// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include "webkit/plugins/npapi/plugin_group.h" #include "base/linked_ptr.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "base/version.h" #include "webkit/plugins/npapi/plugin_list.h" #include "webkit/plugins/npapi/webplugininfo.h" namespace webkit { namespace npapi { const char* PluginGroup::kAdobeReaderGroupName = "Adobe Acrobat"; const char* PluginGroup::kAdobeReaderUpdateURL = "http://get.adobe.com/reader/"; const char* PluginGroup::kJavaGroupName = "Java"; const char* PluginGroup::kQuickTimeGroupName = "QuickTime"; const char* PluginGroup::kShockwaveGroupName = "Shockwave"; /*static*/ std::set* PluginGroup::policy_disabled_plugin_patterns_; /*static*/ void PluginGroup::SetPolicyDisabledPluginPatterns( const std::set& set) { if (!policy_disabled_plugin_patterns_) policy_disabled_plugin_patterns_ = new std::set(set); else *policy_disabled_plugin_patterns_ = set; } /*static*/ bool PluginGroup::IsPluginNameDisabledByPolicy(const string16& plugin_name) { if (!policy_disabled_plugin_patterns_) return false; std::set::const_iterator pattern( policy_disabled_plugin_patterns_->begin()); while (pattern != policy_disabled_plugin_patterns_->end()) { if (MatchPattern(plugin_name, *pattern)) return true; ++pattern; } return false; } VersionRange::VersionRange(VersionRangeDefinition definition) : low_str(definition.version_matcher_low), high_str(definition.version_matcher_high), min_str(definition.min_version), requires_authorization(definition.requires_authorization) { if (!low_str.empty()) low.reset(Version::GetVersionFromString(low_str)); if (!high_str.empty()) high.reset(Version::GetVersionFromString(high_str)); if (!min_str.empty()) min.reset(Version::GetVersionFromString(min_str)); } VersionRange::VersionRange(const VersionRange& other) { InitFrom(other); } VersionRange& VersionRange::operator=(const VersionRange& other) { InitFrom(other); return *this; } VersionRange::~VersionRange() {} void VersionRange::InitFrom(const VersionRange& other) { low_str = other.low_str; high_str = other.high_str; min_str = other.min_str; low.reset(Version::GetVersionFromString(other.low_str)); high.reset(Version::GetVersionFromString(other.high_str)); min.reset(Version::GetVersionFromString(other.min_str)); requires_authorization = other.requires_authorization; } PluginGroup::PluginGroup(const string16& group_name, const string16& name_matcher, const std::string& update_url, const std::string& identifier) : identifier_(identifier), group_name_(group_name), name_matcher_(name_matcher), update_url_(update_url), enabled_(true), version_(Version::GetVersionFromString("0")) { } void PluginGroup::InitFrom(const PluginGroup& other) { identifier_ = other.identifier_; group_name_ = other.group_name_; name_matcher_ = other.name_matcher_; description_ = other.description_; update_url_ = other.update_url_; enabled_ = other.enabled_; version_ranges_ = other.version_ranges_; version_.reset(other.version_->Clone()); web_plugin_infos_ = other.web_plugin_infos_; } PluginGroup::PluginGroup(const PluginGroup& other) { InitFrom(other); } PluginGroup& PluginGroup::operator=(const PluginGroup& other) { InitFrom(other); return *this; } /*static*/ PluginGroup* PluginGroup::FromPluginGroupDefinition( const PluginGroupDefinition& definition) { PluginGroup* group = new PluginGroup(ASCIIToUTF16(definition.name), ASCIIToUTF16(definition.name_matcher), definition.update_url, definition.identifier); for (size_t i = 0; i < definition.num_versions; ++i) group->version_ranges_.push_back(VersionRange(definition.versions[i])); return group; } PluginGroup::~PluginGroup() { } /*static*/ std::string PluginGroup::GetIdentifier(const WebPluginInfo& wpi) { #if defined(OS_POSIX) return wpi.path.BaseName().value(); #elif defined(OS_WIN) return base::SysWideToUTF8(wpi.path.BaseName().value()); #endif } /*static*/ std::string PluginGroup::GetLongIdentifier(const WebPluginInfo& wpi) { #if defined(OS_POSIX) return wpi.path.value(); #elif defined(OS_WIN) return base::SysWideToUTF8(wpi.path.value()); #endif } /*static*/ PluginGroup* PluginGroup::FromWebPluginInfo(const WebPluginInfo& wpi) { // Create a matcher from the name of this plugin. return new PluginGroup(wpi.name, wpi.name, std::string(), GetIdentifier(wpi)); } bool PluginGroup::Match(const WebPluginInfo& plugin) const { if (name_matcher_.empty()) { return false; } // Look for the name matcher anywhere in the plugin name. if (plugin.name.find(name_matcher_) == string16::npos) { return false; } if (version_ranges_.empty()) { return true; } // There's at least one version range, the plugin's version must be in it. scoped_ptr plugin_version(CreateVersionFromString(plugin.version)); if (plugin_version.get() == NULL) { // No version could be extracted, assume we don't match the range. return false; } // Match if the plugin is contained in any of the defined VersionRanges. for (size_t i = 0; i < version_ranges_.size(); ++i) { if (IsVersionInRange(*plugin_version, version_ranges_[i])) { return true; } } // None of the VersionRanges matched. return false; } /* static */ Version* PluginGroup::CreateVersionFromString(const string16& version_string) { // Remove spaces and ')' from the version string, // Replace any instances of 'r', ',' or '(' with a dot. std::wstring version = UTF16ToWide(version_string); RemoveChars(version, L") ", &version); std::replace(version.begin(), version.end(), 'r', '.'); std::replace(version.begin(), version.end(), ',', '.'); std::replace(version.begin(), version.end(), '(', '.'); std::replace(version.begin(), version.end(), '_', '.'); return Version::GetVersionFromString(WideToASCII(version)); } void PluginGroup::UpdateActivePlugin(const WebPluginInfo& plugin) { // A group is enabled if any of the files are enabled. if (IsPluginEnabled(plugin)) { // The description of the group needs update either when it's state is // about to change to enabled or if has never been set. if (!enabled_ || description_.empty()) UpdateDescriptionAndVersion(plugin); // In case an enabled plugin has been added to a group that is currently // disabled then we should enable the group. if (!enabled_) enabled_ = true; } else { // If this is the first plugin and it's disabled, // use its description for now. if (description_.empty()) UpdateDescriptionAndVersion(plugin); } } void PluginGroup::UpdateDescriptionAndVersion(const WebPluginInfo& plugin) { description_ = plugin.desc; if (Version* new_version = CreateVersionFromString(plugin.version)) version_.reset(new_version); else version_.reset(Version::GetVersionFromString("0")); } void PluginGroup::AddPlugin(const WebPluginInfo& plugin) { // Check if this group already contains this plugin. for (size_t i = 0; i < web_plugin_infos_.size(); ++i) { if (FilePath::CompareEqualIgnoreCase(web_plugin_infos_[i].path.value(), plugin.path.value())) { return; } } web_plugin_infos_.push_back(plugin); UpdateActivePlugin(web_plugin_infos_.back()); } bool PluginGroup::RemovePlugin(const FilePath& filename) { bool did_remove = false; ResetGroupState(); for (size_t i = 0; i < web_plugin_infos_.size(); ++i) { if (web_plugin_infos_[i].path == filename) { web_plugin_infos_.erase(web_plugin_infos_.begin() + i); did_remove = true; } UpdateActivePlugin(web_plugin_infos_[i]); } return did_remove; } bool PluginGroup::EnablePlugin(const FilePath& filename) { bool did_enable = false; ResetGroupState(); for (size_t i = 0; i < web_plugin_infos_.size(); ++i) { if (web_plugin_infos_[i].path == filename) did_enable = Enable(&web_plugin_infos_[i], WebPluginInfo::USER_ENABLED); UpdateActivePlugin(web_plugin_infos_[i]); } return did_enable; } bool PluginGroup::DisablePlugin(const FilePath& filename) { bool did_disable = false; ResetGroupState(); for (size_t i = 0; i < web_plugin_infos_.size(); ++i) { if (web_plugin_infos_[i].path == filename) { // We are only called for user intervention however we should respect a // policy that might as well be active on this plugin. did_disable = Disable( &web_plugin_infos_[i], IsPluginNameDisabledByPolicy(web_plugin_infos_[i].name) ? WebPluginInfo::USER_DISABLED_POLICY_DISABLED : WebPluginInfo::USER_DISABLED); } UpdateActivePlugin(web_plugin_infos_[i]); } return did_disable; } string16 PluginGroup::GetGroupName() const { if (!group_name_.empty()) return group_name_; DCHECK_EQ(1u, web_plugin_infos_.size()); FilePath::StringType path = web_plugin_infos_[0].path.BaseName().RemoveExtension().value(); #if defined(OS_POSIX) return UTF8ToUTF16(path); #elif defined(OS_WIN) return WideToUTF16(path); #endif } bool PluginGroup::ContainsPlugin(const FilePath& path) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < web_plugin_infos_.size(); ++i) { if (web_plugin_infos_[i].path == path) return true; } return false; } DictionaryValue* PluginGroup::GetSummary() const { DictionaryValue* result = new DictionaryValue(); result->SetString("name", GetGroupName()); result->SetBoolean("enabled", enabled_); return result; } DictionaryValue* PluginGroup::GetDataForUI() const { string16 name = GetGroupName(); DictionaryValue* result = new DictionaryValue(); result->SetString("name", name); result->SetString("description", description_); result->SetString("version", version_->GetString()); result->SetString("update_url", update_url_); result->SetBoolean("critical", IsVulnerable()); bool group_disabled_by_policy = IsPluginNameDisabledByPolicy(name); ListValue* plugin_files = new ListValue(); bool all_plugins_disabled_by_policy = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < web_plugin_infos_.size(); ++i) { DictionaryValue* plugin_file = new DictionaryValue(); plugin_file->SetString("name", web_plugin_infos_[i].name); plugin_file->SetString("description", web_plugin_infos_[i].desc); plugin_file->SetString("path", web_plugin_infos_[i].path.value()); plugin_file->SetString("version", web_plugin_infos_[i].version); bool plugin_disabled_by_policy = group_disabled_by_policy || ((web_plugin_infos_[i].enabled & WebPluginInfo::POLICY_DISABLED) != 0); if (plugin_disabled_by_policy) { plugin_file->SetString("enabledMode", "disabledByPolicy"); } else { all_plugins_disabled_by_policy = false; plugin_file->SetString( "enabledMode", IsPluginEnabled(web_plugin_infos_[i]) ? "enabled" : "disabledByUser"); } ListValue* mime_types = new ListValue(); const std::vector& plugin_mime_types = web_plugin_infos_[i].mime_types; for (size_t j = 0; j < plugin_mime_types.size(); ++j) { DictionaryValue* mime_type = new DictionaryValue(); mime_type->SetString("mimeType", plugin_mime_types[j].mime_type); mime_type->SetString("description", plugin_mime_types[j].description); ListValue* file_extensions = new ListValue(); const std::vector& mime_file_extensions = plugin_mime_types[j].file_extensions; for (size_t k = 0; k < mime_file_extensions.size(); ++k) file_extensions->Append(new StringValue(mime_file_extensions[k])); mime_type->Set("fileExtensions", file_extensions); mime_types->Append(mime_type); } plugin_file->Set("mimeTypes", mime_types); plugin_files->Append(plugin_file); } if (group_disabled_by_policy || all_plugins_disabled_by_policy) { result->SetString("enabledMode", "disabledByPolicy"); } else { result->SetString("enabledMode", enabled_ ? "enabled" : "disabledByUser"); } result->Set("plugin_files", plugin_files); return result; } /*static*/ bool PluginGroup::IsVersionInRange(const Version& version, const VersionRange& range) { DCHECK(range.low.get() != NULL || range.high.get() == NULL) << "Lower bound of version range must be defined."; return (range.low.get() == NULL && range.high.get() == NULL) || (range.low->CompareTo(version) <= 0 && (range.high.get() == NULL || range.high->CompareTo(version) > 0)); } /*static*/ bool PluginGroup::IsPluginOutdated(const Version& plugin_version, const VersionRange& version_range) { if (IsVersionInRange(plugin_version, version_range)) { if (version_range.min.get() && plugin_version.CompareTo(*version_range.min) < 0) { return true; } } return false; } // Returns true if the latest version of this plugin group is vulnerable. bool PluginGroup::IsVulnerable() const { for (size_t i = 0; i < version_ranges_.size(); ++i) { if (IsPluginOutdated(*version_, version_ranges_[i])) return true; } return false; } bool PluginGroup::RequiresAuthorization() const { for (size_t i = 0; i < version_ranges_.size(); ++i) { if (IsVersionInRange(*version_, version_ranges_[i]) && version_ranges_[i].requires_authorization) return true; } return false; } bool PluginGroup::IsEmpty() const { return web_plugin_infos_.size() == 0; } void PluginGroup::DisableOutdatedPlugins() { ResetGroupState(); for (size_t i = 0; i < web_plugin_infos_.size(); ++i) { scoped_ptr version( CreateVersionFromString(web_plugin_infos_[i].version)); if (version.get()) { for (size_t j = 0; j < version_ranges_.size(); ++j) { if (IsPluginOutdated(*version, version_ranges_[j])) { Disable(&web_plugin_infos_[i], WebPluginInfo::USER_DISABLED); break; } } } UpdateActivePlugin(web_plugin_infos_[i]); } } bool PluginGroup::EnableGroup(bool enable) { bool group_disabled_by_policy = IsPluginNameDisabledByPolicy(group_name_); // We can't enable groups disabled by policy if (group_disabled_by_policy && enable) return false; ResetGroupState(); for (size_t i = 0; i < web_plugin_infos_.size(); ++i) { bool policy_disabled = IsPluginNameDisabledByPolicy(web_plugin_infos_[i].name); if (enable && !policy_disabled) { Enable(&web_plugin_infos_[i], WebPluginInfo::USER_ENABLED); } else { Disable(&web_plugin_infos_[i], policy_disabled || group_disabled_by_policy ? WebPluginInfo::POLICY_DISABLED : WebPluginInfo::USER_DISABLED); } UpdateActivePlugin(web_plugin_infos_[i]); } return enabled_ == enable; } void PluginGroup::EnforceGroupPolicy() { bool group_disabled_by_policy = IsPluginNameDisabledByPolicy(group_name_); ResetGroupState(); for (size_t i = 0; i < web_plugin_infos_.size(); ++i) { bool policy_disabled = IsPluginNameDisabledByPolicy(web_plugin_infos_[i].name) | group_disabled_by_policy; // TODO(pastarmovj): Add the code for enforcing enabled by policy... if (policy_disabled) { Disable(&web_plugin_infos_[i], WebPluginInfo::POLICY_DISABLED); // ...here would a else if (policy_enabled) { ... } be then. } else { Enable(&web_plugin_infos_[i], WebPluginInfo::POLICY_UNMANAGED); } UpdateActivePlugin(web_plugin_infos_[i]); } } void PluginGroup::ResetGroupState() { enabled_ = false; description_.clear(); version_.reset(); } bool PluginGroup::Enable(WebPluginInfo* plugin, int new_reason) { DCHECK(new_reason == WebPluginInfo::USER_ENABLED || new_reason == WebPluginInfo::POLICY_UNMANAGED || new_reason == WebPluginInfo::POLICY_ENABLED); // If we are only stripping the policy then mask the policy bits. if (new_reason == WebPluginInfo::POLICY_UNMANAGED) { plugin->enabled &= WebPluginInfo::USER_MASK; return true; } // If already enabled just upgrade the reason. if (IsPluginEnabled(*plugin)) { plugin->enabled |= new_reason; return true; } else { // Only changeable if not managed. if (plugin->enabled & WebPluginInfo::MANAGED_MASK) return false; plugin->enabled = new_reason; } return true; } bool PluginGroup::Disable(WebPluginInfo* plugin, int new_reason) { DCHECK(new_reason == WebPluginInfo::USER_DISABLED || new_reason == WebPluginInfo::POLICY_DISABLED || new_reason == WebPluginInfo::USER_DISABLED_POLICY_DISABLED); // If already disabled just upgrade the reason. if (!IsPluginEnabled(*plugin)) { plugin->enabled |= new_reason; return true; } else { // Only changeable if not managed. if (plugin->enabled & WebPluginInfo::MANAGED_MASK) return false; plugin->enabled = new_reason; } return true; } } // namespace npapi } // namespace webkit