/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef Editor_h #define Editor_h #include "ClipboardAccessPolicy.h" #include "EditorDeleteAction.h" #include "EditorInsertAction.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "SelectionController.h" #include #include #include #if PLATFORM(MAC) class NSString; class NSURL; #endif namespace WebCore { class Clipboard; class DeleteButtonController; class DocumentFragment; class EditCommand; class EditorInternalCommand; class EditorClient; class EventTargetNode; class Frame; class HTMLElement; class Pasteboard; class Range; class SelectionController; class Selection; class SimpleFontData; struct CompositionUnderline { CompositionUnderline() : startOffset(0), endOffset(0), thick(false) { } CompositionUnderline(unsigned s, unsigned e, const Color& c, bool t) : startOffset(s), endOffset(e), color(c), thick(t) { } unsigned startOffset; unsigned endOffset; Color color; bool thick; }; enum TriState { FalseTriState, TrueTriState, MixedTriState }; enum EditorCommandSource { CommandFromMenuOrKeyBinding, CommandFromDOM, CommandFromDOMWithUserInterface }; class Editor { public: Editor(Frame*); ~Editor(); EditorClient* client() const; Frame* frame() const { return m_frame; } DeleteButtonController* deleteButtonController() const { return m_deleteButtonController.get(); } EditCommand* lastEditCommand() { return m_lastEditCommand.get(); } void handleKeyboardEvent(KeyboardEvent*); void handleInputMethodKeydown(KeyboardEvent*); bool canEdit() const; bool canEditRichly() const; bool canDHTMLCut(); bool canDHTMLCopy(); bool canDHTMLPaste(); bool tryDHTMLCopy(); bool tryDHTMLCut(); bool tryDHTMLPaste(); bool canCut() const; bool canCopy() const; bool canPaste() const; bool canDelete() const; bool canSmartCopyOrDelete(); void cut(); void copy(); void paste(); void pasteAsPlainText(); void performDelete(); void copyURL(const KURL&, const String&); void copyImage(const HitTestResult&); void indent(); void outdent(); void transpose(); bool shouldInsertFragment(PassRefPtr fragment, PassRefPtr replacingDOMRange, EditorInsertAction givenAction); bool shouldInsertText(const String&, Range*, EditorInsertAction) const; bool shouldShowDeleteInterface(HTMLElement*) const; bool shouldDeleteRange(Range*) const; bool shouldApplyStyle(CSSStyleDeclaration*, Range*); void respondToChangedSelection(const Selection& oldSelection); void respondToChangedContents(const Selection& endingSelection); TriState selectionHasStyle(CSSStyleDeclaration*) const; const SimpleFontData* fontForSelection(bool&) const; TriState selectionUnorderedListState() const; TriState selectionOrderedListState() const; PassRefPtr insertOrderedList(); PassRefPtr insertUnorderedList(); bool canIncreaseSelectionListLevel(); bool canDecreaseSelectionListLevel(); PassRefPtr increaseSelectionListLevel(); PassRefPtr increaseSelectionListLevelOrdered(); PassRefPtr increaseSelectionListLevelUnordered(); void decreaseSelectionListLevel(); void removeFormattingAndStyle(); // FIXME: Once the Editor implements all editing commands, it should track // the lastEditCommand on its own, and we should remove this function. void setLastEditCommand(PassRefPtr lastEditCommand); bool deleteWithDirection(SelectionController::EDirection, TextGranularity, bool killRing, bool isTypingAction); void deleteSelectionWithSmartDelete(bool smartDelete); bool dispatchCPPEvent(const AtomicString&, ClipboardAccessPolicy); Node* removedAnchor() const { return m_removedAnchor.get(); } void setRemovedAnchor(PassRefPtr n) { m_removedAnchor = n; } void applyStyle(CSSStyleDeclaration*, EditAction = EditActionUnspecified); void applyParagraphStyle(CSSStyleDeclaration*, EditAction = EditActionUnspecified); void applyStyleToSelection(CSSStyleDeclaration*, EditAction); void applyParagraphStyleToSelection(CSSStyleDeclaration*, EditAction); void appliedEditing(PassRefPtr); void unappliedEditing(PassRefPtr); void reappliedEditing(PassRefPtr); bool selectionStartHasStyle(CSSStyleDeclaration*) const; bool clientIsEditable() const; class Command { public: Command(); Command(PassRefPtr, const EditorInternalCommand*, EditorCommandSource); bool execute(const String& parameter = String(), Event* triggeringEvent = 0) const; bool execute(Event* triggeringEvent) const; bool isSupported() const; bool isEnabled(Event* triggeringEvent = 0) const; TriState state(Event* triggeringEvent = 0) const; String value(Event* triggeringEvent = 0) const; bool isTextInsertion() const; private: RefPtr m_frame; const EditorInternalCommand* m_command; EditorCommandSource m_source; }; Command command(const String& commandName); // Default is CommandFromMenuOrKeyBinding. Command command(const String& commandName, EditorCommandSource); bool insertText(const String&, Event* triggeringEvent); bool insertTextWithoutSendingTextEvent(const String&, bool selectInsertedText, Event* triggeringEvent = 0); bool insertLineBreak(); bool insertParagraphSeparator(); bool isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled(); void toggleContinuousSpellChecking(); bool isGrammarCheckingEnabled(); void toggleGrammarChecking(); void ignoreSpelling(); void learnSpelling(); int spellCheckerDocumentTag(); bool isSelectionUngrammatical(); bool isSelectionMisspelled(); Vector guessesForMisspelledSelection(); Vector guessesForUngrammaticalSelection(); void markMisspellingsAfterTypingToPosition(const VisiblePosition&); void markMisspellings(const Selection&); void markBadGrammar(const Selection&); void advanceToNextMisspelling(bool startBeforeSelection = false); void showSpellingGuessPanel(); bool spellingPanelIsShowing(); bool shouldBeginEditing(Range*); bool shouldEndEditing(Range*); void clearUndoRedoOperations(); bool canUndo(); void undo(); bool canRedo(); void redo(); void didBeginEditing(); void didEndEditing(); void didWriteSelectionToPasteboard(); void showFontPanel(); void showStylesPanel(); void showColorPanel(); void toggleBold(); void toggleUnderline(); void setBaseWritingDirection(const String&); bool smartInsertDeleteEnabled(); // international text input composition bool hasComposition() const { return m_compositionNode; } void setComposition(const String&, const Vector&, unsigned selectionStart, unsigned selectionEnd); void confirmComposition(); void confirmComposition(const String&); // if no existing composition, replaces selection void confirmCompositionWithoutDisturbingSelection(); PassRefPtr compositionRange() const; bool getCompositionSelection(unsigned& selectionStart, unsigned& selectionEnd) const; // getting international text input composition state (for use by InlineTextBox) Text* compositionNode() const { return m_compositionNode.get(); } unsigned compositionStart() const { return m_compositionStart; } unsigned compositionEnd() const { return m_compositionEnd; } bool compositionUsesCustomUnderlines() const { return !m_customCompositionUnderlines.isEmpty(); } const Vector& customCompositionUnderlines() const { return m_customCompositionUnderlines; } bool ignoreCompositionSelectionChange() const { return m_ignoreCompositionSelectionChange; } void setStartNewKillRingSequence(bool); PassRefPtr rangeForPoint(const IntPoint& windowPoint); void replaceSelectionWithText(const String&, bool selectReplacement, bool smartReplace); void clear(); Selection selectionForCommand(Event*); #if PLATFORM(MAC) NSString* userVisibleString(NSURL*); #endif void appendToKillRing(const String&); void prependToKillRing(const String&); String yankFromKillRing(); void startNewKillRingSequence(); void setKillRingToYankedState(); PassRefPtr selectedRange(); private: Frame* m_frame; OwnPtr m_deleteButtonController; RefPtr m_lastEditCommand; RefPtr m_removedAnchor; RefPtr m_compositionNode; unsigned m_compositionStart; unsigned m_compositionEnd; Vector m_customCompositionUnderlines; bool m_ignoreCompositionSelectionChange; bool m_shouldStartNewKillRingSequence; bool canDeleteRange(Range*) const; bool canSmartReplaceWithPasteboard(Pasteboard*); PassRefPtr newGeneralClipboard(ClipboardAccessPolicy); void pasteAsPlainTextWithPasteboard(Pasteboard*); void pasteWithPasteboard(Pasteboard*, bool allowPlainText); void replaceSelectionWithFragment(PassRefPtr, bool selectReplacement, bool smartReplace, bool matchStyle); void writeSelectionToPasteboard(Pasteboard*); void revealSelectionAfterEditingOperation(); void selectComposition(); void confirmComposition(const String&, bool preserveSelection); void setIgnoreCompositionSelectionChange(bool ignore); void addToKillRing(Range*, bool prepend); }; inline void Editor::setStartNewKillRingSequence(bool flag) { m_shouldStartNewKillRingSequence = flag; } } // namespace WebCore #endif // Editor_h