# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (C) 2006 Samuel Weinig # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of # its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. VPATH = \ $(PORTROOT)/../pending \ $(PORTROOT)/css \ $(PORTROOT)/dom \ $(PORTROOT)/html \ $(PORTROOT)/page \ $(PORTROOT)/page/inspector \ $(WebCore) \ $(WebCore)/bindings/js \ $(WebCore)/bindings/v8 \ $(WebCore)/bindings/objc \ $(WebCore)/css \ $(WebCore)/dom \ $(WebCore)/html \ $(WebCore)/page \ $(WebCore)/plugins \ $(WebCore)/storage \ $(WebCore)/xml \ $(WebCore)/svg \ # .PHONY : all ifeq ($(OS),MACOS) all : \ CharsetData.cpp endif # Not needed because we don't want obj-c bindings generated # DOMAbstractView.h\ DOMAttr.h \ DOMCDATASection.h \ DOMCSSCharsetRule.h \ DOMCSSFontFaceRule.h \ DOMCSSImportRule.h \ DOMCSSMediaRule.h \ DOMCSSPageRule.h \ DOMCSSPrimitiveValue.h \ DOMCSSRule.h \ DOMCSSRuleList.h \ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration.h \ DOMCSSStyleRule.h \ DOMCSSStyleSheet.h \ DOMCSSUnknownRule.h \ DOMCSSValue.h \ DOMCSSValueList.h \ DOMCharacterData.h \ DOMComment.h \ DOMCounter.h \ DOMDOMImplementation.h \ DOMDocument.h \ DOMDocumentFragment.h \ DOMDocumentType.h \ DOMElement.h \ 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DOMSVGMissingGlyphElement.h \ DOMSVGNumber.h \ DOMSVGNumberList.h \ DOMSVGPaint.h \ DOMSVGPathElement.h \ DOMSVGPathSeg.h \ DOMSVGPathSegArcAbs.h \ DOMSVGPathSegArcRel.h \ DOMSVGPathSegClosePath.h \ DOMSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs.h \ DOMSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel.h \ DOMSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs.h \ DOMSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel.h \ DOMSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs.h \ DOMSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel.h \ DOMSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs.h \ DOMSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel.h \ DOMSVGPathSegLinetoAbs.h \ DOMSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs.h \ DOMSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel.h \ DOMSVGPathSegLinetoRel.h \ DOMSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs.h \ DOMSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel.h \ DOMSVGPathSegList.h \ DOMSVGPathSegMovetoAbs.h \ DOMSVGPathSegMovetoRel.h \ DOMSVGPatternElement.h \ DOMSVGPoint.h \ DOMSVGPointList.h \ DOMSVGPolygonElement.h \ DOMSVGPolylineElement.h \ DOMSVGPreserveAspectRatio.h \ DOMSVGRadialGradientElement.h \ DOMSVGRect.h \ DOMSVGRectElement.h \ DOMSVGRenderingIntent.h \ DOMSVGSVGElement.h \ DOMSVGScriptElement.h \ DOMSVGSetElement.h \ DOMSVGStopElement.h \ DOMSVGStringList.h \ DOMSVGStylable.h \ DOMSVGStyleElement.h \ DOMSVGSwitchElement.h \ DOMSVGSymbolElement.h \ DOMSVGTRefElement.h \ DOMSVGTSpanElement.h \ DOMSVGTests.h \ DOMSVGTextContentElement.h \ DOMSVGTextElement.h \ DOMSVGTextPathElement.h \ DOMSVGTextPositioningElement.h \ DOMSVGTitleElement.h \ DOMSVGTransform.h \ DOMSVGTransformList.h \ DOMSVGTransformable.h \ DOMSVGURIReference.h \ DOMSVGUnitTypes.h \ DOMSVGUseElement.h \ DOMSVGViewElement.h \ DOMSVGZoomAndPan.h \ DOMSVGZoomEvent.h \ DOMStyleSheet.h \ DOMStyleSheetList.h \ DOMText.h \ DOMTextEvent.h \ DOMTreeWalker.h \ DOMUIEvent.h \ DOMWheelEvent.h \ DOMXPathExpression.h \ DOMXPathNSResolver.h \ DOMXPathResult.h \ endif # Not needed for V8\ all : \ CSSGrammar.cpp \ CSSPropertyNames.h \ CSSValueKeywords.h \ ColorData.c \ DocTypeStrings.cpp \ HTMLEntityNames.c \ JSAttr.h \ JSBarInfo.h \ JSCDATASection.h \ JSCSSCharsetRule.h \ JSCSSFontFaceRule.h \ JSCSSImportRule.h \ JSCSSMediaRule.h \ JSCSSPageRule.h \ JSCSSPrimitiveValue.h \ JSCSSRule.h \ JSCSSRuleList.h \ JSCSSStyleRule.h \ JSCSSStyleSheet.h \ JSCSSValue.h \ JSCSSValueList.h \ JSCanvasGradient.h \ JSCanvasPattern.h \ JSCanvasRenderingContext2D.h \ JSCharacterData.h \ JSComment.h \ JSConsole.h \ JSCounter.h \ JSCSSStyleDeclaration.h \ JSDOMCoreException.h \ JSDOMImplementation.h \ JSDOMParser.h \ JSDOMSelection.h \ JSDOMWindow.h \ JSDatabase.h \ JSDocument.h \ JSDocumentFragment.h \ JSDocumentType.h \ JSElement.h \ JSEntity.h \ JSEntityReference.h \ JSEvent.h \ JSEventException.h \ JSEventTargetBase.lut.h \ JSHTMLAnchorElement.h \ JSHTMLAppletElement.h \ JSHTMLAreaElement.h \ JSHTMLAudioElement.h \ JSHTMLBaseElement.h \ JSHTMLBaseFontElement.h \ JSHTMLBlockquoteElement.h \ JSHTMLBodyElement.h \ JSHTMLBRElement.h \ JSHTMLButtonElement.h \ JSHTMLCanvasElement.h \ JSHTMLCollection.h \ JSHTMLDListElement.h \ JSHTMLDirectoryElement.h \ JSHTMLDivElement.h \ JSHTMLDocument.h \ JSHTMLElement.h \ JSHTMLEmbedElement.h \ JSHTMLFieldSetElement.h \ JSHTMLFontElement.h \ JSHTMLFormElement.h \ JSHTMLFrameElement.h \ JSHTMLFrameSetElement.h \ JSHTMLHRElement.h \ JSHTMLHeadElement.h \ JSHTMLHeadingElement.h \ JSHTMLHtmlElement.h \ JSHTMLIFrameElement.h \ JSHTMLImageElement.h \ JSHTMLInputElement.h \ JSHTMLInputElementBaseTable.cpp \ JSHTMLIsIndexElement.h \ JSHTMLLIElement.h \ JSHTMLLabelElement.h \ JSHTMLLegendElement.h \ JSHTMLLinkElement.h \ JSHTMLMapElement.h \ JSHTMLMarqueeElement.h \ JSHTMLMediaElement.h \ JSHTMLMenuElement.h \ JSHTMLMetaElement.h \ JSHTMLModElement.h \ JSHTMLOListElement.h \ JSHTMLOptGroupElement.h \ JSHTMLObjectElement.h \ JSHTMLOptionElement.h \ JSHTMLOptionsCollection.h \ JSHTMLParagraphElement.h \ JSHTMLParamElement.h \ JSHTMLPreElement.h \ JSHTMLQuoteElement.h \ JSHTMLScriptElement.h \ JSHTMLSelectElement.h \ JSHTMLSourceElement.h \ JSHTMLStyleElement.h \ JSHTMLTableCaptionElement.h \ 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JSSVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio.h \ JSSVGAnimatedRect.h \ JSSVGAnimatedString.h \ JSSVGAnimatedTransformList.h \ JSSVGAnimationElement.h \ JSSVGColor.h \ JSSVGCircleElement.h \ JSSVGClipPathElement.h \ JSSVGComponentTransferFunctionElement.h \ JSSVGCursorElement.h \ JSSVGDefsElement.h \ JSSVGDefinitionSrcElement.h \ JSSVGDescElement.h \ JSSVGDocument.h \ JSSVGException.h \ JSSVGLength.h \ JSSVGMatrix.h \ JSSVGMetadataElement.h \ JSSVGPathElement.h \ JSSVGPathSeg.h \ JSSVGPathSegArcAbs.h \ JSSVGPathSegArcRel.h \ JSSVGPathSegClosePath.h \ JSSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs.h \ JSSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel.h \ JSSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs.h \ JSSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel.h \ JSSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs.h \ JSSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel.h \ JSSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs.h \ JSSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel.h \ JSSVGPathSegLinetoAbs.h \ JSSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs.h \ JSSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel.h \ JSSVGPathSegLinetoRel.h \ JSSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs.h \ JSSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel.h \ JSSVGPathSegMovetoAbs.h \ JSSVGPathSegMovetoRel.h \ JSSVGNumber.h \ JSSVGNumberList.h \ JSSVGPaint.h \ JSSVGPathSegList.h \ JSSVGPatternElement.h \ JSSVGPoint.h \ JSSVGPointList.h \ JSSVGPolygonElement.h \ JSSVGPolylineElement.h \ JSSVGRadialGradientElement.h \ JSSVGRect.h \ JSSVGRectElement.h \ JSSVGRenderingIntent.h \ JSSVGSetElement.h \ JSSVGScriptElement.h \ JSSVGStyleElement.h \ JSSVGSwitchElement.h \ JSSVGStopElement.h \ JSSVGStringList.h \ JSSVGSymbolElement.h \ JSSVGTRefElement.h \ JSSVGTSpanElement.h \ JSSVGTextElement.h \ JSSVGTextContentElement.h \ JSSVGTextPathElement.h \ JSSVGTextPositioningElement.h \ JSSVGTitleElement.h \ JSSVGTransform.h \ JSSVGTransformList.h \ JSSVGUnitTypes.h \ JSSVGUseElement.h \ JSSVGViewElement.h \ JSSVGPreserveAspectRatio.h \ JSSVGElement.h \ JSSVGElementInstance.h \ JSSVGElementInstanceList.h \ JSSVGSVGElement.h \ JSSVGEllipseElement.h \ JSSVGFEBlendElement.h \ JSSVGFEColorMatrixElement.h \ JSSVGFEComponentTransferElement.h \ JSSVGFECompositeElement.h \ JSSVGFEDiffuseLightingElement.h \ JSSVGFEDisplacementMapElement.h \ JSSVGFEDistantLightElement.h \ JSSVGFEFloodElement.h \ JSSVGFEFuncAElement.h \ JSSVGFEFuncBElement.h \ JSSVGFEFuncGElement.h \ JSSVGFEFuncRElement.h \ JSSVGFEGaussianBlurElement.h \ JSSVGFEImageElement.h \ JSSVGFEMergeElement.h \ JSSVGFEMergeNodeElement.h \ JSSVGFEOffsetElement.h \ JSSVGFEPointLightElement.h \ JSSVGFESpecularLightingElement.h \ JSSVGFESpotLightElement.h \ JSSVGFETileElement.h \ JSSVGFETurbulenceElement.h \ JSSVGFilterElement.h \ JSSVGFontElement.h \ JSSVGFontFaceElement.h \ JSSVGFontFaceFormatElement.h \ JSSVGFontFaceNameElement.h \ JSSVGFontFaceSrcElement.h \ JSSVGFontFaceUriElement.h \ JSSVGForeignObjectElement.h \ JSSVGGElement.h \ JSSVGGlyphElement.h \ JSSVGGradientElement.h \ JSSVGImageElement.h \ JSSVGLength.h \ JSSVGLengthList.h \ JSSVGLineElement.h \ JSSVGLinearGradientElement.h \ JSSVGMaskElement.h \ JSSVGMarkerElement.h \ JSSVGMissingGlyphElement.h \ JSSVGTransform.h \ JSSVGZoomEvent.h \ JSScreen.h \ JSStyleSheet.h \ JSStyleSheetList.h \ JSText.h \ JSTextEvent.h \ JSTimeRanges.h \ JSTreeWalker.h \ JSUIEvent.h \ JSVoidCallback.h \ JSWheelEvent.h \ JSXMLHttpRequest.lut.h \ JSXMLHttpRequestException.h \ JSXMLSerializer.h \ JSXPathEvaluator.h \ JSXPathException.h \ JSXPathExpression.h \ JSXPathNSResolver.h \ JSXPathResult.h \ JSXSLTProcessor.lut.h \ SVGElementFactory.cpp \ SVGNames.cpp \ HTMLNames.cpp \ UserAgentStyleSheets.h \ XLinkNames.cpp \ XMLNames.cpp \ XPathGrammar.cpp \ kjs_css.lut.h \ kjs_events.lut.h \ kjs_navigator.lut.h \ kjs_window.lut.h \ tokenizer.cpp \ WebCore.exp \ # all : \ CSSGrammar.cpp \ CSSPropertyNames.h \ CSSValueKeywords.h \ ColorData.c \ DocTypeStrings.cpp \ HTMLEntityNames.c \ V8Attr.h \ V8BarInfo.h \ V8CDATASection.h \ V8CSSCharsetRule.h \ V8CSSFontFaceRule.h \ V8CSSImportRule.h \ V8CSSMediaRule.h \ V8CSSPageRule.h \ V8CSSPrimitiveValue.h \ V8CSSRule.h \ V8CSSRuleList.h \ V8CSSStyleRule.h \ V8CSSStyleSheet.h \ V8CSSValue.h \ V8CSSValueList.h \ V8CanvasGradient.h \ V8CanvasPattern.h \ V8CanvasPixelArray.h \ V8CanvasRenderingContext2D.h \ V8CharacterData.h \ V8Comment.h \ V8Console.h \ V8Counter.h \ V8CSSStyleDeclaration.h \ V8CSSVariablesDeclaration.h \ V8CSSVariablesRule.h \ V8DOMCoreException.h \ V8DOMImplementation.h \ V8DOMParser.h \ V8DOMSelection.h \ V8DOMWindow.h \ V8Database.h \ V8Document.h \ V8DocumentFragment.h \ V8DocumentType.h \ V8Element.h \ V8Entity.h \ V8EntityReference.h \ V8Event.h \ V8EventException.h \ V8EventTargetNode.h \ V8File.h \ V8FileList.h \ V8HTMLAnchorElement.h \ V8HTMLAppletElement.h \ V8HTMLAreaElement.h \ V8HTMLAudioElement.h \ V8HTMLBaseElement.h \ V8HTMLBaseFontElement.h \ V8HTMLBlockquoteElement.h \ V8HTMLBodyElement.h \ V8HTMLBRElement.h \ V8HTMLButtonElement.h \ V8HTMLCanvasElement.h \ V8HTMLCollection.h \ V8HTMLDListElement.h \ V8HTMLDirectoryElement.h \ V8HTMLDivElement.h \ V8HTMLDocument.h \ V8HTMLElement.h \ 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V8SVGPathSegList.h \ V8SVGPatternElement.h \ V8SVGPoint.h \ V8SVGPointList.h \ V8SVGPolygonElement.h \ V8SVGPolylineElement.h \ V8SVGRadialGradientElement.h \ V8SVGRect.h \ V8SVGRectElement.h \ V8SVGRenderingIntent.h \ V8SVGSetElement.h \ V8SVGScriptElement.h \ V8SVGStyleElement.h \ V8SVGSwitchElement.h \ V8SVGStopElement.h \ V8SVGStringList.h \ V8SVGSymbolElement.h \ V8SVGTRefElement.h \ V8SVGTSpanElement.h \ V8SVGTextElement.h \ V8SVGTextContentElement.h \ V8SVGTextPathElement.h \ V8SVGTextPositioningElement.h \ V8SVGTitleElement.h \ V8SVGTransform.h \ V8SVGTransformList.h \ V8SVGUnitTypes.h \ V8SVGUseElement.h \ V8SVGViewElement.h \ V8SVGPreserveAspectRatio.h \ V8SVGElement.h \ V8SVGElementInstance.h \ V8SVGElementInstanceList.h \ V8SVGSVGElement.h \ V8SVGEllipseElement.h \ V8SVGFEBlendElement.h \ V8SVGFEColorMatrixElement.h \ V8SVGFEComponentTransferElement.h \ V8SVGFECompositeElement.h \ V8SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement.h \ V8SVGFEDisplacementMapElement.h \ V8SVGFEDistantLightElement.h \ V8SVGFEFloodElement.h \ V8SVGFEFuncAElement.h \ V8SVGFEFuncBElement.h \ V8SVGFEFuncGElement.h \ V8SVGFEFuncRElement.h \ V8SVGFEGaussianBlurElement.h \ V8SVGFEImageElement.h \ V8SVGFEMergeElement.h \ V8SVGFEMergeNodeElement.h \ V8SVGFEOffsetElement.h \ V8SVGFEPointLightElement.h \ V8SVGFESpecularLightingElement.h \ V8SVGFESpotLightElement.h \ V8SVGFETileElement.h \ V8SVGFETurbulenceElement.h \ V8SVGFilterElement.h \ V8SVGFontElement.h \ V8SVGFontFaceElement.h \ V8SVGFontFaceFormatElement.h \ V8SVGFontFaceNameElement.h \ V8SVGFontFaceSrcElement.h \ V8SVGFontFaceUriElement.h \ V8SVGForeignObjectElement.h \ V8SVGGElement.h \ V8SVGGlyphElement.h \ V8SVGGradientElement.h \ V8SVGImageElement.h \ V8SVGLength.h \ V8SVGLengthList.h \ V8SVGLineElement.h \ V8SVGLinearGradientElement.h \ V8SVGMaskElement.h \ V8SVGMarkerElement.h \ V8SVGMissingGlyphElement.h \ V8SVGTransform.h \ V8SVGZoomEvent.h \ V8Screen.h \ V8StyleSheet.h \ V8StyleSheetList.h \ V8Text.h \ V8TextMetrics.h \ V8TextEvent.h \ V8TimeRanges.h \ V8TreeWalker.h \ V8UIEvent.h \ V8VoidCallback.h \ V8WebKitAnimationEvent.h \ V8WebKitCSSKeyframeRule.h \ V8WebKitCSSKeyframesRule.h \ V8WebKitCSSTransformValue.h \ V8WebKitTransitionEvent.h \ V8WheelEvent.h \ V8XMLHttpRequest.h \ V8XMLHttpRequestException.h \ V8XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent.h \ V8XMLHttpRequestUpload.h \ V8XMLSerializer.h \ V8XPathEvaluator.h \ V8XPathException.h \ V8XPathExpression.h \ V8XPathNSResolver.h \ V8XPathResult.h \ V8XSLTProcessor.h \ SVGElementFactory.cpp \ SVGNames.cpp \ HTMLNames.cpp \ UserAgentStyleSheets.h \ XLinkNames.cpp \ XMLNames.cpp \ XPathGrammar.cpp \ tokenizer.cpp \ V8Clipboard.h \ V8InspectorController.h \ V8Location.h \ V8Navigator.h \ V8MimeType.h \ V8MimeTypeArray.h \ V8Plugin.h \ V8PluginArray.h \ V8RGBColor.h \ V8SVGAnimatedPoints.h \ V8SVGURIReference.h \ V8UndetectableHTMLCollection.h \ # # CSS property names and value keywords ifeq ($(findstring ENABLE_SVG,$(FEATURE_DEFINES)), ENABLE_SVG) CSSPropertyNames.h : css/CSSPropertyNames.in css/SVGCSSPropertyNames.in if sort $< $(WebCore)/css/SVGCSSPropertyNames.in | uniq -d | grep -E '^[^#]'; then echo 'Duplicate value!'; exit 1; fi cat $< $(WebCore)/css/SVGCSSPropertyNames.in > CSSPropertyNames.in perl "$(WebCore)/css/makeprop.pl" CSSValueKeywords.h : css/CSSValueKeywords.in css/SVGCSSValueKeywords.in # Lower case all the values, as CSS values are case-insensitive perl -ne 'print lc' $(WebCore)/css/SVGCSSValueKeywords.in > SVGCSSValueKeywords.in if sort $< SVGCSSValueKeywords.in | uniq -d | grep -E '^[^#]'; then echo 'Duplicate value!'; exit 1; fi cat $< SVGCSSValueKeywords.in > CSSValueKeywords.in perl "$(WebCore)/css/makevalues.pl" else CSSPropertyNames.h : css/CSSPropertyNames.in css/makeprop.pl cp $< CSSPropertyNames.in perl "$(WebCore)/css/makeprop.pl" CSSValueKeywords.h : css/CSSValueKeywords.in css/makevalues.pl cp $< CSSValueKeywords.in perl "$(WebCore)/css/makevalues.pl" endif # DOCTYPE strings DocTypeStrings.cpp : html/DocTypeStrings.gperf gperf -CEot -L ANSI-C -k "*" -N findDoctypeEntry -F ,PubIDInfo::eAlmostStandards,PubIDInfo::eAlmostStandards $< > $@ # HTML entity names HTMLEntityNames.c : html/HTMLEntityNames.gperf gperf -a -L ANSI-C -C -G -c -o -t -k '*' -N findEntity -D -s 2 $< > $@ # color names ColorData.c : platform/ColorData.gperf gperf -CDEot -L ANSI-C -k '*' -N findColor -D -s 2 $< > $@ # CSS tokenizer tokenizer.cpp : css/tokenizer.flex css/maketokenizer flex -t $< | perl $(WebCore)/css/maketokenizer > $@ # CSS grammar # NOTE: older versions of bison do not inject an inclusion guard, so we do it CSSGrammar.cpp : css/CSSGrammar.y bison -d -p cssyy $< -o $@ touch CSSGrammar.cpp.h touch CSSGrammar.hpp echo '#ifndef CSSGrammar_h' > CSSGrammar.h echo '#define CSSGrammar_h' >> CSSGrammar.h cat CSSGrammar.cpp.h CSSGrammar.hpp >> CSSGrammar.h echo '#endif' >> CSSGrammar.h rm -f CSSGrammar.cpp.h CSSGrammar.hpp # XPath grammar # NOTE: older versions of bison do not inject an inclusion guard, so we do it XPathGrammar.cpp : xml/XPathGrammar.y $(PROJECT_FILE) bison -d -p xpathyy $< -o $@ touch XPathGrammar.cpp.h touch XPathGrammar.hpp echo '#ifndef XPathGrammar_h' > XPathGrammar.h echo '#define XPathGrammar_h' >> XPathGrammar.h cat XPathGrammar.cpp.h XPathGrammar.hpp >> XPathGrammar.h echo '#endif' >> XPathGrammar.h rm -f XPathGrammar.cpp.h XPathGrammar.hpp # user agent style sheets USER_AGENT_STYLE_SHEETS = $(WebCore)/css/view-source.css $(WebCore)/css/svg.css UserAgentStyleSheets.h : css/make-css-file-arrays.pl $(USER_AGENT_STYLE_SHEETS) $(WebCore)/css/html4.css $(PORTROOT)/css/html4-overrides.css $(PORTROOT)/css/quirks-overrides.css cat $(WebCore)/css/html4.css $(PORTROOT)/css/html4-overrides.css > $(DerivedSourcesDir)/html4.css cat $(WebCore)/css/quirks.css $(PORTROOT)/css/quirks-overrides.css > $(DerivedSourcesDir)/quirks.css perl $< $@ UserAgentStyleSheetsData.cpp $(DerivedSourcesDir)/html4.css $(DerivedSourcesDir)/quirks.css $(USER_AGENT_STYLE_SHEETS) # character set name table CharsetData.cpp : platform/text/mac/make-charset-table.pl platform/text/mac/character-sets.txt $(ENCODINGS_FILE) perl $^ $(ENCODINGS_PREFIX) > $@ # lookup tables for old-style JavaScript bindings %.lut.h: %.cpp $(CREATE_HASH_TABLE) $(CREATE_HASH_TABLE) $< > $@ %Table.cpp: %.cpp $(CREATE_HASH_TABLE) $(CREATE_HASH_TABLE) $< > $@ # -------- # HTML tag and attribute names ifeq ($(findstring ENABLE_VIDEO,$(FEATURE_DEFINES)), ENABLE_VIDEO) HTML_FLAGS := $(HTML_FLAGS) ENABLE_VIDEO=1 endif ifdef HTML_FLAGS HTMLNames.cpp : dom/make_names.pl html/HTMLTagNames.in html/HTMLAttributeNames.in perl -I $(WebCore)/bindings/scripts $< --tags $(WebCore)/html/HTMLTagNames.in --attrs $(WebCore)/html/HTMLAttributeNames.in --wrapperFactory --extraDefines "$(HTML_FLAGS)" else HTMLNames.cpp : dom/make_names.pl html/HTMLTagNames.in html/HTMLAttributeNames.in perl -I $(WebCore)/bindings/scripts $< --tags $(WebCore)/html/HTMLTagNames.in --attrs $(WebCore)/html/HTMLAttributeNames.in --wrapperFactory endif XMLNames.cpp : dom/make_names.pl xml/xmlattrs.in perl -I $(WebCore)/bindings/scripts $< --attrs $(WebCore)/xml/xmlattrs.in # -------- ifeq ($(findstring ENABLE_SVG,$(FEATURE_DEFINES)), ENABLE_SVG) WEBCORE_EXPORT_DEPENDENCIES := $(WEBCORE_EXPORT_DEPENDENCIES) WebCore.SVG.exp ifeq ($(findstring ENABLE_SVG_USE,$(FEATURE_DEFINES)), ENABLE_SVG_USE) SVG_FLAGS := $(SVG_FLAGS) ENABLE_SVG_USE=1 endif ifeq ($(findstring ENABLE_SVG_FONTS,$(FEATURE_DEFINES)), ENABLE_SVG_FONTS) SVG_FLAGS := $(SVG_FLAGS) ENABLE_SVG_FONTS=1 endif ifeq ($(findstring ENABLE_SVG_FILTERS,$(FEATURE_DEFINES)), ENABLE_SVG_FILTERS) SVG_FLAGS := $(SVG_FLAGS) ENABLE_SVG_FILTERS=1 WEBCORE_EXPORT_DEPENDENCIES := $(WEBCORE_EXPORT_DEPENDENCIES) WebCore.SVG.Filters.exp endif ifeq ($(findstring ENABLE_SVG_AS_IMAGE,$(FEATURE_DEFINES)), ENABLE_SVG_AS_IMAGE) SVG_FLAGS := $(SVG_FLAGS) ENABLE_SVG_AS_IMAGE=1 endif ifeq ($(findstring ENABLE_SVG_ANIMATION,$(FEATURE_DEFINES)), ENABLE_SVG_ANIMATION) SVG_FLAGS := $(SVG_FLAGS) ENABLE_SVG_ANIMATION=1 WEBCORE_EXPORT_DEPENDENCIES := $(WEBCORE_EXPORT_DEPENDENCIES) WebCore.SVG.Animation.exp endif ifeq ($(findstring ENABLE_SVG_FOREIGN_OBJECT,$(FEATURE_DEFINES)), ENABLE_SVG_FOREIGN_OBJECT) SVG_FLAGS := $(SVG_FLAGS) ENABLE_SVG_FOREIGN_OBJECT=1 WEBCORE_EXPORT_DEPENDENCIES := $(WEBCORE_EXPORT_DEPENDENCIES) WebCore.SVG.ForeignObject.exp endif # SVG tag and attribute names (need to pass an extra flag if svg experimental features are enabled) ifdef SVG_FLAGS SVGElementFactory.cpp SVGNames.cpp : dom/make_names.pl svg/svgtags.in svg/svgattrs.in perl -I $(WebCore)/bindings/scripts $< --tags $(WebCore)/svg/svgtags.in --attrs $(WebCore)/svg/svgattrs.in --extraDefines "$(SVG_FLAGS)" --factory --wrapperFactory else SVGElementFactory.cpp SVGNames.cpp : dom/make_names.pl svg/svgtags.in svg/svgattrs.in perl -I $(WebCore)/bindings/scripts $< --tags $(WebCore)/svg/svgtags.in --attrs $(WebCore)/svg/svgattrs.in --factory --wrapperFactory endif JSSVGElementWrapperFactory.cpp : SVGNames.cpp XLinkNames.cpp : dom/make_names.pl svg/xlinkattrs.in perl -I $(WebCore)/bindings/scripts $< --attrs $(WebCore)/svg/xlinkattrs.in else SVGElementFactory.cpp : echo > $@ SVGNames.cpp : echo > $@ XLinkNames.cpp : echo > $@ # This file is autogenerated by make_names.pl when SVG is enabled. JSSVGElementWrapperFactory.cpp : echo > $@ endif # new-style Objective-C bindings OBJC_BINDINGS_SCRIPTS = \ bindings/scripts/CodeGenerator.pm \ bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorObjC.pm \ bindings/scripts/IDLParser.pm \ bindings/scripts/IDLStructure.pm \ bindings/scripts/generate-bindings.pl \ # DOM%.h : %.idl $(OBJC_BINDINGS_SCRIPTS) $(PUBLICDOMINTERFACES) perl -I $(WebCore)/bindings/scripts $(WebCore)/bindings/scripts/generate-bindings.pl --defines "$(FEATURE_DEFINES) LANGUAGE_OBJECTIVE_C" --generator ObjC --include dom --include html --include css --include page --include xml --include svg --include bindings/js --include plugins --outputdir . $< # new-style JavaScript bindings JS_BINDINGS_SCRIPTS = \ bindings/scripts/CodeGenerator.pm \ bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm \ bindings/scripts/IDLParser.pm \ bindings/scripts/IDLStructure.pm \ bindings/scripts/generate-bindings.pl \ # JS%.h : %.idl $(JS_BINDINGS_SCRIPTS) perl -I $(WebCore)/bindings/scripts $(WebCore)/bindings/scripts/generate-bindings.pl --defines "$(FEATURE_DEFINES) LANGUAGE_JAVASCRIPT" --generator JS --include dom --include html --include css --include page --include xml --include svg --include bindings/js --include plugins --outputdir . $< # new-style V8 bindings V8_SCRIPTS = \ $(PORTROOT)/bindings/scripts/CodeGenerator.pm \ $(PORTROOT)/bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorV8.pm \ $(PORTROOT)/bindings/scripts/IDLParser.pm \ $(WebCore)/bindings/scripts/IDLStructure.pm \ $(PORTROOT)/bindings/scripts/generate-bindings.pl \ # # Sometimes script silently fails (Cygwin problem?), # use a bounded loop to retry if so, but not do so forever. V8%.h : %.idl $(V8_SCRIPTS) rm -f $@; \ for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do \ if test -e $@; then break; fi; \ perl -w -I $(PORTROOT)/bindings/scripts -I $(WebCore)/bindings/scripts $(PORTROOT)/bindings/scripts/generate-bindings.pl --defines "$(FEATURE_DEFINES) LANGUAGE_JAVASCRIPT V8_BINDING" --generator V8 --include ../../../webkit/pending --include ../../../webkit/port/dom --include ../../../webkit/port/html --include ../../../webkit/port/page --include svg --include dom --include html --include css --include page --include xml --include plugins --outputdir . $< ; \ done