 * @fileoverview Base JS file for pages that want to parse the results JSON
 * from the testing bots. This deals with generic utility functions, visible
 * history, popups and appending the script elements for the JSON files.
 * The calling page is expected to implement three "abstract" functions/objects.
 * generatePage, validateHashParameter and defaultStateValues.
 var pageLoadStartTime = Date.now();

 * Generates the contents of the dashboard. The page should override this with
 * a function that generates the page assuming all resources have loaded.
 function generatePage() {

 * Takes a key and a value and sets the currentState[key] = value iff key is
 * a valid hash parameter and the value is a valid value for that key.
 * @return {boolean} Whether the key what inserted into the currentState.
function handleValidHashParameter(key, value) {
  return false;

 * Default hash parameters for the page. The page should override this to create
 * default states.
var defaultStateValues = {};

  'T': 'TIMEOUT',
  'C': 'CRASH',
  'P': 'PASS',
  'F': 'TEXT FAIL',
  'I': 'IMAGE',
  'O': 'OTHER',
  'N': 'NO DATA',
  'X': 'SKIP'

// Keys in the JSON files.
var WONTFIX_COUNTS_KEY = 'wontfixCounts';
var FIXABLE_COUNTS_KEY = 'fixableCounts';
var DEFERRED_COUNTS_KEY = 'deferredCounts';
var WONTFIX_DESCRIPTION = 'Tests never to be fixed (WONTFIX)';
var FIXABLE_DESCRIPTION = 'All tests for this release';
var DEFERRED_DESCRIPTION = 'All deferred tests (DEFER)';
var FIXABLE_COUNT_KEY = 'fixableCount';
var ALL_FIXABLE_COUNT_KEY = 'allFixableCount';
var CHROME_REVISIONS_KEY = 'chromeRevision';
var WEBKIT_REVISIONS_KEY = 'webkitRevision';

 * Takes a key and a value and sets the currentState[key] = value iff key is
 * a valid hash parameter and the value is a valid value for that key. Handles
 * cross-dashboard parameters then falls back to calling
 * handleValidHashParameter for dashboard-specific parameters.
 * @return {boolean} Whether the key what inserted into the currentState.
function handleValidHashParameterWrapper(key, value) {
  switch(key) {
    case 'testType':
      validateParameter(currentState, key, value,
          function() {
            return isValidName(value);

      return true;

    case 'debug':
      currentState[key] = value == 'true';

      return true;

      return handleValidHashParameter(key, value);

var defaultCrossDashboardStateValues = {
  testType: 'layout_test_results',
  debug: false

// Generic utility functions.
function $(id) {
  return document.getElementById(id);

function stringContains(a, b) {
  return a.indexOf(b) != -1;

function startsWith(a, b) {
  return a.indexOf(b) == 0;

function isValidName(str) {
  return str.match(/[A-Za-z0-9\-\_,]/);

function trimString(str) {
  return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');

 * Naive check that path points to a directory.
function isDirectory(path) {
  return !stringContains(path, '.')

function validateParameter(state, key, value, validateFn) {
  if (validateFn()) {
    state[key] = value;
  } else {
    console.log(key + ' value is not valid: ' + value);

 * Parses a string (e.g. window.location.hash) and calls
 * validValueHandler(key, value) for each key-value pair in the string.
function parseParameters(parameterStr, validValueHandler) {
  var params = parameterStr.split('&');
  var invalidKeys = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
    var thisParam = params[i].split('=');
    if (thisParam.length != 2) {
      console.log('Invalid query parameter: ' + params[i]);

    var key = thisParam[0];
    var value = decodeURIComponent(thisParam[1]);
    if (!validValueHandler(key, value))
      invalidKeys.push(key + '=' + value);

  if (invalidKeys.length)
    console.log("Invalid query parameters: " + invalidKeys.join(','));

function fillMissingValues(to, from) {
  for (var state in from) {
    if (!(state in to))
      to[state] = from[state];

function parseAllParameters() {
  fillMissingValues(currentState, defaultCrossDashboardStateValues);
  fillMissingValues(currentState, defaultStateValues);

// Keep the location around for detecting changes to hash arguments
// manually typed into the URL bar.
var oldLocation;
function saveStoredWindowLocation() {
  oldLocation = window.location.href;

function appendScript(path) {
  var script = document.createElement('script');
  script.src = path;

// Permalinkable state of the page.
var currentState = {};

// Parse cross-dashboard parameters before using them.

if (currentState.debug) {
  // In debug mode point to the results.json and expectations.json in the
  // local tree. Useful for debugging changes to the python JSON generator.
  var builders = {'DUMMY_BUILDER_NAME': ''};
  var builderBase = '../../Debug/';
} else {
  // Map of builderName (the name shown in the waterfall)
  // to builderPath (the path used in the builder's URL)
  // TODO(ojan): Make this switch based off of the testType.
  var builders = {
    'Webkit': 'webkit-rel',
    'Webkit (dbg)(1)': 'webkit-dbg-1',
    'Webkit (dbg)(2)': 'webkit-dbg-2',
    'Webkit (dbg)(3)': 'webkit-dbg-3',
    'Webkit Linux': 'webkit-rel-linux',
    'Webkit Linux (dbg)(1)': 'webkit-dbg-linux-1',
    'Webkit Linux (dbg)(2)': 'webkit-dbg-linux-2',
    'Webkit Linux (dbg)(3)': 'webkit-dbg-linux-3',
    'Webkit Mac10.5': 'webkit-rel-mac5',
    'Webkit Mac10.5 (dbg)(1)': 'webkit-dbg-mac5-1',
    'Webkit Mac10.5 (dbg)(2)': 'webkit-dbg-mac5-2',
    'Webkit Mac10.5 (dbg)(3)': 'webkit-dbg-mac5-3'
  var builderBase = 'http://build.chromium.org/buildbot/';

// Append JSON script elements.
var resultsByBuilder = {};
var expectationsByTest = {};
function ADD_RESULTS(builds) {
  for (var builderName in builds) {
    if (builderName != 'version')
      resultsByBuilder[builderName] = builds[builderName];


function getPathToBuilderResultsFile(builderName) {
  return builderBase + currentState['testType'] + '/' +
      builders[builderName] + '/';

var expectationsLoaded = false;
function ADD_EXPECTATIONS(expectations) {
  expectationsLoaded = true;
  expectationsByTest = expectations;

function appendJSONScriptElements() {

  for (var builderName in builders) {
    appendScript(getPathToBuilderResultsFile(builderName) + 'results.json');

  // Grab expectations file from any builder.
  appendScript(getPathToBuilderResultsFile(builderName) + 'expectations.json');

function setLoadingUIDisplayStyle(value) {
  if ($('loading-ui'))
    $('loading-ui').style.display = value;

function handleLocationChange() {
  setTimeout(function() {

    if (!expectationsLoaded)

    for (var build in builders) {
      if (!resultsByBuilder[build])


  }, 0);

 * Sets the page state. Takes varargs of key, value pairs.
 * @return list of keys modified
function setQueryParameter(key, value) {
  var keys = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 2) {
    var key = arguments[i];
    currentState[key] = arguments[i + 1];
  return keys;

function getPermaLinkURL() {
  return window.location.pathname + '#' + joinParameters(currentState);

function joinParameters(stateObject) {
  var state = [];
  for (var key in stateObject) {
    state.push(key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(stateObject[key]));
  return state.join('&');

function logTime(msg, startTime) {
  console.log(msg + ': ' + (Date.now() - startTime));

function hidePopup() {
  var popup = $('popup');

function showPopup(e, html) {
  var popup = $('popup');
  if (!popup) {
    popup = document.createElement('div');
    popup.id = 'popup';

  // Set html first so that we can get accurate size metrics on the popup.
  popup.innerHTML = html;

  var targetRect = e.target.getBoundingClientRect();

  var x = Math.min(targetRect.left - 10,
      document.documentElement.clientWidth - popup.offsetWidth);
  x = Math.max(0, x);
  popup.style.left = x + document.body.scrollLeft + 'px';

  var y = targetRect.top + targetRect.height;
  if (y + popup.offsetHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight) {
    y = targetRect.top - popup.offsetHeight;
  y = Math.max(0, y);
  popup.style.top = y + document.body.scrollTop + 'px';


document.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) {
      // Clear the open popup, unless the click was inside the popup.
      var popup = $('popup');
      if (popup && e.target != popup &&
          !(popup.compareDocumentPosition(e.target) & 16)) {
    }, false);

window.addEventListener('load', function() {
      // This doesn't seem totally accurate as there is a race between
      // onload firing and the last script tag being executed.
      logTime('Time to load JS', pageLoadStartTime);
      setInterval(function() {
        if (oldLocation != window.location.href)
      }, 100);
    }, false);