottom = std::max(0, clip_rect_.y() + clip_rect_.height()); window_.clipRect.right = std::max(0, clip_rect_.x() + clip_rect_.width()); window_.height = window_rect_.height(); window_.width = window_rect_.width(); window_.x = 0; window_.y = 0; window_.window = windowed_handle_; window_.type = NPWindowTypeWindow; // Reset this flag before entering the instance in case of side-effects. windowed_did_set_window_ = true; NPError err = instance()->NPP_SetWindow(&window_); if (quirks_ & PLUGIN_QUIRK_SETWINDOW_TWICE) instance()->NPP_SetWindow(&window_); WNDPROC current_wnd_proc = reinterpret_cast( GetWindowLongPtr(windowed_handle_, GWLP_WNDPROC)); if (current_wnd_proc != NativeWndProc) { plugin_wnd_proc_ = reinterpret_cast(SetWindowLongPtr( windowed_handle_, GWLP_WNDPROC, reinterpret_cast(NativeWndProc))); } } ATOM WebPluginDelegateImpl::RegisterNativeWindowClass() { static bool have_registered_window_class = false; if (have_registered_window_class == true) return true; have_registered_window_class = true; WNDCLASSEX wcex; wcex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); wcex.style = CS_DBLCLKS; wcex.lpfnWndProc = DummyWindowProc; wcex.cbClsExtra = 0; wcex.cbWndExtra = 0; wcex.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL); wcex.hIcon = 0; wcex.hCursor = 0; // Some plugins like windows media player 11 create child windows parented // by our plugin window, where the media content is rendered. These plugins // dont implement WM_ERASEBKGND, which causes painting issues, when the // window where the media is rendered is moved around. DefWindowProc does // implement WM_ERASEBKGND correctly if we have a valid background brush. wcex.hbrBackground = reinterpret_cast(COLOR_WINDOW+1); wcex.lpszMenuName = 0; wcex.lpszClassName = kNativeWindowClassName; wcex.hIconSm = 0; return RegisterClassEx(&wcex); } LRESULT CALLBACK WebPluginDelegateImpl::DummyWindowProc( HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // This is another workaround for Issue 2673 in chromium "Flash: IME not // available". Somehow, the CallWindowProc() function does not dispatch // window messages when its first parameter is a handle representing the // DefWindowProc() function. To avoid this problem, this code creates a // wrapper function which just encapsulates the DefWindowProc() function // and set it as the window procedure of a windowed plug-in. return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } // Returns true if the message passed in corresponds to a user gesture. static bool IsUserGestureMessage(unsigned int message) { switch (message) { case WM_LBUTTONUP: case WM_RBUTTONUP: case WM_MBUTTONUP: case WM_KEYUP: return true; default: break; } return false; } LRESULT CALLBACK WebPluginDelegateImpl::NativeWndProc( HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { WebPluginDelegateImpl* delegate = reinterpret_cast( GetProp(hwnd, kWebPluginDelegateProperty)); if (!delegate) { NOTREACHED(); return 0; } if (message == delegate->last_message_ && delegate->GetQuirks() & PLUGIN_QUIRK_DONT_CALL_WND_PROC_RECURSIVELY && delegate->is_calling_wndproc) { // Real may go into a state where it recursively dispatches the same event // when subclassed. See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=192914 // We only do the recursive check for Real because it's possible and valid // for a plugin to synchronously dispatch a message to itself such that it // looks like it's in recursion. return TRUE; } // Flash may flood the message queue with WM_USER+1 message causing 100% CPU // usage. See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=132759. We // prevent this by throttling the messages. if (message == WM_USER + 1 && delegate->GetQuirks() & PLUGIN_QUIRK_THROTTLE_WM_USER_PLUS_ONE) { WebPluginDelegateImpl::ThrottleMessage(delegate->plugin_wnd_proc_, hwnd, message, wparam, lparam); return FALSE; } LRESULT result; uint32 old_message = delegate->last_message_; delegate->last_message_ = message; static UINT custom_msg = RegisterWindowMessage(kPaintMessageName); if (message == custom_msg) { // Get the invalid rect which is in screen coordinates and convert to // window coordinates. gfx::Rect invalid_rect; invalid_rect.set_x(wparam >> 16); invalid_rect.set_y(wparam & 0xFFFF); invalid_rect.set_width(lparam >> 16); invalid_rect.set_height(lparam & 0xFFFF); RECT window_rect; GetWindowRect(hwnd, &window_rect); invalid_rect.Offset(-window_rect.left, -window_rect.top); // The plugin window might have non-client area. If we don't pass in // RDW_FRAME then the children don't receive WM_NCPAINT messages while // scrolling, which causes painting problems (http://b/issue?id=923945). uint32 flags = RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ALLCHILDREN | RDW_FRAME; // If a plugin (like Google Earth or Java) has child windows that are hosted // in a different process, then RedrawWindow with UPDATENOW will // synchronously wait for this call to complete. Some messages are pumped // but not others, which could lead to a deadlock. So avoid reentrancy by // only synchronously calling RedrawWindow once at a time. if (old_message != custom_msg) flags |= RDW_UPDATENOW; RedrawWindow(hwnd, &invalid_rect.ToRECT(), NULL, flags); result = FALSE; } else { delegate->is_calling_wndproc = true; if (!delegate->user_gesture_message_posted_ && IsUserGestureMessage(message)) { delegate->user_gesture_message_posted_ = true; delegate->instance()->PushPopupsEnabledState(true); MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, delegate->user_gesture_msg_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &WebPluginDelegateImpl::OnUserGestureEnd), kWindowedPluginPopupTimerMs); } HandleCaptureForMessage(hwnd, message); // Maintain a local/global stack for the g_current_plugin_instance variable // as this may be a nested invocation. WebPluginDelegateImpl* last_plugin_instance = g_current_plugin_instance; g_current_plugin_instance = delegate; result = CallWindowProc( delegate->plugin_wnd_proc_, hwnd, message, wparam, lparam); delegate->is_calling_wndproc = false; g_current_plugin_instance = last_plugin_instance; if (message == WM_NCDESTROY) { RemoveProp(hwnd, kWebPluginDelegateProperty); ATOM plugin_name_atom = reinterpret_cast( RemoveProp(hwnd, kPluginNameAtomProperty)); if (plugin_name_atom != 0) GlobalDeleteAtom(plugin_name_atom); ClearThrottleQueueForWindow(hwnd); } } delegate->last_message_ = old_message; return result; } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::WindowlessUpdateGeometry( const gfx::Rect& window_rect, const gfx::Rect& clip_rect) { bool window_rect_changed = (window_rect_ != window_rect); // Only resend to the instance if the geometry has changed. if (!window_rect_changed && clip_rect == clip_rect_) return; clip_rect_ = clip_rect; window_rect_ = window_rect; WindowlessSetWindow(); if (window_rect_changed) { WINDOWPOS win_pos = {0}; win_pos.x = window_rect_.x(); win_pos.y = window_rect_.y(); win_pos.cx = window_rect_.width(); win_pos.cy = window_rect_.height(); NPEvent pos_changed_event; pos_changed_event.event = WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED; pos_changed_event.wParam = 0; pos_changed_event.lParam = PtrToUlong(&win_pos); instance()->NPP_HandleEvent(&pos_changed_event); } } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::WindowlessPaint(HDC hdc, const gfx::Rect& damage_rect) { DCHECK(hdc); RECT damage_rect_win; damage_rect_win.left = damage_rect.x(); // + window_rect_.x(); damage_rect_win.top = damage_rect.y(); // + window_rect_.y(); damage_rect_win.right = damage_rect_win.left + damage_rect.width(); damage_rect_win.bottom = damage_rect_win.top + damage_rect.height(); window_.window = hdc; NPEvent paint_event; paint_event.event = WM_PAINT; // NOTE: NPAPI is not 64bit safe. It puts pointers into 32bit values. paint_event.wParam = PtrToUlong(hdc); paint_event.lParam = PtrToUlong(&damage_rect_win); static StatsRate plugin_paint("Plugin.Paint"); StatsScope scope(plugin_paint); instance()->NPP_HandleEvent(&paint_event); } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::WindowlessSetWindow() { if (!instance()) return; if (window_rect_.IsEmpty()) // wait for geometry to be set. return; DCHECK(instance()->windowless()); window_.clipRect.top = clip_rect_.y(); window_.clipRect.left = clip_rect_.x(); window_.clipRect.bottom = clip_rect_.y() + clip_rect_.height(); window_.clipRect.right = clip_rect_.x() + clip_rect_.width(); window_.height = window_rect_.height(); window_.width = window_rect_.width(); window_.x = window_rect_.x(); window_.y = window_rect_.y(); window_.type = NPWindowTypeDrawable; DrawableContextEnforcer enforcer(&window_); NPError err = instance()->NPP_SetWindow(&window_); DCHECK(err == NPERR_NO_ERROR); } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::SetFocus(bool focused) { DCHECK(instance()->windowless()); if (!focused) return; NPEvent focus_event; focus_event.event = WM_SETFOCUS; focus_event.wParam = 0; focus_event.lParam = 0; instance()->NPP_HandleEvent(&focus_event); } static bool NPEventFromWebMouseEvent(const WebMouseEvent& event, NPEvent *np_event) { np_event->lParam = static_cast(MAKELPARAM(event.windowX, event.windowY)); np_event->wParam = 0; if (event.modifiers & WebInputEvent::ControlKey) np_event->wParam |= MK_CONTROL; if (event.modifiers & WebInputEvent::ShiftKey) np_event->wParam |= MK_SHIFT; if (event.modifiers & WebInputEvent::LeftButtonDown) np_event->wParam |= MK_LBUTTON; if (event.modifiers & WebInputEvent::MiddleButtonDown) np_event->wParam |= MK_MBUTTON; if (event.modifiers & WebInputEvent::RightButtonDown) np_event->wParam |= MK_RBUTTON; switch (event.type) { case WebInputEvent::MouseMove: case WebInputEvent::MouseLeave: case WebInputEvent::MouseEnter: np_event->event = WM_MOUSEMOVE; return true; case WebInputEvent::MouseDown: switch (event.button) { case WebMouseEvent::ButtonLeft: np_event->event = WM_LBUTTONDOWN; break; case WebMouseEvent::ButtonMiddle: np_event->event = WM_MBUTTONDOWN; break; case WebMouseEvent::ButtonRight: np_event->event = WM_RBUTTONDOWN; break; } return true; case WebInputEvent::MouseUp: switch (event.button) { case WebMouseEvent::ButtonLeft: np_event->event = WM_LBUTTONUP; break; case WebMouseEvent::ButtonMiddle: np_event->event = WM_MBUTTONUP; break; case WebMouseEvent::ButtonRight: np_event->event = WM_RBUTTONUP; break; } return true; default: NOTREACHED(); return false; } } static bool NPEventFromWebKeyboardEvent(const WebKeyboardEvent& event, NPEvent *np_event) { np_event->wParam = event.windowsKeyCode; switch (event.type) { case WebInputEvent::KeyDown: np_event->event = WM_KEYDOWN; np_event->lParam = 0; return true; case WebInputEvent::Char: np_event->event = WM_CHAR; np_event->lParam = 0; return true; case WebInputEvent::KeyUp: np_event->event = WM_KEYUP; np_event->lParam = 0x8000; return true; default: NOTREACHED(); return false; } } static bool NPEventFromWebInputEvent(const WebInputEvent& event, NPEvent* np_event) { switch (event.type) { case WebInputEvent::MouseMove: case WebInputEvent::MouseLeave: case WebInputEvent::MouseEnter: case WebInputEvent::MouseDown: case WebInputEvent::MouseUp: if (event.size < sizeof(WebMouseEvent)) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } return NPEventFromWebMouseEvent( *static_cast(&event), np_event); case WebInputEvent::KeyDown: case WebInputEvent::Char: case WebInputEvent::KeyUp: if (event.size < sizeof(WebKeyboardEvent)) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } return NPEventFromWebKeyboardEvent( *static_cast(&event), np_event); default: return false; } } bool WebPluginDelegateImpl::PlatformHandleInputEvent( const WebInputEvent& event, WebCursorInfo* cursor_info) { DCHECK(cursor_info != NULL); NPEvent np_event; if (!NPEventFromWebInputEvent(event, &np_event)) { return false; } // Synchronize the keyboard layout with the one of the browser process. Flash // uses the keyboard layout of this window to verify a WM_CHAR message is // valid. That is, Flash discards a WM_CHAR message unless its character is // the one translated with ToUnicode(). (Since a plug-in is running on a // separate process from the browser process, we need to syncronize it // manually.) if (np_event.event == WM_CHAR) { if (!keyboard_layout_) keyboard_layout_ = GetKeyboardLayout(GetCurrentThreadId()); if (!parent_thread_id_) parent_thread_id_ = GetWindowThreadProcessId(parent_, NULL); HKL parent_layout = GetKeyboardLayout(parent_thread_id_); if (keyboard_layout_ != parent_layout) { std::wstring layout_name(StringPrintf(L"%08x", parent_layout)); LoadKeyboardLayout(layout_name.c_str(), KLF_ACTIVATE); keyboard_layout_ = parent_layout; } } if (ShouldTrackEventForModalLoops(&np_event)) { // A windowless plugin can enter a modal loop in a NPP_HandleEvent call. // For e.g. Flash puts up a context menu when we right click on the // windowless plugin area. We detect this by setting up a message filter // hook pror to calling NPP_HandleEvent on the plugin and unhook on // return from NPP_HandleEvent. If the plugin does enter a modal loop // in that context we unhook on receiving the first notification in // the message filter hook. handle_event_message_filter_hook_ = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MSGFILTER, HandleEventMessageFilterHook, NULL, GetCurrentThreadId()); } bool old_task_reentrancy_state = MessageLoop::current()->NestableTasksAllowed(); // Maintain a local/global stack for the g_current_plugin_instance variable // as this may be a nested invocation. WebPluginDelegateImpl* last_plugin_instance = g_current_plugin_instance; g_current_plugin_instance = this; handle_event_depth_++; bool ret = instance()->NPP_HandleEvent(&np_event) != 0; // Flash and SilverLight always return false, even when they swallow the // event. Flash does this because it passes the event to its window proc, // which is supposed to return 0 if an event was handled. There are few // exceptions, such as IME, where it sometimes returns true. ret = true; if (np_event.event == WM_MOUSEMOVE) { // Snag a reference to the current cursor ASAP in case the plugin modified // it. There is a nasty race condition here with the multiprocess browser // as someone might be setting the cursor in the main process as well. current_windowless_cursor_.GetCursorInfo(cursor_info); } handle_event_depth_--; g_current_plugin_instance = last_plugin_instance; MessageLoop::current()->SetNestableTasksAllowed(old_task_reentrancy_state); // We could have multiple NPP_HandleEvent calls nested together in case // the plugin enters a modal loop. Reset the pump messages event when // the outermost NPP_HandleEvent call unwinds. if (handle_event_depth_ == 0) { ResetEvent(handle_event_pump_messages_event_); } return ret; } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::OnModalLoopEntered() { DCHECK(handle_event_pump_messages_event_ != NULL); SetEvent(handle_event_pump_messages_event_); MessageLoop::current()->SetNestableTasksAllowed(true); UnhookWindowsHookEx(handle_event_message_filter_hook_); handle_event_message_filter_hook_ = NULL; } bool WebPluginDelegateImpl::ShouldTrackEventForModalLoops(NPEvent* event) { if (event->event == WM_RBUTTONDOWN) return true; return false; } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::OnUserGestureEnd() { user_gesture_message_posted_ = false; instance()->PopPopupsEnabledState(); } BOOL WINAPI WebPluginDelegateImpl::TrackPopupMenuPatch( HMENU menu, unsigned int flags, int x, int y, int reserved, HWND window, const RECT* rect) { HWND last_focus_window = NULL; if (g_current_plugin_instance) { unsigned long window_process_id = 0; unsigned long window_thread_id = GetWindowThreadProcessId(window, &window_process_id); // TrackPopupMenu fails if the window passed in belongs to a different // thread. if (::GetCurrentThreadId() != window_thread_id) { window = g_current_plugin_instance->dummy_window_for_activation_; } // To ensure that the plugin receives keyboard events we set focus to the // dummy window. // TODO(iyengar) We need a framework in the renderer to identify which // windowless plugin is under the mouse and to handle this. This would // also require some changes in RenderWidgetHost to detect this in the // WM_MOUSEACTIVATE handler and inform the renderer accordingly. if (g_current_plugin_instance->dummy_window_for_activation_) { last_focus_window = ::SetFocus(g_current_plugin_instance->dummy_window_for_activation_); } } BOOL result = TrackPopupMenu(menu, flags, x, y, reserved, window, rect); if (IsWindow(last_focus_window)) { // The Flash plugin at times sets focus to its hidden top level window // with class name SWFlash_PlaceholderX. This causes the chrome browser // window to receive a WM_ACTIVATEAPP message as a top level window from // another thread is now active. We end up in a state where the chrome // browser window is not active even though the user clicked on it. // Our workaround for this is to send over a raw // WM_LBUTTONDOWN/WM_LBUTTONUP combination to the last focus window, which // does the trick. if (g_current_plugin_instance->dummy_window_for_activation_ != ::GetFocus()) { INPUT input_info = {0}; input_info.type = INPUT_MOUSE; input_info.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN; ::SendInput(1, &input_info, sizeof(INPUT)); input_info.type = INPUT_MOUSE; input_info.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP; ::SendInput(1, &input_info, sizeof(INPUT)); } else { ::SetFocus(last_focus_window); } } return result; } HCURSOR WINAPI WebPluginDelegateImpl::SetCursorPatch(HCURSOR cursor) { // The windowless flash plugin periodically calls SetCursor in a wndproc // instantiated on the plugin thread. This causes annoying cursor flicker // when the mouse is moved on a foreground tab, with a windowless plugin // instance in a background tab. We just ignore the call here. if (!g_current_plugin_instance) { HCURSOR current_cursor = GetCursor(); if (current_cursor != cursor) { ::SetCursor(cursor); } return current_cursor; } if (!g_current_plugin_instance->IsWindowless()) { return ::SetCursor(cursor); } // It is ok to pass NULL here to GetCursor as we are not looking for cursor // types defined by Webkit. HCURSOR previous_cursor = g_current_plugin_instance->current_windowless_cursor_.GetCursor(NULL); g_current_plugin_instance->current_windowless_cursor_.InitFromExternalCursor( cursor); return previous_cursor; } LONG WINAPI WebPluginDelegateImpl::RegEnumKeyExWPatch( HKEY key, DWORD index, LPWSTR name, LPDWORD name_size, LPDWORD reserved, LPWSTR class_name, LPDWORD class_size, PFILETIME last_write_time) { DWORD orig_size = *name_size; LONG rv = RegEnumKeyExW(key, index, name, name_size, reserved, class_name, class_size, last_write_time); if (rv == ERROR_SUCCESS && GetKeyPath(key).find(L"Microsoft\\MediaPlayer\\ShimInclusionList") != std::wstring::npos) { static const wchar_t kChromeExeName[] = L"chrome.exe"; wcsncpy_s(name, orig_size, kChromeExeName, arraysize(kChromeExeName)); *name_size = std::min(orig_size, static_cast(arraysize(kChromeExeName))); } return rv; } void WebPluginDelegateImpl::HandleCaptureForMessage(HWND window, UINT message) { if (!WebPluginDelegateImpl::IsPluginDelegateWindow(window)) return; switch (message) { case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: ::SetCapture(window); break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: case WM_MBUTTONUP: case WM_RBUTTONUP: ::ReleaseCapture(); break; default: break; } }