#!/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Rebaselining tool that automatically produces baselines for all platforms. The script does the following for each platform specified: 1. Compile a list of tests that need rebaselining. 2. Download test result archive from buildbot for the platform. 3. Extract baselines from the archive file for all identified files. 4. Add new baselines to SVN repository. 5. For each test that has been rebaselined, remove this platform option from the test in test_expectation.txt. If no other platforms remain after removal, delete the rebaselined test from the file. """ import logging import optparse import os import re import subprocess import sys import urllib import zipfile from layout_package import path_utils from layout_package import platform_utils_linux from layout_package import platform_utils_mac from layout_package import platform_utils_win from layout_package import test_expectations def RunShell(command, print_output=False): """Executes a command and returns the output. Args: command: program and arguments. print_output: if true, print the command results to standard output. Returns: command output """ # Use a shell for subcommands on Windows to get a PATH search. use_shell = sys.platform.startswith('win') p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=use_shell, universal_newlines=True) if print_output: output_array = [] while True: line = p.stdout.readline() if not line: break if print_output: print line.strip('\n') output_array.append(line) output = ''.join(output_array) else: output = p.stdout.read() p.wait() p.stdout.close() return output def LogDashedString(text, platform, logging_level=logging.INFO): """Log text message with dashes on both sides.""" msg = '%s: %s' % (text, platform) if len(msg) < 78: dashes = '-' * ((78 - len(msg)) / 2) msg = '%s %s %s' % (dashes, msg, dashes) if logging_level == logging.ERROR: logging.error(msg) elif logging_level == logging.WARNING: logging.warn(msg) else: logging.info(msg) class Rebaseliner(object): """Class to produce new baselines for a given platform.""" BASELINE_SUFFIXES = ['.txt', '.png', '.checksum'] REVISION_REGEX = r'' def __init__(self, platform, options): self._file_dir = path_utils.GetAbsolutePath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) self._platform = platform self._options = options # Create tests and expectations helper which is used to: # -. compile list of tests that need rebaselining. # -. update the tests in test_expectations file after rebaseline is done. self._test_expectations = test_expectations.TestExpectations(None, self._file_dir, platform, False) def Run(self, backup): """Run rebaseline process.""" LogDashedString('Compiling rebaselining tests', self._platform) rebaselining_tests = self._CompileRebaseliningTests() logging.info('') if rebaselining_tests is None: return True LogDashedString('Downloading archive', self._platform) archive_file = self._DownloadBuildBotArchive() logging.info('') if not archive_file: logging.error('No archive found.') return False rebaselined_tests = [] LogDashedString('Extracting and adding new baselines', self._platform) rebaselined_tests = self._ExtractAndAddNewBaselines(archive_file, rebaselining_tests) logging.info('') LogDashedString('Updating rebaselined tests in file', self._platform) self._UpdateRebaselinedTestsInFile(rebaselined_tests, backup) logging.info('') if len(rebaselining_tests) != len(rebaselined_tests): logging.warning('NOT ALL TESTS THAT NEED REBASELINING HAVE BEEN ' 'REBASELINED.') logging.warning(' Total tests needing rebaselining: %d', len(rebaselining_tests)) logging.warning(' Total tests rebaselined: %d', len(rebaselined_tests)) return False logging.warning('All tests needing rebaselining were successfully ' 'rebaselined.') return True def _CompileRebaseliningTests(self): """Compile list of tests that need rebaselining for the platform. Returns: List of tests that need rebaselining or None if there is no such test. """ rebaselining_tests = self._test_expectations.GetRebaseliningFailures() if not rebaselining_tests: logging.warn('No tests found that need rebaselining.') return None logging.info('Total number of tests needing rebaselining for "%s": "%d"', self._platform, len(rebaselining_tests)) test_no = 1 for test in rebaselining_tests: logging.info(' %d: %s', test_no, test) test_no += 1 return rebaselining_tests def _GetLatestRevision(self, url): """Get the latest layout test revision number from buildbot. Args: url: Url to retrieve layout test revision numbers. Returns: latest revision or None on failure. """ logging.debug('Url to retrieve revision: "%s"', url) f = urllib.urlopen(url) content = f.read() f.close() revisions = re.findall(self.REVISION_REGEX, content) if not revisions: logging.error('Failed to find revision, content: "%s"', content) return None revisions.sort(key=int) logging.info('Latest revision: "%s"', revisions[len(revisions) - 1]) return revisions[len(revisions) - 1] def _GetArchiveUrl(self): """Generate the url to download latest layout test archive. Returns: Url to download archive or None on failure """ platform_name = self._options.buildbot_platform_dir_basename if not self._platform == 'win': platform_name += '-' + self._platform logging.debug('Buildbot platform dir name: "%s"', platform_name) url_base = '%s/%s/' % (self._options.archive_url, platform_name) latest_revision = self._GetLatestRevision(url_base) if latest_revision is None or latest_revision <= 0: return None archive_url = ('%s%s/%s.zip' % (url_base, latest_revision, self._options.archive_name)) logging.info('Archive url: "%s"', archive_url) return archive_url def _DownloadBuildBotArchive(self): """Download layout test archive file from buildbot. Returns: True if download succeeded or False otherwise. """ url = self._GetArchiveUrl() if url is None: return None fn = urllib.urlretrieve(url)[0] logging.info('Archive downloaded and saved to file: "%s"', fn) return fn def _GetPlatformNewResultsDir(self): """Get the dir name to extract new baselines for the given platform.""" if self._platform == 'win': return platform_utils_win.PlatformUtility(None).PlatformNewResultsDir() elif self._platform == 'mac': return platform_utils_mac.PlatformUtility(None).PlatformNewResultsDir() elif self._platform == 'linux': return platform_utils_linux.PlatformUtility(None).PlatformNewResultsDir() return None def _ExtractAndAddNewBaselines(self, archive_file, rebaselining_tests): """Extract new baselines from archive and add them to SVN repository. Args: archive_file: full path to the archive file. rebaselining_tests: list of tests that need rebaselining. Returns: List of tests that have been rebaselined or None on failure. """ zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(archive_file, 'r') zip_namelist = zip_file.namelist() logging.debug('zip file namelist:') for name in zip_namelist: logging.debug(' ' + name) platform_dir = self._GetPlatformNewResultsDir() if not platform_dir: logging.error('Invalid platform new results dir, platform: "%s"', self._platform) return None logging.debug('Platform new results dir: "%s"', platform_dir) test_no = 1 rebaselined_tests = [] for test in rebaselining_tests: logging.info('Test %d: %s', test_no, test) found = False svn_error = False test_basename = os.path.splitext(test)[0] for suffix in self.BASELINE_SUFFIXES: archive_test_name = '%s/%s-actual%s' % (self._options.archive_name, test_basename, suffix) logging.debug(' Archive test file name: "%s"', archive_test_name) if not archive_test_name in zip_namelist: logging.info(' %s file not in archive.', suffix) continue found = True logging.info(' %s file found in archive.', suffix) expected_filename = '%s-expected%s' % (test_basename, suffix) expected_fullpath = os.path.join( path_utils.ChromiumPlatformResultsEnclosingDir(), platform_dir, expected_filename) expected_fullpath = os.path.normpath(expected_fullpath) logging.debug(' Expected file full path: "%s"', expected_fullpath) data = zip_file.read(archive_test_name) f = open(expected_fullpath, 'wb') f.write(data) f.close() if not self._SvnAdd(expected_fullpath): svn_error = True if not found: logging.warn(' No new baselines found in archive.') else: if svn_error: logging.warn(' Failed to add baselines to SVN.') else: logging.info(' Rebaseline succeeded.') rebaselined_tests.append(test) test_no += 1 zip_file.close() os.remove(archive_file) return rebaselined_tests def _UpdateRebaselinedTestsInFile(self, rebaselined_tests, backup): """Update the rebaselined tests in test expectations file. Args: rebaselined_tests: list of tests that have been rebaselined. backup: if True, backup the original test expectations file. Returns: no """ if rebaselined_tests: self._test_expectations.RemovePlatformFromFile(rebaselined_tests, self._platform, backup) else: logging.info('No test was rebaselined so nothing to remove.') def _SvnAdd(self, filename): """Add the file to SVN repository. Args: filename: full path of the file to add. Returns: True if the file already exists in SVN or is sucessfully added to SVN. False otherwise. """ status_output = RunShell(['svn', 'status', filename], False) output = status_output.upper() if output.startswith('A') or output.startswith('M'): logging.info(' File already added to SVN: "%s"', filename) return True add_output = RunShell(['svn', 'add', filename], True) output = add_output.upper().rstrip() if output.startswith('A') and output.endswith(filename.upper()): logging.info(' Added new file: "%s"', filename) return True logging.warn(' Failed to add file to SVN: "%s"', filename) logging.warn(' Svn status output: "%s"', status_output) logging.warn(' Svn add output: "%s"', add_output) return False def main(): """Main function to produce new baselines.""" option_parser = optparse.OptionParser() option_parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='include debug-level logging.') option_parser.add_option('-p', '--platforms', default='win,mac,linux', help=('Comma delimited list of platforms that need ' 'rebaselining.')) option_parser.add_option('-u', '--archive_url', default=('http://build.chromium.org/buildbot/' 'layout_test_results'), help=('Url to find the layout test result archive ' 'file.')) option_parser.add_option('-t', '--archive_name', default='layout-test-results', help='Layout test result archive name.') option_parser.add_option('-n', '--buildbot_platform_dir_basename', default='webkit-rel', help=('Base name of buildbot platform directory ' 'that stores the layout test results.')) option_parser.add_option('-b', '--backup', action='store_true', default=False, help=('Whether or not to backup the original test ' 'expectations file after rebaseline.')) options = option_parser.parse_args()[0] # Set up our logging format. log_level = logging.INFO if options.verbose: log_level = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(level=log_level, format=('%(asctime)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)-3d ' '%(levelname)s %(message)s'), datefmt='%y%m%d %H:%M:%S') # Verify 'platforms' option is valid if not options.platforms: logging.error('Invalid "platforms" option. --platforms must be specified ' 'in order to rebaseline.') sys.exit(1) backup = options.backup platforms = [p.strip().lower() for p in options.platforms.split(',')] for platform in platforms: rebaseliner = Rebaseliner(platform, options) logging.info('') LogDashedString('Rebaseline started', platform) if rebaseliner.Run(backup): # Only need to backup one original copy of test expectation file. backup = False LogDashedString('Rebaseline done', platform) else: LogDashedString('Rebaseline failed', platform, logging.ERROR) sys.exit(0) if '__main__' == __name__: main()