// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "DocumentLoader.h"

#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/time.h"
#include "webkit/glue/searchable_form_data.h"
#include "webkit/glue/webdatasource.h"
#include "webkit/glue/webresponse_impl.h"
#include "webkit/glue/weburlrequest_impl.h"

class WebFrameImpl;
class WebDocumentLoaderImpl;

class WebDataSourceImpl : public WebCore::DocumentLoader, public WebDataSource {
  static PassRefPtr<WebDataSourceImpl> Create(const WebCore::ResourceRequest&,
                                              const WebCore::SubstituteData&);

  static WebDataSourceImpl* FromLoader(WebCore::DocumentLoader* loader) {
    return static_cast<WebDataSourceImpl*>(loader);

  // WebDataSource methods:
  virtual const WebRequest& GetInitialRequest() const;
  virtual const WebRequest& GetRequest() const;
  virtual const WebResponse& GetResponse() const;
  virtual GURL GetUnreachableURL() const;
  virtual bool HasUnreachableURL() const;
  virtual const std::vector<GURL>& GetRedirectChain() const;
  virtual const SearchableFormData* GetSearchableFormData() const;
  virtual const PasswordForm* GetPasswordFormData() const;
  virtual bool IsFormSubmit() const;
  virtual string16 GetPageTitle() const;
  virtual base::Time GetRequestTime() const;
  virtual void SetRequestTime(base::Time time);
  virtual base::Time GetStartLoadTime() const;
  virtual base::Time GetFinishDocumentLoadTime() const;
  virtual base::Time GetFinishLoadTime() const;
  virtual base::Time GetFirstLayoutTime() const;
  virtual WebNavigationType GetNavigationType() const;
  virtual ExtraData* GetExtraData() const;
  virtual void SetExtraData(ExtraData*);

  static WebNavigationType NavigationTypeToWebNavigationType(
      WebCore::NavigationType type);

  void ClearRedirectChain();
  void AppendRedirect(const GURL& url);

  // Sets the SearchableFormData for this DocumentLoader.
  // WebDocumentLoaderImpl will own the SearchableFormData.
  void set_searchable_form_data(SearchableFormData* searchable_form_data) {
  // Returns the SearchableFormData for this DocumentLoader.
  // WebDocumentLoaderImpl owns the returned SearchableFormData.
  const SearchableFormData* searchable_form_data() const {
    return searchable_form_data_.get();

  // Sets the PasswordFormData for this DocumentLoader.
  // WebDocumentLoaderImpl will own the PasswordFormData.
  void set_password_form_data(PasswordForm* password_form_data) {
  // Returns the PasswordFormData for this DocumentLoader.
  // WebDocumentLoaderImpl owns the returned PasswordFormData.
  const PasswordForm* password_form_data() const {
    return password_form_data_.get();

  void set_form_submit(bool value) {
    form_submit_ = value;
  bool is_form_submit() const {
    return form_submit_;

  void set_request_time(base::Time request_time) {
    request_time_ = request_time;

  void set_start_load_time(base::Time start_load_time) {
    start_load_time_ = start_load_time;

  void set_finish_document_load_time(base::Time finish_document_load_time) {
    finish_document_load_time_ = finish_document_load_time;

  void set_finish_load_time(base::Time finish_load_time) {
    finish_load_time_ = finish_load_time;

  void set_first_layout_time(base::Time first_layout_time) {
    first_layout_time_ = first_layout_time;

  WebDataSourceImpl(const WebCore::ResourceRequest&,
                    const WebCore::SubstituteData&);

  // Mutable because the const getters will magically sync these to the
  // latest version from WebKit.
  mutable WebRequestImpl initial_request_;
  mutable WebRequestImpl request_;
  mutable WebResponseImpl response_;

  // Lists all intermediate URLs that have redirected for the current
  // provisional load. See WebFrameLoaderClient::
  // dispatchDidReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoad for a description of
  // who modifies this when to keep it up to date.
  std::vector<GURL> redirect_chain_;

  scoped_ptr<const SearchableFormData> searchable_form_data_;
  scoped_ptr<const PasswordForm> password_form_data_;

  OwnPtr<ExtraData> extra_data_;

  bool form_submit_;

  // See webdatasource.h for a description of these time stamps.
  base::Time request_time_;
  base::Time start_load_time_;
  base::Time finish_document_load_time_;
  base::Time finish_load_time_;
  base::Time first_layout_time_;
