// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef Navigator_h #define Navigator_h #include "Language.h" #include "CookieJar.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameLoader.h" #include "Document.h" #include "NetworkStateNotifier.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "PluginInfoStore.h" #include // Navigator strings copied from KJS, must be updated whenever // Apple updated theirs. #ifndef WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_PLATFORM #if PLATFORM(MAC) && PLATFORM(PPC) #define WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_PLATFORM "MacPPC" #elif PLATFORM(MAC) && PLATFORM(X86) #define WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_PLATFORM "MacIntel" #elif PLATFORM(WIN_OS) #define WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_PLATFORM "Win32" #else #define WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_PLATFORM "" #endif #endif // ifndef WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_PLATFORM #ifndef WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_PRODUCT #define WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_PRODUCT "Gecko" #endif // ifndef WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_PRODUCT #ifndef WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_PRODUCT_SUB #define WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_PRODUCT_SUB "20030107" #endif // ifndef WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_PRODUCT_SUB #ifndef WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_VENDOR #define WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_VENDOR "Apple Computer, Inc." #endif // ifndef WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_VENDOR #ifndef WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_VENDOR_SUB #define WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_VENDOR_SUB "" #endif // ifndef WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_VENDOR_SUB namespace WebCore { class Plugin; class Navigator; // The following two classes (MimeType and Plugin) are wrappers around // MimeClassInfo and PluginInfo structs defined by WebKit. These are created // by PluginInfoStore::createPluginInfoForPluginAtIndex and are responsible // for cleaning up *info objects on deletion. The cleanup for MimeClassInfo // as well as PluginInfo is done by Plugin wrapper because each Plugin has its // own list of supported mime_types that should not be needed once the plugin // is gone. class MimeType : public RefCounted { public: explicit MimeType(MimeClassInfo* info, Plugin* plugin) : m_info(info), m_plugin(plugin) { } String description() const { return m_info->desc; } Plugin* enabledPlugin() const { return m_plugin; } String suffixes() const { return m_info->suffixes; } String type() const { return m_info->type; } private: MimeClassInfo* m_info; Plugin* m_plugin; }; class Plugin : public RefCounted { public: explicit Plugin(PluginInfo* info) : m_info(info) { } ~Plugin() { if (m_info) { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_info->mimes.size(); i++) { if (m_info->mimes[i]) { delete m_info->mimes[i]; m_info->mimes[i] = NULL; } } delete m_info; m_info = NULL; } } String description() const { return m_info->desc; } String filename() const { return m_info->file; } String name() const { return m_info->name; } int length() const { return m_info->mimes.size(); } MimeType* item(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < length()) return new MimeType(m_info->mimes[index], this); return NULL; } MimeType* namedItem(const String& name) { for (int i = 0; i < length(); ++i) { MimeClassInfo* m = m_info->mimes[i]; if (m->type == name) return new MimeType(m, this); } return NULL; } private: PluginInfo* m_info; }; template class ArrayOf { public: ~ArrayOf() { // release contents Clear(); } int length() const { return m_contents.size(); } T* item(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < length()) return m_contents[index]; return NULL; } protected: Vector m_contents; private: void Add(T* el) { el->ref(); m_contents.append(el); } void Clear() { while (m_contents.size() > 0) { m_contents[0]->deref(); m_contents.remove(0); } } friend class Navigator; }; class MimeTypeArray : public ArrayOf, public RefCounted { public: MimeType* namedItem(const String& name) { for (int i = 0; i < length(); ++i) { if (m_contents[i]->type() == name) return m_contents[i]; } return NULL; } }; class PluginArray : public ArrayOf, public RefCounted { public: explicit PluginArray(Navigator* nav) : m_navigator(nav) { } Plugin* namedItem(const String& name) { for (int i = 0; i < length(); ++i) { if (m_contents[i]->name() == name) return m_contents[i]; } return NULL; } void refresh(bool reloadDocuments); private: Navigator* m_navigator; }; class Navigator : public RefCounted { public: static PassRefPtr create(Frame* frame) { return adoptRef(new Navigator(frame)); } ~Navigator(); String appCodeName() const { return "Mozilla"; } String appName() const { return "Netscape"; } String appVersion() const { if (!m_frame) return String(); KURL url; if (m_frame->document()) { url = m_frame->document()->url(); } const String user_agent = m_frame->loader()->userAgent(url); return user_agent.substring(user_agent.find('/') + 1); } String language() { return defaultLanguage(); } MimeTypeArray* mimeTypes() { if (!m_frame) return NULL; if (!m_mimetypes) Initialize(false); return m_mimetypes.get(); } String platform() const { return WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_PLATFORM; } String vendor() const { return WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_VENDOR; } String vendorSub() const { return WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_VENDOR_SUB; } String product() const { return WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_PRODUCT; } String productSub() const { return WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_PRODUCT_SUB; } PluginArray* plugins() { if (!m_frame) return NULL; if (!m_plugins) Initialize(false); return m_plugins.get(); } String userAgent() const { if (!m_frame) return String(); KURL url; if (m_frame->document()) { url = m_frame->document()->url(); } return m_frame->loader()->userAgent(url); } bool cookieEnabled() { if (!m_frame) return false; return cookiesEnabled(m_frame->document()); } bool javaEnabled() { if (!m_frame) return false; return m_frame->settings()->isJavaEnabled(); } bool onLine() const { return networkStateNotifier().onLine(); } Frame* frame() { return m_frame; } void disconnectFrame() { m_frame = NULL; } private: Navigator(Frame* frame); Frame* m_frame; RefPtr m_mimetypes; RefPtr m_plugins; void Initialize(bool refresh); friend class PluginArray; // need to call Refresh void Refresh(bool reload); }; } // namespace WebCore #endif