/* * This file is part of the WebKit project. * * Copyright (C) 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #include "config.h" #include "RenderThemeWin.h" #include <windows.h> #include <uxtheme.h> #include <vssym32.h> #include "CSSValueKeywords.h" #include "Document.h" #include "FontSelector.h" #include "GraphicsContext.h" #include "PlatformScrollBar.h" #include "SkiaUtils.h" #include "base/gfx/native_theme.h" #include "base/gfx/font_utils.h" #include "base/win_util.h" #include "webkit/glue/webkit_glue.h" // These enums correspond to similarly named values defined by SafariTheme.h enum ControlSize { RegularControlSize, SmallControlSize, MiniControlSize }; enum PaddingType { TopPadding, RightPadding, BottomPadding, LeftPadding }; namespace { const int kDefaultButtonPadding = 2; // These magic numbers come from Apple's version of RenderThemeWin.cpp. const int kMenuListPadding[4] = { 1, 2, 1, 2 }; // The kLayoutTest* constants are metrics used only in layout test mode, // so as to match RenderThemeMac.mm and to remain consistent despite any // theme or font changes. const int kLayoutTestControlHeight[3] = { 21, 18, 15 }; const int kLayoutTestButtonPadding[4] = { 0, 8, 0, 8 }; const int kLayoutTestStyledMenuListInternalPadding[4] = { 1, 0, 2, 8 }; const int kLayoutTestMenuListInternalPadding[3][4] = { { 2, 26, 3, 8 }, { 2, 23, 3, 8 }, { 2, 22, 3, 10 } }; const int kLayoutTestMenuListMinimumWidth[3] = { 9, 5, 0 }; const float kLayoutTestBaseFontSize = 11.0f; const float kLayoutTestStatusBarFontSize = 10.0f; const float kLayoutTestSystemFontSize = 13.0f; const int kLayoutTestSliderThumbWidth = 15; const int kLayoutTestSliderThumbHeight = 15; const int kLayoutTestMenuListButtonWidth = 15; const int kLayoutTestButtonMinHeight = 15; const int kLayoutTestSearchFieldHeight[3] = { 22, 19, 17 }; const int kLayoutTestEmptyResultsOffset = 9; const int kLayoutTestResultsArrowWidth = 5; const short kLayoutTestSearchFieldBorderWidth = 2; const int kLayoutTestSearchFieldPadding = 1; // Constants that are used in non-layout-test mode. const int kStyledMenuListInternalPadding[4] = { 1, 4, 1, 4 }; // The default variable-width font size. We use this as the default font // size for the "system font", and as a base size (which we then shrink) for // form control fonts. float DefaultFontSize = 16.0; WebCore::FontDescription SmallSystemFont; WebCore::FontDescription MenuFont; WebCore::FontDescription LabelFont; } namespace WebCore { static void setFixedPadding(RenderStyle* style, const int padding[4]) { style->setPaddingLeft(Length(padding[LeftPadding], Fixed)); style->setPaddingRight(Length(padding[RightPadding], Fixed)); style->setPaddingTop(Length(padding[TopPadding], Fixed)); style->setPaddingBottom(Length(padding[BottomPadding], Fixed)); } // This is logic from RenderThemeMac.mm, and is used by layout test mode. static ControlSize controlSizeForFont(RenderStyle* style) { if (style->fontSize() >= 16) { return RegularControlSize; } else if (style->fontSize() >= 11) { return SmallControlSize; } return MiniControlSize; } RenderTheme* theme() { static RenderThemeWin winTheme; return &winTheme; } RenderThemeWin::RenderThemeWin() { } RenderThemeWin::~RenderThemeWin() { } Color RenderThemeWin::platformActiveSelectionBackgroundColor() const { if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) return Color("#0000FF"); // Royal blue COLORREF color = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); return Color(GetRValue(color), GetGValue(color), GetBValue(color), 255); } Color RenderThemeWin::platformInactiveSelectionBackgroundColor() const { if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) return Color("#999999"); // Medium grey COLORREF color = GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT); return Color(GetRValue(color), GetGValue(color), GetBValue(color), 255); } Color RenderThemeWin::platformActiveSelectionForegroundColor() const { if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) return Color("#FFFFCC"); // Pale yellow COLORREF color = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT); return Color(GetRValue(color), GetGValue(color), GetBValue(color), 255); } Color RenderThemeWin::platformInactiveSelectionForegroundColor() const { return Color::white; } static float systemFontSizeForControlSize(ControlSize controlSize) { static float sizes[] = { 13.0f, 11.0f, 9.0f }; return sizes[controlSize]; } // This is basically RenderThemeMac::setFontFromControlSize static int layoutTestSetFontFromControlSize(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style) { FontDescription fontDescription; fontDescription.setIsAbsoluteSize(true); fontDescription.setGenericFamily(FontDescription::SerifFamily); float fontSize = systemFontSizeForControlSize(controlSizeForFont(style)); fontDescription.firstFamily().setFamily("Lucida Grande"); fontDescription.setComputedSize(fontSize); fontDescription.setSpecifiedSize(fontSize); // Reset line height style->setLineHeight(RenderStyle::initialLineHeight()); style->setFontDescription(fontDescription); style->font().update(0); return 0; } // Return the height of system font |font| in pixels. We use this size by // default for some non-form-control elements. static float systemFontSize(const LOGFONT& font) { float size = -font.lfHeight; if (size < 0) { HFONT hFont = CreateFontIndirect(&font); if (hFont) { HDC hdc = GetDC(0); // What about printing? Is this the right DC? if (hdc) { HGDIOBJ hObject = SelectObject(hdc, hFont); TEXTMETRIC tm; GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm); SelectObject(hdc, hObject); ReleaseDC(0, hdc); size = tm.tmAscent; } DeleteObject(hFont); } } // The "codepage 936" bit here is from Gecko; apparently this helps make // fonts more legible in Simplified Chinese where the default font size is // too small. // TODO(pkasting): http://b/1119883 Since this is only used for "small // caption", "menu", and "status bar" objects, I'm not sure how much this // even matters. Plus the Gecko patch went in back in 2002, and maybe this // isn't even relevant anymore. We should investigate whether this should // be removed, or perhaps broadened to be "any CJK locale". return ((size < 12.0f) && (GetACP() == 936)) ? 12.0f : size; } // We aim to match IE here. // -IE uses a font based on the encoding as the default font for form controls. // -Gecko uses MS Shell Dlg (actually calls GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), // which returns MS Shell Dlg) // -Safari uses Lucida Grande. // // TODO(ojan): Fix this! // The only case where we know we don't match IE is for ANSI encodings. IE uses // MS Shell Dlg there, which we render incorrectly at certain pixel sizes // (e.g. 15px). So, for now we just use Arial. static wchar_t* defaultGUIFont(Document* document) { UScriptCode dominantScript = document->dominantScript(); const wchar_t* family = NULL; // TODO(jungshik) : Special-casing of Latin/Greeek/Cyrillic should go away // once GetFontFamilyForScript is enhanced to support GenericFamilyType for real. // For now, we make sure that we use Arial to match IE for those scripts. if (dominantScript != USCRIPT_LATIN && dominantScript != USCRIPT_CYRILLIC && dominantScript != USCRIPT_GREEK && dominantScript != USCRIPT_INVALID_CODE) { family = gfx::GetFontFamilyForScript(dominantScript, gfx::GENERIC_FAMILY_NONE); if (family) return const_cast<wchar_t*>(family); } return L"Arial"; } // Converts |points| to pixels. One point is 1/72 of an inch. static float pointsToPixels(float points) { static float pixelsPerInch = 0.0f; if (!pixelsPerInch) { HDC hdc = GetDC(0); // What about printing? Is this the right DC? if (hdc) { // Can this ever actually be NULL? pixelsPerInch = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY); ReleaseDC(0, hdc); } else { pixelsPerInch = 96.0f; } } static const float POINTS_PER_INCH = 72.0f; return points / POINTS_PER_INCH * pixelsPerInch; } double RenderThemeWin::caretBlinkFrequency() const { // Disable the blinking caret in layout test mode, as it introduces // a race condition for the pixel tests. http://b/1198440 if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) return 0; // TODO(ericroman): this should be using the platform's blink frequency. return RenderTheme::caretBlinkFrequency(); } void RenderThemeWin::systemFont(int propId, Document* document, FontDescription& fontDescription) const { // This logic owes much to RenderThemeSafari.cpp. FontDescription* cachedDesc = NULL; wchar_t* faceName = 0; float fontSize = 0; switch (propId) { case CSSValueSmallCaption: cachedDesc = &SmallSystemFont; if (!SmallSystemFont.isAbsoluteSize()) { if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) { fontSize = systemFontSizeForControlSize(SmallControlSize); } else { NONCLIENTMETRICS metrics; win_util::GetNonClientMetrics(&metrics); faceName = metrics.lfSmCaptionFont.lfFaceName; fontSize = systemFontSize(metrics.lfSmCaptionFont); } } break; case CSSValueMenu: cachedDesc = &MenuFont; if (!MenuFont.isAbsoluteSize()) { if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) { fontSize = systemFontSizeForControlSize(RegularControlSize); } else { NONCLIENTMETRICS metrics; win_util::GetNonClientMetrics(&metrics); faceName = metrics.lfMenuFont.lfFaceName; fontSize = systemFontSize(metrics.lfMenuFont); } } break; case CSSValueStatusBar: cachedDesc = &LabelFont; if (!LabelFont.isAbsoluteSize()) { if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) { fontSize = kLayoutTestStatusBarFontSize; } else { NONCLIENTMETRICS metrics; win_util::GetNonClientMetrics(&metrics); faceName = metrics.lfStatusFont.lfFaceName; fontSize = systemFontSize(metrics.lfStatusFont); } } break; case CSSValueWebkitMiniControl: if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) { fontSize = systemFontSizeForControlSize(MiniControlSize); } else { faceName = defaultGUIFont(document); // Why 2 points smaller? Because that's what Gecko does. // Also see 2 places below. fontSize = DefaultFontSize - pointsToPixels(2); } break; case CSSValueWebkitSmallControl: if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) { fontSize = systemFontSizeForControlSize(SmallControlSize); } else { faceName = defaultGUIFont(document); fontSize = DefaultFontSize - pointsToPixels(2); } break; case CSSValueWebkitControl: if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) { fontSize = systemFontSizeForControlSize(RegularControlSize); } else { faceName = defaultGUIFont(document); fontSize = DefaultFontSize - pointsToPixels(2); } break; default: if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) { fontSize = kLayoutTestSystemFontSize; } else { faceName = defaultGUIFont(document); fontSize = DefaultFontSize; } } if (!cachedDesc) cachedDesc = &fontDescription; if (fontSize) { if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) { cachedDesc->firstFamily().setFamily("Lucida Grande"); } else { ASSERT(faceName); cachedDesc->firstFamily().setFamily(AtomicString(faceName, wcslen(faceName))); } cachedDesc->setIsAbsoluteSize(true); cachedDesc->setGenericFamily(FontDescription::NoFamily); cachedDesc->setSpecifiedSize(fontSize); cachedDesc->setWeight(FontWeightNormal); cachedDesc->setItalic(false); } fontDescription = *cachedDesc; } bool RenderThemeWin::supportsFocus(EAppearance appearance) { switch (appearance) { case PushButtonAppearance: case ButtonAppearance: case TextFieldAppearance: case TextAreaAppearance: return true; default: return false; } return false; } bool RenderThemeWin::supportsFocusRing(const RenderStyle* style) const { // Let webkit draw one of its halo rings around any focused element, // except push buttons. For buttons we use the windows PBS_DEFAULTED // styling to give it a blue border. return style->appearance() == ButtonAppearance || style->appearance() == PushButtonAppearance; } unsigned RenderThemeWin::determineState(RenderObject* o) { unsigned result = TS_NORMAL; if (!isEnabled(o)) { result = TS_DISABLED; } else if (isReadOnlyControl(o)) { if (o->style()->appearance() == CheckboxAppearance || o->style()->appearance() == RadioAppearance) { result = TS_DISABLED; } else if (o->style()->appearance() == TextFieldAppearance) { result = ETS_READONLY; // Readonly is supported on textfields. } } else if (isPressed(o)) { // Active overrides hover and focused. result = TS_PRESSED; } else if (supportsFocus(o->style()->appearance()) && isFocused(o)) { result = ETS_FOCUSED; } else if (isHovered(o)) { result = TS_HOT; } if (isChecked(o)) result += 4; // 4 unchecked states, 4 checked states. return result; } unsigned RenderThemeWin::determineClassicState(RenderObject* o) { unsigned result = 0; if (!isEnabled(o) || isReadOnlyControl(o)) result = DFCS_INACTIVE; else if (isPressed(o)) // Active supersedes hover result = DFCS_PUSHED; else if (isHovered(o)) result = DFCS_HOT; if (isChecked(o)) result |= DFCS_CHECKED; return result; } ThemeData RenderThemeWin::getThemeData(RenderObject* o) { ThemeData result; switch (o->style()->appearance()) { case PushButtonAppearance: case ButtonAppearance: result.m_part = BP_PUSHBUTTON; result.m_classicState = DFCS_BUTTONPUSH; break; case CheckboxAppearance: result.m_part = BP_CHECKBOX; result.m_classicState = DFCS_BUTTONCHECK; break; case RadioAppearance: result.m_part = BP_RADIOBUTTON; result.m_classicState = DFCS_BUTTONRADIO; break; case ListboxAppearance: case MenulistAppearance: case TextFieldAppearance: case TextAreaAppearance: result.m_part = ETS_NORMAL; break; } result.m_state = determineState(o); result.m_classicState |= determineClassicState(o); return result; } bool RenderThemeWin::paintButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r) { // Get the correct theme data for a button and paint the button. i.context->platformContext()->paintButton(r, getThemeData(o)); return false; } static void setSizeIfAuto(RenderStyle* style, const IntSize& size) { if (style->width().isIntrinsicOrAuto()) style->setWidth(Length(size.width(), Fixed)); if (style->height().isAuto()) style->setHeight(Length(size.height(), Fixed)); } int RenderThemeWin::minimumMenuListSize(RenderStyle* style) const { if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) { return kLayoutTestMenuListMinimumWidth[controlSizeForFont(style)]; } else { return 0; } } static IntSize layoutTestCheckboxSize(RenderStyle* style) { static const IntSize sizes[3] = { IntSize(14, 14), IntSize(12, 12), IntSize(10, 10) }; return sizes[controlSizeForFont(style)]; } static IntSize layoutTestRadioboxSize(RenderStyle* style) { static const IntSize sizes[3] = { IntSize(14, 15), IntSize(12, 13), IntSize(10, 10) }; return sizes[controlSizeForFont(style)]; } void RenderThemeWin::setCheckboxSize(RenderStyle* style) const { // If the width and height are both specified, then we have nothing to do. if (!style->width().isIntrinsicOrAuto() && !style->height().isAuto()) return; // FIXME: A hard-coded size of 13 is used. This is wrong but necessary for now. It matches Firefox. // At different DPI settings on Windows, querying the theme gives you a larger size that accounts for // the higher DPI. Until our entire engine honors a DPI setting other than 96, we can't rely on the theme's // metrics. const IntSize size = webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode() ? layoutTestCheckboxSize(style) : IntSize(13, 13); setSizeIfAuto(style, size); } void RenderThemeWin::setRadioSize(RenderStyle* style) const { if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) { setSizeIfAuto(style, layoutTestRadioboxSize(style)); } else { // Use same sizing for radio box as checkbox. setCheckboxSize(style); } } bool RenderThemeWin::paintTextField(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r) { return paintTextFieldInternal(o, i, r, true); } bool RenderThemeWin::paintTextFieldInternal(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r, bool drawEdges) { // Nasty hack to make us not paint the border on text fields with a border-radius. // Webkit paints elements with border-radius for us. // TODO(ojan): Get rid of this if-check once we can properly clip rounded borders // http://b/1112604 and http://b/1108635 // TODO(ojan): make sure we do the right thing if css background-clip is set. if (o->style()->hasBorderRadius()) return false; // Get the correct theme data for a textfield and paint the text field. i.context->platformContext()->paintTextField(r, getThemeData(o), o->style()->backgroundColor().rgb(), drawEdges); return false; } bool RenderThemeWin::paintSearchField(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r) { return paintTextField(o, i, r); } void RenderThemeWin::adjustMenuListStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const { // Height is locked to auto on all browsers. style->setLineHeight(RenderStyle::initialLineHeight()); if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) { style->resetBorder(); style->setHeight(Length(Auto)); // Select one of the 3 fixed heights for controls style->resetPadding(); if (style->height().isAuto()) { // RenderThemeMac locks the size to 3 distinct values (NSControlSize). // We on the other hand, base the height off the font. int fixedHeight = kLayoutTestControlHeight[controlSizeForFont(style)]; style->setHeight(Length(fixedHeight, Fixed)); } layoutTestSetFontFromControlSize(selector, style); } } void RenderThemeWin::adjustMenuListButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const { adjustMenuListStyle(selector, style, e); } // Used to paint unstyled menulists (i.e. with the default border) bool RenderThemeWin::paintMenuList(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r) { int borderRight = o->borderRight(); int borderLeft = o->borderLeft(); int borderTop = o->borderTop(); int borderBottom = o->borderBottom(); // If all the borders are 0, then tell skia not to paint the border on the textfield. // TODO(ojan): http://b/1210017 Figure out how to get Windows to not draw individual // borders and then pass that to skia so we can avoid drawing any borders that are // set to 0. For non-zero borders, we draw the border, but webkit just draws // over it. // TODO(ojan): layout-test-mode removes borders, so we end up never drawing // edges in layout-test-mode. See adjustMenuListStyle, style->resetBorder(). // We really need to remove the layout-test-mode only hacks. bool drawEdges = !(borderRight == 0 && borderLeft == 0 && borderTop == 0 && borderBottom == 0); paintTextFieldInternal(o, i, r, drawEdges); // Take padding and border into account. // If the MenuList is smaller than the size of a button, make sure to // shrink it appropriately and not put its x position to the left of // the menulist. const int buttonWidth = webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode() ? kLayoutTestMenuListButtonWidth : GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); int spacingLeft = borderLeft + o->paddingLeft(); int spacingRight = borderRight + o->paddingRight(); int spacingTop = borderTop + o->paddingTop(); int spacingBottom = borderBottom + o->paddingBottom(); int buttonX; if (r.right() - r.x() < buttonWidth) { buttonX = r.x(); } else { buttonX = o->style()->direction() == LTR ? r.right() - spacingRight - buttonWidth : r.x() + spacingLeft; } IntRect buttonRect(buttonX, r.y() + spacingTop, std::min(buttonWidth, r.right() - r.x()), r.height() - (spacingTop + spacingBottom)); // Get the correct theme data for a textfield and paint the menu. i.context->platformContext()->paintMenuListArrowButton(buttonRect, determineState(o), determineClassicState(o)); return false; } // Used to paint styled menulists (i.e. with a non-default border) bool RenderThemeWin::paintMenuListButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r) { return paintMenuList(o, i, r); } int RenderThemeWin::popupInternalPaddingLeft(RenderStyle* style) const { return menuListInternalPadding(style, LeftPadding); } int RenderThemeWin::popupInternalPaddingRight(RenderStyle* style) const { return menuListInternalPadding(style, RightPadding); } int RenderThemeWin::popupInternalPaddingTop(RenderStyle* style) const { return menuListInternalPadding(style, TopPadding); } int RenderThemeWin::popupInternalPaddingBottom(RenderStyle* style) const { return menuListInternalPadding(style, BottomPadding); } // Hacks for using Mac menu list metrics when in layout test mode. static int layoutTestMenuListInternalPadding(RenderStyle* style, int paddingType) { if (style->appearance() == MenulistAppearance) { return kLayoutTestMenuListInternalPadding[controlSizeForFont(style)][paddingType]; } if (style->appearance() == MenulistButtonAppearance) { if (paddingType == RightPadding) { const float baseArrowWidth = 5.0f; float fontScale = style->fontSize() / kLayoutTestBaseFontSize; float arrowWidth = ceilf(baseArrowWidth * fontScale); int arrowPaddingLeft = 6; int arrowPaddingRight = 6; int paddingBeforeSeparator = 4; // Add 2 for separator space, seems to match RenderThemeMac::paintMenuListButton. return static_cast<int>(arrowWidth + arrowPaddingLeft + arrowPaddingRight + paddingBeforeSeparator); } else { return kLayoutTestStyledMenuListInternalPadding[paddingType]; } } return 0; } int RenderThemeWin::menuListInternalPadding(RenderStyle* style, int paddingType) const { if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) { return layoutTestMenuListInternalPadding(style, paddingType); } // This internal padding is in addition to the user-supplied padding. // Matches the FF behavior. int padding = kStyledMenuListInternalPadding[paddingType]; // Reserve the space for right arrow here. The rest of the padding is // set by adjustMenuListStyle, since PopMenuWin.cpp uses the padding from // RenderMenuList to lay out the individual items in the popup. // If the MenuList actually has appearance "NoAppearance", then that means // we don't draw a button, so don't reserve space for it. const int bar_type = style->direction() == LTR ? RightPadding : LeftPadding; if (paddingType == bar_type && style->appearance() != NoAppearance) padding += PlatformScrollbar::verticalScrollbarWidth(); return padding; } void RenderThemeWin::adjustButtonInnerStyle(RenderStyle* style) const { // This inner padding matches Firefox. style->setPaddingTop(Length(1, Fixed)); style->setPaddingRight(Length(3, Fixed)); style->setPaddingBottom(Length(1, Fixed)); style->setPaddingLeft(Length(3, Fixed)); } void RenderThemeWin::setButtonPadding(RenderStyle* style) const { if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) { setFixedPadding(style, kLayoutTestButtonPadding); } else if (!style->width().isAuto()) { // We need to set the minimum padding for the buttons, or else they // render too small and clip the button face text. The right way to do // this is to ask window's theme manager to give us the minimum // (TS_MIN) size for the part. As a failsafe we set at least // kDefaultButtonPadding because zero just looks bad. Length minXPadding(kDefaultButtonPadding, Fixed); Length minYPadding(kDefaultButtonPadding, Fixed); // Find minimum padding. getMinimalButtonPadding(&minXPadding); // Set the minimum padding. if (style->paddingLeft().value() < minXPadding.value()) { style->setPaddingLeft(minXPadding); } if (style->paddingRight().value() < minXPadding.value()) { style->setPaddingRight(minXPadding); } if (style->paddingBottom().value() < minYPadding.value()) { style->setPaddingBottom(minYPadding); } if (style->paddingTop().value() < minYPadding.value()) { style->setPaddingTop(minYPadding); } } } void RenderThemeWin::adjustSliderThumbSize(RenderObject* o) const { if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) { if (o->style()->appearance() == SliderThumbHorizontalAppearance || o->style()->appearance() == SliderThumbVerticalAppearance) { o->style()->setWidth(Length(kLayoutTestSliderThumbWidth, Fixed)); o->style()->setHeight(Length(kLayoutTestSliderThumbHeight, Fixed)); } } } void RenderThemeWin::adjustSearchFieldStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const { if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) { // Override border. style->resetBorder(); style->setBorderLeftWidth(kLayoutTestSearchFieldBorderWidth); style->setBorderLeftStyle(INSET); style->setBorderRightWidth(kLayoutTestSearchFieldBorderWidth); style->setBorderRightStyle(INSET); style->setBorderBottomWidth(kLayoutTestSearchFieldBorderWidth); style->setBorderBottomStyle(INSET); style->setBorderTopWidth(kLayoutTestSearchFieldBorderWidth); style->setBorderTopStyle(INSET); // Override height. style->setHeight(Length( kLayoutTestSearchFieldHeight[controlSizeForFont(style)], Fixed)); // Override padding size to match AppKit text positioning. style->setPaddingLeft(Length(kLayoutTestSearchFieldPadding, Fixed)); style->setPaddingRight(Length(kLayoutTestSearchFieldPadding, Fixed)); style->setPaddingTop(Length(kLayoutTestSearchFieldPadding, Fixed)); style->setPaddingBottom(Length(kLayoutTestSearchFieldPadding, Fixed)); style->setBoxShadow(0); } } static const IntSize* layoutTestCancelButtonSizes() { static const IntSize sizes[3] = { IntSize(16, 13), IntSize(13, 11), IntSize(13, 9) }; return sizes; } static const IntSize* layoutTestResultsButtonSizes() { static const IntSize sizes[3] = { IntSize(19, 13), IntSize(17, 11), IntSize(17, 9) }; return sizes; } void RenderThemeWin::adjustSearchFieldCancelButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const { if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) { IntSize size = layoutTestCancelButtonSizes()[controlSizeForFont(style)]; style->setWidth(Length(size.width(), Fixed)); style->setHeight(Length(size.height(), Fixed)); style->setBoxShadow(0); } } void RenderThemeWin::adjustSearchFieldDecorationStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const { if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) { IntSize size = layoutTestResultsButtonSizes()[controlSizeForFont(style)]; style->setWidth(Length(size.width() - kLayoutTestEmptyResultsOffset, Fixed)); style->setHeight(Length(size.height(), Fixed)); style->setBoxShadow(0); } } void RenderThemeWin::adjustSearchFieldResultsDecorationStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const { if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) { IntSize size = layoutTestResultsButtonSizes()[controlSizeForFont(style)]; style->setWidth(Length(size.width(), Fixed)); style->setHeight(Length(size.height(), Fixed)); style->setBoxShadow(0); } } void RenderThemeWin::adjustSearchFieldResultsButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const { if (webkit_glue::IsLayoutTestMode()) { IntSize size = layoutTestResultsButtonSizes()[controlSizeForFont(style)]; style->setWidth(Length(size.width() + kLayoutTestResultsArrowWidth, Fixed)); style->setHeight(Length(size.height(), Fixed)); style->setBoxShadow(0); } } void RenderThemeWin::getMinimalButtonPadding(Length* minXPadding) const { // TODO(maruel): This get messy if 1. the theme change; 2. we are serializing. SIZE size; if (SUCCEEDED(gfx::NativeTheme::instance()->GetThemePartSize( gfx::NativeTheme::BUTTON, 0, BP_PUSHBUTTON, PBS_NORMAL, 0, TS_MIN, &size))) { *minXPadding = Length(size.cx, Fixed); } } // static void RenderThemeWin::setDefaultFontSize(int fontSize) { DefaultFontSize = static_cast<float>(fontSize); // Reset cached fonts. SmallSystemFont = MenuFont = LabelFont = FontDescription(); } }