// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "webkit/plugins/npapi/plugin_instance.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "webkit/glue/webkit_glue.h" #include "webkit/plugins/npapi/plugin_host.h" #include "webkit/plugins/npapi/plugin_lib.h" #include "webkit/plugins/npapi/plugin_stream_url.h" #include "webkit/plugins/npapi/plugin_string_stream.h" #include "webkit/plugins/npapi/webplugin.h" #include "webkit/plugins/npapi/webplugin_delegate.h" #include "net/base/escape.h" #if defined(OS_MACOSX) #include #endif namespace webkit { namespace npapi { PluginInstance::PluginInstance(PluginLib *plugin, const std::string &mime_type) : plugin_(plugin), npp_(0), host_(PluginHost::Singleton()), npp_functions_(plugin->functions()), window_handle_(0), windowless_(false), transparent_(true), webplugin_(0), mime_type_(mime_type), get_notify_data_(0), use_mozilla_user_agent_(false), #if defined (OS_MACOSX) #ifdef NP_NO_QUICKDRAW drawing_model_(NPDrawingModelCoreGraphics), #else drawing_model_(NPDrawingModelQuickDraw), #endif #ifdef NP_NO_CARBON event_model_(NPEventModelCocoa), #else event_model_(NPEventModelCarbon), #endif currently_handled_event_(NULL), #endif message_loop_(MessageLoop::current()), load_manually_(false), in_close_streams_(false), next_timer_id_(1), next_notify_id_(0), next_range_request_id_(0), handles_url_redirects_(false) { npp_ = new NPP_t(); npp_->ndata = 0; npp_->pdata = 0; memset(&zero_padding_, 0, sizeof(zero_padding_)); DCHECK(message_loop_); } PluginInstance::~PluginInstance() { CloseStreams(); if (npp_ != 0) { delete npp_; npp_ = 0; } if (plugin_) plugin_->CloseInstance(); } PluginStreamUrl* PluginInstance::CreateStream(unsigned long resource_id, const GURL& url, const std::string& mime_type, int notify_id) { bool notify; void* notify_data; GetNotifyData(notify_id, ¬ify, ¬ify_data); PluginStreamUrl* stream = new PluginStreamUrl( resource_id, url, this, notify, notify_data); AddStream(stream); return stream; } void PluginInstance::AddStream(PluginStream* stream) { open_streams_.push_back(make_scoped_refptr(stream)); } void PluginInstance::RemoveStream(PluginStream* stream) { if (in_close_streams_) return; std::vector >::iterator stream_index; for (stream_index = open_streams_.begin(); stream_index != open_streams_.end(); ++stream_index) { if (*stream_index == stream) { open_streams_.erase(stream_index); break; } } } bool PluginInstance::IsValidStream(const NPStream* stream) { std::vector >::iterator stream_index; for (stream_index = open_streams_.begin(); stream_index != open_streams_.end(); ++stream_index) { if ((*stream_index)->stream() == stream) return true; } return false; } void PluginInstance::CloseStreams() { in_close_streams_ = true; for (unsigned int index = 0; index < open_streams_.size(); ++index) { // Close all streams on the way down. open_streams_[index]->Close(NPRES_USER_BREAK); } open_streams_.clear(); in_close_streams_ = false; } WebPluginResourceClient* PluginInstance::GetRangeRequest( int id) { PendingRangeRequestMap::iterator iter = pending_range_requests_.find(id); if (iter == pending_range_requests_.end()) { NOTREACHED(); return NULL; } WebPluginResourceClient* rv = iter->second->AsResourceClient(); pending_range_requests_.erase(iter); return rv; } bool PluginInstance::Start(const GURL& url, char** const param_names, char** const param_values, int param_count, bool load_manually) { load_manually_ = load_manually; unsigned short mode = load_manually_ ? NP_FULL : NP_EMBED; npp_->ndata = this; NPError err = NPP_New(mode, param_count, const_cast(param_names), const_cast(param_values)); if (err == NPERR_NO_ERROR) { handles_url_redirects_ = ((npp_functions_->version >= NPVERS_HAS_URL_REDIRECT_HANDLING) && (npp_functions_->urlredirectnotify)); } return err == NPERR_NO_ERROR; } NPObject *PluginInstance::GetPluginScriptableObject() { NPObject *value = NULL; NPError error = NPP_GetValue(NPPVpluginScriptableNPObject, &value); if (error != NPERR_NO_ERROR || value == NULL) return NULL; return value; } // WebPluginLoadDelegate methods void PluginInstance::DidFinishLoadWithReason( const GURL& url, NPReason reason, int notify_id) { bool notify; void* notify_data; GetNotifyData(notify_id, ¬ify, ¬ify_data); if (!notify) { NOTREACHED(); return; } NPP_URLNotify(url.spec().c_str(), reason, notify_data); } unsigned PluginInstance::GetBackingTextureId() { // By default the plugin instance is not backed by an OpenGL texture. return 0; } // NPAPI methods NPError PluginInstance::NPP_New(unsigned short mode, short argc, char *argn[], char *argv[]) { DCHECK(npp_functions_ != 0); DCHECK(npp_functions_->newp != 0); DCHECK(argc >= 0); if (npp_functions_->newp != 0) { return npp_functions_->newp( (NPMIMEType)mime_type_.c_str(), npp_, mode, argc, argn, argv, NULL); } return NPERR_INVALID_FUNCTABLE_ERROR; } void PluginInstance::NPP_Destroy() { DCHECK(npp_functions_ != 0); DCHECK(npp_functions_->destroy != 0); if (npp_functions_->destroy != 0) { NPSavedData *savedData = 0; npp_functions_->destroy(npp_, &savedData); // TODO: Support savedData. Technically, these need to be // saved on a per-URL basis, and then only passed // to new instances of the plugin at the same URL. // Sounds like a huge security risk. When we do support // these, we should pass them back to the PluginLib // to be stored there. DCHECK(savedData == 0); } for (unsigned int file_index = 0; file_index < files_created_.size(); file_index++) { file_util::Delete(files_created_[file_index], false); } // Ensure that no timer callbacks are invoked after NPP_Destroy. timers_.clear(); } NPError PluginInstance::NPP_SetWindow(NPWindow *window) { DCHECK(npp_functions_ != 0); DCHECK(npp_functions_->setwindow != 0); if (npp_functions_->setwindow != 0) { return npp_functions_->setwindow(npp_, window); } return NPERR_INVALID_FUNCTABLE_ERROR; } NPError PluginInstance::NPP_NewStream(NPMIMEType type, NPStream *stream, NPBool seekable, unsigned short *stype) { DCHECK(npp_functions_ != 0); DCHECK(npp_functions_->newstream != 0); if (npp_functions_->newstream != 0) { return npp_functions_->newstream(npp_, type, stream, seekable, stype); } return NPERR_INVALID_FUNCTABLE_ERROR; } NPError PluginInstance::NPP_DestroyStream(NPStream *stream, NPReason reason) { DCHECK(npp_functions_ != 0); DCHECK(npp_functions_->destroystream != 0); if (stream == NULL || !IsValidStream(stream) || (stream->ndata == NULL)) return NPERR_INVALID_INSTANCE_ERROR; if (npp_functions_->destroystream != 0) { NPError result = npp_functions_->destroystream(npp_, stream, reason); stream->ndata = NULL; return result; } return NPERR_INVALID_FUNCTABLE_ERROR; } int PluginInstance::NPP_WriteReady(NPStream *stream) { DCHECK(npp_functions_ != 0); DCHECK(npp_functions_->writeready != 0); if (npp_functions_->writeready != 0) { return npp_functions_->writeready(npp_, stream); } return 0; } int PluginInstance::NPP_Write(NPStream *stream, int offset, int len, void *buffer) { DCHECK(npp_functions_ != 0); DCHECK(npp_functions_->write != 0); if (npp_functions_->write != 0) { return npp_functions_->write(npp_, stream, offset, len, buffer); } return 0; } void PluginInstance::NPP_StreamAsFile(NPStream *stream, const char *fname) { DCHECK(npp_functions_ != 0); DCHECK(npp_functions_->asfile != 0); if (npp_functions_->asfile != 0) { npp_functions_->asfile(npp_, stream, fname); } // Creating a temporary FilePath instance on the stack as the explicit // FilePath constructor with StringType as an argument causes a compiler // error when invoked via vector push back. FilePath file_name = FilePath::FromWStringHack(UTF8ToWide(fname)); files_created_.push_back(file_name); } void PluginInstance::NPP_URLNotify(const char *url, NPReason reason, void *notifyData) { DCHECK(npp_functions_ != 0); DCHECK(npp_functions_->urlnotify != 0); if (npp_functions_->urlnotify != 0) { npp_functions_->urlnotify(npp_, url, reason, notifyData); } } NPError PluginInstance::NPP_GetValue(NPPVariable variable, void *value) { DCHECK(npp_functions_ != 0); // getvalue is NULL for Shockwave if (npp_functions_->getvalue != 0) { return npp_functions_->getvalue(npp_, variable, value); } return NPERR_INVALID_FUNCTABLE_ERROR; } NPError PluginInstance::NPP_SetValue(NPNVariable variable, void *value) { DCHECK(npp_functions_ != 0); if (npp_functions_->setvalue != 0) { return npp_functions_->setvalue(npp_, variable, value); } return NPERR_INVALID_FUNCTABLE_ERROR; } short PluginInstance::NPP_HandleEvent(void* event) { DCHECK(npp_functions_ != 0); DCHECK(npp_functions_->event != 0); if (npp_functions_->event != 0) { return npp_functions_->event(npp_, (void*)event); } return false; } bool PluginInstance::NPP_Print(NPPrint* platform_print) { DCHECK(npp_functions_ != 0); if (npp_functions_->print != 0) { npp_functions_->print(npp_, platform_print); return true; } return false; } void PluginInstance::NPP_URLRedirectNotify(const char* url, int32_t status, void* notify_data) { DCHECK(npp_functions_ != 0); if (npp_functions_->urlredirectnotify != 0) { npp_functions_->urlredirectnotify(npp_, url, status, notify_data); } } void PluginInstance::SendJavaScriptStream(const GURL& url, const std::string& result, bool success, int notify_id) { bool notify; void* notify_data; GetNotifyData(notify_id, ¬ify, ¬ify_data); if (success) { PluginStringStream *stream = new PluginStringStream(this, url, notify, notify_data); AddStream(stream); stream->SendToPlugin(result, "text/html"); } else { // NOTE: Sending an empty stream here will crash MacroMedia // Flash 9. Just send the URL Notify. if (notify) NPP_URLNotify(url.spec().c_str(), NPRES_DONE, notify_data); } } void PluginInstance::DidReceiveManualResponse(const GURL& url, const std::string& mime_type, const std::string& headers, uint32 expected_length, uint32 last_modified) { DCHECK(load_manually_); plugin_data_stream_ = CreateStream(-1, url, mime_type, 0); plugin_data_stream_->DidReceiveResponse(mime_type, headers, expected_length, last_modified, true); } void PluginInstance::DidReceiveManualData(const char* buffer, int length) { DCHECK(load_manually_); if (plugin_data_stream_.get() != NULL) { plugin_data_stream_->DidReceiveData(buffer, length, 0); } } void PluginInstance::DidFinishManualLoading() { DCHECK(load_manually_); if (plugin_data_stream_.get() != NULL) { plugin_data_stream_->DidFinishLoading(); plugin_data_stream_->Close(NPRES_DONE); plugin_data_stream_ = NULL; } } void PluginInstance::DidManualLoadFail() { DCHECK(load_manually_); if (plugin_data_stream_.get() != NULL) { plugin_data_stream_->DidFail(); plugin_data_stream_ = NULL; } } void PluginInstance::PluginThreadAsyncCall(void (*func)(void *), void *user_data) { message_loop_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &PluginInstance::OnPluginThreadAsyncCall, func, user_data)); } void PluginInstance::OnPluginThreadAsyncCall(void (*func)(void *), void *user_data) { // Do not invoke the callback if NPP_Destroy has already been invoked. if (webplugin_) func(user_data); } uint32 PluginInstance::ScheduleTimer(uint32 interval, NPBool repeat, void (*func)(NPP id, uint32 timer_id)) { // Use next timer id. uint32 timer_id; timer_id = next_timer_id_; ++next_timer_id_; DCHECK(next_timer_id_ != 0); // Record timer interval and repeat. TimerInfo info; info.interval = interval; info.repeat = repeat ? true : false; timers_[timer_id] = info; // Schedule the callback. MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &PluginInstance::OnTimerCall, func, npp_, timer_id), interval); return timer_id; } void PluginInstance::UnscheduleTimer(uint32 timer_id) { // Remove info about the timer. TimerMap::iterator it = timers_.find(timer_id); if (it != timers_.end()) timers_.erase(it); } #if !defined(OS_MACOSX) NPError PluginInstance::PopUpContextMenu(NPMenu* menu) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR; } #endif void PluginInstance::OnTimerCall(void (*func)(NPP id, uint32 timer_id), NPP id, uint32 timer_id) { // Do not invoke callback if the timer has been unscheduled. TimerMap::iterator it = timers_.find(timer_id); if (it == timers_.end()) return; // Get all information about the timer before invoking the callback. The // callback might unschedule the timer. TimerInfo info = it->second; func(id, timer_id); // If the timer was unscheduled by the callback, just free up the timer id. if (timers_.find(timer_id) == timers_.end()) return; // Reschedule repeating timers after invoking the callback so callback is not // re-entered if it pumps the messager loop. if (info.repeat) { MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &PluginInstance::OnTimerCall, func, npp_, timer_id), info.interval); } else { timers_.erase(it); } } void PluginInstance::PushPopupsEnabledState(bool enabled) { popups_enabled_stack_.push(enabled); } void PluginInstance::PopPopupsEnabledState() { popups_enabled_stack_.pop(); } void PluginInstance::RequestRead(NPStream* stream, NPByteRange* range_list) { std::string range_info = "bytes="; while (range_list) { range_info += base::IntToString(range_list->offset); range_info.push_back('-'); range_info += base::IntToString(range_list->offset + range_list->length - 1); range_list = range_list->next; if (range_list) range_info.push_back(','); } if (plugin_data_stream_) { if (plugin_data_stream_->stream() == stream) { webplugin_->CancelDocumentLoad(); plugin_data_stream_ = NULL; } } // The lifetime of a NPStream instance depends on the PluginStream instance // which owns it. When a plugin invokes NPN_RequestRead on a seekable stream, // we don't want to create a new stream when the corresponding response is // received. We send over a cookie which represents the PluginStream // instance which is sent back from the renderer when the response is // received. std::vector >::iterator stream_index; for (stream_index = open_streams_.begin(); stream_index != open_streams_.end(); ++stream_index) { PluginStream* plugin_stream = *stream_index; if (plugin_stream->stream() == stream) { // A stream becomes seekable the first time NPN_RequestRead // is called on it. plugin_stream->set_seekable(true); pending_range_requests_[++next_range_request_id_] = plugin_stream; webplugin_->InitiateHTTPRangeRequest( stream->url, range_info.c_str(), next_range_request_id_); return; } } NOTREACHED(); } void PluginInstance::RequestURL(const char* url, const char* method, const char* target, const char* buf, unsigned int len, bool notify, void* notify_data) { int notify_id = 0; if (notify) { notify_id = ++next_notify_id_; pending_requests_[notify_id] = notify_data; } webplugin_->HandleURLRequest( url, method, target, buf, len, notify_id, popups_allowed(), notify ? handles_url_redirects_ : false); } bool PluginInstance::ConvertPoint(double source_x, double source_y, NPCoordinateSpace source_space, double* dest_x, double* dest_y, NPCoordinateSpace dest_space) { #if defined(OS_MACOSX) CGRect main_display_bounds = CGDisplayBounds(CGMainDisplayID()); double flipped_screen_x = source_x; double flipped_screen_y = source_y; switch(source_space) { case NPCoordinateSpacePlugin: flipped_screen_x += plugin_origin_.x(); flipped_screen_y += plugin_origin_.y(); break; case NPCoordinateSpaceWindow: flipped_screen_x += containing_window_frame_.x(); flipped_screen_y = containing_window_frame_.height() - source_y + containing_window_frame_.y(); break; case NPCoordinateSpaceFlippedWindow: flipped_screen_x += containing_window_frame_.x(); flipped_screen_y += containing_window_frame_.y(); break; case NPCoordinateSpaceScreen: flipped_screen_y = main_display_bounds.size.height - flipped_screen_y; break; case NPCoordinateSpaceFlippedScreen: break; default: NOTREACHED(); return false; } double target_x = flipped_screen_x; double target_y = flipped_screen_y; switch(dest_space) { case NPCoordinateSpacePlugin: target_x -= plugin_origin_.x(); target_y -= plugin_origin_.y(); break; case NPCoordinateSpaceWindow: target_x -= containing_window_frame_.x(); target_y -= containing_window_frame_.y(); target_y = containing_window_frame_.height() - target_y; break; case NPCoordinateSpaceFlippedWindow: target_x -= containing_window_frame_.x(); target_y -= containing_window_frame_.y(); break; case NPCoordinateSpaceScreen: target_y = main_display_bounds.size.height - flipped_screen_y; break; case NPCoordinateSpaceFlippedScreen: break; default: NOTREACHED(); return false; } if (dest_x) *dest_x = target_x; if (dest_y) *dest_y = target_y; return true; #else NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return false; #endif } void PluginInstance::GetNotifyData( int notify_id, bool* notify, void** notify_data) { PendingRequestMap::iterator iter = pending_requests_.find(notify_id); if (iter != pending_requests_.end()) { *notify = true; *notify_data = iter->second; pending_requests_.erase(iter); } else { *notify = false; *notify_data = NULL; } } void PluginInstance::URLRedirectResponse(bool allow, void* notify_data) { // The notify_data passed in allows us to identify the matching stream. std::vector >::iterator stream_index; for (stream_index = open_streams_.begin(); stream_index != open_streams_.end(); ++stream_index) { PluginStream* plugin_stream = *stream_index; if (plugin_stream->notify_data() == notify_data) { WebPluginResourceClient* resource_client = plugin_stream->AsResourceClient(); webplugin_->URLRedirectResponse(allow, resource_client->ResourceId()); if (allow) { plugin_stream->UpdateUrl( plugin_stream->pending_redirect_url().c_str()); } break; } } } } // namespace npapi } // namespace webkit