/* * Copyright (C) 2004, 2006, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "TextCodecMac.h" #include "CString.h" #include "CharacterNames.h" #include "CharsetData.h" #include "PlatformString.h" #include <wtf/Assertions.h> using std::auto_ptr; using std::min; namespace WebCore { // We need to keep this because ICU doesn't support some of the encodings that we need: // <http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4195>. const size_t ConversionBufferSize = 16384; static TECObjectRef cachedConverterTEC; static TECTextEncodingID cachedConverterEncoding = invalidEncoding; void TextCodecMac::registerEncodingNames(EncodingNameRegistrar registrar) { TECTextEncodingID lastEncoding = invalidEncoding; const char* lastName = 0; for (size_t i = 0; CharsetTable[i].name; ++i) { if (CharsetTable[i].encoding != lastEncoding) { lastEncoding = CharsetTable[i].encoding; lastName = CharsetTable[i].name; } registrar(CharsetTable[i].name, lastName); } } static auto_ptr<TextCodec> newTextCodecMac(const TextEncoding&, const void* additionalData) { return auto_ptr<TextCodec>(new TextCodecMac(*static_cast<const TECTextEncodingID*>(additionalData))); } void TextCodecMac::registerCodecs(TextCodecRegistrar registrar) { TECTextEncodingID lastEncoding = invalidEncoding; for (size_t i = 0; CharsetTable[i].name; ++i) if (CharsetTable[i].encoding != lastEncoding) { registrar(CharsetTable[i].name, newTextCodecMac, &CharsetTable[i].encoding); lastEncoding = CharsetTable[i].encoding; } } TextCodecMac::TextCodecMac(TECTextEncodingID encoding) : m_encoding(encoding) , m_error(false) , m_numBufferedBytes(0) , m_converterTEC(0) { } TextCodecMac::~TextCodecMac() { releaseTECConverter(); } void TextCodecMac::releaseTECConverter() const { if (m_converterTEC) { if (cachedConverterTEC != 0) TECDisposeConverter(cachedConverterTEC); cachedConverterTEC = m_converterTEC; cachedConverterEncoding = m_encoding; m_converterTEC = 0; } } OSStatus TextCodecMac::createTECConverter() const { bool cachedEncodingEqual = cachedConverterEncoding == m_encoding; cachedConverterEncoding = invalidEncoding; if (cachedEncodingEqual && cachedConverterTEC) { m_converterTEC = cachedConverterTEC; cachedConverterTEC = 0; TECClearConverterContextInfo(m_converterTEC); } else { OSStatus status = TECCreateConverter(&m_converterTEC, m_encoding, CreateTextEncoding(kTextEncodingUnicodeDefault, kTextEncodingDefaultVariant, kUnicode16BitFormat)); if (status) return status; TECSetBasicOptions(m_converterTEC, kUnicodeForceASCIIRangeMask); } return noErr; } OSStatus TextCodecMac::decode(const unsigned char* inputBuffer, int inputBufferLength, int& inputLength, void *outputBuffer, int outputBufferLength, int& outputLength) { OSStatus status; unsigned long bytesRead = 0; unsigned long bytesWritten = 0; if (m_numBufferedBytes != 0) { // Finish converting a partial character that's in our buffer. // First, fill the partial character buffer with as many bytes as are available. ASSERT(m_numBufferedBytes < sizeof(m_bufferedBytes)); const int spaceInBuffer = sizeof(m_bufferedBytes) - m_numBufferedBytes; const int bytesToPutInBuffer = MIN(spaceInBuffer, inputBufferLength); ASSERT(bytesToPutInBuffer != 0); memcpy(m_bufferedBytes + m_numBufferedBytes, inputBuffer, bytesToPutInBuffer); // Now, do a conversion on the buffer. status = TECConvertText(m_converterTEC, m_bufferedBytes, m_numBufferedBytes + bytesToPutInBuffer, &bytesRead, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(outputBuffer), outputBufferLength, &bytesWritten); ASSERT(bytesRead <= m_numBufferedBytes + bytesToPutInBuffer); if (status == kTECPartialCharErr && bytesRead == 0) { // Handle the case where the partial character was not converted. if (bytesToPutInBuffer >= spaceInBuffer) { LOG_ERROR("TECConvertText gave a kTECPartialCharErr but read none of the %zu bytes in the buffer", sizeof(m_bufferedBytes)); m_numBufferedBytes = 0; status = kTECUnmappableElementErr; // should never happen, but use this error code } else { // Tell the caller we read all the source bytes and keep them in the buffer. m_numBufferedBytes += bytesToPutInBuffer; bytesRead = bytesToPutInBuffer; status = noErr; } } else { // We are done with the partial character buffer. // Also, we have read some of the bytes from the main buffer. if (bytesRead > m_numBufferedBytes) { bytesRead -= m_numBufferedBytes; } else { LOG_ERROR("TECConvertText accepted some bytes it previously rejected with kTECPartialCharErr"); bytesRead = 0; } m_numBufferedBytes = 0; if (status == kTECPartialCharErr) { // While there may be a partial character problem in the small buffer, // we have to try again and not get confused and think there is a partial // character problem in the large buffer. status = noErr; } } } else { status = TECConvertText(m_converterTEC, inputBuffer, inputBufferLength, &bytesRead, static_cast<unsigned char*>(outputBuffer), outputBufferLength, &bytesWritten); ASSERT(static_cast<int>(bytesRead) <= inputBufferLength); } // Work around bug 3351093, where sometimes we get kTECBufferBelowMinimumSizeErr instead of kTECOutputBufferFullStatus. if (status == kTECBufferBelowMinimumSizeErr && bytesWritten != 0) { status = kTECOutputBufferFullStatus; } inputLength = bytesRead; outputLength = bytesWritten; return status; } String TextCodecMac::decode(const char* bytes, size_t length, bool flush) { // Get a converter for the passed-in encoding. if (!m_converterTEC && createTECConverter() != noErr) return String(); Vector<UChar> result; const unsigned char* sourcePointer = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(bytes); int sourceLength = length; bool bufferWasFull = false; UniChar buffer[ConversionBufferSize]; while (sourceLength || bufferWasFull) { int bytesRead = 0; int bytesWritten = 0; OSStatus status = decode(sourcePointer, sourceLength, bytesRead, buffer, sizeof(buffer), bytesWritten); ASSERT(bytesRead <= sourceLength); sourcePointer += bytesRead; sourceLength -= bytesRead; switch (status) { case noErr: case kTECOutputBufferFullStatus: break; case kTextMalformedInputErr: case kTextUndefinedElementErr: // FIXME: Put FFFD character into the output string in this case? TECClearConverterContextInfo(m_converterTEC); if (sourceLength) { sourcePointer += 1; sourceLength -= 1; } break; case kTECPartialCharErr: { // Put the partial character into the buffer. ASSERT(m_numBufferedBytes == 0); const int bufferSize = sizeof(m_numBufferedBytes); if (sourceLength < bufferSize) { memcpy(m_bufferedBytes, sourcePointer, sourceLength); m_numBufferedBytes = sourceLength; } else { LOG_ERROR("TECConvertText gave a kTECPartialCharErr, but left %u bytes in the buffer", sourceLength); } sourceLength = 0; break; } default: LOG_ERROR("text decoding failed with error %ld", static_cast<long>(status)); m_error = true; return String(); } ASSERT(!(bytesWritten % sizeof(UChar))); result.append(buffer, bytesWritten / sizeof(UChar)); bufferWasFull = status == kTECOutputBufferFullStatus; } if (flush) { unsigned long bytesWritten = 0; TECFlushText(m_converterTEC, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(buffer), sizeof(buffer), &bytesWritten); ASSERT(!(bytesWritten % sizeof(UChar))); result.append(buffer, bytesWritten / sizeof(UChar)); } String resultString = String::adopt(result); // <rdar://problem/3225472> // Simplified Chinese pages use the code A3A0 to mean "full-width space". // But GB18030 decodes it to U+E5E5, which is correct in theory but not in practice. // To work around, just change all occurences of U+E5E5 to U+3000 (ideographic space). if (m_encoding == kCFStringEncodingGB_18030_2000) resultString.replace(0xE5E5, ideographicSpace); return resultString; } CString TextCodecMac::encode(const UChar* characters, size_t length, bool allowEntities) { // FIXME: We should really use TEC here instead of CFString for consistency with the other direction. // FIXME: Since there's no "force ASCII range" mode in CFString, we change the backslash into a yen sign. // Encoding will change the yen sign back into a backslash. String copy(characters, length); copy.replace('\\', m_backslashAsCurrencySymbol); CFStringRef cfs = copy.createCFString(); CFIndex startPos = 0; CFIndex charactersLeft = CFStringGetLength(cfs); Vector<char> result; size_t size = 0; UInt8 lossByte = allowEntities ? 0 : '?'; while (charactersLeft > 0) { CFRange range = CFRangeMake(startPos, charactersLeft); CFIndex bufferLength; CFStringGetBytes(cfs, range, m_encoding, lossByte, false, NULL, 0x7FFFFFFF, &bufferLength); result.grow(size + bufferLength); unsigned char* buffer = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(result.data() + size); CFIndex charactersConverted = CFStringGetBytes(cfs, range, m_encoding, lossByte, false, buffer, bufferLength, &bufferLength); size += bufferLength; if (charactersConverted != charactersLeft) { unsigned badChar = CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex(cfs, startPos + charactersConverted); ++charactersConverted; if ((badChar & 0xFC00) == 0xD800 && charactersConverted != charactersLeft) { // is high surrogate UniChar low = CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex(cfs, startPos + charactersConverted); if ((low & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) { // is low surrogate badChar <<= 10; badChar += low; badChar += 0x10000 - (0xD800 << 10) - 0xDC00; ++charactersConverted; } } char entityBuffer[16]; sprintf(entityBuffer, "&#%u;", badChar); size_t entityLength = strlen(entityBuffer); result.grow(size + entityLength); memcpy(result.data() + size, entityBuffer, entityLength); size += entityLength; } startPos += charactersConverted; charactersLeft -= charactersConverted; } CFRelease(cfs); return CString(result.data(), size); } } // namespace WebCore