/* * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #import "config.h" #import "ClipboardMac.h" #import "CachedImage.h" #import "Document.h" #import "DragClient.h" #import "DragController.h" #import "Editor.h" #import "EventHandler.h" #import "FloatRect.h" #import "FoundationExtras.h" #import "Frame.h" #import "HTMLImageElement.h" #import "Image.h" #import "Page.h" #import "Pasteboard.h" #import "Range.h" #import "RenderImage.h" #import "WebCoreFrameBridge.h" #import "WebCoreSystemInterface.h" @class WebArchive; namespace WebCore { ClipboardMac::ClipboardMac(bool forDragging, NSPasteboard *pasteboard, ClipboardAccessPolicy policy, Frame *frame) : Clipboard(policy, forDragging) , m_pasteboard(pasteboard) , m_frame(frame) { m_changeCount = [m_pasteboard.get() changeCount]; } ClipboardMac::~ClipboardMac() { } bool ClipboardMac::hasData() { return m_pasteboard && [m_pasteboard.get() types] && [[m_pasteboard.get() types] count] > 0; } static NSString *cocoaTypeFromMIMEType(const String& type) { String qType = type.stripWhiteSpace(); // two special cases for IE compatibility if (qType == "Text") return NSStringPboardType; if (qType == "URL") return NSURLPboardType; // Ignore any trailing charset - JS strings are Unicode, which encapsulates the charset issue if (qType == "text/plain" || qType.startsWith("text/plain;")) return NSStringPboardType; if (qType == "text/uri-list") // special case because UTI doesn't work with Cocoa's URL type return NSURLPboardType; // note special case in getData to read NSFilenamesType // Try UTI now NSString *mimeType = qType; CFStringRef UTIType = UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag(kUTTagClassMIMEType, (CFStringRef)mimeType, NULL); if (UTIType) { CFStringRef pbType = UTTypeCopyPreferredTagWithClass(UTIType, kUTTagClassNSPboardType); CFRelease(UTIType); if (pbType) return HardAutorelease(pbType); } // No mapping, just pass the whole string though return qType; } static String MIMETypeFromCocoaType(NSString *type) { // UTI may not do these right, so make sure we get the right, predictable result if ([type isEqualToString:NSStringPboardType]) return "text/plain"; if ([type isEqualToString:NSURLPboardType] || [type isEqualToString:NSFilenamesPboardType]) return "text/uri-list"; // Now try the general UTI mechanism CFStringRef UTIType = UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag(kUTTagClassNSPboardType, (CFStringRef)type, NULL); if (UTIType) { CFStringRef mimeType = UTTypeCopyPreferredTagWithClass(UTIType, kUTTagClassMIMEType); CFRelease(UTIType); if (mimeType) { String result = mimeType; CFRelease(mimeType); return result; } } // No mapping, just pass the whole string though return type; } void ClipboardMac::clearData(const String& type) { if (policy() != ClipboardWritable) return; // note NSPasteboard enforces changeCount itself on writing - can't write if not the owner NSString *cocoaType = cocoaTypeFromMIMEType(type); if (cocoaType) { [m_pasteboard.get() setString:@"" forType:cocoaType]; } } void ClipboardMac::clearAllData() { if (policy() != ClipboardWritable) return; // note NSPasteboard enforces changeCount itself on writing - can't write if not the owner [m_pasteboard.get() declareTypes:[NSArray array] owner:nil]; } String ClipboardMac::getData(const String& type, bool& success) const { success = false; if (policy() != ClipboardReadable) return String(); NSString *cocoaType = cocoaTypeFromMIMEType(type); NSString *cocoaValue = nil; NSArray *availableTypes = [m_pasteboard.get() types]; // Fetch the data in different ways for the different Cocoa types if ([cocoaType isEqualToString:NSURLPboardType]) { // When both URL and filenames are present, filenames is superior since it can contain a list. // must check this or we get a printf from CF when there's no data of this type if ([availableTypes containsObject:NSFilenamesPboardType]) { NSArray *fileList = [m_pasteboard.get() propertyListForType:NSFilenamesPboardType]; if (fileList && [fileList isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) { unsigned count = [fileList count]; if (count > 0) { if (type != "text/uri-list") count = 1; NSMutableString *urls = [NSMutableString string]; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i > 0) { [urls appendString:@"\n"]; } NSString *string = [fileList objectAtIndex:i]; if (![string isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) break; NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:string]; [urls appendString:[url absoluteString]]; } if (i == count) cocoaValue = urls; } } } if (!cocoaValue) { // must check this or we get a printf from CF when there's no data of this type if ([availableTypes containsObject:NSURLPboardType]) { NSURL *url = [NSURL URLFromPasteboard:m_pasteboard.get()]; if (url) { cocoaValue = [url absoluteString]; } } } } else if (cocoaType) { cocoaValue = [m_pasteboard.get() stringForType:cocoaType]; } // Enforce changeCount ourselves for security. We check after reading instead of before to be // sure it doesn't change between our testing the change count and accessing the data. if (cocoaValue && m_changeCount == [m_pasteboard.get() changeCount]) { success = true; return cocoaValue; } return String(); } bool ClipboardMac::setData(const String &type, const String &data) { if (policy() != ClipboardWritable) return false; // note NSPasteboard enforces changeCount itself on writing - can't write if not the owner NSString *cocoaType = cocoaTypeFromMIMEType(type); NSString *cocoaData = data; if ([cocoaType isEqualToString:NSURLPboardType]) { [m_pasteboard.get() addTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSURLPboardType] owner:nil]; NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:cocoaData]; [url writeToPasteboard:m_pasteboard.get()]; if ([url isFileURL]) { [m_pasteboard.get() addTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSFilenamesPboardType] owner:nil]; NSArray *fileList = [NSArray arrayWithObject:[url path]]; [m_pasteboard.get() setPropertyList:fileList forType:NSFilenamesPboardType]; } [url release]; return true; } if (cocoaType) { // everything else we know of goes on the pboard as a string [m_pasteboard.get() addTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:cocoaType] owner:nil]; return [m_pasteboard.get() setString:cocoaData forType:cocoaType]; } return false; } HashSet ClipboardMac::types() const { if (policy() != ClipboardReadable && policy() != ClipboardTypesReadable) return HashSet(); NSArray *types = [m_pasteboard.get() types]; // Enforce changeCount ourselves for security. We check after reading instead of before to be // sure it doesn't change between our testing the change count and accessing the data. if (m_changeCount != [m_pasteboard.get() changeCount]) return HashSet(); HashSet result; if (types) { unsigned count = [types count]; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { NSString *pbType = [types objectAtIndex:i]; if ([pbType isEqualToString:@"NeXT plain ascii pasteboard type"]) continue; // skip this ancient type that gets auto-supplied by some system conversion String str = MIMETypeFromCocoaType(pbType); if (!result.contains(str)) result.add(str); } } return result; } // The rest of these getters don't really have any impact on security, so for now make no checks void ClipboardMac::setDragImage(CachedImage* img, const IntPoint &loc) { setDragImage(img, 0, loc); } void ClipboardMac::setDragImageElement(Node *node, const IntPoint &loc) { setDragImage(0, node, loc); } void ClipboardMac::setDragImage(CachedImage* image, Node *node, const IntPoint &loc) { if (policy() == ClipboardImageWritable || policy() == ClipboardWritable) { if (m_dragImage) m_dragImage->deref(this); m_dragImage = image; if (m_dragImage) m_dragImage->ref(this); m_dragLoc = loc; m_dragImageElement = node; if (dragStarted() && m_changeCount == [m_pasteboard.get() changeCount]) { NSPoint cocoaLoc; NSImage* cocoaImage = dragNSImage(cocoaLoc); if (cocoaImage) { // Dashboard wants to be able to set the drag image during dragging, but Cocoa does not allow this. // Instead we must drop down to the CoreGraphics API. wkSetDragImage(cocoaImage, cocoaLoc); // Hack: We must post an event to wake up the NSDragManager, which is sitting in a nextEvent call // up the stack from us because the CoreFoundation drag manager does not use the run loop by itself. // This is the most innocuous event to use, per Kristen Forster. NSEvent* ev = [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:NSMouseMoved location:NSZeroPoint modifierFlags:0 timestamp:0 windowNumber:0 context:nil eventNumber:0 clickCount:0 pressure:0]; [NSApp postEvent:ev atStart:YES]; } } // Else either 1) we haven't started dragging yet, so we rely on the part to install this drag image // as part of getting the drag kicked off, or 2) Someone kept a ref to the clipboard and is trying to // set the image way too late. } } void ClipboardMac::writeRange(Range* range, Frame* frame) { ASSERT(range); ASSERT(frame); Pasteboard::writeSelection(m_pasteboard.get(), range, frame->editor()->smartInsertDeleteEnabled() && frame->selectionGranularity() == WordGranularity, frame); } void ClipboardMac::writeURL(const KURL& url, const String& title, Frame* frame) { ASSERT(frame); ASSERT(m_pasteboard); Pasteboard::writeURL(m_pasteboard.get(), nil, url, title, frame); } void ClipboardMac::declareAndWriteDragImage(Element* element, const KURL& url, const String& title, Frame* frame) { #if 0 // TODO(pinkerton): find a way to do without objc bindings, similar // to how win32 does it ASSERT(frame); if (Page* page = frame->page()) page->dragController()->client()->declareAndWriteDragImage(m_pasteboard.get(), [DOMElement _wrapElement:element], url.getNSURL(), title, frame); #endif } DragImageRef ClipboardMac::createDragImage(IntPoint& loc) const { NSPoint nsloc = {loc.x(), loc.y()}; DragImageRef result = dragNSImage(nsloc); loc = (IntPoint)nsloc; return result; } NSImage *ClipboardMac::dragNSImage(NSPoint& loc) const { NSImage *result = nil; if (m_dragImageElement) { if (m_frame) { NSRect imageRect; NSRect elementRect; result = m_frame->snapshotDragImage(m_dragImageElement.get(), &imageRect, &elementRect); // Client specifies point relative to element, not the whole image, which may include child // layers spread out all over the place. loc.x = elementRect.origin.x - imageRect.origin.x + m_dragLoc.x(); loc.y = elementRect.origin.y - imageRect.origin.y + m_dragLoc.y(); loc.y = imageRect.size.height - loc.y; } } else if (m_dragImage) { result = m_dragImage->image()->getNSImage(); loc = m_dragLoc; loc.y = [result size].height - loc.y; } return result; } }