// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include "webkit/media/crypto/key_systems.h" #include "base/lazy_instance.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "net/base/mime_util.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/Platform/chromium/public/WebCString.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/Platform/chromium/public/WebString.h" #include "widevine_cdm_version.h" // In SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR. #if defined(WIDEVINE_CDM_AVAILABLE) && \ defined(OS_LINUX) && !defined(OS_CHROMEOS) #include #include "base/version.h" #endif namespace webkit_media { // Convert a WebString to ASCII, falling back on an empty string in the case // of a non-ASCII string. static std::string ToASCIIOrEmpty(const WebKit::WebString& string) { return IsStringASCII(string) ? UTF16ToASCII(string) : std::string(); } static const char kClearKeyKeySystem[] = "webkit-org.w3.clearkey"; static const char kExternalClearKeyKeySystem[] = "org.chromium.externalclearkey"; struct MediaFormatAndKeySystem { const char* mime_type; const char* codecs_list; const char* key_system; }; struct KeySystemPluginTypePair { const char* key_system; const char* plugin_type; }; // TODO(ddorwin): Automatically support parent systems: http://crbug.com/164303. static const char kWidevineBaseKeySystem[] = "com.widevine"; #if defined(WIDEVINE_CDM_CENC_SUPPORT_AVAILABLE) // The supported codecs depend on what the CDM provides. static const char kWidevineVideoMp4Codecs[] = #if defined(WIDEVINE_CDM_AVC1_SUPPORT_AVAILABLE) && \ defined(WIDEVINE_CDM_AAC_SUPPORT_AVAILABLE) "avc1,mp4a"; #elif defined(WIDEVINE_CDM_AVC1_SUPPORT_AVAILABLE) "avc1"; #else ""; // No codec strings are supported. #endif static const char kWidevineAudioMp4Codecs[] = #if defined(WIDEVINE_CDM_AAC_SUPPORT_AVAILABLE) "mp4a"; #else ""; // No codec strings are supported. #endif #endif // defined(WIDEVINE_CDM_CENC_SUPPORT_AVAILABLE) // Specifies the container and codec combinations supported by individual // key systems. Each line is a container-codecs combination and the key system // that supports it. Multiple codecs can be listed. In all cases, the container // without a codec is also supported. // This list is converted at runtime into individual container-codec-key system // entries in KeySystems::key_system_map_. static const MediaFormatAndKeySystem kSupportedFormatKeySystemCombinations[] = { // Clear Key. { "video/webm", "vorbis,vp8,vp8.0", kClearKeyKeySystem }, { "audio/webm", "vorbis", kClearKeyKeySystem }, #if defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD) || defined(USE_PROPRIETARY_CODECS) { "video/mp4", "avc1,mp4a", kClearKeyKeySystem }, { "audio/mp4", "mp4a", kClearKeyKeySystem }, #endif // External Clear Key (used for testing). { "video/webm", "vorbis,vp8,vp8.0", kExternalClearKeyKeySystem }, { "audio/webm", "vorbis", kExternalClearKeyKeySystem }, #if defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD) || defined(USE_PROPRIETARY_CODECS) { "video/mp4", "avc1,mp4a", kExternalClearKeyKeySystem }, { "audio/mp4", "mp4a", kExternalClearKeyKeySystem }, #endif #if defined(WIDEVINE_CDM_AVAILABLE) // Widevine. { "video/webm", "vorbis,vp8,vp8.0", kWidevineKeySystem }, { "audio/webm", "vorbis", kWidevineKeySystem }, { "video/webm", "vorbis,vp8,vp8.0", kWidevineBaseKeySystem }, { "audio/webm", "vorbis", kWidevineBaseKeySystem }, #if defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD) || defined(USE_PROPRIETARY_CODECS) #if defined(WIDEVINE_CDM_CENC_SUPPORT_AVAILABLE) { "video/mp4", kWidevineVideoMp4Codecs, kWidevineKeySystem }, { "video/mp4", kWidevineVideoMp4Codecs, kWidevineBaseKeySystem }, { "audio/mp4", kWidevineAudioMp4Codecs, kWidevineKeySystem }, { "audio/mp4", kWidevineAudioMp4Codecs, kWidevineBaseKeySystem }, #endif // defined(WIDEVINE_CDM_CENC_SUPPORT_AVAILABLE) #endif // defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD) || defined(USE_PROPRIETARY_CODECS) #endif // WIDEVINE_CDM_AVAILABLE }; static const KeySystemPluginTypePair kKeySystemToPluginTypeMapping[] = { // TODO(xhwang): Update this with the real plugin name. { kExternalClearKeyKeySystem, "application/x-ppapi-clearkey-cdm" }, #if defined(WIDEVINE_CDM_AVAILABLE) { kWidevineKeySystem, kWidevineCdmPluginMimeType } #endif // WIDEVINE_CDM_AVAILABLE }; class KeySystems { public: bool IsSupportedKeySystem(const std::string& key_system); bool IsSupportedKeySystemWithMediaMimeType( const std::string& mime_type, const std::vector& codecs, const std::string& key_system); private: friend struct base::DefaultLazyInstanceTraits; typedef base::hash_set CodecMappings; typedef std::map MimeTypeMappings; typedef std::map KeySystemMappings; KeySystems(); bool IsSupportedKeySystemWithContainerAndCodec( const std::string& mime_type, const std::string& codec, const std::string& key_system); KeySystemMappings key_system_map_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(KeySystems); }; static base::LazyInstance g_key_systems = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER; KeySystems::KeySystems() { // Initialize the supported media type/key system combinations. for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kSupportedFormatKeySystemCombinations); ++i) { const MediaFormatAndKeySystem& combination = kSupportedFormatKeySystemCombinations[i]; std::vector mime_type_codecs; net::ParseCodecString(combination.codecs_list, &mime_type_codecs, false); CodecMappings codecs; for (size_t j = 0; j < mime_type_codecs.size(); ++j) codecs.insert(mime_type_codecs[j]); // Support the MIME type string alone, without codec(s) specified. codecs.insert(""); // Key systems can be repeated, so there may already be an entry. KeySystemMappings::iterator key_system_iter = key_system_map_.find(combination.key_system); if (key_system_iter == key_system_map_.end()) { MimeTypeMappings mime_types_map; mime_types_map[combination.mime_type] = codecs; key_system_map_[combination.key_system] = mime_types_map; } else { MimeTypeMappings& mime_types_map = key_system_iter->second; // mime_types_map may not be repeated for a given key system. DCHECK(mime_types_map.find(combination.mime_type) == mime_types_map.end()); mime_types_map[combination.mime_type] = codecs; } } } static inline bool IsSystemCompatible(const std::string& key_system) { #if defined(WIDEVINE_CDM_AVAILABLE) && \ defined(OS_LINUX) && !defined(OS_CHROMEOS) if (key_system == kWidevineKeySystem || key_system == kWidevineBaseKeySystem) { Version glibc_version(gnu_get_libc_version()); DCHECK(glibc_version.IsValid()); return !glibc_version.IsOlderThan(WIDEVINE_CDM_MIN_GLIBC_VERSION); } #endif return true; } bool KeySystems::IsSupportedKeySystem(const std::string& key_system) { bool is_supported = key_system_map_.find(key_system) != key_system_map_.end(); return is_supported && IsSystemCompatible(key_system); } bool KeySystems::IsSupportedKeySystemWithContainerAndCodec( const std::string& mime_type, const std::string& codec, const std::string& key_system) { KeySystemMappings::const_iterator key_system_iter = key_system_map_.find(key_system); if (key_system_iter == key_system_map_.end()) return false; const MimeTypeMappings& mime_types_map = key_system_iter->second; MimeTypeMappings::const_iterator mime_iter = mime_types_map.find(mime_type); if (mime_iter == mime_types_map.end()) return false; const CodecMappings& codecs = mime_iter->second; return (codecs.find(codec) != codecs.end()) && IsSystemCompatible(key_system); } bool KeySystems::IsSupportedKeySystemWithMediaMimeType( const std::string& mime_type, const std::vector& codecs, const std::string& key_system) { if (codecs.empty()) return IsSupportedKeySystemWithContainerAndCodec(mime_type, "", key_system); for (size_t i = 0; i < codecs.size(); ++i) { if (!IsSupportedKeySystemWithContainerAndCodec( mime_type, codecs[i], key_system)) return false; } return true; } bool IsSupportedKeySystem(const WebKit::WebString& key_system) { return g_key_systems.Get().IsSupportedKeySystem(ToASCIIOrEmpty(key_system)); } bool IsSupportedKeySystemWithMediaMimeType( const std::string& mime_type, const std::vector& codecs, const std::string& key_system) { return g_key_systems.Get().IsSupportedKeySystemWithMediaMimeType( mime_type, codecs, key_system); } template // T is a stringish type. static std::string KeySystemNameForUMAGeneric(const T& key_system) { if (key_system == kClearKeyKeySystem) return "ClearKey"; #if defined(WIDEVINE_CDM_AVAILABLE) if (key_system == kWidevineKeySystem) return "Widevine"; #endif // WIDEVINE_CDM_AVAILABLE return "Unknown"; } std::string KeySystemNameForUMA(const std::string& key_system) { return KeySystemNameForUMAGeneric(key_system); } std::string KeySystemNameForUMA(const WebKit::WebString& key_system) { return KeySystemNameForUMAGeneric(key_system); } bool CanUseAesDecryptor(const std::string& key_system) { return key_system == kClearKeyKeySystem; } std::string GetPluginType(const std::string& key_system) { for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kKeySystemToPluginTypeMapping); ++i) { if (kKeySystemToPluginTypeMapping[i].key_system == key_system) return kKeySystemToPluginTypeMapping[i].plugin_type; } return std::string(); } } // namespace webkit_media