// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "config.h" #include "webkit/glue/webplugin_impl.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "Document.h" #include "DocumentLoader.h" #include "Event.h" #include "EventNames.h" #include "FloatPoint.h" #include "FormData.h" #include "FormState.h" #include "FocusController.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameLoader.h" #include "FrameLoadRequest.h" #include "FrameTree.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "GraphicsContext.h" #include "HTMLFormElement.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "HTMLPlugInElement.h" #include "IntRect.h" #include "KURL.h" #include "KeyboardEvent.h" #include "MouseEvent.h" #include "Page.h" #include "PlatformContextSkia.h" #include "PlatformMouseEvent.h" #include "PlatformString.h" #include "RenderBox.h" #include "ResourceHandle.h" #include "ResourceHandleClient.h" #include "ResourceResponse.h" #include "ScriptController.h" #include "ScriptValue.h" #include "ScrollView.h" #include "Widget.h" #undef LOG #include "base/gfx/rect.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "net/base/escape.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebKit.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebKitClient.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebString.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURL.h" #include "webkit/glue/chrome_client_impl.h" #include "webkit/glue/glue_util.h" #include "webkit/glue/multipart_response_delegate.h" #include "webkit/glue/webcursor.h" #include "webkit/glue/webkit_glue.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/plugin_host.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/plugin_instance.h" #include "webkit/glue/stacking_order_iterator.h" #include "webkit/glue/webview_impl.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" // This class handles individual multipart responses. It is instantiated when // we receive HTTP status code 206 in the HTTP response. This indicates // that the response could have multiple parts each separated by a boundary // specified in the response header. class MultiPartResponseClient : public WebCore::ResourceHandleClient { public: MultiPartResponseClient(WebPluginResourceClient* resource_client) : resource_client_(resource_client) { Clear(); } // Called when the multipart parser encounters an embedded multipart // response. virtual void didReceiveResponse(WebCore::ResourceHandle* handle, const WebCore::ResourceResponse& response) { if (!MultipartResponseDelegate::ReadContentRanges( response, &byte_range_lower_bound_, &byte_range_upper_bound_)) { NOTREACHED(); return; } resource_response_ = response; } // Receives individual part data from a multipart response. virtual void didReceiveData(WebCore::ResourceHandle* handle, const char* data, int boundary_pos, int length_received) { int data_length = byte_range_upper_bound_ - byte_range_lower_bound_ + 1; resource_client_->DidReceiveData( data, data_length, byte_range_lower_bound_); } void Clear() { resource_response_ = WebCore::ResourceResponse(); byte_range_lower_bound_ = 0; byte_range_upper_bound_ = 0; } private: WebCore::ResourceResponse resource_response_; // The lower bound of the byte range. int byte_range_lower_bound_; // The upper bound of the byte range. int byte_range_upper_bound_; // The handler for the data. WebPluginResourceClient* resource_client_; }; WebPluginContainer::WebPluginContainer(WebPluginImpl* impl) : impl_(impl), ignore_response_error_(false) { } WebPluginContainer::~WebPluginContainer() { impl_->SetContainer(NULL); MessageLoop::current()->DeleteSoon(FROM_HERE, impl_); } NPObject* WebPluginContainer::GetPluginScriptableObject() { return impl_->GetPluginScriptableObject(); } #if USE(JSC) bool WebPluginContainer::isPluginView() const { return true; } #endif void WebPluginContainer::setFrameRect(const WebCore::IntRect& rect) { WebCore::Widget::setFrameRect(rect); impl_->setFrameRect(rect); } void WebPluginContainer::paint(WebCore::GraphicsContext* gc, const WebCore::IntRect& damage_rect) { // In theory, we should call impl_->print(gc); when // impl_->webframe_->printing() is true but it still has placement issues so // keep that code off for now. impl_->paint(gc, damage_rect); } void WebPluginContainer::invalidateRect(const WebCore::IntRect& rect) { if (parent()) { WebCore::IntRect damageRect = convertToContainingWindow(rect); // Get our clip rect and intersect with it to ensure we don't // invalidate too much. WebCore::IntRect clipRect = parent()->windowClipRect(); damageRect.intersect(clipRect); parent()->hostWindow()->repaint(damageRect, true); } } void WebPluginContainer::setFocus() { WebCore::Widget::setFocus(); impl_->setFocus(); } void WebPluginContainer::show() { // We don't want to force a geometry update when the plugin widget is // already visible as this involves a geometry update which may lead // to unnecessary window moves in the plugin process. if (!impl_->visible_) { impl_->show(); WebCore::Widget::show(); // This is to force an updategeometry call to the plugin process // where the plugin window can be hidden or shown. frameRectsChanged(); } } void WebPluginContainer::hide() { if (impl_->visible_) { impl_->hide(); WebCore::Widget::hide(); // This is to force an updategeometry call to the plugin process // where the plugin window can be hidden or shown. frameRectsChanged(); } } void WebPluginContainer::handleEvent(WebCore::Event* event) { impl_->handleEvent(event); } void WebPluginContainer::frameRectsChanged() { WebCore::Widget::frameRectsChanged(); // This is a hack to tickle re-positioning of the plugin in the case where // our parent view was scrolled. impl_->setFrameRect(frameRect()); } // We override this function, to make sure that geometry updates are sent // over to the plugin. For e.g. when a plugin is instantiated it does // not have a valid parent. As a result the first geometry update from // webkit is ignored. This function is called when the plugin eventually // gets a parent. void WebPluginContainer::setParentVisible(bool visible) { WebCore::Widget::setParentVisible(visible); if (visible) show(); else hide(); } // We override this function so that if the plugin is windowed, we can call // NPP_SetWindow at the first possible moment. This ensures that NPP_SetWindow // is called before the manual load data is sent to a plugin. If this order is // reversed, Flash won't load videos. void WebPluginContainer::setParent(WebCore::ScrollView* view) { WebCore::Widget::setParent(view); if (view) { impl_->setFrameRect(frameRect()); impl_->delegate_->FlushGeometryUpdates(); } } void WebPluginContainer::windowCutoutRects(const WebCore::IntRect& bounds, WTF::Vector* cutouts) const { impl_->windowCutoutRects(bounds, cutouts); } void WebPluginContainer::didReceiveResponse( const WebCore::ResourceResponse& response) { set_ignore_response_error(false); HttpResponseInfo http_response_info; ReadHttpResponseInfo(response, &http_response_info); impl_->delegate_->DidReceiveManualResponse( http_response_info.url, base::SysWideToNativeMB(http_response_info.mime_type), base::SysWideToNativeMB(impl_->GetAllHeaders(response)), http_response_info.expected_length, http_response_info.last_modified); } void WebPluginContainer::didReceiveData(const char *buffer, int length) { impl_->delegate_->DidReceiveManualData(buffer, length); } void WebPluginContainer::didFinishLoading() { impl_->delegate_->DidFinishManualLoading(); } void WebPluginContainer::didFail(const WebCore::ResourceError&) { if (!ignore_response_error_) impl_->delegate_->DidManualLoadFail(); } void WebPluginContainer::ReadHttpResponseInfo( const WebCore::ResourceResponse& response, HttpResponseInfo* http_response) { std::wstring url = webkit_glue::StringToStdWString(response.url().string()); http_response->url = WideToASCII(url); http_response->mime_type = webkit_glue::StringToStdWString(response.mimeType()); http_response->last_modified = static_cast(response.lastModifiedDate()); // If the length comes in as -1, then it indicates that it was not // read off the HTTP headers. We replicate Safari webkit behavior here, // which is to set it to 0. http_response->expected_length = static_cast(std::max(response.expectedContentLength(), 0LL)); WebCore::String content_encoding = response.httpHeaderField("Content-Encoding"); if (!content_encoding.isNull() && content_encoding != "identity") { // Don't send the compressed content length to the plugin, which only // cares about the decoded length. http_response->expected_length = 0; } } WebCore::Widget* WebPluginImpl::Create(const GURL& url, char** argn, char** argv, int argc, WebCore::HTMLPlugInElement* element, WebFrameImpl* frame, WebPluginDelegate* delegate, bool load_manually, const std::string& mime_type) { WebPluginImpl* webplugin = new WebPluginImpl(element, frame, delegate, url, load_manually, mime_type, argc, argn, argv); if (!delegate->Initialize(url, argn, argv, argc, webplugin, load_manually)) { delegate->PluginDestroyed(); delegate = NULL; delete webplugin; return NULL; } WebPluginContainer* container = new WebPluginContainer(webplugin); webplugin->SetContainer(container); return container; } WebPluginImpl::WebPluginImpl(WebCore::HTMLPlugInElement* element, WebFrameImpl* webframe, WebPluginDelegate* delegate, const GURL& plugin_url, bool load_manually, const std::string& mime_type, int arg_count, char** arg_names, char** arg_values) : windowless_(false), window_(NULL), element_(element), webframe_(webframe), delegate_(delegate), visible_(false), widget_(NULL), plugin_url_(plugin_url), load_manually_(load_manually), first_geometry_update_(true), mime_type_(mime_type) { ArrayToVector(arg_count, arg_names, &arg_names_); ArrayToVector(arg_count, arg_values, &arg_values_); } WebPluginImpl::~WebPluginImpl() { } bool WebPluginImpl::SetWindow(gfx::NativeView window) { if (window) { DCHECK(!windowless_); // Make sure not called twice. window_ = window; } else { DCHECK(!window_); // Make sure not called twice. windowless_ = true; } return true; } bool WebPluginImpl::CompleteURL(const std::string& url_in, std::string* url_out) { if (!frame() || !frame()->document()) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } WebCore::String str(webkit_glue::StdStringToString(url_in)); WebCore::String url = frame()->document()->completeURL(str); std::wstring wurl = webkit_glue::StringToStdWString(url); *url_out = WideToUTF8(wurl); return true; } bool WebPluginImpl::ExecuteScript(const std::string& url, const std::wstring& script, bool notify_needed, intptr_t notify_data, bool popups_allowed) { // This could happen if the WebPluginContainer was already deleted. if (!frame()) return false; // Pending resource fetches should also not trigger a callback. webframe_->set_plugin_delegate(NULL); WebCore::String script_str(webkit_glue::StdWStringToString(script)); // Note: the call to executeScript might result in the frame being // deleted, so add an extra reference to it in this scope. // For KJS, keeping a pointer to the JSBridge is enough, but for V8 // we also need to addref the frame. WTF::RefPtr cur_frame(frame()); WebCore::ScriptValue result = frame()->loader()->executeScript(script_str, popups_allowed); WebCore::String script_result; std::wstring wresult; bool succ = false; if (result.getString(script_result)) { succ = true; wresult = webkit_glue::StringToStdWString(script_result); } // delegate_ could be NULL because executeScript caused the container to be // deleted. if (delegate_) delegate_->SendJavaScriptStream(url, wresult, succ, notify_needed, notify_data); return succ; } void WebPluginImpl::CancelResource(int id) { for (size_t i = 0; i < clients_.size(); ++i) { if (clients_[i].id == id) { if (clients_[i].handle) { clients_[i].handle->cancel(); RemoveClient(i); } return; } } } bool WebPluginImpl::SetPostData(WebCore::ResourceRequest* request, const char *buf, uint32 length) { std::vector names; std::vector values; std::vector body; #if !defined(OS_LINUX) bool rv = NPAPI::PluginHost::SetPostData(buf, length, &names, &values, &body); #else // TODO(port): unstub once we have plugin support bool rv = false; NOTREACHED(); #endif for (size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i) request->addHTTPHeaderField(webkit_glue::StdStringToString(names[i]), webkit_glue::StdStringToString(values[i])); WebCore::String content_type = request->httpContentType(); if (content_type.isEmpty()) request->setHTTPContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); RefPtr data = WebCore::FormData::create(); if (body.size()) data->appendData(&body.front(), body.size()); request->setHTTPBody(data.release()); return rv; } RoutingStatus WebPluginImpl::RouteToFrame(const char *method, bool is_javascript_url, const char* target, unsigned int len, const char* buf, bool is_file_data, bool notify, const char* url, GURL* completeURL) { // If there is no target, there is nothing to do if (!target) return NOT_ROUTED; // This could happen if the WebPluginContainer was already deleted. if (!frame()) return NOT_ROUTED; // Take special action for JavaScript URLs WebCore::String str_target = target; if (is_javascript_url) { WebCore::Frame *frameTarget = frame()->tree()->find(str_target); // For security reasons, do not allow JavaScript on frames // other than this frame. if (frameTarget != frame()) { // FIXME - might be good to log this into a security // log somewhere. return ROUTED; } // Route javascript calls back to the plugin. return NOT_ROUTED; } // If we got this far, we're routing content to a target frame. // Go fetch the URL. WebCore::String complete_url_str = frame()->document()->completeURL( WebCore::String(url)); WebCore::KURL complete_url_kurl(complete_url_str); if (strcmp(method, "GET") != 0) { const WebCore::String& protocol_scheme = complete_url_kurl.protocol(); // We're only going to route HTTP/HTTPS requests if ((protocol_scheme != "http") && (protocol_scheme != "https")) return INVALID_URL; } *completeURL = webkit_glue::KURLToGURL(complete_url_kurl); WebCore::ResourceRequest request(complete_url_kurl); request.setHTTPMethod(method); if (len > 0) { if (!is_file_data) { if (!SetPostData(&request, buf, len)) { // Uhoh - we're in trouble. There isn't a good way // to recover at this point. Break out. ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return ROUTED; } } else { // TODO: Support "file" mode. For now, just break out // since proceeding may do something unintentional. ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return ROUTED; } } WebCore::FrameLoadRequest load_request(request); load_request.setFrameName(str_target); WebCore::FrameLoader *loader = frame()->loader(); // we actually don't know whether usergesture is true or false, // passing true since all we can do is assume it is okay. loader->loadFrameRequest( load_request, false, // lock history false, // lock back forward list 0, // event 0); // form state // load() can cause the frame to go away. if (webframe_) { WebPluginDelegate* last_plugin = webframe_->plugin_delegate(); if (last_plugin) { last_plugin->DidFinishLoadWithReason(NPRES_USER_BREAK); webframe_->set_plugin_delegate(NULL); } if (notify) webframe_->set_plugin_delegate(delegate_); } return ROUTED; } NPObject* WebPluginImpl::GetWindowScriptNPObject() { if (!frame()) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return 0; } return frame()->script()->windowScriptNPObject(); } NPObject* WebPluginImpl::GetPluginElement() { return element_->getNPObject(); } void WebPluginImpl::SetCookie(const GURL& url, const GURL& policy_url, const std::string& cookie) { WebKit::webKitClient()->setCookies(url, policy_url, UTF8ToUTF16(cookie)); } std::string WebPluginImpl::GetCookies(const GURL& url, const GURL& policy_url) { return UTF16ToUTF8(WebKit::webKitClient()->cookies(url, policy_url)); } void WebPluginImpl::ShowModalHTMLDialog(const GURL& url, int width, int height, const std::string& json_arguments, std::string* json_retval) { if (webframe_ && webframe_->GetView() && webframe_->GetView()->GetDelegate()) { webframe_->GetView()->GetDelegate()->ShowModalHTMLDialog( url, width, height, json_arguments, json_retval); } } void WebPluginImpl::OnMissingPluginStatus(int status) { NOTREACHED(); } void WebPluginImpl::Invalidate() { if (widget_) widget_->invalidate(); } void WebPluginImpl::InvalidateRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) { if (widget_) widget_->invalidateRect(webkit_glue::ToIntRect(rect)); } WebCore::IntRect WebPluginImpl::windowClipRect() const { // This is based on the code in WebCore/plugins/win/PluginViewWin.cpp: WebCore::IntRect rect(0, 0, widget_->width(), widget_->height()); // Start by clipping to our bounds. WebCore::IntRect clip_rect = widget_->convertToContainingWindow( WebCore::IntRect(0, 0, widget_->width(), widget_->height())); // Take our element and get the clip rect from the enclosing layer and // frame view. WebCore::RenderLayer* layer = element_->renderer()->enclosingLayer(); // document()->renderer() can be NULL when we receive messages from the // plugins while we are destroying a frame. if (element_->renderer()->document()->renderer()) { WebCore::FrameView* parent_view = element_->document()->view(); clip_rect.intersect(parent_view->windowClipRectForLayer(layer, true)); } return clip_rect; } void WebPluginImpl::windowCutoutRects( const WebCore::IntRect& bounds, WTF::Vector* cutouts) const { WebCore::RenderObject* plugin_node = element_->renderer(); ASSERT(plugin_node); // Find all iframes that stack higher than this plugin. bool higher = false; StackingOrderIterator iterator; WebCore::RenderLayer* root = element_->document()->renderer()-> enclosingLayer(); iterator.Reset(bounds, root); while (WebCore::RenderObject* ro = iterator.Next()) { if (ro == plugin_node) { // All nodes after this one are higher than plugin. higher = true; } else if (higher) { // Is this a visible iframe? WebCore::Node* n = ro->node(); if (n && n->hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::iframeTag)) { if (!ro->style() || ro->style()->visibility() == WebCore::VISIBLE) { WebCore::IntPoint point = roundedIntPoint(ro->localToAbsolute()); WebCore::RenderBox* rbox = WebCore::toRenderBox(ro); WebCore::IntSize size(rbox->width(), rbox->height()); cutouts->append(WebCore::IntRect(point, size)); } } } } } void WebPluginImpl::setFrameRect(const WebCore::IntRect& rect) { if (!parent()) return; // Compute a new position and clip rect for ourselves relative to the // containing window. We ask our delegate to reposition us accordingly. WebCore::Frame* frame = element_->document()->frame(); WebFrameImpl* webframe = WebFrameImpl::FromFrame(frame); WebViewImpl* webview = webframe->webview_impl(); // It is valid for this function to be invoked in code paths where the // the webview is closed. if (!webview->delegate()) { return; } WebCore::IntRect window_rect; WebCore::IntRect clip_rect; std::vector cutout_rects; CalculateBounds(rect, &window_rect, &clip_rect, &cutout_rects); delegate_->UpdateGeometry(webkit_glue::FromIntRect(window_rect), webkit_glue::FromIntRect(clip_rect)); if (window_) { // Notify the window hosting the plugin (the WebViewDelegate) that // it needs to adjust the plugin, so that all the HWNDs can be moved // at the same time. WebPluginGeometry move; move.window = window_; move.window_rect = webkit_glue::FromIntRect(window_rect); move.clip_rect = webkit_glue::FromIntRect(clip_rect); move.cutout_rects = cutout_rects; move.visible = visible_; webview->delegate()->DidMove(webview, move); } // Initiate a download on the plugin url. This should be done for the // first update geometry sequence. if (first_geometry_update_) { first_geometry_update_ = false; // An empty url corresponds to an EMBED tag with no src attribute. if (!load_manually_ && plugin_url_.is_valid()) { HandleURLRequestInternal("GET", false, NULL, 0, NULL, false, false, plugin_url_.spec().c_str(), NULL, false, false); } } } void WebPluginImpl::paint(WebCore::GraphicsContext* gc, const WebCore::IntRect& damage_rect) { if (gc->paintingDisabled()) return; if (!parent()) return; // Don't paint anything if the plugin doesn't intersect the damage rect. if (!widget_->frameRect().intersects(damage_rect)) return; gc->save(); DCHECK(parent()->isFrameView()); WebCore::FrameView* view = static_cast(parent()); // The plugin is positioned in window coordinates, so it needs to be painted // in window coordinates. WebCore::IntPoint origin = view->windowToContents(WebCore::IntPoint(0, 0)); gc->translate(static_cast(origin.x()), static_cast(origin.y())); #if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(TOOLKIT_GTK) // Note that |context| is only used when in windowless mode. gfx::NativeDrawingContext context = gc->platformContext()->canvas()->beginPlatformPaint(); #elif defined(OS_MACOSX) gfx::NativeDrawingContext context = gc->platformContext(); #else NOTIMPLEMENTED(); gfx::NativeDrawingContext context = NULL; #endif WebCore::IntRect window_rect = WebCore::IntRect(view->contentsToWindow(damage_rect.location()), damage_rect.size()); delegate_->Paint(context, webkit_glue::FromIntRect(window_rect)); #if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(TOOLKIT_GTK) gc->platformContext()->canvas()->endPlatformPaint(); #endif gc->restore(); } void WebPluginImpl::print(WebCore::GraphicsContext* gc) { if (gc->paintingDisabled()) return; if (!parent()) return; gc->save(); #if defined(OS_WIN) gfx::NativeDrawingContext hdc = gc->platformContext()->canvas()->beginPlatformPaint(); delegate_->Print(hdc); gc->platformContext()->canvas()->endPlatformPaint(); #else NOTIMPLEMENTED(); #endif gc->restore(); } void WebPluginImpl::setFocus() { if (windowless_) delegate_->SetFocus(); } void WebPluginImpl::show() { visible_ = true; } void WebPluginImpl::hide() { visible_ = false; } void WebPluginImpl::handleEvent(WebCore::Event* event) { if (!windowless_) return; // Pass events to the plugin. // The events we pass are defined at: // http://devedge-temp.mozilla.org/library/manuals/2002/plugin/1.0/structures5.html#1000000 // Don't take the documentation as truth, however. I've found // many cases where mozilla behaves differently than the spec. if (event->isMouseEvent()) handleMouseEvent(static_cast(event)); else if (event->isKeyboardEvent()) handleKeyboardEvent(static_cast(event)); } void WebPluginImpl::handleMouseEvent(WebCore::MouseEvent* event) { #if defined(OS_WIN) DCHECK(parent()->isFrameView()); // We cache the parent FrameView here as the plugin widget could be deleted // in the call to HandleEvent. See http://b/issue?id=1362948 WebCore::FrameView* parent_view = static_cast(parent()); WebCore::IntPoint p = parent_view->contentsToWindow(WebCore::IntPoint(event->pageX(), event->pageY())); NPEvent np_event; np_event.lParam = static_cast(MAKELPARAM(p.x(), p.y())); np_event.wParam = 0; if (event->ctrlKey()) np_event.wParam |= MK_CONTROL; if (event->shiftKey()) np_event.wParam |= MK_SHIFT; if ((event->type() == WebCore::eventNames().mousemoveEvent) || (event->type() == WebCore::eventNames().mouseoutEvent) || (event->type() == WebCore::eventNames().mouseoverEvent)) { np_event.event = WM_MOUSEMOVE; if (event->buttonDown()) { switch (event->button()) { case WebCore::LeftButton: np_event.wParam |= MK_LBUTTON; break; case WebCore::MiddleButton: np_event.wParam |= MK_MBUTTON; break; case WebCore::RightButton: np_event.wParam |= MK_RBUTTON; break; } } } else if (event->type() == WebCore::eventNames().mousedownEvent) { // Ensure that the frame containing the plugin has focus. WebCore::Frame* containing_frame = webframe_->frame(); if (WebCore::Page* current_page = containing_frame->page()) { current_page->focusController()->setFocusedFrame(containing_frame); } // Give focus to our containing HTMLPluginElement. containing_frame->document()->setFocusedNode(element_); // Ideally we'd translate to WM_xBUTTONDBLCLK here if the click count were // a multiple of 2. But there seems to be no way to get at the click count // or the original Windows message from the WebCore::Event. switch (event->button()) { case WebCore::LeftButton: np_event.event = WM_LBUTTONDOWN; np_event.wParam |= MK_LBUTTON; break; case WebCore::MiddleButton: np_event.event = WM_MBUTTONDOWN; np_event.wParam |= MK_MBUTTON; break; case WebCore::RightButton: np_event.event = WM_RBUTTONDOWN; np_event.wParam |= MK_RBUTTON; break; } } else if (event->type() == WebCore::eventNames().mouseupEvent) { switch (event->button()) { case WebCore::LeftButton: np_event.event = WM_LBUTTONUP; break; case WebCore::MiddleButton: np_event.event = WM_MBUTTONUP; break; case WebCore::RightButton: np_event.event = WM_RBUTTONUP; break; } } else { // Skip all other mouse events. return; } // TODO(pkasting): http://b/1119691 This conditional seems exactly backwards, // but it matches Safari's code, and if I reverse it, giving focus to a // transparent (windowless) plugin fails. WebCursor cursor; if (!delegate_->HandleEvent(&np_event, &cursor)) event->setDefaultHandled(); WebCore::Page* page = parent_view->frame()->page(); if (!page) return; ChromeClientImpl* chrome_client = static_cast(page->chrome()->client()); // A windowless plugin can change the cursor in response to the WM_MOUSEMOVE // event. We need to reflect the changed cursor in the frame view as the // mouse is moved in the boundaries of the windowless plugin. chrome_client->SetCursorForPlugin(cursor); #else NOTIMPLEMENTED(); #endif } void WebPluginImpl::handleKeyboardEvent(WebCore::KeyboardEvent* event) { #if defined(OS_WIN) NPEvent np_event; np_event.wParam = event->keyCode(); if (event->type() == WebCore::eventNames().keydownEvent) { np_event.event = WM_KEYDOWN; np_event.lParam = 0; } else if (event->type() == WebCore::eventNames().keyupEvent) { np_event.event = WM_KEYUP; np_event.lParam = 0x8000; } else { // Skip all other keyboard events. return; } // TODO(pkasting): http://b/1119691 See above. WebCursor current_web_cursor; if (!delegate_->HandleEvent(&np_event, ¤t_web_cursor)) event->setDefaultHandled(); #else NOTIMPLEMENTED(); #endif } NPObject* WebPluginImpl::GetPluginScriptableObject() { return delegate_->GetPluginScriptableObject(); } WebPluginResourceClient* WebPluginImpl::GetClientFromHandle( WebCore::ResourceHandle* handle) { for (size_t i = 0; i < clients_.size(); ++i) { if (clients_[i].handle.get() == handle) return clients_[i].client; } NOTREACHED(); return 0; } void WebPluginImpl::willSendRequest(WebCore::ResourceHandle* handle, WebCore::ResourceRequest& request, const WebCore::ResourceResponse&) { WebPluginResourceClient* client = GetClientFromHandle(handle); if (client) { GURL gurl(webkit_glue::KURLToGURL(request.url())); client->WillSendRequest(gurl); } } std::wstring WebPluginImpl::GetAllHeaders( const WebCore::ResourceResponse& response) { std::wstring result; const WebCore::String& status = response.httpStatusText(); if (status.isEmpty()) return result; result.append(L"HTTP "); result.append(FormatNumber(response.httpStatusCode())); result.append(L" "); result.append(webkit_glue::StringToStdWString(status)); result.append(L"\n"); WebCore::HTTPHeaderMap::const_iterator it = response.httpHeaderFields().begin(); for (; it != response.httpHeaderFields().end(); ++it) { if (!it->first.isEmpty() && !it->second.isEmpty()) { result.append(webkit_glue::StringToStdWString(it->first)); result.append(L": "); result.append(webkit_glue::StringToStdWString(it->second)); result.append(L"\n"); } } return result; } void WebPluginImpl::didReceiveResponse(WebCore::ResourceHandle* handle, const WebCore::ResourceResponse& response) { static const int kHttpPartialResponseStatusCode = 206; static const int kHttpResponseSuccessStatusCode = 200; WebPluginResourceClient* client = GetClientFromHandle(handle); if (!client) return; WebPluginContainer::HttpResponseInfo http_response_info; WebPluginContainer::ReadHttpResponseInfo(response, &http_response_info); bool cancel = false; bool request_is_seekable = true; if (client->IsMultiByteResponseExpected()) { if (response.httpStatusCode() == kHttpPartialResponseStatusCode) { HandleHttpMultipartResponse(response, client); return; } else if (response.httpStatusCode() == kHttpResponseSuccessStatusCode) { // If the client issued a byte range request and the server responds with // HTTP 200 OK, it indicates that the server does not support byte range // requests. // We need to emulate Firefox behavior by doing the following:- // 1. Destroy the plugin instance in the plugin process. Ensure that // existing resource requests initiated for the plugin instance // continue to remain valid. // 2. Create a new plugin instance and notify it about the response // received here. if (!ReinitializePluginForResponse(handle)) { NOTREACHED(); return; } // The server does not support byte range requests. No point in creating // seekable streams. request_is_seekable = false; delete client; client = NULL; // Create a new resource client for this request. for (size_t i = 0; i < clients_.size(); ++i) { if (clients_[i].handle.get() == handle) { WebPluginResourceClient* resource_client = delegate_->CreateResourceClient(clients_[i].id, plugin_url_.spec().c_str(), false, 0, NULL); clients_[i].client = resource_client; client = resource_client; break; } } DCHECK(client != NULL); } } client->DidReceiveResponse( base::SysWideToNativeMB(http_response_info.mime_type), base::SysWideToNativeMB(GetAllHeaders(response)), http_response_info.expected_length, http_response_info.last_modified, request_is_seekable, &cancel); if (cancel) { handle->cancel(); RemoveClient(handle); return; } // Bug http://b/issue?id=925559. The flash plugin would not handle the HTTP // error codes in the stream header and as a result, was unaware of the // fate of the HTTP requests issued via NPN_GetURLNotify. Webkit and FF // destroy the stream and invoke the NPP_DestroyStream function on the // plugin if the HTTP request fails. const WebCore::String& protocol_scheme = response.url().protocol(); if ((protocol_scheme == "http") || (protocol_scheme == "https")) { if (response.httpStatusCode() < 100 || response.httpStatusCode() >= 400) { // The plugin instance could be in the process of deletion here. // Verify if the WebPluginResourceClient instance still exists before // use. WebPluginResourceClient* resource_client = GetClientFromHandle(handle); if (resource_client) { handle->cancel(); resource_client->DidFail(); RemoveClient(handle); } } } } void WebPluginImpl::didReceiveData(WebCore::ResourceHandle* handle, const char *buffer, int length, int) { WebPluginResourceClient* client = GetClientFromHandle(handle); if (client) { MultiPartResponseHandlerMap::iterator index = multi_part_response_map_.find(client); if (index != multi_part_response_map_.end()) { MultipartResponseDelegate* multi_part_handler = (*index).second; DCHECK(multi_part_handler != NULL); multi_part_handler->OnReceivedData(buffer, length); } else { client->DidReceiveData(buffer, length, 0); } } } void WebPluginImpl::didFinishLoading(WebCore::ResourceHandle* handle) { WebPluginResourceClient* client = GetClientFromHandle(handle); if (client) { MultiPartResponseHandlerMap::iterator index = multi_part_response_map_.find(client); if (index != multi_part_response_map_.end()) { delete (*index).second; multi_part_response_map_.erase(index); WebView* web_view = webframe_->GetView(); web_view->GetDelegate()->DidStopLoading(web_view); } client->DidFinishLoading(); } RemoveClient(handle); } void WebPluginImpl::didFail(WebCore::ResourceHandle* handle, const WebCore::ResourceError&) { WebPluginResourceClient* client = GetClientFromHandle(handle); if (client) client->DidFail(); RemoveClient(handle); } void WebPluginImpl::RemoveClient(size_t i) { clients_.erase(clients_.begin() + i); } void WebPluginImpl::RemoveClient(WebCore::ResourceHandle* handle) { for (size_t i = 0; i < clients_.size(); ++i) { if (clients_[i].handle.get() == handle) { RemoveClient(i); return; } } } void WebPluginImpl::SetContainer(WebPluginContainer* container) { if (container == NULL) { TearDownPluginInstance(NULL); } widget_ = container; } WebCore::ScrollView* WebPluginImpl::parent() const { if (widget_) return widget_->parent(); return NULL; } void WebPluginImpl::CalculateBounds(const WebCore::IntRect& frame_rect, WebCore::IntRect* window_rect, WebCore::IntRect* clip_rect, std::vector* cutout_rects) { DCHECK(parent()->isFrameView()); WebCore::FrameView* view = static_cast(parent()); *window_rect = WebCore::IntRect(view->contentsToWindow(frame_rect.location()), frame_rect.size()); // Calculate a clip-rect so that we don't overlap the scrollbars, etc. *clip_rect = windowClipRect(); clip_rect->move(-window_rect->x(), -window_rect->y()); cutout_rects->clear(); WTF::Vector rects; widget_->windowCutoutRects(frame_rect, &rects); // Convert to gfx::Rect and subtract out the plugin position. for (size_t i = 0; i < rects.size(); i++) { gfx::Rect r = webkit_glue::FromIntRect(rects[i]); r.Offset(-frame_rect.x(), -frame_rect.y()); cutout_rects->push_back(r); } } void WebPluginImpl::HandleURLRequest(const char *method, bool is_javascript_url, const char* target, unsigned int len, const char* buf, bool is_file_data, bool notify, const char* url, intptr_t notify_data, bool popups_allowed) { HandleURLRequestInternal(method, is_javascript_url, target, len, buf, is_file_data, notify, url, notify_data, popups_allowed, true); } void WebPluginImpl::HandleURLRequestInternal( const char *method, bool is_javascript_url, const char* target, unsigned int len, const char* buf, bool is_file_data, bool notify, const char* url, intptr_t notify_data, bool popups_allowed, bool use_plugin_src_as_referrer) { // For this request, we either route the output to a frame // because a target has been specified, or we handle the request // here, i.e. by executing the script if it is a javascript url // or by initiating a download on the URL, etc. There is one special // case in that the request is a javascript url and the target is "_self", // in which case we route the output to the plugin rather than routing it // to the plugin's frame. GURL complete_url; int routing_status = RouteToFrame(method, is_javascript_url, target, len, buf, is_file_data, notify, url, &complete_url); if (routing_status == ROUTED) { // The delegate could have gone away because of this call. if (delegate_) delegate_->URLRequestRouted(url, notify, notify_data); return; } if (is_javascript_url) { std::string original_url = url; // Convert the javascript: URL to javascript by unescaping. WebCore uses // decode_string for this, so we do, too. std::string escaped_script = original_url.substr(strlen("javascript:")); WebCore::String script = WebCore::decodeURLEscapeSequences( WebCore::String(escaped_script.data(), static_cast(escaped_script.length()))); ExecuteScript(original_url, webkit_glue::StringToStdWString(script), notify, notify_data, popups_allowed); } else { std::string complete_url_string; CompleteURL(url, &complete_url_string); int resource_id = GetNextResourceId(); WebPluginResourceClient* resource_client = delegate_->CreateResourceClient(resource_id, complete_url_string, notify, notify_data, NULL); // If the RouteToFrame call returned a failure then inform the result // back to the plugin asynchronously. if ((routing_status == INVALID_URL) || (routing_status == GENERAL_FAILURE)) { resource_client->DidFail(); return; } InitiateHTTPRequest(resource_id, resource_client, method, buf, len, GURL(complete_url_string), NULL, use_plugin_src_as_referrer); } } int WebPluginImpl::GetNextResourceId() { static int next_id = 0; return ++next_id; } bool WebPluginImpl::InitiateHTTPRequest(int resource_id, WebPluginResourceClient* client, const char* method, const char* buf, int buf_len, const GURL& url, const char* range_info, bool use_plugin_src_as_referrer) { if (!client) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } WebCore::KURL kurl = webkit_glue::GURLToKURL(url); ClientInfo info; info.id = resource_id; info.client = client; info.request.setURL(kurl); info.request.setRequestorProcessID(delegate_->GetProcessId()); info.request.setTargetType(WebCore::ResourceRequest::TargetIsObject); info.request.setHTTPMethod(method); if (range_info) info.request.addHTTPHeaderField("Range", range_info); WebCore::String referrer; // GetURL/PostURL requests initiated explicitly by plugins should specify the // plugin SRC url as the referrer if it is available. if (use_plugin_src_as_referrer && !plugin_url_.spec().empty()) { referrer = webkit_glue::StdStringToString(plugin_url_.spec()); } else { referrer = frame()->loader()->outgoingReferrer(); } if (!WebCore::FrameLoader::shouldHideReferrer(kurl, referrer)) info.request.setHTTPReferrer(referrer); if (strcmp(method, "POST") == 0) { // Adds headers or form data to a request. This must be called before // we initiate the actual request. SetPostData(&info.request, buf, buf_len); } // Sets the routing id to associate the ResourceRequest with the RenderView. WebCore::ResourceResponse response; frame()->loader()->client()->dispatchWillSendRequest( NULL, 0, info.request, response); info.handle = WebCore::ResourceHandle::create( info.request, this, NULL, false, false); if (!info.handle) { return false; } clients_.push_back(info); return true; } void WebPluginImpl::CancelDocumentLoad() { if (frame()->loader()->activeDocumentLoader()) { widget_->set_ignore_response_error(true); frame()->loader()->activeDocumentLoader()->stopLoading(); } } void WebPluginImpl::InitiateHTTPRangeRequest(const char* url, const char* range_info, intptr_t existing_stream, bool notify_needed, intptr_t notify_data) { int resource_id = GetNextResourceId(); std::string complete_url_string; CompleteURL(url, &complete_url_string); WebPluginResourceClient* resource_client = delegate_->CreateResourceClient(resource_id, complete_url_string, notify_needed, notify_data, existing_stream); InitiateHTTPRequest(resource_id, resource_client, "GET", NULL, 0, GURL(complete_url_string), range_info, true); } void WebPluginImpl::HandleHttpMultipartResponse( const WebCore::ResourceResponse& response, WebPluginResourceClient* client) { std::string multipart_boundary; if (!MultipartResponseDelegate::ReadMultipartBoundary( response, &multipart_boundary)) { NOTREACHED(); return; } WebView* web_view = webframe_->GetView(); web_view->GetDelegate()->DidStartLoading(web_view); MultiPartResponseClient* multi_part_response_client = new MultiPartResponseClient(client); MultipartResponseDelegate* multi_part_response_handler = new MultipartResponseDelegate(multi_part_response_client, NULL, response, multipart_boundary); multi_part_response_map_[client] = multi_part_response_handler; } bool WebPluginImpl::ReinitializePluginForResponse( WebCore::ResourceHandle* response_handle) { WebFrameImpl* web_frame = WebFrameImpl::FromFrame(frame()); if (!web_frame) return false; WebViewImpl* web_view = web_frame->webview_impl(); if (!web_view) return false; WebPluginContainer* container_widget = widget_; // Destroy the current plugin instance. TearDownPluginInstance(response_handle); widget_ = container_widget; webframe_ = web_frame; WebViewDelegate* webview_delegate = web_view->GetDelegate(); std::string actual_mime_type; WebPluginDelegate* plugin_delegate = webview_delegate->CreatePluginDelegate(web_view, plugin_url_, mime_type_, std::string(), &actual_mime_type); char** arg_names = new char*[arg_names_.size()]; char** arg_values = new char*[arg_values_.size()]; for (unsigned int index = 0; index < arg_names_.size(); ++index) { arg_names[index] = const_cast(arg_names_[index].c_str()); arg_values[index] = const_cast(arg_values_[index].c_str()); } bool init_ok = plugin_delegate->Initialize(plugin_url_, arg_names, arg_values, arg_names_.size(), this, load_manually_); delete[] arg_names; delete[] arg_values; if (!init_ok) { widget_ = NULL; // TODO(iyengar) Should we delete the current plugin instance here? return false; } mime_type_ = actual_mime_type; delegate_ = plugin_delegate; // Force a geometry update to occur to ensure that the plugin becomes // visible. widget_->frameRectsChanged(); delegate_->FlushGeometryUpdates(); // The plugin move sequences accumulated via DidMove are sent to the browser // whenever the renderer paints. Force a paint here to ensure that changes // to the plugin window are propagated to the browser. widget_->invalidateRect(widget_->frameRect()); return true; } void WebPluginImpl::ArrayToVector(int total_values, char** values, std::vector* value_vector) { DCHECK(value_vector != NULL); for (int index = 0; index < total_values; ++index) { value_vector->push_back(values[index]); } } void WebPluginImpl::TearDownPluginInstance( WebCore::ResourceHandle* response_handle_to_ignore) { // The frame maintains a list of JSObjects which are related to this // plugin. Tell the frame we're gone so that it can invalidate all // of those sub JSObjects. if (frame()) { ASSERT(widget_ != NULL); frame()->script()->cleanupScriptObjectsForPlugin(widget_); } if (delegate_) { // Call PluginDestroyed() first to prevent the plugin from calling us back // in the middle of tearing down the render tree. delegate_->PluginDestroyed(); delegate_ = NULL; } // Cancel any pending requests because otherwise this deleted object will // be called by the ResourceDispatcher. std::vector::iterator client_index = clients_.begin(); while (client_index != clients_.end()) { ClientInfo& client_info = *client_index; if (response_handle_to_ignore == client_info.handle) { client_index++; continue; } if (client_info.handle) client_info.handle->cancel(); WebPluginResourceClient* resource_client = client_info.client; client_index = clients_.erase(client_index); if (resource_client) resource_client->DidFail(); } // This needs to be called now and not in the destructor since the // webframe_ might not be valid anymore. webframe_->set_plugin_delegate(NULL); webframe_ = NULL; }