/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "Page.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include <windows.h> #endif #include "Chrome.h" #include "ChromeClient.h" #include "ContextMenuClient.h" #include "ContextMenuController.h" #include "EditorClient.h" #include "DragController.h" #include "FileSystem.h" #include "FocusController.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameLoader.h" #include "FrameTree.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "HistoryItem.h" #include "InspectorController.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "ProgressTracker.h" #include "RenderWidget.h" #include "SelectionController.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "StringHash.h" #include "TextResourceDecoder.h" #include "Widget.h" #include <wtf/HashMap.h> namespace WebCore { static HashSet<Page*>* allPages; static HashMap<String, HashSet<Page*>*>* frameNamespaces; #ifndef NDEBUG WTFLogChannel LogWebCorePageLeaks = { 0x00000000, "", WTFLogChannelOn }; struct PageCounter { static int count; ~PageCounter() { if (count) LOG(WebCorePageLeaks, "LEAK: %d Page\n", count); } }; int PageCounter::count = 0; static PageCounter pageCounter; #endif Page::Page(ChromeClient* chromeClient, ContextMenuClient* contextMenuClient, EditorClient* editorClient, DragClient* dragClient, InspectorClient* inspectorClient) : m_chrome(new Chrome(this, chromeClient)) , m_dragCaretController(new SelectionController(0, true)) , m_dragController(new DragController(this, dragClient)) , m_focusController(new FocusController(this)) , m_contextMenuController(new ContextMenuController(this, contextMenuClient)) , m_inspectorController(new InspectorController(this, inspectorClient)) , m_settings(new Settings(this)) , m_progress(new ProgressTracker) , m_backForwardList(new BackForwardList(this)) , m_editorClient(editorClient) , m_frameCount(0) , m_tabKeyCyclesThroughElements(true) , m_defersLoading(false) , m_inLowQualityInterpolationMode(false) , m_parentInspectorController(0) , m_didLoadUserStyleSheet(false) , m_userStyleSheetModificationTime(0) { if (!allPages) { allPages = new HashSet<Page*>; setFocusRingColorChangeFunction(setNeedsReapplyStyles); } ASSERT(!allPages->contains(this)); allPages->add(this); #ifndef NDEBUG ++PageCounter::count; #endif } Page::~Page() { m_mainFrame->setView(0); setGroupName(String()); allPages->remove(this); for (Frame* frame = mainFrame(); frame; frame = frame->tree()->traverseNext()) frame->pageDestroyed(); m_editorClient->pageDestroyed(); m_inspectorController->pageDestroyed(); m_inspectorController->inspectedPageDestroyed(); m_backForwardList->close(); #ifndef NDEBUG --PageCounter::count; // Cancel keepAlive timers, to ensure we release all Frames before exiting. // It's safe to do this because we prohibit closing a Page while JavaScript // is executing. Frame::cancelAllKeepAlive(); #endif } void Page::setMainFrame(PassRefPtr<Frame> mainFrame) { ASSERT(!m_mainFrame); // Should only be called during initialization m_mainFrame = mainFrame; } BackForwardList* Page::backForwardList() { return m_backForwardList.get(); } bool Page::goBack() { HistoryItem* item = m_backForwardList->backItem(); if (item) { goToItem(item, FrameLoadTypeBack); return true; } return false; } bool Page::goForward() { HistoryItem* item = m_backForwardList->forwardItem(); if (item) { goToItem(item, FrameLoadTypeForward); return true; } return false; } void Page::goToItem(HistoryItem* item, FrameLoadType type) { // Abort any current load if we're going to a history item m_mainFrame->loader()->stopAllLoaders(); m_mainFrame->loader()->goToItem(item, type); } void Page::setGroupName(const String& name) { if (frameNamespaces && !m_groupName.isEmpty()) { HashSet<Page*>* oldNamespace = frameNamespaces->get(m_groupName); if (oldNamespace) { oldNamespace->remove(this); if (oldNamespace->isEmpty()) { frameNamespaces->remove(m_groupName); delete oldNamespace; } } } m_groupName = name; if (!name.isEmpty()) { if (!frameNamespaces) frameNamespaces = new HashMap<String, HashSet<Page*>*>; HashSet<Page*>* newNamespace = frameNamespaces->get(name); if (!newNamespace) { newNamespace = new HashSet<Page*>; frameNamespaces->add(name, newNamespace); } newNamespace->add(this); } } const HashSet<Page*>* Page::frameNamespace() const { return (frameNamespaces && !m_groupName.isEmpty()) ? frameNamespaces->get(m_groupName) : 0; } const HashSet<Page*>* Page::frameNamespace(const String& groupName) { return (frameNamespaces && !groupName.isEmpty()) ? frameNamespaces->get(groupName) : 0; } void Page::setNeedsReapplyStyles() { if (!allPages) return; HashSet<Page*>::iterator end = allPages->end(); for (HashSet<Page*>::iterator it = allPages->begin(); it != end; ++it) for (Frame* frame = (*it)->mainFrame(); frame; frame = frame->tree()->traverseNext()) frame->setNeedsReapplyStyles(); } static Frame* incrementFrame(Frame* curr, bool forward, bool wrapFlag) { return forward ? curr->tree()->traverseNextWithWrap(wrapFlag) : curr->tree()->traversePreviousWithWrap(wrapFlag); } bool Page::findString(const String& target, TextCaseSensitivity caseSensitivity, FindDirection direction, bool shouldWrap) { if (target.isEmpty() || !mainFrame()) return false; Frame* frame = focusController()->focusedOrMainFrame(); Frame* startFrame = frame; do { if (frame->findString(target, direction == FindDirectionForward, caseSensitivity == TextCaseSensitive, false, true)) { if (frame != startFrame) startFrame->selectionController()->clear(); focusController()->setFocusedFrame(frame); return true; } frame = incrementFrame(frame, direction == FindDirectionForward, shouldWrap); } while (frame && frame != startFrame); // Search contents of startFrame, on the other side of the selection that we did earlier. // We cheat a bit and just research with wrap on if (shouldWrap && !startFrame->selectionController()->isNone()) { bool found = startFrame->findString(target, direction == FindDirectionForward, caseSensitivity == TextCaseSensitive, true, true); focusController()->setFocusedFrame(frame); return found; } return false; } unsigned int Page::markAllMatchesForText(const String& target, TextCaseSensitivity caseSensitivity, bool shouldHighlight, unsigned limit) { if (target.isEmpty() || !mainFrame()) return 0; unsigned matches = 0; Frame* frame = mainFrame(); do { frame->setMarkedTextMatchesAreHighlighted(shouldHighlight); matches += frame->markAllMatchesForText(target, caseSensitivity == TextCaseSensitive, (limit == 0) ? 0 : (limit - matches)); frame = incrementFrame(frame, true, false); } while (frame); return matches; } void Page::unmarkAllTextMatches() { if (!mainFrame()) return; Frame* frame = mainFrame(); do { if (Document* document = frame->document()) document->removeMarkers(DocumentMarker::TextMatch); frame = incrementFrame(frame, true, false); } while (frame); } const Selection& Page::selection() const { return focusController()->focusedOrMainFrame()->selectionController()->selection(); } void Page::setDefersLoading(bool defers) { if (defers == m_defersLoading) return; m_defersLoading = defers; for (Frame* frame = mainFrame(); frame; frame = frame->tree()->traverseNext()) frame->loader()->setDefersLoading(defers); } void Page::clearUndoRedoOperations() { m_editorClient->clearUndoRedoOperations(); } bool Page::inLowQualityImageInterpolationMode() const { return m_inLowQualityInterpolationMode; } void Page::setInLowQualityImageInterpolationMode(bool mode) { m_inLowQualityInterpolationMode = mode; } void Page::userStyleSheetLocationChanged() { #if !FRAME_LOADS_USER_STYLESHEET // FIXME: We should provide a way to load other types of URLs than just // file: (e.g., http:, data:). if (m_settings->userStyleSheetLocation().isLocalFile()) m_userStyleSheetPath = m_settings->userStyleSheetLocation().fileSystemPath(); else m_userStyleSheetPath = String(); m_didLoadUserStyleSheet = false; m_userStyleSheet = String(); m_userStyleSheetModificationTime = 0; #endif } const String& Page::userStyleSheet() const { if (m_userStyleSheetPath.isEmpty()) { ASSERT(m_userStyleSheet.isEmpty()); return m_userStyleSheet; } time_t modTime; if (!getFileModificationTime(m_userStyleSheetPath, modTime)) { // The stylesheet either doesn't exist, was just deleted, or is // otherwise unreadable. If we've read the stylesheet before, we should // throw away that data now as it no longer represents what's on disk. m_userStyleSheet = String(); return m_userStyleSheet; } // If the stylesheet hasn't changed since the last time we read it, we can // just return the old data. if (m_didLoadUserStyleSheet && modTime <= m_userStyleSheetModificationTime) return m_userStyleSheet; m_didLoadUserStyleSheet = true; m_userStyleSheet = String(); m_userStyleSheetModificationTime = modTime; // FIXME: It would be better to load this asynchronously to avoid blocking // the process, but we will first need to create an asynchronous loading // mechanism that is not tied to a particular Frame. We will also have to // determine what our behavior should be before the stylesheet is loaded // and what should happen when it finishes loading, especially with respect // to when the load event fires, when Document::close is called, and when // layout/paint are allowed to happen. RefPtr<SharedBuffer> data = SharedBuffer::createWithContentsOfFile(m_userStyleSheetPath); if (!data) return m_userStyleSheet; m_userStyleSheet = TextResourceDecoder("text/css").decode(data->data(), data->size()); return m_userStyleSheet; } } // namespace WebCore