// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "webkit/tools/test_shell/test_shell.h" #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include <signal.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "net/base/mime_util.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/plugin_list.h" #include "webkit/glue/resource_loader_bridge.h" #include "webkit/glue/webdatasource.h" #include "webkit/glue/webframe.h" #include "webkit/glue/webkit_glue.h" #include "webkit/glue/webpreferences.h" #include "webkit/glue/webview.h" #include "webkit/tools/test_shell/test_navigation_controller.h" #include "webkit/tools/test_shell/test_webview_delegate.h" // static void TestShell::InitializeTestShell(bool interactive) { window_list_ = new WindowList; web_prefs_ = new WebPreferences; interactive_ = interactive; // We wish to make the layout tests reproducable with respect to fonts. Skia // uses fontconfig to resolve font family names from WebKit into actual font // files found on the current system. This means that fonts vary based on the // system and also on the fontconfig configuration. // // To avoid this we initialise fontconfig here and install a configuration // which only knows about a few, select, fonts. // This is the list of fonts that fontconfig will know about. It will try its // best to match based only on the fonts here in. The paths are where these // fonts are found on our Ubuntu boxes. static const char *const fonts[] = { "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Arial.ttf", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Arial_Bold.ttf", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Arial_Italic.ttf", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Arial_Bold_Italic.ttf", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Courier_New.ttf", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Courier_New_Italic.ttf", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Courier_New_Bold.ttf", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Courier_New_Bold_Italic.ttf", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Times_New_Roman.ttf", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Times_New_Roman_Bold.ttf", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Times_New_Roman_Italic.ttf", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Times_New_Roman_Bold_Italic.ttf", NULL }; // We have fontconfig parse a config file from our resources directory. This // sets a number of aliases ("sans"->"Arial" etc), but doesn't include any // font directories. FilePath path; PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &path); path = path.Append("webkit/tools/test_shell/resources/linux-fontconfig-config"); FcInit(); FcConfig* fontcfg = FcConfigCreate(); if (!FcConfigParseAndLoad(fontcfg, (const FcChar8*) path.value().c_str(), true)) { LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to parse fontconfig config file"; } for (unsigned i = 0; fonts[i]; ++i) { if (access(fonts[i], R_OK)) { LOG(FATAL) << "You are missing " << fonts[i] << ". " << "Try installing msttcorefonts. Also see " << "http://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/" << "LinuxBuildInstructions"; } if (!FcConfigAppFontAddFile(fontcfg, (FcChar8 *) fonts[i])) LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to load font " << fonts[i]; } if (!FcConfigSetCurrent(fontcfg)) LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to set the default font configuration"; } // static bool TestShell::CreateNewWindow(const std::wstring& startingURL, TestShell** result) { TestShell *shell = new TestShell(); if (!shell->Initialize(startingURL)) return false; if (result) *result = shell; TestShell::windowList()->push_back(shell->m_mainWnd); return true; } void TestShell::PlatformCleanUp() { } // GTK callbacks ------------------------------------------------------ namespace { // Callback for when the main window is destroyed. void MainWindowDestroyed(GtkWindow* window, TestShell* shell) { TestShell::RemoveWindowFromList(GTK_WIDGET(window)); if (TestShell::windowList()->empty() || shell->is_modal()) { MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new MessageLoop::QuitTask()); } delete shell; } // Callback for when you click the back button. void BackButtonClicked(GtkButton* button, TestShell* shell) { shell->GoBackOrForward(-1); } // Callback for when you click the forward button. void ForwardButtonClicked(GtkButton* button, TestShell* shell) { shell->GoBackOrForward(1); } // Callback for when you click the stop button. void StopButtonClicked(GtkButton* button, TestShell* shell) { shell->webView()->StopLoading(); } // Callback for when you click the reload button. void ReloadButtonClicked(GtkButton* button, TestShell* shell) { shell->Reload(); } // Callback for when you press enter in the URL box. void URLEntryActivate(GtkEntry* entry, TestShell* shell) { const gchar* url = gtk_entry_get_text(entry); shell->LoadURL(UTF8ToWide(url).c_str()); } }; bool TestShell::Initialize(const std::wstring& startingURL) { m_mainWnd = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(m_mainWnd), "Test Shell"); gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(m_mainWnd), 640, 480); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(m_mainWnd), "destroy", G_CALLBACK(MainWindowDestroyed), this); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(m_mainWnd), "test-shell", this); GtkWidget* vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0); GtkWidget* toolbar = gtk_toolbar_new(); // Turn off the labels on the toolbar buttons. gtk_toolbar_set_style(GTK_TOOLBAR(toolbar), GTK_TOOLBAR_ICONS); GtkToolItem* back = gtk_tool_button_new_from_stock(GTK_STOCK_GO_BACK); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(back), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(BackButtonClicked), this); gtk_toolbar_insert(GTK_TOOLBAR(toolbar), back, -1 /* append */); GtkToolItem* forward = gtk_tool_button_new_from_stock(GTK_STOCK_GO_FORWARD); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(forward), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(ForwardButtonClicked), this); gtk_toolbar_insert(GTK_TOOLBAR(toolbar), forward, -1 /* append */); GtkToolItem* reload = gtk_tool_button_new_from_stock(GTK_STOCK_REFRESH); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(reload), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(ReloadButtonClicked), this); gtk_toolbar_insert(GTK_TOOLBAR(toolbar), reload, -1 /* append */); GtkToolItem* stop = gtk_tool_button_new_from_stock(GTK_STOCK_STOP); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(stop), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(StopButtonClicked), this); gtk_toolbar_insert(GTK_TOOLBAR(toolbar), stop, -1 /* append */); m_editWnd = gtk_entry_new(); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(m_editWnd), "activate", G_CALLBACK(URLEntryActivate), this); gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(m_editWnd), WideToUTF8(startingURL).c_str()); GtkToolItem* tool_item = gtk_tool_item_new(); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(tool_item), m_editWnd); gtk_tool_item_set_expand(tool_item, TRUE); gtk_toolbar_insert(GTK_TOOLBAR(toolbar), tool_item, -1 /* append */); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), toolbar, FALSE, FALSE, 0); m_webViewHost.reset(WebViewHost::Create(vbox, delegate_, *TestShell::web_prefs_)); if (!startingURL.empty()) LoadURL(startingURL.c_str()); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(m_mainWnd), vbox); gtk_widget_show_all(m_mainWnd); toolbar_height_ = toolbar->allocation.height + gtk_box_get_spacing(GTK_BOX(vbox)); bool bIsSVGTest = startingURL.find(L"W3C-SVG-1.1") != std::wstring::npos; if (bIsSVGTest) SizeToSVG(); else SizeToDefault(); return true; } void TestShell::TestFinished() { if(!test_is_pending_) return; test_is_pending_ = false; MessageLoop::current()->Quit(); } void TestShell::SizeTo(int width, int height) { gtk_window_resize(GTK_WINDOW(m_mainWnd), width, height + toolbar_height_); } static void AlarmHandler(int signatl) { // If the alarm alarmed, kill the process since we have a really bad hang. puts("#TEST_TIMED_OUT\n"); puts("#EOF\n"); fflush(stdout); exit(0); } void TestShell::WaitTestFinished() { DCHECK(!test_is_pending_) << "cannot be used recursively"; test_is_pending_ = true; // Install an alarm signal handler that will kill us if we time out. signal(SIGALRM, AlarmHandler); alarm(GetLayoutTestTimeoutInSeconds()); // TestFinished() will post a quit message to break this loop when the page // finishes loading. while (test_is_pending_) MessageLoop::current()->Run(); // Remove the alarm. alarm(0); signal(SIGALRM, SIG_DFL); } void TestShell::InteractiveSetFocus(WebWidgetHost* host, bool enable) { GtkWidget* widget = GTK_WIDGET(host->window_handle()); if (enable) { gtk_widget_grab_focus(widget); } else if (gtk_widget_is_focus(widget)) { GtkWidget *toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(widget); if (GTK_WIDGET_TOPLEVEL(toplevel)) gtk_window_set_focus(GTK_WINDOW(toplevel), NULL); } } void TestShell::DestroyWindow(gfx::WindowHandle windowHandle) { RemoveWindowFromList(windowHandle); gtk_widget_destroy(windowHandle); } WebWidget* TestShell::CreatePopupWidget(WebView* webview) { GtkWidget* popupwindow = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_POPUP); GtkWidget* vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0); WebWidgetHost* host = WebWidgetHost::Create(vbox, delegate_); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(popupwindow), vbox); m_popupHost = host; return host->webwidget(); } void TestShell::ClosePopup() { DCHECK(m_popupHost); GtkWidget* drawing_area = m_popupHost->window_handle(); GtkWidget* window = gtk_widget_get_parent(gtk_widget_get_parent(drawing_area)); gtk_widget_destroy(window); m_popupHost->WindowDestroyed(); m_popupHost = NULL; } void TestShell::ResizeSubViews() { // This function is used on Windows to re-layout the window on a resize. // GTK manages layout for us so we do nothing. } /* static */ void TestShell::DumpBackForwardList(std::wstring* result) { result->clear(); for (WindowList::iterator iter = TestShell::windowList()->begin(); iter != TestShell::windowList()->end(); iter++) { GtkWidget* window = *iter; TestShell* shell = static_cast<TestShell*>(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(window), "test-shell")); webkit_glue::DumpBackForwardList(shell->webView(), NULL, result); } } /* static */ bool TestShell::RunFileTest(const char *filename, const TestParams& params) { // Load the test file into the first available window. if (TestShell::windowList()->empty()) { LOG(ERROR) << "No windows open."; return false; } GtkWidget* window = *(TestShell::windowList()->begin()); TestShell* shell = static_cast<TestShell*>(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(window), "test-shell")); shell->ResetTestController(); // ResetTestController may have closed the window we were holding on to. // Grab the first window again. window = *(TestShell::windowList()->begin()); shell = static_cast<TestShell*>(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(window), "test-shell")); DCHECK(shell); // Clear focus between tests. shell->m_focusedWidgetHost = NULL; // Make sure the previous load is stopped. shell->webView()->StopLoading(); shell->navigation_controller()->Reset(); // Clean up state between test runs. webkit_glue::ResetBeforeTestRun(shell->webView()); ResetWebPreferences(); shell->webView()->SetPreferences(*web_prefs_); // TODO(agl): Maybe make the window hidden in the future. Window does this // by positioning it off the screen but the GTK function to do this is // deprecated and appears to have been removed. shell->ResizeSubViews(); if (strstr(filename, "loading/") || strstr(filename, "loading\\")) shell->layout_test_controller()->SetShouldDumpFrameLoadCallbacks(true); shell->test_is_preparing_ = true; const std::wstring wstr = UTF8ToWide(filename); shell->LoadURL(wstr.c_str()); shell->test_is_preparing_ = false; shell->WaitTestFinished(); // Echo the url in the output so we know we're not getting out of sync. printf("#URL:%s\n", filename); // Dump the requested representation. WebFrame* webFrame = shell->webView()->GetMainFrame(); if (webFrame) { bool should_dump_as_text = shell->layout_test_controller_->ShouldDumpAsText(); bool dumped_anything = false; if (params.dump_tree) { dumped_anything = true; // Text output: the test page can request different types of output // which we handle here. if (!should_dump_as_text) { // Plain text pages should be dumped as text std::wstring mime_type = webFrame->GetDataSource()->GetResponseMimeType(); should_dump_as_text = (mime_type == L"text/plain"); } if (should_dump_as_text) { bool recursive = shell->layout_test_controller_-> ShouldDumpChildFramesAsText(); std::string data_utf8 = WideToUTF8( webkit_glue::DumpFramesAsText(webFrame, recursive)); if (fwrite(data_utf8.c_str(), 1, data_utf8.size(), stdout) != data_utf8.size()) { LOG(FATAL) << "Short write to stdout, disk full?"; } } else { printf("%s", WideToUTF8( webkit_glue::DumpRenderer(webFrame)).c_str()); bool recursive = shell->layout_test_controller_-> ShouldDumpChildFrameScrollPositions(); printf("%s", WideToUTF8( webkit_glue::DumpFrameScrollPosition(webFrame, recursive)). c_str()); } if (shell->layout_test_controller_->ShouldDumpBackForwardList()) { std::wstring bfDump; DumpBackForwardList(&bfDump); printf("%s", WideToUTF8(bfDump).c_str()); } } if (params.dump_pixels && !should_dump_as_text) { // Image output: we write the image data to the file given on the // command line (for the dump pixels argument), and the MD5 sum to // stdout. dumped_anything = true; std::string md5sum = DumpImage(webFrame, params.pixel_file_name); printf("#MD5:%s\n", md5sum.c_str()); } if (dumped_anything) printf("#EOF\n"); fflush(stdout); } return true; } void TestShell::LoadURLForFrame(const wchar_t* url, const wchar_t* frame_name) { if (!url) return; bool bIsSVGTest = wcsstr(url, L"W3C-SVG-1.1") > 0; if (bIsSVGTest) SizeToSVG(); else SizeToDefault(); std::wstring frame_string; if (frame_name) frame_string = frame_name; LOG(INFO) << "Loading " << WideToUTF8(url) << " in frame '" << WideToUTF8(frame_string) << "'"; GURL gurl; // PathExists will reject any string with no leading '/' // as well as empty strings. if (file_util::PathExists(url)) gurl = net::FilePathToFileURL(url); else gurl = GURL(WideToUTF8(url)); navigation_controller_->LoadEntry(new TestNavigationEntry( -1, gurl, std::wstring(), frame_string)); } static void WriteTextToFile(const std::wstring& data, const FilePath& filepath) { // This function does the same thing as the Windows version except that it // takes a FilePath. We should be using WriteFile in base/file_util.h, but // the patch to add the FilePath version of that file hasn't landed yet, so // this is another TODO(agl) for the merging. const int fd = open(filepath.value().c_str(), O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0600); if (fd < 0) return; const std::string data_utf8 = WideToUTF8(data); ssize_t n; do { n = write(fd, data_utf8.data(), data.size()); } while (n == -1 && errno == EINTR); close(fd); } // TODO(agl): // This version of PromptForSaveFile uses FilePath, which is what the real // version should be using. However, I don't want to step on tony's toes (as he // is also editing this file), so this is a hack until we merge the files again. // (There is also a PromptForSaveFile member in TestShell which returns a wstring) static bool PromptForSaveFile(const char* prompt_title, FilePath* result) { char filenamebuffer[512]; printf("Enter filename for \"%s\"\n", prompt_title); if (!fgets(filenamebuffer, sizeof(filenamebuffer), stdin)) return false; // EOF on stdin *result = FilePath(filenamebuffer); return true; } void TestShell::DumpDocumentText() { FilePath file_path; if (!::PromptForSaveFile("Dump document text", &file_path)) return; WriteTextToFile(webkit_glue::DumpDocumentText(webView()->GetMainFrame()), file_path); } void TestShell::DumpRenderTree() { FilePath file_path; if (!::PromptForSaveFile("Dump render tree", &file_path)) return; WriteTextToFile(webkit_glue::DumpRenderer(webView()->GetMainFrame()), file_path); } std::string TestShell::RewriteLocalUrl(const std::string& url) { // Convert file:///tmp/LayoutTests urls to the actual location on disk. const char kPrefix[] = "file:///tmp/LayoutTests/"; const int kPrefixLen = arraysize(kPrefix) - 1; std::string new_url(url); if (url.compare(0, kPrefixLen, kPrefix, kPrefixLen) == 0) { std::wstring replace_url; PathService::Get(base::DIR_EXE, &replace_url); file_util::UpOneDirectory(&replace_url); file_util::UpOneDirectory(&replace_url); file_util::AppendToPath(&replace_url, L"webkit"); file_util::AppendToPath(&replace_url, L"data"); file_util::AppendToPath(&replace_url, L"layout_tests"); file_util::AppendToPath(&replace_url, L"LayoutTests"); replace_url.push_back(file_util::kPathSeparator); new_url = std::string("file:///") + WideToUTF8(replace_url).append(url.substr(kPrefixLen)); } return new_url; } // static void TestShell::ShowStartupDebuggingDialog() { GtkWidget* dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new( NULL, GTK_DIALOG_MODAL, GTK_MESSAGE_INFO, GTK_BUTTONS_OK, "attach to me?"); gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), "test_shell"); gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)); // Runs a nested message loop. gtk_widget_destroy(dialog); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace webkit_glue { std::wstring GetLocalizedString(int message_id) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return L"No string for this identifier!"; } bool GetPlugins(bool refresh, std::vector<WebPluginInfo>* plugins) { // TODO(port): Implement plugins someday. Don't let the error message // of NOTIMPLEMENTED into our layout test diffs. // NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return false; } ScreenInfo GetScreenInfo(gfx::ViewHandle window) { return GetScreenInfoHelper(window); } } // namespace webkit_glue