// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <set>

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "skia/ext/platform_canvas.h"
#include "webkit/api/public/WebPoint.h"
#include "webkit/api/public/WebSize.h"
#include "webkit/glue/back_forward_list_client_impl.h"
#include "webkit/glue/webframe_impl.h"
#include "webkit/glue/webpreferences.h"
#include "webkit/glue/webview.h"

#include "Page.h"

namespace WebCore {
class ChromiumDataObject;
class Frame;
class HistoryItem;
class HitTestResult;
class KeyboardEvent;
class Page;
class PlatformKeyboardEvent;
class PopupContainer;
class Range;
class Widget;

namespace WebKit {
class WebKeyboardEvent;
class WebMouseEvent;
class WebMouseWheelEvent;

class AutocompletePopupMenuClient;
class ImageResourceFetcher;
class SearchableFormData;
class WebHistoryItemImpl;
class WebDevToolsAgent;
class WebDevToolsAgentImpl;
class WebViewDelegate;

class WebViewImpl : public WebView, public base::RefCounted<WebViewImpl> {
  // WebView
  virtual bool ShouldClose();
  virtual void Close();
  virtual WebViewDelegate* GetDelegate();
  virtual void SetDelegate(WebViewDelegate*);
  virtual void SetUseEditorDelegate(bool value);
  virtual void SetTabKeyCyclesThroughElements(bool value);
  virtual WebFrame* GetMainFrame();
  virtual WebFrame* GetFocusedFrame();
  virtual void SetFocusedFrame(WebFrame* frame);
  virtual WebFrame* GetFrameWithName(const std::wstring& name);
  virtual WebFrame* GetPreviousFrameBefore(WebFrame* frame, bool wrap);
  virtual WebFrame* GetNextFrameAfter(WebFrame* frame, bool wrap);
  virtual void Resize(const WebKit::WebSize& new_size);
  virtual WebKit::WebSize GetSize() { return size(); }
  virtual void Layout();
  virtual void Paint(skia::PlatformCanvas* canvas, const WebKit::WebRect& rect);
  virtual bool HandleInputEvent(const WebKit::WebInputEvent* input_event);
  virtual void MouseCaptureLost();
  virtual void SetFocus(bool enable);
  virtual void ClearFocusedNode();
  virtual void StoreFocusForFrame(WebFrame* frame);
  virtual bool ImeSetComposition(int string_type,
                                 int cursor_position,
                                 int target_start,
                                 int target_end,
                                 const std::wstring& ime_string);
  virtual bool ImeUpdateStatus(bool* enable_ime,
                               WebKit::WebRect* caret_rect);
  virtual void SetTextDirection(WebTextDirection direction);
  virtual void StopLoading();
  virtual void SetBackForwardListSize(int size);
  virtual void RestoreFocus();
  virtual void SetInitialFocus(bool reverse);
  virtual bool DownloadImage(int id, const GURL& image_url, int image_size);
  virtual void SetPreferences(const WebPreferences& preferences);
  virtual const WebPreferences& GetPreferences();
  virtual void SetPageEncoding(const std::wstring& encoding_name);
  virtual std::wstring GetMainFrameEncodingName();
  virtual void ZoomIn(bool text_only);
  virtual void ZoomOut(bool text_only);
  virtual void ResetZoom();
  virtual void CopyImageAt(int x, int y);
  virtual void InspectElement(int x, int y);
  virtual void ShowJavaScriptConsole();
  virtual void DragSourceEndedAt(
      const WebKit::WebPoint& client_point,
      const WebKit::WebPoint& screen_point);
  virtual void DragSourceMovedTo(
      const WebKit::WebPoint& client_point,
      const WebKit::WebPoint& screen_point);
  virtual void DragSourceSystemDragEnded();
  virtual bool DragTargetDragEnter(
      const WebKit::WebDragData& drag_data, int identity,
      const WebKit::WebPoint& client_point,
      const WebKit::WebPoint& screen_point);
  virtual bool DragTargetDragOver(
      const WebKit::WebPoint& client_point,
      const WebKit::WebPoint& screen_point);
  virtual void DragTargetDragLeave();
  virtual void DragTargetDrop(
      const WebKit::WebPoint& client_point,
      const WebKit::WebPoint& screen_point);
  virtual int32 GetDragIdentity();
  virtual bool SetDropEffect(bool accept);
  virtual void AutofillSuggestionsForNode(
      int64 node_id,
      const std::vector<std::wstring>& suggestions,
      int default_suggestion_index);
  virtual void HideAutofillPopup();
  virtual void SetIgnoreInputEvents(bool new_value);

  virtual WebDevToolsAgent* GetWebDevToolsAgent();
  WebDevToolsAgentImpl* GetWebDevToolsAgentImpl();

  virtual void SetIsTransparent(bool is_transparent);
  virtual bool GetIsTransparent() const;

  // WebViewImpl

  const WebKit::WebSize& size() const { return size_; }

  const WebKit::WebPoint& last_mouse_down_point() const {
      return last_mouse_down_point_;

  WebCore::Frame* GetFocusedWebCoreFrame();

  static WebViewImpl* FromPage(WebCore::Page* page);

  WebViewDelegate* delegate() {
    return delegate_.get();

  // Returns the page object associated with this view.  This may be NULL when
  // the page is shutting down, but will be valid at all other times.
  WebCore::Page* page() const {
    return page_.get();

  // Returns the main frame associated with this view.  This may be NULL when
  // the page is shutting down, but will be valid at all other times.
  WebFrameImpl* main_frame() {
    return page_.get() ? WebFrameImpl::FromFrame(page_->mainFrame()) : NULL;

  // History related methods:
  void SetCurrentHistoryItem(WebCore::HistoryItem* item);
  WebCore::HistoryItem* GetPreviousHistoryItem();
  void ObserveNewNavigation();

  // Event related methods:
  void MouseMove(const WebKit::WebMouseEvent& mouse_event);
  void MouseLeave(const WebKit::WebMouseEvent& mouse_event);
  void MouseDown(const WebKit::WebMouseEvent& mouse_event);
  void MouseUp(const WebKit::WebMouseEvent& mouse_event);
  void MouseContextMenu(const WebKit::WebMouseEvent& mouse_event);
  void MouseDoubleClick(const WebKit::WebMouseEvent& mouse_event);
  void MouseWheel(const WebKit::WebMouseWheelEvent& wheel_event);
  bool KeyEvent(const WebKit::WebKeyboardEvent& key_event);
  bool CharEvent(const WebKit::WebKeyboardEvent& key_event);

  // Handles context menu events orignated via the the keyboard. These
  // include the VK_APPS virtual key and the Shift+F10 combine.
  // Code is based on the Webkit function
  // bool WebView::handleContextMenuEvent(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) in
  // webkit\webkit\win\WebView.cpp. The only significant change in this
  // function is the code to convert from a Keyboard event to the Right
  // Mouse button down event.
  bool SendContextMenuEvent(const WebKit::WebKeyboardEvent& event);

  // Releases references used to restore focus.
  void ReleaseFocusReferences();

  // Notifies the WebView that a load has been committed.
  // is_new_navigation will be true if a new session history item should be
  // created for that load.
  void DidCommitLoad(bool* is_new_navigation);

  bool context_menu_allowed() const {
    return context_menu_allowed_;

  // Set the disposition for how this webview is to be initially shown.
  void set_window_open_disposition(WindowOpenDisposition disp) {
    window_open_disposition_ = disp;
  WindowOpenDisposition window_open_disposition() const {
    return window_open_disposition_;

  // Start a system drag and drop operation.
  void StartDragging(const WebKit::WebDragData& drag_data);

  // ImageResourceFetcher callback.
  void ImageResourceDownloadDone(ImageResourceFetcher* fetcher,
                                 bool errored,
                                 const SkBitmap& image);

  // Hides the autocomplete popup if it is showing.
  void HideAutoCompletePopup();

  // Converts |x|, |y| from window coordinates to contents coordinates and gets
  // the underlying Node for them.
  WebCore::Node* GetNodeForWindowPos(int x, int y);

  friend class WebView;  // So WebView::Create can call our constructor
  friend class base::RefCounted<WebViewImpl>;


  void ModifySelection(uint32 message,
                       WebCore::Frame* frame,
                       const WebCore::PlatformKeyboardEvent& e);

  // Creates and returns a new SearchableFormData for the focused node.
  // It's up to the caller to free the returned SearchableFormData.
  // This returns NULL if the focused node is NULL, or not in a valid form.
  SearchableFormData* CreateSearchableFormDataForFocusedNode();

  scoped_refptr<WebViewDelegate> delegate_;
  WebKit::WebSize size_;

  WebKit::WebPoint last_mouse_position_;
  // Reference to the Frame that last had focus. This is set once when
  // we lose focus, and used when focus is gained to reinstall focus to
  // the correct element.
  RefPtr<WebCore::Frame> last_focused_frame_;
  // Reference to the node that last had focus.
  RefPtr<WebCore::Node> last_focused_node_;
  scoped_ptr<WebCore::Page> page_;

  webkit_glue::BackForwardListClientImpl back_forward_list_client_impl_;

  // This flag is set when a new navigation is detected.  It is used to satisfy
  // the corresponding argument to WebViewDelegate::DidCommitLoadForFrame.
  bool observed_new_navigation_;
#ifndef NDEBUG
  // Used to assert that the new navigation we observed is the same navigation
  // when we make use of observed_new_navigation_.
  const WebCore::DocumentLoader* new_navigation_loader_;

  // A copy of the WebPreferences object we receive from the browser.
  WebPreferences webprefs_;

  // A copy of the web drop data object we received from the browser.
  RefPtr<WebCore::ChromiumDataObject> current_drag_data_;

  // Returns true if the event was actually processed.
  bool KeyEventDefault(const WebKit::WebKeyboardEvent& event);

  // Returns true if the autocomple has consumed the event.
  bool AutocompleteHandleKeyEvent(const WebKit::WebKeyboardEvent& event);

  // Repaints the autofill popup.  Should be called when the suggestions have
  // changed.  Note that this should only be called when the autofill popup is
  // showing.
  void RefreshAutofillPopup();

  // Returns true if the view was scrolled.
  bool ScrollViewWithKeyboard(int key_code);

  // Removes fetcher from the set of pending image fetchers and deletes it.
  // This is invoked after the download is completed (or fails).
  void DeleteImageResourceFetcher(ImageResourceFetcher* fetcher);

  // Converts |pos| from window coordinates to contents coordinates and gets
  // the HitTestResult for it.
  WebCore::HitTestResult HitTestResultForWindowPos(
      const WebCore::IntPoint& pos);

  // Returns the currently focused Node or NULL if no node has focus.
  WebCore::Node* GetFocusedNode();

  // ImageResourceFetchers schedule via DownloadImage.
  std::set<ImageResourceFetcher*> image_fetchers_;

  // The point relative to the client area where the mouse was last pressed
  // down. This is used by the drag client to determine what was under the
  // mouse when the drag was initiated. We need to track this here in
  // WebViewImpl since DragClient::startDrag does not pass the position the
  // mouse was at when the drag was initiated, only the current point, which
  // can be misleading as it is usually not over the element the user actually
  // dragged by the time a drag is initiated.
  WebKit::WebPoint last_mouse_down_point_;

  // Keeps track of the current text zoom level.  0 means no zoom, positive
  // values mean larger text, negative numbers mean smaller.
  int zoom_level_;

  bool context_menu_allowed_;

  bool doing_drag_and_drop_;

  bool ignore_input_events_;

  // Webkit expects keyPress events to be suppressed if the associated keyDown
  // event was handled. Safari implements this behavior by peeking out the
  // associated WM_CHAR event if the keydown was handled. We emulate
  // this behavior by setting this flag if the keyDown was handled.
  bool suppress_next_keypress_event_;

  // The disposition for how this webview is to be initially shown.
  WindowOpenDisposition window_open_disposition_;

  // Represents whether or not this object should process incoming IME events.
  bool ime_accept_events_;

  // True while dispatching system drag and drop events to drag/drop targets
  // within this WebView.
  bool drag_target_dispatch_;

  // Valid when drag_target_dispatch_ is true; the identity of the drag data
  // copied from the WebDropData object sent from the browser process.
  int32 drag_identity_;

  // Valid when drag_target_dispatch_ is true.  Used to override the default
  // browser drop effect with the effects "none" or "copy".
  enum DragTargetDropEffect {
  } drop_effect_;

  // When true, the drag data can be dropped onto the current drop target in
  // this WebView (the drop target can accept the drop).
  bool drop_accept_;

  // The autocomplete popup.  Kept around and reused every-time new suggestions
  // should be shown.
  RefPtr<WebCore::PopupContainer> autocomplete_popup_;

  // Whether the autocomplete popup is currently showing.
  bool autocomplete_popup_showing_;

  // The autocomplete client.
  scoped_ptr<AutocompletePopupMenuClient> autocomplete_popup_client_;

  scoped_ptr<WebDevToolsAgentImpl> devtools_agent_;

  // Whether the webview is rendering transparently.
  bool is_transparent_;

  // HACK: current_input_event is for ChromeClientImpl::show(), until we can fix
  // WebKit to pass enough information up into ChromeClient::show() so we can
  // decide if the window.open event was caused by a middle-mouse click
  static const WebKit::WebInputEvent* current_input_event() {
    return g_current_input_event;
  static const WebKit::WebInputEvent* g_current_input_event;
