/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "DOMWindow.h" #include "BarInfo.h" #include "CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.h" #include "CSSRuleList.h" #include "CSSStyleSelector.h" #include "CString.h" #include "Chrome.h" #include "Console.h" #include "DOMSelection.h" #include "Document.h" #include "Element.h" #include "ExceptionCode.h" #include "FloatRect.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameLoader.h" #include "FrameTree.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "HTMLFrameOwnerElement.h" #include "History.h" #include "Location.h" #include "MessageEvent.h" #include "Navigator.h" #include "Page.h" #include "PageGroup.h" #include "PlatformScreen.h" #include "PlatformString.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "SecurityOrigin.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "ScriptController.h" #include #include #if ENABLE(DATABASE) #include "Database.h" #endif #if ENABLE(DOM_STORAGE) #include "LocalStorage.h" #include "SessionStorage.h" #include "Storage.h" #include "StorageArea.h" #endif #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) #include "DOMApplicationCache.h" #endif using std::min; using std::max; #if USE(V8) #include "Location.h" #include "Navigator.h" #include "CString.h" #include "FloatRect.h" #include "FrameTree.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "Page.h" #include "Chrome.h" #include "WindowFeatures.h" #include "FrameLoadRequest.h" #include "ScheduledAction.h" #include "PausedTimeouts.h" #include "v8_proxy.h" #if PLATFORM(WIN) #include #endif // WIN #include "CSSHelper.h" // parseURL #endif // V8 namespace WebCore { class PostMessageTimer : public TimerBase { public: PostMessageTimer(DOMWindow* window, PassRefPtr event, SecurityOrigin* targetOrigin) : m_window(window) , m_event(event) , m_targetOrigin(targetOrigin) { } MessageEvent* event() const { return m_event.get(); } SecurityOrigin* targetOrigin() const { return m_targetOrigin.get(); } private: virtual void fired() { m_window->postMessageTimerFired(this); } RefPtr m_window; RefPtr m_event; RefPtr m_targetOrigin; }; // This function: // 1) Validates the pending changes are not changing to NaN // 2) Constrains the window rect to no smaller than 100 in each dimension and no // bigger than the the float rect's dimensions. // 3) Constrain window rect to within the top and left boundaries of the screen rect // 4) Constraint the window rect to within the bottom and right boundaries of the // screen rect. // 5) Translate the window rect coordinates to be within the coordinate space of // the screen rect. void DOMWindow::adjustWindowRect(const FloatRect& screen, FloatRect& window, const FloatRect& pendingChanges) { // Make sure we're in a valid state before adjusting dimensions. ASSERT(isfinite(screen.x())); ASSERT(isfinite(screen.y())); ASSERT(isfinite(screen.width())); ASSERT(isfinite(screen.height())); ASSERT(isfinite(window.x())); ASSERT(isfinite(window.y())); ASSERT(isfinite(window.width())); ASSERT(isfinite(window.height())); // Update window values if new requested values are not NaN. if (!isnan(pendingChanges.x())) window.setX(pendingChanges.x()); if (!isnan(pendingChanges.y())) window.setY(pendingChanges.y()); if (!isnan(pendingChanges.width())) window.setWidth(pendingChanges.width()); if (!isnan(pendingChanges.height())) window.setHeight(pendingChanges.height()); // Resize the window to between 100 and the screen width and height. window.setWidth(min(max(100.0f, window.width()), screen.width())); window.setHeight(min(max(100.0f, window.height()), screen.height())); // Constrain the window position to the screen. window.setX(max(screen.x(), min(window.x(), screen.right() - window.width()))); window.setY(max(screen.y(), min(window.y(), screen.bottom() - window.height()))); } #if USE(V8) static int lastUsedTimeoutId; static int timerNestingLevel = 0; const int kMaxTimerNestingLevel = 5; const double kMinimumTimerInterval = 0.001; // Change this to speed up Javascript's setTimeout! class DOMWindowTimer : public TimerBase { public: DOMWindowTimer(int timeoutId, int nestingLevel, DOMWindow* o, ScheduledAction* a) : m_timeoutId(timeoutId), m_nestingLevel(nestingLevel), m_object(o), m_action(a) { } virtual ~DOMWindowTimer() { delete m_action; } int timeoutId() const { return m_timeoutId; } int nestingLevel() const { return m_nestingLevel; } void setNestingLevel(int n) { m_nestingLevel = n; } ScheduledAction* action() const { return m_action; } ScheduledAction* takeAction() { ScheduledAction* a = m_action; m_action = 0; return a; } private: virtual void fired(); int m_timeoutId; int m_nestingLevel; DOMWindow* m_object; ScheduledAction* m_action; }; void DOMWindowTimer::fired() { timerNestingLevel = m_nestingLevel; m_object->timerFired(this); timerNestingLevel = 0; } #endif // V8 DOMWindow::DOMWindow(Frame* frame) : m_frame(frame) { } DOMWindow::~DOMWindow() { if (m_frame) m_frame->clearFormerDOMWindow(this); } void DOMWindow::disconnectFrame() { m_frame = 0; clear(); } void DOMWindow::clear() { if (m_screen) m_screen->disconnectFrame(); m_screen = 0; if (m_selection) m_selection->disconnectFrame(); m_selection = 0; if (m_history) m_history->disconnectFrame(); m_history = 0; if (m_locationbar) m_locationbar->disconnectFrame(); m_locationbar = 0; if (m_menubar) m_menubar->disconnectFrame(); m_menubar = 0; if (m_personalbar) m_personalbar->disconnectFrame(); m_personalbar = 0; if (m_scrollbars) m_scrollbars->disconnectFrame(); m_scrollbars = 0; if (m_statusbar) m_statusbar->disconnectFrame(); m_statusbar = 0; if (m_toolbar) m_toolbar->disconnectFrame(); m_toolbar = 0; if (m_console) m_console->disconnectFrame(); m_console = 0; if (m_navigator) m_navigator->disconnectFrame(); m_navigator = 0; if (m_location) m_location->disconnectFrame(); m_location = 0; #if ENABLE(DOM_STORAGE) if (m_sessionStorage) m_sessionStorage->disconnectFrame(); m_sessionStorage = 0; if (m_localStorage) m_localStorage->disconnectFrame(); m_localStorage = 0; #endif #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) if (m_applicationCache) m_applicationCache->disconnectFrame(); m_applicationCache = 0; #endif } Screen* DOMWindow::screen() const { if (!m_screen) m_screen = Screen::create(m_frame); return m_screen.get(); } History* DOMWindow::history() const { if (!m_history) m_history = History::create(m_frame); return m_history.get(); } BarInfo* DOMWindow::locationbar() const { if (!m_locationbar) m_locationbar = BarInfo::create(m_frame, BarInfo::Locationbar); return m_locationbar.get(); } BarInfo* DOMWindow::menubar() const { if (!m_menubar) m_menubar = BarInfo::create(m_frame, BarInfo::Menubar); return m_menubar.get(); } BarInfo* DOMWindow::personalbar() const { if (!m_personalbar) m_personalbar = BarInfo::create(m_frame, BarInfo::Personalbar); return m_personalbar.get(); } BarInfo* DOMWindow::scrollbars() const { if (!m_scrollbars) m_scrollbars = BarInfo::create(m_frame, BarInfo::Scrollbars); return m_scrollbars.get(); } BarInfo* DOMWindow::statusbar() const { if (!m_statusbar) m_statusbar = BarInfo::create(m_frame, BarInfo::Statusbar); return m_statusbar.get(); } BarInfo* DOMWindow::toolbar() const { if (!m_toolbar) m_toolbar = BarInfo::create(m_frame, BarInfo::Toolbar); return m_toolbar.get(); } Console* DOMWindow::console() const { if (!m_console) m_console = Console::create(m_frame); return m_console.get(); } #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) DOMApplicationCache* DOMWindow::applicationCache() const { if (!m_applicationCache) m_applicationCache = DOMApplicationCache::create(m_frame); return m_applicationCache.get(); } #endif Navigator* DOMWindow::navigator() const { if (!m_navigator) m_navigator = Navigator::create(m_frame); return m_navigator.get(); } Location* DOMWindow::location() const { if (!m_location) m_location = Location::create(m_frame); return m_location.get(); } #if ENABLE(DOM_STORAGE) Storage* DOMWindow::sessionStorage() const { if (m_sessionStorage) return m_sessionStorage.get(); Page* page = m_frame->page(); if (!page) return 0; Document* document = m_frame->document(); if (!document) return 0; RefPtr storageArea = page->sessionStorage()->storageArea(document->securityOrigin()); m_sessionStorage = Storage::create(m_frame, storageArea.release()); return m_sessionStorage.get(); } Storage* DOMWindow::localStorage() const { Document* document = this->document(); if (!document) return 0; Page* page = document->page(); if (!page) return 0; LocalStorage* localStorage = page->group().localStorage(); RefPtr storageArea = localStorage ? localStorage->storageArea(m_frame, document->securityOrigin()) : 0; if (storageArea) m_localStorage = Storage::create(m_frame, storageArea.release()); return m_localStorage.get(); } #endif void DOMWindow::postMessage(const String& message, const String& targetOrigin, DOMWindow* source, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (!m_frame) return; // Compute the target origin. We need to do this synchronously in order // to generate the SYNTAX_ERR exception correctly. RefPtr target; if (targetOrigin != "*") { target = SecurityOrigin::create(KURL(targetOrigin)); if (target->isEmpty()) { ec = SYNTAX_ERR; return; } } // Capture the source of the message. We need to do this synchronously // in order to capture the source of the message correctly. Document* sourceDocument = source->document(); if (!sourceDocument) return; String sourceOrigin = sourceDocument->securityOrigin()->toString(); // Schedule the message. PostMessageTimer* timer = new PostMessageTimer(this, MessageEvent::create(message, sourceOrigin, "", source), target.get()); timer->startOneShot(0); } void DOMWindow::postMessageTimerFired(PostMessageTimer* t) { OwnPtr timer(t); if (!document()) return; if (timer->targetOrigin()) { // Check target origin now since the target document may have changed since the simer was scheduled. if (!timer->targetOrigin()->isSameSchemeHostPort(document()->securityOrigin())) { String message = String::format("Unable to post message to %s. Recipient has origin %s.\n", timer->targetOrigin()->toString().utf8().data(), document()->securityOrigin()->toString().utf8().data()); console()->addMessage(JSMessageSource, ErrorMessageLevel, message, 0, String()); return; } } document()->dispatchWindowEvent(timer->event()); } DOMSelection* DOMWindow::getSelection() { if (!m_selection) m_selection = DOMSelection::create(m_frame); return m_selection.get(); } Element* DOMWindow::frameElement() const { if (!m_frame) return 0; return m_frame->ownerElement(); } void DOMWindow::focus() { if (!m_frame) return; m_frame->focusWindow(); } void DOMWindow::blur() { if (!m_frame) return; m_frame->unfocusWindow(); } void DOMWindow::close() { if (!m_frame) return; Settings* settings = m_frame->settings(); bool allow_scripts_to_close_windows = (settings && settings->allowScriptsToCloseWindows()); if (m_frame->loader()->openedByDOM() || m_frame->loader()->getHistoryLength() <= 1 || allow_scripts_to_close_windows) m_frame->scheduleClose(); } void DOMWindow::print() { if (!m_frame) return; Page* page = m_frame->page(); if (!page) return; page->chrome()->print(m_frame); } void DOMWindow::stop() { if (!m_frame) return; // Ignores stop() in unload event handlers if (m_frame->loader()->firingUnloadEvents()) return; // We must check whether the load is complete asynchronously, // because we might still be parsing the document until the // callstack unwinds. m_frame->loader()->stopForUserCancel(true); } void DOMWindow::alert(const String& message) { #if USE(V8) // Before showing the JavaScript dialog, we give // the proxy implementation a chance to process any // pending console messages. V8Proxy::ProcessConsoleMessages(); #endif if (!m_frame) return; Document* doc = m_frame->document(); ASSERT(doc); if (doc) doc->updateRendering(); Page* page = m_frame->page(); if (!page) return; page->chrome()->runJavaScriptAlert(m_frame, message); } bool DOMWindow::confirm(const String& message) { #if USE(V8) // Before showing the JavaScript dialog, we give // the proxy implementation a chance to process any // pending console messages. V8Proxy::ProcessConsoleMessages(); #endif if (!m_frame) return false; Document* doc = m_frame->document(); ASSERT(doc); if (doc) doc->updateRendering(); Page* page = m_frame->page(); if (!page) return false; return page->chrome()->runJavaScriptConfirm(m_frame, message); } String DOMWindow::prompt(const String& message, const String& defaultValue) { #if USE(V8) // Before showing the JavaScript dialog, we give // the proxy implementation a chance to process any // pending console messages. V8Proxy::ProcessConsoleMessages(); #endif if (!m_frame) return String(); Document* doc = m_frame->document(); ASSERT(doc); if (doc) doc->updateRendering(); Page* page = m_frame->page(); if (!page) return String(); String returnValue; if (page->chrome()->runJavaScriptPrompt(m_frame, message, defaultValue, returnValue)) return returnValue; return String(); } bool DOMWindow::find(const String& string, bool caseSensitive, bool backwards, bool wrap, bool wholeWord, bool searchInFrames, bool showDialog) const { if (!m_frame) return false; // FIXME (13016): Support wholeWord, searchInFrames and showDialog return m_frame->findString(string, !backwards, caseSensitive, wrap, false); } bool DOMWindow::offscreenBuffering() const { return true; } int DOMWindow::outerHeight() const { if (!m_frame) return 0; Page* page = m_frame->page(); if (!page) return 0; return static_cast(page->chrome()->windowRect().height()); } int DOMWindow::outerWidth() const { if (!m_frame) return 0; Page* page = m_frame->page(); if (!page) return 0; return static_cast(page->chrome()->windowRect().width()); } int DOMWindow::innerHeight() const { if (!m_frame) return 0; FrameView* view = m_frame->view(); if (!view) return 0; return static_cast(view->height() / m_frame->pageZoomFactor()); } int DOMWindow::innerWidth() const { if (!m_frame) return 0; FrameView* view = m_frame->view(); if (!view) return 0; return static_cast(view->width() / m_frame->pageZoomFactor()); } int DOMWindow::screenX() const { if (!m_frame) return 0; Page* page = m_frame->page(); if (!page) return 0; return static_cast(page->chrome()->windowRect().x()); } int DOMWindow::screenY() const { if (!m_frame) return 0; Page* page = m_frame->page(); if (!page) return 0; return static_cast(page->chrome()->windowRect().y()); } int DOMWindow::scrollX() const { if (!m_frame) return 0; FrameView* view = m_frame->view(); if (!view) return 0; Document* doc = m_frame->document(); ASSERT(doc); if (doc) doc->updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets(); return static_cast(view->contentsX() / m_frame->pageZoomFactor()); } int DOMWindow::scrollY() const { if (!m_frame) return 0; FrameView* view = m_frame->view(); if (!view) return 0; Document* doc = m_frame->document(); ASSERT(doc); if (doc) doc->updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets(); return static_cast(view->contentsY() / m_frame->pageZoomFactor()); } bool DOMWindow::closed() const { return !m_frame; } unsigned DOMWindow::length() const { if (!m_frame) return 0; return m_frame->tree()->childCount(); } String DOMWindow::name() const { if (!m_frame) return String(); return m_frame->tree()->name(); } void DOMWindow::setName(const String& string) { if (!m_frame) return; m_frame->tree()->setName(string); } String DOMWindow::status() const { if (!m_frame) return String(); return m_frame->jsStatusBarText(); } void DOMWindow::setStatus(const String& string) { if (!m_frame) return; m_frame->setJSStatusBarText(string); } String DOMWindow::defaultStatus() const { if (!m_frame) return String(); return m_frame->jsDefaultStatusBarText(); } void DOMWindow::setDefaultStatus(const String& string) { if (!m_frame) return; m_frame->setJSDefaultStatusBarText(string); } DOMWindow* DOMWindow::self() const { if (!m_frame) return 0; return m_frame->domWindow(); } DOMWindow* DOMWindow::opener() const { if (!m_frame) return 0; Frame* opener = m_frame->loader()->opener(); if (!opener) return 0; return opener->domWindow(); } DOMWindow* DOMWindow::parent() const { if (!m_frame) return 0; Frame* parent = m_frame->tree()->parent(true); if (parent) return parent->domWindow(); return m_frame->domWindow(); } DOMWindow* DOMWindow::top() const { if (!m_frame) return 0; Page* page = m_frame->page(); if (!page) return 0; return m_frame->tree()->top(true)->domWindow(); } Document* DOMWindow::document() const { if (!m_frame) return 0; ASSERT(m_frame->document()); return m_frame->document(); } PassRefPtr DOMWindow::getComputedStyle(Element* elt, const String&) const { if (!elt) return 0; // FIXME: This needs take pseudo elements into account. return computedStyle(elt); } PassRefPtr DOMWindow::getMatchedCSSRules(Element* elt, const String& pseudoElt, bool authorOnly) const { if (!m_frame) return 0; Document* doc = m_frame->document(); ASSERT(doc); if (!doc) return 0; if (!pseudoElt.isEmpty()) return doc->styleSelector()->pseudoStyleRulesForElement(elt, pseudoElt, authorOnly); return doc->styleSelector()->styleRulesForElement(elt, authorOnly); } double DOMWindow::devicePixelRatio() const { if (!m_frame) return 0.0; Page* page = m_frame->page(); if (!page) return 0.0; return page->chrome()->scaleFactor(); } #if USE(V8) static void setWindowFeature(const String& keyString, const String& valueString, WindowFeatures& windowFeatures) { int value; if (valueString.length() == 0 || // listing a key with no value is shorthand for key=yes valueString == "yes") value = 1; else value = valueString.toInt(); if (keyString == "left" || keyString == "screenx") { windowFeatures.xSet = true; windowFeatures.x = value; } else if (keyString == "top" || keyString == "screeny") { windowFeatures.ySet = true; windowFeatures.y = value; } else if (keyString == "width" || keyString == "innerwidth") { windowFeatures.widthSet = true; windowFeatures.width = value; } else if (keyString == "height" || keyString == "innerheight") { windowFeatures.heightSet = true; windowFeatures.height = value; } else if (keyString == "menubar") windowFeatures.menuBarVisible = value; else if (keyString == "toolbar") windowFeatures.toolBarVisible = value; else if (keyString == "location") windowFeatures.locationBarVisible = value; else if (keyString == "status") windowFeatures.statusBarVisible = value; else if (keyString == "resizable") windowFeatures.resizable = value; else if (keyString == "fullscreen") windowFeatures.fullscreen = value; else if (keyString == "scrollbars") windowFeatures.scrollbarsVisible = value; } void DOMWindow::back() { if (m_history) m_history->back(); } void DOMWindow::forward() { if (m_history) m_history->forward(); } Location* DOMWindow::location() { if (!m_location) m_location = Location::create(m_frame); return m_location.get(); } void DOMWindow::setLocation(const String& v) { if (!m_frame) return; Frame* active_frame = ScriptController::retrieveActiveFrame(); if (!active_frame) return; if (!active_frame->loader()->shouldAllowNavigation(m_frame)) return; if (!parseURL(v).startsWith("javascript:", false) || ScriptController::isSafeScript(m_frame)) { String completed_url = active_frame->loader()->completeURL(v).string(); m_frame->loader()->scheduleLocationChange(completed_url, active_frame->loader()->outgoingReferrer(), false, active_frame->script()->processingUserGesture()); } } Navigator* DOMWindow::navigator() { if (!m_navigator) m_navigator = Navigator::create(m_frame); return m_navigator.get(); } void DOMWindow::dump(const String& msg) { if (!m_frame) return; m_frame->domWindow()->console()->addMessage(JSMessageSource, ErrorMessageLevel, msg, 0, m_frame->document()->url()); } void DOMWindow::scheduleClose() { if (!m_frame) return; m_frame->scheduleClose(); } void DOMWindow::timerFired(DOMWindowTimer* timer) { if (!m_frame) return; // Simple case for non-one-shot timers. if (timer->isActive()) { int timeoutId = timer->timeoutId(); timer->action()->execute(this); return; } // Delete timer before executing the action for one-shot timers. ScheduledAction* action = timer->takeAction(); m_timeouts.remove(timer->timeoutId()); delete timer; action->execute(this); delete action; } void DOMWindow::clearAllTimeouts() { deleteAllValues(m_timeouts); m_timeouts.clear(); } int DOMWindow::installTimeout(ScheduledAction* a, int t, bool singleShot) { if (!m_frame) return 0; int timeoutId = ++lastUsedTimeoutId; // avoid wraparound going negative on us if (timeoutId <= 0) timeoutId = 1; int nestLevel = timerNestingLevel + 1; DOMWindowTimer* timer = new DOMWindowTimer(timeoutId, nestLevel, this, a); ASSERT(!m_timeouts.get(timeoutId)); m_timeouts.set(timeoutId, timer); double interval = max(kMinimumTimerInterval, t * 0.001); if (singleShot) timer->startOneShot(interval); else timer->startRepeating(interval); return timeoutId; } void DOMWindow::clearTimeout(int timeoutId) { // timeout IDs have to be positive, and 0 and -1 are unsafe to // even look up since they are the empty and deleted value // respectively if (timeoutId <= 0) return; delete m_timeouts.take(timeoutId); } void DOMWindow::pauseTimeouts(OwnPtr& pausedTimeouts) { size_t count = m_timeouts.size(); if (count == 0) { pausedTimeouts.clear(); return; } PausedTimeout* t = new PausedTimeout[count]; PausedTimeouts* result = new PausedTimeouts(t, count); TimeoutsMap::iterator it = m_timeouts.begin(); for (size_t i = 0; i != count; ++i, ++it) { int timeoutId = it->first; DOMWindowTimer* timer = it->second; t[i].timeoutId = timeoutId; t[i].nestingLevel = timer->nestingLevel(); t[i].nextFireInterval = timer->nextFireInterval(); t[i].repeatInterval = timer->repeatInterval(); t[i].action = timer->takeAction(); } ASSERT(it == m_timeouts.end()); deleteAllValues(m_timeouts); m_timeouts.clear(); pausedTimeouts.set(result); } void DOMWindow::resumeTimeouts(OwnPtr& timeouts) { if (!timeouts) return; size_t count = timeouts->numTimeouts(); PausedTimeout* array = timeouts->takeTimeouts(); for (size_t i = 0; i != count; ++i) { int timeoutId = array[i].timeoutId; DOMWindowTimer* timer = new DOMWindowTimer(timeoutId, array[i].nestingLevel, this, array[i].action); m_timeouts.set(timeoutId, timer); timer->start(array[i].nextFireInterval, array[i].repeatInterval); } delete[] array; timeouts.clear(); } #endif // V8 void DOMWindow::updateLayout() const { WebCore::Document* docimpl = m_frame->document(); if (docimpl) docimpl->updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets(); } void DOMWindow::moveTo(float x, float y) const { if (!m_frame || !m_frame->page()) return; Page* page = m_frame->page(); FloatRect fr = page->chrome()->windowRect(); FloatRect sr = screenAvailableRect(page->mainFrame()->view()); fr.setLocation(sr.location()); FloatRect update = fr; update.move(x, y); // Security check (the spec talks about UniversalBrowserWrite to disable this check...) adjustWindowRect(sr, fr, update); page->chrome()->setWindowRect(fr); } void DOMWindow::moveBy(float x, float y) const { if (!m_frame || !m_frame->page()) return; Page* page = m_frame->page(); FloatRect fr = page->chrome()->windowRect(); FloatRect update = fr; update.move(x, y); // Security check (the spec talks about UniversalBrowserWrite to disable this check...) adjustWindowRect(screenAvailableRect(page->mainFrame()->view()), fr, update); page->chrome()->setWindowRect(fr); } void DOMWindow::resizeTo(float x, float y) const { if (!m_frame || !m_frame->page()) return; Page* page = m_frame->page(); FloatRect fr = page->chrome()->windowRect(); FloatSize dest = FloatSize(x, y); FloatRect update(fr.location(), dest); adjustWindowRect(screenAvailableRect(page->mainFrame()->view()), fr, update); page->chrome()->setWindowRect(fr); } void DOMWindow::resizeBy(float x, float y) const { if (!m_frame || !m_frame->page()) return; Page* page = m_frame->page(); FloatRect fr = page->chrome()->windowRect(); FloatSize dest = fr.size() + FloatSize(x, y); FloatRect update(fr.location(), dest); adjustWindowRect(screenAvailableRect(page->mainFrame()->view()), fr, update); page->chrome()->setWindowRect(fr); } void DOMWindow::scrollTo(int x, int y) const { if (!m_frame || !m_frame->view()) return; if (m_frame->isDisconnected()) return; updateLayout(); m_frame->view()->setContentsPos(x, y); } void DOMWindow::scrollBy(int x, int y) const { if (!m_frame || !m_frame->view()) return; updateLayout(); m_frame->view()->scrollBy(x, y); } #if ENABLE(DATABASE) PassRefPtr DOMWindow::openDatabase(const String& name, const String& version, const String& displayName, unsigned long estimatedSize, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (!m_frame) return 0; return; if (m_frame->isDisconnected()) return; Document* doc = m_frame->document(); ASSERT(doc); if (!doc) return 0; return Database::openDatabase(doc, name, version, displayName, estimatedSize, ec); } #endif } // namespace WebCore