// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "config.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" MSVC_PUSH_WARNING_LEVEL(0); #include "AXObjectCache.h" #include "CSSStyleSelector.h" #include "CSSValueKeywords.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "Document.h" #include "DocumentLoader.h" #include "DragController.h" #include "DragData.h" #include "Editor.h" #include "EventHandler.h" #include "FocusController.h" #include "FontDescription.h" #include "FrameLoader.h" #include "FrameTree.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "GraphicsContext.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "HTMLInputElement.h" #include "HTMLMediaElement.h" #include "HitTestResult.h" #include "Image.h" #include "InspectorController.h" #include "IntRect.h" #include "KeyboardCodes.h" #include "KeyboardEvent.h" #include "MIMETypeRegistry.h" #include "NodeRenderStyle.h" #include "Page.h" #include "PageGroup.h" #include "Pasteboard.h" #include "PlatformContextSkia.h" #include "PlatformKeyboardEvent.h" #include "PlatformMouseEvent.h" #include "PlatformWheelEvent.h" #include "PluginInfoStore.h" #include "PopupMenuChromium.h" #include "PopupMenuClient.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) #include "RenderThemeChromiumWin.h" #else #include "RenderTheme.h" #endif #include "RenderView.h" #include "ResourceHandle.h" #include "SecurityOrigin.h" #include "SelectionController.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "TypingCommand.h" MSVC_POP_WARNING(); #undef LOG #include "base/gfx/rect.h" #include "base/keyboard_codes.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "webkit/api/public/WebAccessibilityObject.h" #include "webkit/api/public/WebDragData.h" #include "webkit/api/public/WebInputEvent.h" #include "webkit/api/public/WebMediaPlayerAction.h" #include "webkit/api/public/WebPoint.h" #include "webkit/api/public/WebRect.h" #include "webkit/api/public/WebString.h" #include "webkit/api/public/WebVector.h" #include "webkit/api/public/WebViewClient.h" #include "webkit/api/src/DOMUtilitiesPrivate.h" #include "webkit/api/src/WebInputEventConversion.h" #include "webkit/api/src/WebSettingsImpl.h" #include "webkit/glue/glue_serialize.h" #include "webkit/glue/glue_util.h" #include "webkit/glue/image_resource_fetcher.h" #include "webkit/glue/searchable_form_data.h" #include "webkit/glue/webdevtoolsagent_impl.h" #include "webkit/glue/webkit_glue.h" #include "webkit/glue/webpopupmenu_impl.h" #include "webkit/glue/webdevtoolsclient.h" #include "webkit/glue/webview_impl.h" // Get rid of WTF's pow define so we can use std::pow. #undef pow #include <cmath> // for std::pow using namespace WebCore; using WebKit::PlatformKeyboardEventBuilder; using WebKit::PlatformMouseEventBuilder; using WebKit::PlatformWheelEventBuilder; using WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject; using WebKit::WebCanvas; using WebKit::WebCompositionCommand; using WebKit::WebCompositionCommandConfirm; using WebKit::WebCompositionCommandDiscard; using WebKit::WebDevToolsAgent; using WebKit::WebDevToolsAgentClient; using WebKit::WebDragData; using WebKit::WebDragOperation; using WebKit::WebDragOperationCopy; using WebKit::WebDragOperationNone; using WebKit::WebDragOperationsMask; using WebKit::WebFrame; using WebKit::WebFrameClient; using WebKit::WebInputEvent; using WebKit::WebKeyboardEvent; using WebKit::WebMediaPlayerAction; using WebKit::WebMouseEvent; using WebKit::WebMouseWheelEvent; using WebKit::WebNavigationPolicy; using WebKit::WebNode; using WebKit::WebPoint; using WebKit::WebRect; using WebKit::WebSettings; using WebKit::WebSettingsImpl; using WebKit::WebSize; using WebKit::WebString; using WebKit::WebTextDirection; using WebKit::WebTextDirectionDefault; using WebKit::WebTextDirectionLeftToRight; using WebKit::WebTextDirectionRightToLeft; using WebKit::WebURL; using WebKit::WebVector; using WebKit::WebViewClient; using webkit_glue::AccessibilityObjectToWebAccessibilityObject; // Change the text zoom level by kTextSizeMultiplierRatio each time the user // zooms text in or out (ie., change by 20%). The min and max values limit // text zoom to half and 3x the original text size. These three values match // those in Apple's port in WebKit/WebKit/WebView/WebView.mm static const double kTextSizeMultiplierRatio = 1.2; static const double kMinTextSizeMultiplier = 0.5; static const double kMaxTextSizeMultiplier = 3.0; // The group name identifies a namespace of pages. Page group is used on OSX // for some programs that use HTML views to display things that don't seem like // web pages to the user (so shouldn't have visited link coloring). We only use // one page group. // FIXME: This needs to go into the WebKit API implementation and be hidden // from the API's users. const char* pageGroupName = "default"; // Ensure that the WebKit::WebDragOperation enum values stay in sync with // the original WebCore::DragOperation constants. #define COMPILE_ASSERT_MATCHING_ENUM(webcore_name) \ COMPILE_ASSERT(int(WebCore::webcore_name) == int(WebKit::Web##webcore_name),\ dummy##webcore_name) COMPILE_ASSERT_MATCHING_ENUM(DragOperationNone); COMPILE_ASSERT_MATCHING_ENUM(DragOperationCopy); COMPILE_ASSERT_MATCHING_ENUM(DragOperationLink); COMPILE_ASSERT_MATCHING_ENUM(DragOperationGeneric); COMPILE_ASSERT_MATCHING_ENUM(DragOperationPrivate); COMPILE_ASSERT_MATCHING_ENUM(DragOperationMove); COMPILE_ASSERT_MATCHING_ENUM(DragOperationDelete); COMPILE_ASSERT_MATCHING_ENUM(DragOperationEvery); // AutocompletePopupMenuClient class AutocompletePopupMenuClient : public WebCore::PopupMenuClient { public: AutocompletePopupMenuClient(WebViewImpl* webview) : text_field_(NULL), selected_index_(0), webview_(webview) { } void Init(WebCore::HTMLInputElement* text_field, const WebVector<WebString>& suggestions, int default_suggestion_index) { DCHECK(default_suggestion_index < static_cast<int>(suggestions.size())); text_field_ = text_field; selected_index_ = default_suggestion_index; SetSuggestions(suggestions); FontDescription font_description; webview_->theme()->systemFont(CSSValueWebkitControl, font_description); // Use a smaller font size to match IE/Firefox. // TODO(jcampan): http://crbug.com/7376 use the system size instead of a // fixed font size value. font_description.setComputedSize(12.0); Font font(font_description, 0, 0); font.update(text_field->document()->styleSelector()->fontSelector()); // The direction of text in popup menu is set the same as the direction of // the input element: text_field. style_.reset(new PopupMenuStyle(Color::black, Color::white, font, true, Length(WebCore::Fixed), text_field->renderer()->style()->direction())); } virtual ~AutocompletePopupMenuClient() { } // WebCore::PopupMenuClient implementation. virtual void valueChanged(unsigned listIndex, bool fireEvents = true) { text_field_->setValue(suggestions_[listIndex]); EditorClientImpl* editor = static_cast<EditorClientImpl*>(webview_->page()->editorClient()); DCHECK(editor); editor->OnAutofillSuggestionAccepted( static_cast<WebCore::HTMLInputElement*>(text_field_.get())); } virtual WebCore::String itemText(unsigned list_index) const { return suggestions_[list_index]; } virtual WebCore::String itemToolTip(unsigned last_index) const { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return WebCore::String(); } virtual bool itemIsEnabled(unsigned listIndex) const { return true; } virtual PopupMenuStyle itemStyle(unsigned listIndex) const { return *style_; } virtual PopupMenuStyle menuStyle() const { return *style_; } virtual int clientInsetLeft() const { return 0; } virtual int clientInsetRight() const { return 0; } virtual int clientPaddingLeft() const { // Bug http://crbug.com/7708 seems to indicate the style can be NULL. WebCore::RenderStyle* style = GetTextFieldStyle(); return style ? webview_->theme()->popupInternalPaddingLeft(style) : 0; } virtual int clientPaddingRight() const { // Bug http://crbug.com/7708 seems to indicate the style can be NULL. WebCore::RenderStyle* style = GetTextFieldStyle(); return style ? webview_->theme()->popupInternalPaddingRight(style) : 0; } virtual int listSize() const { return suggestions_.size(); } virtual int selectedIndex() const { return selected_index_; } virtual void popupDidHide() { webview_->AutoCompletePopupDidHide(); } virtual bool itemIsSeparator(unsigned listIndex) const { return false; } virtual bool itemIsLabel(unsigned listIndex) const { return false; } virtual bool itemIsSelected(unsigned listIndex) const { return false; } virtual bool shouldPopOver() const { return false; } virtual bool valueShouldChangeOnHotTrack() const { return false; } virtual void setTextFromItem(unsigned listIndex) { text_field_->setValue(suggestions_[listIndex]); } virtual FontSelector* fontSelector() const { return text_field_->document()->styleSelector()->fontSelector(); } virtual HostWindow* hostWindow() const { return text_field_->document()->view()->hostWindow(); } virtual PassRefPtr<Scrollbar> createScrollbar( ScrollbarClient* client, ScrollbarOrientation orientation, ScrollbarControlSize size) { RefPtr<Scrollbar> widget = Scrollbar::createNativeScrollbar(client, orientation, size); return widget.release(); } // AutocompletePopupMenuClient specific methods: void SetSuggestions(const WebVector<WebString>& suggestions) { suggestions_.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < suggestions.size(); ++i) suggestions_.append(webkit_glue::WebStringToString(suggestions[i])); // Try to preserve selection if possible. if (selected_index_ >= static_cast<int>(suggestions.size())) selected_index_ = -1; } void RemoveItemAtIndex(int index) { DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int>(suggestions_.size())); suggestions_.remove(index); } WebCore::HTMLInputElement* text_field() const { return text_field_.get(); } WebCore::RenderStyle* GetTextFieldStyle() const { WebCore::RenderStyle* style = text_field_->computedStyle(); if (!style) { // It seems we can only have an NULL style in a TextField if the node is // dettached, in which case we the popup shoud not be showing. NOTREACHED() << "Please report this in http://crbug.com/7708 and include " "the page you were visiting."; } return style; } private: RefPtr<WebCore::HTMLInputElement> text_field_; Vector<WebCore::String> suggestions_; int selected_index_; WebViewImpl* webview_; scoped_ptr<PopupMenuStyle> style_; }; // Note that focusOnShow is false so that the autocomplete popup is shown not // activated. We need the page to still have focus so the user can keep typing // while the popup is showing. static const WebCore::PopupContainerSettings kAutocompletePopupSettings = { false, // focusOnShow false, // setTextOnIndexChange false, // acceptOnAbandon true, // loopSelectionNavigation true, // restrictWidthOfListBox. Same as other browser (Fx, IE, and safari) // For autocomplete, we use the direction of the input field as the direction // of the popup items. The main reason is to keep the display of items in // drop-down the same as the items in the input field. WebCore::PopupContainerSettings::DOMElementDirection, }; // WebView ---------------------------------------------------------------- namespace WebKit { // static WebView* WebView::create(WebViewClient* client) { WebViewImpl* instance = new WebViewImpl(client); instance->AddRef(); return instance; } // static void WebView::updateVisitedLinkState(unsigned long long link_hash) { WebCore::Page::visitedStateChanged( WebCore::PageGroup::pageGroup(pageGroupName), link_hash); } // static void WebView::resetVisitedLinkState() { WebCore::Page::allVisitedStateChanged( WebCore::PageGroup::pageGroup(pageGroupName)); } } // namespace WebKit void WebViewImpl::initializeMainFrame(WebFrameClient* frame_client) { // NOTE: The WebFrameImpl takes a reference to itself within InitMainFrame // and releases that reference once the corresponding Frame is destroyed. RefPtr<WebFrameImpl> main_frame = WebFrameImpl::create(frame_client); main_frame->InitMainFrame(this); if (client_) { WebDevToolsAgentClient* tools_client = client_->devToolsAgentClient(); if (tools_client) devtools_agent_.reset(new WebDevToolsAgentImpl(this, tools_client)); } // Restrict the access to the local file system // (see WebView.mm WebView::_commonInitializationWithFrameName). SecurityOrigin::setLocalLoadPolicy( SecurityOrigin::AllowLocalLoadsForLocalOnly); } WebViewImpl::WebViewImpl(WebViewClient* client) : client_(client), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(back_forward_list_client_impl_(this)), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(chrome_client_impl_(this)), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(context_menu_client_impl_(this)), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(drag_client_impl_(this)), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(editor_client_impl_(this)), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(inspector_client_impl_(this)), observed_new_navigation_(false), #ifndef NDEBUG new_navigation_loader_(NULL), #endif zoom_level_(0), context_menu_allowed_(false), doing_drag_and_drop_(false), ignore_input_events_(false), suppress_next_keypress_event_(false), initial_navigation_policy_(WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyIgnore), ime_accept_events_(true), drag_target_dispatch_(false), drag_identity_(0), drop_effect_(DROP_EFFECT_DEFAULT), operations_allowed_(WebKit::WebDragOperationNone), drag_operation_(WebKit::WebDragOperationNone), autocomplete_popup_showing_(false), is_transparent_(false), tabs_to_links_(false) { // WebKit/win/WebView.cpp does the same thing, except they call the // KJS specific wrapper around this method. We need to have threading // initialized because CollatorICU requires it. WTF::initializeThreading(); // set to impossible point so we always get the first mouse pos last_mouse_position_ = WebPoint(-1, -1); // the page will take ownership of the various clients page_.reset(new Page(&chrome_client_impl_, &context_menu_client_impl_, &editor_client_impl_, &drag_client_impl_, &inspector_client_impl_, NULL)); page_->backForwardList()->setClient(&back_forward_list_client_impl_); page_->setGroupName(pageGroupName); } WebViewImpl::~WebViewImpl() { DCHECK(page_ == NULL); } RenderTheme* WebViewImpl::theme() const { return page_.get() ? page_->theme() : RenderTheme::defaultTheme().get(); } bool WebViewImpl::tabKeyCyclesThroughElements() const { ASSERT(page_.get()); return page_->tabKeyCyclesThroughElements(); } void WebViewImpl::setTabKeyCyclesThroughElements(bool value) { if (page_ != NULL) { page_->setTabKeyCyclesThroughElements(value); } } void WebViewImpl::MouseMove(const WebMouseEvent& event) { if (!main_frame() || !main_frame()->frameview()) return; last_mouse_position_ = WebPoint(event.x, event.y); // We call mouseMoved here instead of handleMouseMovedEvent because we need // our ChromeClientImpl to receive changes to the mouse position and // tooltip text, and mouseMoved handles all of that. main_frame()->frame()->eventHandler()->mouseMoved( PlatformMouseEventBuilder(main_frame()->frameview(), event)); } void WebViewImpl::MouseLeave(const WebMouseEvent& event) { // This event gets sent as the main frame is closing. In that case, just // ignore it. if (!main_frame() || !main_frame()->frameview()) return; client_->setMouseOverURL(WebURL()); main_frame()->frame()->eventHandler()->handleMouseMoveEvent( PlatformMouseEventBuilder(main_frame()->frameview(), event)); } void WebViewImpl::MouseDown(const WebMouseEvent& event) { if (!main_frame() || !main_frame()->frameview()) return; last_mouse_down_point_ = gfx::Point(event.x, event.y); // If a text field that has focus is clicked again, we should display the // autocomplete popup. RefPtr<Node> clicked_node; if (event.button == WebMouseEvent::ButtonLeft) { RefPtr<Node> focused_node = GetFocusedNode(); if (focused_node.get() && WebKit::nodeToHTMLInputElement(focused_node.get())) { IntPoint point(event.x, event.y); point = page_->mainFrame()->view()->windowToContents(point); HitTestResult result(point); result = page_->mainFrame()->eventHandler()->hitTestResultAtPoint(point, false); if (result.innerNonSharedNode() == focused_node) { // Already focused text field was clicked, let's remember this. If // focus has not changed after the mouse event is processed, we'll // trigger the autocomplete. clicked_node = focused_node; } } } main_frame()->frame()->eventHandler()->handleMousePressEvent( PlatformMouseEventBuilder(main_frame()->frameview(), event)); if (clicked_node.get() && clicked_node == GetFocusedNode()) { // Focus has not changed, show the autocomplete popup. static_cast<EditorClientImpl*>(page_->editorClient())-> ShowFormAutofillForNode(clicked_node.get()); } // Dispatch the contextmenu event regardless of if the click was swallowed. // On Windows, we handle it on mouse up, not down. #if defined(OS_MACOSX) if (event.button == WebMouseEvent::ButtonRight || (event.button == WebMouseEvent::ButtonLeft && event.modifiers & WebMouseEvent::ControlKey)) { MouseContextMenu(event); } #elif defined(OS_LINUX) if (event.button == WebMouseEvent::ButtonRight) MouseContextMenu(event); #endif } void WebViewImpl::MouseContextMenu(const WebMouseEvent& event) { if (!main_frame() || !main_frame()->frameview()) return; page_->contextMenuController()->clearContextMenu(); PlatformMouseEventBuilder pme(main_frame()->frameview(), event); // Find the right target frame. See issue 1186900. HitTestResult result = HitTestResultForWindowPos(pme.pos()); Frame* target_frame; if (result.innerNonSharedNode()) target_frame = result.innerNonSharedNode()->document()->frame(); else target_frame = page_->focusController()->focusedOrMainFrame(); #if defined(OS_WIN) target_frame->view()->setCursor(pointerCursor()); #endif context_menu_allowed_ = true; target_frame->eventHandler()->sendContextMenuEvent(pme); context_menu_allowed_ = false; // Actually showing the context menu is handled by the ContextMenuClient // implementation... } void WebViewImpl::MouseUp(const WebMouseEvent& event) { if (!main_frame() || !main_frame()->frameview()) return; #if defined(OS_LINUX) // If the event was a middle click, attempt to copy text into the focused // frame. We execute this before we let the page have a go at the event // because the page may change what is focused during in its event handler. // // This code is in the mouse up handler. There is some debate about putting // this here, as opposed to the mouse down handler. // xterm: pastes on up. // GTK: pastes on down. // Firefox: pastes on up. // Midori: couldn't paste at all with 0.1.2 // // There is something of a webcompat angle to this well, as highlighted by // crbug.com/14608. Pages can clear text boxes 'onclick' and, if we paste on // down then the text is pasted just before the onclick handler runs and // clears the text box. So it's important this happens after the // handleMouseReleaseEvent() earlier in this function if (event.button == WebMouseEvent::ButtonMiddle) { Frame* focused = GetFocusedWebCoreFrame(); IntPoint click_point(last_mouse_down_point_.x, last_mouse_down_point_.y); click_point = page_->mainFrame()->view()->windowToContents(click_point); HitTestResult hit_test_result = focused->eventHandler()->hitTestResultAtPoint(click_point, false, false, ShouldHitTestScrollbars); // We don't want to send a paste when middle clicking a scroll bar or a // link (which will navigate later in the code). if (!hit_test_result.scrollbar() && !hit_test_result.isLiveLink() && focused) { Editor* editor = focused->editor(); Pasteboard* pasteboard = Pasteboard::generalPasteboard(); bool oldSelectionMode = pasteboard->isSelectionMode(); pasteboard->setSelectionMode(true); editor->command(AtomicString("Paste")).execute(); pasteboard->setSelectionMode(oldSelectionMode); } } #endif mouseCaptureLost(); main_frame()->frame()->eventHandler()->handleMouseReleaseEvent( PlatformMouseEventBuilder(main_frame()->frameview(), event)); #if defined(OS_WIN) // Dispatch the contextmenu event regardless of if the click was swallowed. // On Mac/Linux, we handle it on mouse down, not up. if (event.button == WebMouseEvent::ButtonRight) MouseContextMenu(event); #endif } void WebViewImpl::MouseWheel(const WebMouseWheelEvent& event) { PlatformWheelEventBuilder platform_event(main_frame()->frameview(), event); main_frame()->frame()->eventHandler()->handleWheelEvent(platform_event); } bool WebViewImpl::KeyEvent(const WebKeyboardEvent& event) { DCHECK((event.type == WebInputEvent::RawKeyDown) || (event.type == WebInputEvent::KeyDown) || (event.type == WebInputEvent::KeyUp)); // Please refer to the comments explaining the suppress_next_keypress_event_ // member. // The suppress_next_keypress_event_ is set if the KeyDown is handled by // Webkit. A keyDown event is typically associated with a keyPress(char) // event and a keyUp event. We reset this flag here as this is a new keyDown // event. suppress_next_keypress_event_ = false; // Give autocomplete a chance to consume the key events it is interested in. if (AutocompleteHandleKeyEvent(event)) return true; Frame* frame = GetFocusedWebCoreFrame(); if (!frame) return false; EventHandler* handler = frame->eventHandler(); if (!handler) return KeyEventDefault(event); #if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_LINUX) if (((event.modifiers == 0) && (event.windowsKeyCode == VKEY_APPS)) || ((event.modifiers == WebInputEvent::ShiftKey) && (event.windowsKeyCode == VKEY_F10))) { SendContextMenuEvent(event); return true; } #endif // It's not clear if we should continue after detecting a capslock keypress. // I'll err on the side of continuing, which is the pre-existing behaviour. if (event.windowsKeyCode == VKEY_CAPITAL) handler->capsLockStateMayHaveChanged(); PlatformKeyboardEventBuilder evt(event); if (handler->keyEvent(evt)) { if (WebInputEvent::RawKeyDown == event.type && !evt.isSystemKey()) suppress_next_keypress_event_ = true; return true; } return KeyEventDefault(event); } bool WebViewImpl::AutocompleteHandleKeyEvent(const WebKeyboardEvent& event) { if (!autocomplete_popup_showing_ || // Home and End should be left to the text field to process. event.windowsKeyCode == VKEY_HOME || event.windowsKeyCode == VKEY_END) { return false; } // Pressing delete triggers the removal of the selected suggestion from the // DB. if (event.windowsKeyCode == VKEY_DELETE && autocomplete_popup_->selectedIndex() != -1) { Node* node = GetFocusedNode(); if (!node || (node->nodeType() != WebCore::Node::ELEMENT_NODE)) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } WebCore::Element* element = static_cast<WebCore::Element*>(node); if (!element->hasLocalName(WebCore::HTMLNames::inputTag)) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } int selected_index = autocomplete_popup_->selectedIndex(); WebCore::HTMLInputElement* input_element = static_cast<WebCore::HTMLInputElement*>(element); const WebString& name = webkit_glue::StringToWebString( input_element->name()); const WebString& value = webkit_glue::StringToWebString( autocomplete_popup_client_->itemText(selected_index)); client_->removeAutofillSuggestions(name, value); // Update the entries in the currently showing popup to reflect the // deletion. autocomplete_popup_client_->RemoveItemAtIndex(selected_index); RefreshAutofillPopup(); return false; } if (!autocomplete_popup_->isInterestedInEventForKey(event.windowsKeyCode)) return false; if (autocomplete_popup_->handleKeyEvent( PlatformKeyboardEventBuilder(event))) { // We need to ignore the next Char event after this otherwise pressing // enter when selecting an item in the menu will go to the page. if (WebInputEvent::RawKeyDown == event.type) suppress_next_keypress_event_ = true; return true; } return false; } bool WebViewImpl::CharEvent(const WebKeyboardEvent& event) { DCHECK(event.type == WebInputEvent::Char); // Please refer to the comments explaining the suppress_next_keypress_event_ // member. // The suppress_next_keypress_event_ is set if the KeyDown is handled by // Webkit. A keyDown event is typically associated with a keyPress(char) // event and a keyUp event. We reset this flag here as it only applies // to the current keyPress event. if (suppress_next_keypress_event_) { suppress_next_keypress_event_ = false; return true; } Frame* frame = GetFocusedWebCoreFrame(); if (!frame) return false; EventHandler* handler = frame->eventHandler(); if (!handler) return KeyEventDefault(event); PlatformKeyboardEventBuilder evt(event); if (!evt.isCharacterKey()) return true; // Safari 3.1 does not pass off windows system key messages (WM_SYSCHAR) to // the eventHandler::keyEvent. We mimic this behavior on all platforms since // for now we are converting other platform's key events to windows key // events. if (evt.isSystemKey()) return handler->handleAccessKey(evt); if (!handler->keyEvent(evt)) return KeyEventDefault(event); return true; } /* * The WebViewImpl::SendContextMenuEvent function is based on the Webkit * function * bool WebView::handleContextMenuEvent(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) in * webkit\webkit\win\WebView.cpp. The only significant change in this * function is the code to convert from a Keyboard event to the Right * Mouse button up event. * * This function is an ugly copy/paste and should be cleaned up when the * WebKitWin version is cleaned: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20438 */ #if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_LINUX) // TODO(pinkerton): implement on non-windows bool WebViewImpl::SendContextMenuEvent(const WebKeyboardEvent& event) { static const int kContextMenuMargin = 1; Frame* main_frame = page()->mainFrame(); FrameView* view = main_frame->view(); if (!view) return false; IntPoint coords(-1, -1); #if defined(OS_WIN) int right_aligned = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_MENUDROPALIGNMENT); #else int right_aligned = 0; #endif IntPoint location; // The context menu event was generated from the keyboard, so show the // context menu by the current selection. Position start = main_frame->selection()->selection().start(); Position end = main_frame->selection()->selection().end(); if (!start.node() || !end.node()) { location = IntPoint(right_aligned ? view->contentsWidth() - kContextMenuMargin : kContextMenuMargin, kContextMenuMargin); } else { RenderObject* renderer = start.node()->renderer(); if (!renderer) return false; RefPtr<Range> selection = main_frame->selection()->toNormalizedRange(); IntRect first_rect = main_frame->firstRectForRange(selection.get()); int x = right_aligned ? first_rect.right() : first_rect.x(); location = IntPoint(x, first_rect.bottom()); } location = view->contentsToWindow(location); // FIXME: The IntSize(0, -1) is a hack to get the hit-testing to result in // the selected element. Ideally we'd have the position of a context menu // event be separate from its target node. coords = location + IntSize(0, -1); // The contextMenuController() holds onto the last context menu that was // popped up on the page until a new one is created. We need to clear // this menu before propagating the event through the DOM so that we can // detect if we create a new menu for this event, since we won't create // a new menu if the DOM swallows the event and the defaultEventHandler does // not run. page()->contextMenuController()->clearContextMenu(); Frame* focused_frame = page()->focusController()->focusedOrMainFrame(); focused_frame->view()->setCursor(pointerCursor()); WebMouseEvent mouse_event; mouse_event.button = WebMouseEvent::ButtonRight; mouse_event.x = coords.x(); mouse_event.y = coords.y(); mouse_event.type = WebInputEvent::MouseUp; PlatformMouseEventBuilder platform_event(view, mouse_event); context_menu_allowed_ = true; bool handled = focused_frame->eventHandler()->sendContextMenuEvent(platform_event); context_menu_allowed_ = false; return handled; } #endif bool WebViewImpl::KeyEventDefault(const WebKeyboardEvent& event) { Frame* frame = GetFocusedWebCoreFrame(); if (!frame) return false; switch (event.type) { case WebInputEvent::Char: { if (event.windowsKeyCode == VKEY_SPACE) { int key_code = ((event.modifiers & WebInputEvent::ShiftKey) ? VKEY_PRIOR : VKEY_NEXT); return ScrollViewWithKeyboard(key_code, event.modifiers); } break; } case WebInputEvent::RawKeyDown: { if (event.modifiers == WebInputEvent::ControlKey) { switch (event.windowsKeyCode) { case 'A': focusedFrame()->executeCommand(WebString::fromUTF8("SelectAll")); return true; case VKEY_INSERT: case 'C': focusedFrame()->executeCommand(WebString::fromUTF8("Copy")); return true; // Match FF behavior in the sense that Ctrl+home/end are the only Ctrl // key combinations which affect scrolling. Safari is buggy in the // sense that it scrolls the page for all Ctrl+scrolling key // combinations. For e.g. Ctrl+pgup/pgdn/up/down, etc. case VKEY_HOME: case VKEY_END: break; default: return false; } } if (!event.isSystemKey && !(event.modifiers & WebInputEvent::ShiftKey)) { return ScrollViewWithKeyboard(event.windowsKeyCode, event.modifiers); } break; } default: break; } return false; } bool WebViewImpl::ScrollViewWithKeyboard(int key_code, int modifiers) { ScrollDirection scroll_direction; ScrollGranularity scroll_granularity; switch (key_code) { case VKEY_LEFT: scroll_direction = ScrollLeft; scroll_granularity = ScrollByLine; break; case VKEY_RIGHT: scroll_direction = ScrollRight; scroll_granularity = ScrollByLine; break; case VKEY_UP: scroll_direction = ScrollUp; scroll_granularity = ScrollByLine; break; case VKEY_DOWN: scroll_direction = ScrollDown; scroll_granularity = ScrollByLine; break; case VKEY_HOME: scroll_direction = ScrollUp; scroll_granularity = ScrollByDocument; break; case VKEY_END: scroll_direction = ScrollDown; scroll_granularity = ScrollByDocument; break; case VKEY_PRIOR: // page up scroll_direction = ScrollUp; scroll_granularity = ScrollByPage; break; case VKEY_NEXT: // page down scroll_direction = ScrollDown; scroll_granularity = ScrollByPage; break; default: return false; } return PropagateScroll(scroll_direction, scroll_granularity); } bool WebViewImpl::PropagateScroll( WebCore::ScrollDirection scroll_direction, WebCore::ScrollGranularity scroll_granularity) { Frame* frame = GetFocusedWebCoreFrame(); if (!frame) return false; bool scroll_handled = frame->eventHandler()->scrollOverflow(scroll_direction, scroll_granularity); Frame* current_frame = frame; while (!scroll_handled && current_frame) { scroll_handled = current_frame->view()->scroll(scroll_direction, scroll_granularity); current_frame = current_frame->tree()->parent(); } return scroll_handled; } Frame* WebViewImpl::GetFocusedWebCoreFrame() { return page_.get() ? page_->focusController()->focusedOrMainFrame() : NULL; } // static WebViewImpl* WebViewImpl::FromPage(WebCore::Page* page) { return WebFrameImpl::FromFrame(page->mainFrame())->GetWebViewImpl(); } // WebWidget ------------------------------------------------------------------ void WebViewImpl::close() { RefPtr<WebFrameImpl> main_frame; if (page_.get()) { // Initiate shutdown for the entire frameset. This will cause a lot of // notifications to be sent. if (page_->mainFrame()) { main_frame = WebFrameImpl::FromFrame(page_->mainFrame()); page_->mainFrame()->loader()->frameDetached(); } page_.reset(); } // Should happen after page_.reset(). if (devtools_agent_.get()) devtools_agent_.reset(NULL); // We drop the client after the page has been destroyed to support the // WebFrameClient::didDestroyScriptContext method. if (main_frame) main_frame->drop_client(); // Reset the delegate to prevent notifications being sent as we're being // deleted. client_ = NULL; Release(); // Balances AddRef from WebView::create } void WebViewImpl::resize(const WebSize& new_size) { if (size_ == new_size) return; size_ = new_size; if (main_frame()->frameview()) { main_frame()->frameview()->resize(size_.width, size_.height); main_frame()->frame()->eventHandler()->sendResizeEvent(); } if (client_) { WebRect damaged_rect(0, 0, size_.width, size_.height); client_->didInvalidateRect(damaged_rect); } } void WebViewImpl::layout() { WebFrameImpl* webframe = main_frame(); if (webframe) { // In order for our child HWNDs (NativeWindowWidgets) to update properly, // they need to be told that we are updating the screen. The problem is // that the native widgets need to recalculate their clip region and not // overlap any of our non-native widgets. To force the resizing, call // setFrameRect(). This will be a quick operation for most frames, but // the NativeWindowWidgets will update a proper clipping region. FrameView* view = webframe->frameview(); if (view) view->setFrameRect(view->frameRect()); // setFrameRect may have the side-effect of causing existing page // layout to be invalidated, so layout needs to be called last. webframe->Layout(); } } void WebViewImpl::paint(WebCanvas* canvas, const WebRect& rect) { WebFrameImpl* webframe = main_frame(); if (webframe) webframe->Paint(canvas, rect); } // TODO(eseidel): g_current_input_event should be removed once // ChromeClient:show() can get the current-event information from WebCore. /* static */ const WebInputEvent* WebViewImpl::g_current_input_event = NULL; bool WebViewImpl::handleInputEvent(const WebInputEvent& input_event) { // If we've started a drag and drop operation, ignore input events until // we're done. if (doing_drag_and_drop_) return true; if (ignore_input_events_) return true; // TODO(eseidel): Remove g_current_input_event. // This only exists to allow ChromeClient::show() to know which mouse button // triggered a window.open event. // Safari must perform a similar hack, ours is in our WebKit glue layer // theirs is in the application. This should go when WebCore can be fixed // to pass more event information to ChromeClient::show() g_current_input_event = &input_event; bool handled = true; // TODO(jcampan): WebKit seems to always return false on mouse events // processing methods. For now we'll assume it has processed them (as we are // only interested in whether keyboard events are processed). switch (input_event.type) { case WebInputEvent::MouseMove: MouseMove(*static_cast<const WebMouseEvent*>(&input_event)); break; case WebInputEvent::MouseLeave: MouseLeave(*static_cast<const WebMouseEvent*>(&input_event)); break; case WebInputEvent::MouseWheel: MouseWheel(*static_cast<const WebMouseWheelEvent*>(&input_event)); break; case WebInputEvent::MouseDown: MouseDown(*static_cast<const WebMouseEvent*>(&input_event)); break; case WebInputEvent::MouseUp: MouseUp(*static_cast<const WebMouseEvent*>(&input_event)); break; case WebInputEvent::RawKeyDown: case WebInputEvent::KeyDown: case WebInputEvent::KeyUp: handled = KeyEvent(*static_cast<const WebKeyboardEvent*>(&input_event)); break; case WebInputEvent::Char: handled = CharEvent(*static_cast<const WebKeyboardEvent*>(&input_event)); break; default: handled = false; } g_current_input_event = NULL; return handled; } void WebViewImpl::mouseCaptureLost() { } void WebViewImpl::setFocus(bool enable) { if (enable) { // Note that we call setActive and setFocued in opposite order in focus vs // blur. This is done so that setActive does not dispatch any events since // the event will be dispatched in setFocused. page_->focusController()->setActive(true); page_->focusController()->setFocused(true); ime_accept_events_ = true; } else { HideAutoCompletePopup(); // Clear focus on the currently focused frame if any. if (!page_.get()) return; Frame* frame = page_->mainFrame(); if (!frame) return; RefPtr<Frame> focused_frame = page_->focusController()->focusedFrame(); if (focused_frame.get()) { // Finish an ongoing composition to delete the composition node. Editor* editor = focused_frame->editor(); if (editor && editor->hasComposition()) editor->confirmComposition(); ime_accept_events_ = false; } page_->focusController()->setFocused(false); page_->focusController()->setActive(false); } } bool WebViewImpl::handleCompositionEvent(WebCompositionCommand command, int cursor_position, int target_start, int target_end, const WebString& ime_string) { Frame* focused = GetFocusedWebCoreFrame(); if (!focused || !ime_accept_events_) { return false; } Editor* editor = focused->editor(); if (!editor) return false; if (!editor->canEdit()) { // The input focus has been moved to another WebWidget object. // We should use this |editor| object only to complete the ongoing // composition. if (!editor->hasComposition()) return false; } // We should verify the parent node of this IME composition node are // editable because JavaScript may delete a parent node of the composition // node. In this case, WebKit crashes while deleting texts from the parent // node, which doesn't exist any longer. PassRefPtr<Range> range = editor->compositionRange(); if (range) { const Node* node = range->startPosition().node(); if (!node || !node->isContentEditable()) return false; } if (command == WebCompositionCommandDiscard) { // A browser process sent an IPC message which does not contain a valid // string, which means an ongoing composition has been canceled. // If the ongoing composition has been canceled, replace the ongoing // composition string with an empty string and complete it. WebCore::String empty_string; WTF::Vector<WebCore::CompositionUnderline> empty_underlines; editor->setComposition(empty_string, empty_underlines, 0, 0); } else { // A browser process sent an IPC message which contains a string to be // displayed in this Editor object. // To display the given string, set the given string to the // m_compositionNode member of this Editor object and display it. if (target_start < 0) target_start = 0; if (target_end < 0) target_end = static_cast<int>(ime_string.length()); WebCore::String composition_string( webkit_glue::WebStringToString(ime_string)); // Create custom underlines. // To emphasize the selection, the selected region uses a solid black // for its underline while other regions uses a pale gray for theirs. WTF::Vector<WebCore::CompositionUnderline> underlines(3); underlines[0].startOffset = 0; underlines[0].endOffset = target_start; underlines[0].thick = true; underlines[0].color.setRGB(0xd3, 0xd3, 0xd3); underlines[1].startOffset = target_start; underlines[1].endOffset = target_end; underlines[1].thick = true; underlines[1].color.setRGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00); underlines[2].startOffset = target_end; underlines[2].endOffset = static_cast<int>(ime_string.length()); underlines[2].thick = true; underlines[2].color.setRGB(0xd3, 0xd3, 0xd3); // When we use custom underlines, WebKit ("InlineTextBox.cpp" Line 282) // prevents from writing a text in between 'selectionStart' and // 'selectionEnd' somehow. // Therefore, we use the 'cursor_position' for these arguments so that // there are not any characters in the above region. editor->setComposition(composition_string, underlines, cursor_position, cursor_position); // The given string is a result string, which means the ongoing // composition has been completed. I have to call the // Editor::confirmCompletion() and complete this composition. if (command == WebCompositionCommandConfirm) editor->confirmComposition(); } return editor->hasComposition(); } bool WebViewImpl::queryCompositionStatus(bool* enable_ime, WebRect* caret_rect) { // Store whether the selected node needs IME and the caret rectangle. // This process consists of the following four steps: // 1. Retrieve the selection controller of the focused frame; // 2. Retrieve the caret rectangle from the controller; // 3. Convert the rectangle, which is relative to the parent view, to the // one relative to the client window, and; // 4. Store the converted rectangle. const Frame* focused = GetFocusedWebCoreFrame(); if (!focused) return false; const Editor* editor = focused->editor(); if (!editor || !editor->canEdit()) return false; SelectionController* controller = focused->selection(); if (!controller) return false; const Node* node = controller->start().node(); if (!node) return false; *enable_ime = node->shouldUseInputMethod() && !controller->isInPasswordField(); const FrameView* view = node->document()->view(); if (!view) return false; *caret_rect = webkit_glue::IntRectToWebRect( view->contentsToWindow(controller->absoluteCaretBounds())); return true; } void WebViewImpl::setTextDirection(WebTextDirection direction) { // The Editor::setBaseWritingDirection() function checks if we can change // the text direction of the selected node and updates its DOM "dir" // attribute and its CSS "direction" property. // So, we just call the function as Safari does. const Frame* focused = GetFocusedWebCoreFrame(); if (!focused) return; Editor* editor = focused->editor(); if (!editor || !editor->canEdit()) return; switch (direction) { case WebTextDirectionDefault: editor->setBaseWritingDirection(WebCore::NaturalWritingDirection); break; case WebTextDirectionLeftToRight: editor->setBaseWritingDirection(WebCore::LeftToRightWritingDirection); break; case WebTextDirectionRightToLeft: editor->setBaseWritingDirection(WebCore::RightToLeftWritingDirection); break; default: NOTIMPLEMENTED(); break; } } // WebView -------------------------------------------------------------------- WebSettings* WebViewImpl::settings() { if (!web_settings_.get()) web_settings_.reset(new WebSettingsImpl(page_->settings())); DCHECK(web_settings_.get()); return web_settings_.get(); } WebString WebViewImpl::pageEncoding() const { if (!page_.get()) return WebString(); String encoding_name = page_->mainFrame()->loader()->encoding(); return webkit_glue::StringToWebString(encoding_name); } void WebViewImpl::setPageEncoding(const WebString& encoding_name) { if (!page_.get()) return; // Only change override encoding, don't change default encoding. // Note that the new encoding must be NULL if it isn't supposed to be set. String new_encoding_name; if (!encoding_name.isEmpty()) new_encoding_name = webkit_glue::WebStringToString(encoding_name); page_->mainFrame()->loader()->reloadWithOverrideEncoding(new_encoding_name); } bool WebViewImpl::dispatchBeforeUnloadEvent() { // TODO(creis): This should really cause a recursive depth-first walk of all // frames in the tree, calling each frame's onbeforeunload. At the moment, // we're consistent with Safari 3.1, not IE/FF. Frame* frame = page_->focusController()->focusedOrMainFrame(); if (!frame) return true; return frame->shouldClose(); } void WebViewImpl::dispatchUnloadEvent() { // Run unload handlers. page_->mainFrame()->loader()->closeURL(); } WebFrame* WebViewImpl::mainFrame() { return main_frame(); } WebFrame* WebViewImpl::findFrameByName( const WebString& name, WebFrame* relative_to_frame) { String name_str = webkit_glue::WebStringToString(name); if (!relative_to_frame) relative_to_frame = mainFrame(); Frame* frame = static_cast<WebFrameImpl*>(relative_to_frame)->frame(); frame = frame->tree()->find(name_str); return WebFrameImpl::FromFrame(frame); } WebFrame* WebViewImpl::focusedFrame() { return WebFrameImpl::FromFrame(GetFocusedWebCoreFrame()); } void WebViewImpl::setFocusedFrame(WebFrame* frame) { if (!frame) { // Clears the focused frame if any. Frame* frame = GetFocusedWebCoreFrame(); if (frame) frame->selection()->setFocused(false); return; } WebFrameImpl* frame_impl = static_cast<WebFrameImpl*>(frame); WebCore::Frame* webcore_frame = frame_impl->frame(); webcore_frame->page()->focusController()->setFocusedFrame(webcore_frame); } void WebViewImpl::setInitialFocus(bool reverse) { if (!page_.get()) return; // Since we don't have a keyboard event, we'll create one. WebKeyboardEvent keyboard_event; keyboard_event.type = WebInputEvent::RawKeyDown; if (reverse) keyboard_event.modifiers = WebInputEvent::ShiftKey; // VK_TAB which is only defined on Windows. keyboard_event.windowsKeyCode = 0x09; PlatformKeyboardEventBuilder platform_event(keyboard_event); RefPtr<KeyboardEvent> webkit_event = KeyboardEvent::create(platform_event, NULL); page()->focusController()->setInitialFocus( reverse ? WebCore::FocusDirectionBackward : WebCore::FocusDirectionForward, webkit_event.get()); } void WebViewImpl::clearFocusedNode() { if (!page_.get()) return; RefPtr<Frame> frame = page_->mainFrame(); if (!frame.get()) return; RefPtr<Document> document = frame->document(); if (!document.get()) return; RefPtr<Node> old_focused_node = document->focusedNode(); // Clear the focused node. document->setFocusedNode(NULL); if (!old_focused_node.get()) return; // If a text field has focus, we need to make sure the selection controller // knows to remove selection from it. Otherwise, the text field is still // processing keyboard events even though focus has been moved to the page and // keystrokes get eaten as a result. if (old_focused_node->hasTagName(HTMLNames::textareaTag) || (old_focused_node->hasTagName(HTMLNames::inputTag) && static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(old_focused_node.get())->isTextField())) { // Clear the selection. SelectionController* selection = frame->selection(); selection->clear(); } } void WebViewImpl::zoomIn(bool text_only) { Frame* frame = main_frame()->frame(); double multiplier = std::min(std::pow(kTextSizeMultiplierRatio, zoom_level_ + 1), kMaxTextSizeMultiplier); float zoom_factor = static_cast<float>(multiplier); if (zoom_factor != frame->zoomFactor()) { ++zoom_level_; frame->setZoomFactor(zoom_factor, text_only); } } void WebViewImpl::zoomOut(bool text_only) { Frame* frame = main_frame()->frame(); double multiplier = std::max(std::pow(kTextSizeMultiplierRatio, zoom_level_ - 1), kMinTextSizeMultiplier); float zoom_factor = static_cast<float>(multiplier); if (zoom_factor != frame->zoomFactor()) { --zoom_level_; frame->setZoomFactor(zoom_factor, text_only); } } void WebViewImpl::zoomDefault() { // We don't change the zoom mode (text only vs. full page) here. We just want // to reset whatever is already set. zoom_level_ = 0; main_frame()->frame()->setZoomFactor( 1.0f, main_frame()->frame()->isZoomFactorTextOnly()); } void WebViewImpl::performMediaPlayerAction(const WebMediaPlayerAction& action, const WebPoint& location) { HitTestResult result = HitTestResultForWindowPos(webkit_glue::WebPointToIntPoint(location)); WTF::RefPtr<WebCore::Node> node = result.innerNonSharedNode(); if (!node->hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::videoTag) && !node->hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::audioTag)) return; WTF::RefPtr<WebCore::HTMLMediaElement> media_element = static_pointer_cast<WebCore::HTMLMediaElement>(node); switch (action.type) { case WebMediaPlayerAction::Play: if (action.enable) { media_element->play(); } else { media_element->pause(); } break; case WebMediaPlayerAction::Mute: media_element->setMuted(action.enable); break; case WebMediaPlayerAction::Loop: media_element->setLoop(action.enable); break; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } } void WebViewImpl::copyImageAt(const WebPoint& point) { if (!page_.get()) return; HitTestResult result = HitTestResultForWindowPos(webkit_glue::WebPointToIntPoint(point)); if (result.absoluteImageURL().isEmpty()) { // There isn't actually an image at these coordinates. Might be because // the window scrolled while the context menu was open or because the page // changed itself between when we thought there was an image here and when // we actually tried to retreive the image. // // TODO: implement a cache of the most recent HitTestResult to avoid having // to do two hit tests. return; } page_->mainFrame()->editor()->copyImage(result); } void WebViewImpl::dragSourceEndedAt( const WebPoint& client_point, const WebPoint& screen_point, WebDragOperation operation) { PlatformMouseEvent pme(webkit_glue::WebPointToIntPoint(client_point), webkit_glue::WebPointToIntPoint(screen_point), LeftButton, MouseEventMoved, 0, false, false, false, false, 0); page_->mainFrame()->eventHandler()->dragSourceEndedAt(pme, static_cast<WebCore::DragOperation>(operation)); } void WebViewImpl::dragSourceMovedTo( const WebPoint& client_point, const WebPoint& screen_point) { PlatformMouseEvent pme(webkit_glue::WebPointToIntPoint(client_point), webkit_glue::WebPointToIntPoint(screen_point), LeftButton, MouseEventMoved, 0, false, false, false, false, 0); page_->mainFrame()->eventHandler()->dragSourceMovedTo(pme); } void WebViewImpl::dragSourceSystemDragEnded() { // It's possible for us to get this callback while not doing a drag if // it's from a previous page that got unloaded. if (doing_drag_and_drop_) { page_->dragController()->dragEnded(); doing_drag_and_drop_ = false; } } WebDragOperation WebViewImpl::dragTargetDragEnter( const WebDragData& web_drag_data, int identity, const WebPoint& client_point, const WebPoint& screen_point, WebDragOperationsMask operations_allowed) { DCHECK(!current_drag_data_.get()); current_drag_data_ = webkit_glue::WebDragDataToChromiumDataObject(web_drag_data); drag_identity_ = identity; operations_allowed_ = operations_allowed; DragData drag_data( current_drag_data_.get(), webkit_glue::WebPointToIntPoint(client_point), webkit_glue::WebPointToIntPoint(screen_point), static_cast<WebCore::DragOperation>(operations_allowed)); drop_effect_ = DROP_EFFECT_DEFAULT; drag_target_dispatch_ = true; DragOperation effect = page_->dragController()->dragEntered(&drag_data); // Mask the operation against the drag source's allowed operations. if ((effect & drag_data.draggingSourceOperationMask()) != effect) { effect = DragOperationNone; } drag_target_dispatch_ = false; if (drop_effect_ != DROP_EFFECT_DEFAULT) drag_operation_ = (drop_effect_ != DROP_EFFECT_NONE) ? WebDragOperationCopy : WebDragOperationNone; else drag_operation_ = static_cast<WebDragOperation>(effect); return drag_operation_; } WebDragOperation WebViewImpl::dragTargetDragOver( const WebPoint& client_point, const WebPoint& screen_point, WebDragOperationsMask operations_allowed) { DCHECK(current_drag_data_.get()); operations_allowed_ = operations_allowed; DragData drag_data( current_drag_data_.get(), webkit_glue::WebPointToIntPoint(client_point), webkit_glue::WebPointToIntPoint(screen_point), static_cast<WebCore::DragOperation>(operations_allowed)); drop_effect_ = DROP_EFFECT_DEFAULT; drag_target_dispatch_ = true; DragOperation effect = page_->dragController()->dragUpdated(&drag_data); // Mask the operation against the drag source's allowed operations. if ((effect & drag_data.draggingSourceOperationMask()) != effect) { effect = DragOperationNone; } drag_target_dispatch_ = false; if (drop_effect_ != DROP_EFFECT_DEFAULT) drag_operation_ = (drop_effect_ != DROP_EFFECT_NONE) ? WebDragOperationCopy : WebDragOperationNone; else drag_operation_ = static_cast<WebDragOperation>(effect); return drag_operation_; } void WebViewImpl::dragTargetDragLeave() { DCHECK(current_drag_data_.get()); DragData drag_data( current_drag_data_.get(), IntPoint(), IntPoint(), static_cast<WebCore::DragOperation>(operations_allowed_)); drag_target_dispatch_ = true; page_->dragController()->dragExited(&drag_data); drag_target_dispatch_ = false; current_drag_data_ = NULL; drop_effect_ = DROP_EFFECT_DEFAULT; drag_operation_ = WebDragOperationNone; drag_identity_ = 0; } void WebViewImpl::dragTargetDrop(const WebPoint& client_point, const WebPoint& screen_point) { DCHECK(current_drag_data_.get()); // If this webview transitions from the "drop accepting" state to the "not // accepting" state, then our IPC message reply indicating that may be in- // flight, or else delayed by javascript processing in this webview. If a // drop happens before our IPC reply has reached the browser process, then // the browser forwards the drop to this webview. So only allow a drop to // proceed if our webview drag_operation_ state is not DragOperationNone. if (drag_operation_ == WebDragOperationNone) { // IPC RACE CONDITION: do not allow this drop. dragTargetDragLeave(); return; } DragData drag_data( current_drag_data_.get(), webkit_glue::WebPointToIntPoint(client_point), webkit_glue::WebPointToIntPoint(screen_point), static_cast<WebCore::DragOperation>(operations_allowed_)); drag_target_dispatch_ = true; page_->dragController()->performDrag(&drag_data); drag_target_dispatch_ = false; current_drag_data_ = NULL; drop_effect_ = DROP_EFFECT_DEFAULT; drag_operation_ = WebDragOperationNone; drag_identity_ = 0; } int WebViewImpl::dragIdentity() { if (drag_target_dispatch_) return drag_identity_; return 0; } void WebViewImpl::inspectElementAt(const WebPoint& point) { if (!page_.get()) return; if (point.x == -1 || point.y == -1) { page_->inspectorController()->inspect(NULL); } else { HitTestResult result = HitTestResultForWindowPos(webkit_glue::WebPointToIntPoint(point)); if (!result.innerNonSharedNode()) return; page_->inspectorController()->inspect(result.innerNonSharedNode()); } } WebString WebViewImpl::inspectorSettings() const { return inspector_settings_; } void WebViewImpl::setInspectorSettings(const WebString& settings) { inspector_settings_ = settings; } WebDevToolsAgent* WebViewImpl::devToolsAgent() { return devtools_agent_.get(); } WebAccessibilityObject WebViewImpl::accessibilityObject() { if (!main_frame()) return WebAccessibilityObject(); WebCore::Document* document = main_frame()->frame()->document(); return AccessibilityObjectToWebAccessibilityObject( document->axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(document->renderer())); } void WebViewImpl::applyAutofillSuggestions( const WebNode& node, const WebVector<WebString>& suggestions, int default_suggestion_index) { if (!page_.get() || suggestions.isEmpty()) { HideAutoCompletePopup(); return; } DCHECK(default_suggestion_index < static_cast<int>(suggestions.size())); if (RefPtr<Frame> focused = page_->focusController()->focusedFrame()) { RefPtr<Document> document = focused->document(); if (!document.get()) { HideAutoCompletePopup(); return; } RefPtr<Node> focused_node = document->focusedNode(); // If the node for which we queried the autofill suggestions is not the // focused node, then we have nothing to do. // TODO(jcampan): also check the carret is at the end and that the text has // not changed. if (!focused_node.get() || focused_node != webkit_glue::WebNodeToNode(node)) { HideAutoCompletePopup(); return; } if (!focused_node->hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::inputTag)) { NOTREACHED(); return; } WebCore::HTMLInputElement* input_elem = static_cast<WebCore::HTMLInputElement*>(focused_node.get()); // The first time the autocomplete is shown we'll create the client and the // popup. if (!autocomplete_popup_client_.get()) autocomplete_popup_client_.reset(new AutocompletePopupMenuClient(this)); autocomplete_popup_client_->Init(input_elem, suggestions, default_suggestion_index); if (!autocomplete_popup_.get()) { autocomplete_popup_ = WebCore::PopupContainer::create(autocomplete_popup_client_.get(), kAutocompletePopupSettings); } if (autocomplete_popup_showing_) { autocomplete_popup_client_->SetSuggestions(suggestions); RefreshAutofillPopup(); } else { autocomplete_popup_->show(focused_node->getRect(), focused_node->ownerDocument()->view(), 0); autocomplete_popup_showing_ = true; } } } void WebViewImpl::hideAutofillPopup() { HideAutoCompletePopup(); } // WebView -------------------------------------------------------------------- bool WebViewImpl::setDropEffect(bool accept) { if (drag_target_dispatch_) { drop_effect_ = accept ? DROP_EFFECT_COPY : DROP_EFFECT_NONE; return true; } else { return false; } } WebDevToolsAgentImpl* WebViewImpl::GetWebDevToolsAgentImpl() { return devtools_agent_.get(); } void WebViewImpl::setIsTransparent(bool is_transparent) { // Set any existing frames to be transparent. WebCore::Frame* frame = page_->mainFrame(); while (frame) { frame->view()->setTransparent(is_transparent); frame = frame->tree()->traverseNext(); } // Future frames check this to know whether to be transparent. is_transparent_ = is_transparent; } bool WebViewImpl::isTransparent() const { return is_transparent_; } void WebViewImpl::setIsActive(bool active) { if (page() && page()->focusController()) page()->focusController()->setActive(active); } bool WebViewImpl::isActive() const { return (page() && page()->focusController()) ? page()->focusController()->isActive() : false; } void WebViewImpl::DidCommitLoad(bool* is_new_navigation) { if (is_new_navigation) *is_new_navigation = observed_new_navigation_; #ifndef NDEBUG DCHECK(!observed_new_navigation_ || page_->mainFrame()->loader()->documentLoader() == new_navigation_loader_); new_navigation_loader_ = NULL; #endif observed_new_navigation_ = false; } // static bool WebViewImpl::NavigationPolicyFromMouseEvent(unsigned short button, bool ctrl, bool shift, bool alt, bool meta, WebNavigationPolicy* policy) { #if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(OS_FREEBSD) const bool new_tab_modifier = (button == 1) || ctrl; #elif defined(OS_MACOSX) const bool new_tab_modifier = (button == 1) || meta; #endif if (!new_tab_modifier && !shift && !alt) return false; DCHECK(policy); if (new_tab_modifier) { if (shift) { *policy = WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyNewForegroundTab; } else { *policy = WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyNewBackgroundTab; } } else { if (shift) { *policy = WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyNewWindow; } else { *policy = WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyDownload; } } return true; } void WebViewImpl::StartDragging(const WebPoint& event_pos, const WebDragData& drag_data, WebDragOperationsMask mask) { if (!client_) return; DCHECK(!doing_drag_and_drop_); doing_drag_and_drop_ = true; client_->startDragging(event_pos, drag_data, mask); } void WebViewImpl::SetCurrentHistoryItem(WebCore::HistoryItem* item) { back_forward_list_client_impl_.SetCurrentHistoryItem(item); } WebCore::HistoryItem* WebViewImpl::GetPreviousHistoryItem() { return back_forward_list_client_impl_.GetPreviousHistoryItem(); } void WebViewImpl::ObserveNewNavigation() { observed_new_navigation_ = true; #ifndef NDEBUG new_navigation_loader_ = page_->mainFrame()->loader()->documentLoader(); #endif } void WebViewImpl::HideAutoCompletePopup() { if (autocomplete_popup_showing_) { autocomplete_popup_->hidePopup(); AutoCompletePopupDidHide(); } } void WebViewImpl::AutoCompletePopupDidHide() { autocomplete_popup_showing_ = false; } void WebViewImpl::SetIgnoreInputEvents(bool new_value) { DCHECK(ignore_input_events_ != new_value); ignore_input_events_ = new_value; } #if ENABLE(NOTIFICATIONS) WebKit::NotificationPresenterImpl* WebViewImpl::GetNotificationPresenter() { if (!notification_presenter_.isInitialized() && client_) notification_presenter_.initialize(client_->notificationPresenter()); return ¬ification_presenter_; } #endif void WebViewImpl::RefreshAutofillPopup() { DCHECK(autocomplete_popup_showing_); // Hide the popup if it has become empty. if (autocomplete_popup_client_->listSize() == 0) { HideAutoCompletePopup(); return; } IntRect old_bounds = autocomplete_popup_->boundsRect(); autocomplete_popup_->refresh(); IntRect new_bounds = autocomplete_popup_->boundsRect(); // Let's resize the backing window if necessary. if (old_bounds != new_bounds) { WebPopupMenuImpl* popup_menu = static_cast<WebPopupMenuImpl*>(autocomplete_popup_->client()); popup_menu->client()->setWindowRect( webkit_glue::IntRectToWebRect(new_bounds)); } } Node* WebViewImpl::GetFocusedNode() { Frame* frame = page_->focusController()->focusedFrame(); if (!frame) return NULL; Document* document = frame->document(); if (!document) return NULL; return document->focusedNode(); } HitTestResult WebViewImpl::HitTestResultForWindowPos(const IntPoint& pos) { IntPoint doc_point( page_->mainFrame()->view()->windowToContents(pos)); return page_->mainFrame()->eventHandler()-> hitTestResultAtPoint(doc_point, false); } void WebViewImpl::setTabsToLinks(bool enable) { tabs_to_links_ = enable; } bool WebViewImpl::tabsToLinks() const { return tabs_to_links_; }