// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "config.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" MSVC_PUSH_WARNING_LEVEL(0); #include "CString.h" #include "Document.h" #include "DocumentLoader.h" #include "FormData.h" #include "FormDataList.h" #include "FrameLoader.h" #include "HTMLFormControlElement.h" #include "HTMLFormElement.h" #include "HTMLOptionElement.h" #include "HTMLInputElement.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "HTMLOptionsCollection.h" #include "HTMLSelectElement.h" #include "ResourceRequest.h" #include "TextEncoding.h" #include #pragma warning(pop) #undef LOG #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "webkit/glue/dom_operations.h" #include "webkit/glue/glue_util.h" #include "webkit/glue/searchable_form_data.h" #include "webkit/glue/webframe_impl.h" using WebCore::HTMLInputElement; using WebCore::HTMLOptionElement; namespace { // TODO(eseidel): appendString and appendEncodedString do *not* follow Google // style because they are copy/paste from WebKit and will go away as soon as the // WebKit functions are made public. static void appendString(Vector& buffer, const char* string) { buffer.append(string, strlen(string)); } // TODO (sky): This comes straight out of HTMLFormElement, will work with // WebKit folks to make public. static void appendEncodedString(Vector& buffer, const WebCore::CString& string) { static const char hexDigits[17] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; // http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/interact/forms.html#h- int length = string.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { unsigned char c = string.data()[i]; // Same safe characters as Netscape for compatibility. static const char safe[] = "-._*"; if ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || strchr(safe, c)) buffer.append(c); else if (c == ' ') buffer.append('+'); else if (c == '\n' || (c == '\r' && (i + 1 >= length || string.data()[i + 1] != '\n'))) appendString(buffer, "%0D%0A"); else if (c != '\r') { buffer.append('%'); buffer.append(hexDigits[c >> 4]); buffer.append(hexDigits[c & 0xF]); } } } // Returns true if the form element has an 'onsubmit' attribute. bool FormHasOnSubmit(WebCore::HTMLFormElement* form) { const WebCore::AtomicString& attribute_value = form->getAttribute(WebCore::HTMLNames::onsubmitAttr); return (!attribute_value.isNull() && !attribute_value.isEmpty()); } // Returns true if the form element will submit the data using a GET. bool IsFormMethodGet(WebCore::HTMLFormElement* form) { const WebCore::AtomicString& attribute_value = form->getAttribute(WebCore::HTMLNames::methodAttr); return !equalIgnoringCase(attribute_value, "post"); } // Gets the encoding for the form. void GetFormEncoding(WebCore::HTMLFormElement* form, WebCore::TextEncoding* encoding) { WebCore::String str = form->getAttribute(WebCore::HTMLNames::accept_charsetAttr); str.replace(',', ' '); Vector charsets; str.split(' ', charsets); Vector::const_iterator end = charsets.end(); for (Vector::const_iterator it = charsets.begin(); it != end; ++it) { *encoding = WebCore::TextEncoding(*it); if (encoding->isValid()) return; } if (!encoding->isValid()) { WebCore::Frame* frame = form->document()->frame(); if (frame) *encoding = WebCore::TextEncoding(frame->loader()->encoding()); else *encoding = WebCore::Latin1Encoding(); } } // Returns true if the submit request results in an HTTP URL. bool IsHTTPFormSubmit(WebCore::HTMLFormElement* form) { WebCore::Frame* frame = form->document()->frame(); WebCore::String action = WebCore::parseURL(form->action()); WebCore::FrameLoader* loader = frame->loader(); WebCore::KURL url = loader->completeURL(action.isNull() ? "" : action); return (url.protocol() == "http"); } // If the form does not have an activated submit button, the first submit // button is returned. WebCore::HTMLFormControlElement* GetButtonToActivate( WebCore::HTMLFormElement* form) { WTF::Vector form_elements = form->formElements; WebCore::HTMLFormControlElement* first_submit_button = NULL; for (unsigned i = 0; i < form_elements.size(); ++i) { WebCore::HTMLFormControlElement* current = form_elements[i]; if (current->isActivatedSubmit()) { // There's a button that is already activated for submit, return NULL. return NULL; } else if (first_submit_button == NULL && current->isSuccessfulSubmitButton()) { first_submit_button = current; } } return first_submit_button; } // Returns true if the selected state of all the options matches the default // selected state. bool IsSelectInDefaultState(WebCore::HTMLSelectElement* select) { RefPtr options = select->options(); WebCore::Node* node = options->firstItem(); if (!select->multiple() && select->size() <= 1) { // The select is rendered as a combobox (called menulist in WebKit). At // least one item is selected, determine which one. HTMLOptionElement* initial_selected = NULL; while (node) { HTMLOptionElement* option_element = webkit_glue::CastHTMLElement( node, WebCore::HTMLNames::optionTag); if (option_element) { if (!initial_selected) initial_selected = option_element; if (option_element->defaultSelected()) { // The page specified the option to select. initial_selected = option_element; break; } } node = options->nextItem(); } if (initial_selected) return initial_selected->selected(); } else { while (node) { HTMLOptionElement* option_element = webkit_glue::CastHTMLElement( node, WebCore::HTMLNames::optionTag); if (option_element && option_element->selected() != option_element->defaultSelected()) { return false; } node = options->nextItem(); } } return true; } bool IsCheckBoxOrRadioInDefaultState(HTMLInputElement* element) { return (element->checked() == element->defaultChecked()); } // Returns true if the form element is in its default state, false otherwise. // The default state is the state of the form element on initial load of the // page, and varies depending upon the form element. For example, a checkbox is // in its default state if the checked state matches the defaultChecked state. bool IsInDefaultState(WebCore::HTMLFormControlElement* form_element) { if (form_element->hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::inputTag)) { HTMLInputElement* input_element = static_cast(form_element); if (input_element->inputType() == HTMLInputElement::CHECKBOX || input_element->inputType() == HTMLInputElement::RADIO) { return IsCheckBoxOrRadioInDefaultState(input_element); } } else if (form_element->hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::selectTag)) { return IsSelectInDefaultState( static_cast(form_element)); } return true; } // If form has only one text input element, it is returned. If a valid input // element is not found, NULL is returned. Additionally, the form data for all // elements is added to enc_string and the encoding used is set in // encoding_name. WebCore::HTMLInputElement* GetTextElement( WebCore::HTMLFormElement* form, Vector* enc_string, std::string* encoding_name) { WebCore::TextEncoding encoding; GetFormEncoding(form, &encoding); if (!encoding.isValid()) { // Need a valid encoding to encode the form elements. // If the encoding isn't found webkit ends up replacing the params with // empty strings. So, we don't try to do anything here. return NULL; } *encoding_name = encoding.name(); WebCore::HTMLInputElement* text_element = NULL; WTF::Vector form_elements = form->formElements; for (unsigned i = 0; i < form_elements.size(); ++i) { WebCore::HTMLFormControlElement* form_element = form_elements[i]; if (!form_element->disabled() && !form_element->name().isNull()) { bool is_text_element = false; if (!IsInDefaultState(form_element)) { return NULL; } if (form_element->hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::inputTag)) { WebCore::HTMLInputElement* input_element = static_cast(form_element); switch (input_element->inputType()) { case WebCore::HTMLInputElement::TEXT: case WebCore::HTMLInputElement::ISINDEX: is_text_element = true; break; case WebCore::HTMLInputElement::PASSWORD: // Don't store passwords! This is most likely an https anyway. // Fall through. case WebCore::HTMLInputElement::FILE: // Too big, don't try to index this. return NULL; break; default: // All other input types are indexable. break; } } else if (form_element->hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::textareaTag)) { // TextArea aren't use for search. return NULL; } WebCore::FormDataList lst(encoding); if (form_element->appendFormData(lst, false)) { if (is_text_element && lst.list().size() > 0) { if (text_element != NULL) { // The auto-complete bar only knows how to fill in one value. // This form has multiple fields; don't treat it as searchable. return NULL; } text_element = static_cast(form_element); } for (int j = 0, max = static_cast(lst.list().size()); j < max; ++j) { const WebCore::FormDataListItem& item = lst.list()[j]; // handle ISINDEX / special // but only if its the first entry if (enc_string->isEmpty() && item.m_data == "isindex") { if (form_element == text_element) appendString(*enc_string, "{searchTerms}"); else appendEncodedString(*enc_string, (lst.list()[j + 1].m_data)); ++j; } else { if (!enc_string->isEmpty()) enc_string->append('&'); appendEncodedString(*enc_string, item.m_data); enc_string->append('='); if (form_element == text_element) appendString(*enc_string, "{searchTerms}"); else appendEncodedString(*enc_string, lst.list()[j + 1].m_data); ++j; } } } } } return text_element; } } // namespace SearchableFormData* SearchableFormData::Create(WebCore::Element* element) { if (!element->isHTMLElement() || !static_cast(element)->isGenericFormElement()) { return NULL; } WebCore::Frame* frame = element->document()->frame(); if (frame == NULL) return NULL; WebCore::HTMLFormControlElement* input_element = static_cast(element); WebCore::HTMLFormElement* form = input_element->form(); if (form == NULL) return NULL; return Create(form); } SearchableFormData* SearchableFormData::Create(WebCore::HTMLFormElement* form) { WebCore::Frame* frame = form->document()->frame(); if (frame == NULL) return NULL; // Only consider forms that GET data, do not have script for onsubmit, and // the action targets an http page. if (!IsFormMethodGet(form) || FormHasOnSubmit(form) || !IsHTTPFormSubmit(form)) return NULL; Vector enc_string; WebCore::HTMLFormControlElement* first_submit_button = GetButtonToActivate(form); if (first_submit_button) { // The form does not have an active submit button, make the first button // active. We need to do this, otherwise the URL will not contain the // name of the submit button. first_submit_button->setActivatedSubmit(true); } std::string encoding; WebCore::HTMLInputElement* text_element = GetTextElement(form, &enc_string, &encoding); if (first_submit_button) first_submit_button->setActivatedSubmit(false); if (text_element == NULL) { // Not a searchable form. return NULL; } // It's a valid form. // Generate the URL and create a new SearchableFormData. RefPtr form_data = WebCore::FormData::create(enc_string); WebCore::String action = WebCore::parseURL(form->action()); WebCore::FrameLoader* loader = frame->loader(); WebCore::KURL url = loader->completeURL(action.isNull() ? "" : action); url.setQuery(form_data->flattenToString()); std::wstring current_value = webkit_glue::StringToStdWString( static_cast(text_element)->value()); std::wstring text_name = webkit_glue::StringToStdWString(text_element->name()); GURL gurl(webkit_glue::KURLToGURL(url)); return new SearchableFormData(gurl, text_name, current_value, encoding); } // static bool SearchableFormData::Equals(const SearchableFormData* a, const SearchableFormData* b) { return ((a == b) || (a != NULL && b != NULL && a->url().spec() == b->url().spec() && a->element_name() == b->element_name() && a->element_value() == b->element_value() && a->encoding() == b->encoding())); } SearchableFormData::SearchableFormData(const GURL& url, const std::wstring& element_name, const std::wstring& element_value, const std::string& encoding) : url_(url), element_name_(element_name), element_value_(element_value), encoding_(encoding) { }