# Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. Import('env', 'env_res') env = env.Clone() env_res = env_res.Clone() input_files = [ 'main.cpp', 'PluginObject.cpp', 'TestObject.cpp' ] if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32': input_files.extend([ env_res.RES('npapi_layout_test_plugin.rc'), 'npapi_layout_test_plugin.def' ]) env.Append( CCFLAGS = [ '/TP', '/WX', ], LIBS = [ 'comctl32.lib', 'rpcrt4.lib', 'shlwapi.lib', 'winmm.lib', ], LINKFLAGS = [ '/DELAYLOAD:"dwmapi.dll"', '/DELAYLOAD:"uxtheme.dll"', '/FIXED:No', '/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE', '/MACHINE:X86', '/safeseh', '/dynamicbase', '/ignore:4199', '/nxcompat', ], ) dll = env.ChromeSharedLibrary('npapi_layout_test_plugin', input_files) i = env.Install('$TARGET_ROOT/plugins', dll) env.Alias('webkit', i) i = env.Install('$TARGET_ROOT', dll) env.Alias('webkit', i)