// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import #include #include "webkit/tools/test_shell/test_shell.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/debug_on_start.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/gfx/bitmap_platform_device.h" #include "base/gfx/png_encoder.h" #include "base/gfx/size.h" #include "base/icu_util.h" #include "base/md5.h" #include "base/memory_debug.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/stats_table.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "net/base/mime_util.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "webkit/glue/webdatasource.h" #include "webkit/glue/webframe.h" #include "webkit/glue/webkit_glue.h" #include "webkit/glue/webkit_resources.h" #include "webkit/glue/webpreferences.h" #include "webkit/glue/weburlrequest.h" #include "webkit/glue/webview.h" #include "webkit/glue/webwidget.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/plugin_list.h" #include "webkit/tools/test_shell/mac/test_shell_webview.h" #include "webkit/tools/test_shell/simple_resource_loader_bridge.h" #include "webkit/tools/test_shell/test_navigation_controller.h" #import "skia/include/SkBitmap.h" #define MAX_LOADSTRING 100 #define BUTTON_WIDTH 72 #define URLBAR_HEIGHT 24 // Global Variables: // Default timeout for page load when running non-interactive file // tests, in ms. const int kDefaultFileTestTimeoutMillisecs = 10 * 1000; // Content area size for newly created windows. const int kTestWindowWidth = 800; const int kTestWindowHeight = 600; // The W3C SVG layout tests use a different size than the other layout tests const int kSVGTestWindowWidth = 480; const int kSVGTestWindowHeight = 360; // Hide the window offscreen when it is non-interactive. Mac OS X limits // window positions to +/- 16000 const int kTestWindowXLocation = -14000; const int kTestWindowYLocation = -14000; static const wchar_t* kStatsFile = L"testshell"; static int kStatsFileThreads = 20; static int kStatsFileCounters = 100; // Define static member variables WindowList* TestShell::window_list_; WebPreferences* TestShell::web_prefs_; bool TestShell::interactive_ = true; int TestShell::file_test_timeout_ms_ = kDefaultFileTestTimeoutMillisecs; base::LazyInstance > TestShell::window_map_(base::LINKER_INITIALIZED); TestShell::TestShell() : m_mainWnd(NULL), m_editWnd(NULL), m_webViewHost(NULL), m_popupHost(NULL), m_focusedWidgetHost(NULL), layout_test_controller_(new LayoutTestController(this)), event_sending_controller_(new EventSendingController(this)), text_input_controller_(new TextInputController(this)), navigation_controller_(new TestNavigationController(this)), delegate_(new TestWebViewDelegate(this)), test_is_preparing_(false), test_is_pending_(false), dump_stats_table_on_exit_(false) { // load and initialize the stats table (one per process, so that multiple // instances don't interfere with each other) wchar_t statsfile[64]; swprintf(statsfile, 64, L"%ls-%d", kStatsFile, getpid()); StatsTable* table = new StatsTable(statsfile, kStatsFileThreads, kStatsFileCounters); StatsTable::set_current(table); } TestShell::~TestShell() { window_map_.Get().erase(m_mainWnd); if (dump_stats_table_on_exit_) { // Dump the stats table. printf("\n"); StatsTable* table = StatsTable::current(); if (table != NULL) { int counter_max = table->GetMaxCounters(); for (int index = 0; index < counter_max; index++) { std::string name(WideToUTF8(table->GetRowName(index))); if (name.length() > 0) { int value = table->GetRowValue(index); printf("%s:\t%d\n", name.c_str(), value); } } } printf("\n"); } } // All fatal log messages (e.g. DCHECK failures) imply unit test failures static void UnitTestAssertHandler(const std::string& str) { FAIL() << str; } // static void TestShell::InitLogging(bool suppress_error_dialogs) { if (suppress_error_dialogs) { logging::SetLogAssertHandler(UnitTestAssertHandler); } // We might have multiple test_shell processes going at once char log_filename_template[] = "/tmp/test_shell_XXXXXX"; char* log_filename = mktemp(log_filename_template); logging::InitLogging(log_filename, logging::LOG_TO_BOTH_FILE_AND_SYSTEM_DEBUG_LOG, logging::LOCK_LOG_FILE, logging::DELETE_OLD_LOG_FILE); // we want process and thread IDs because we may have multiple processes logging::SetLogItems(true, true, false, true); } // static void TestShell::CleanupLogging() { logging::CloseLogFile(); } // static void TestShell::InitializeTestShell(bool interactive) { window_list_ = new WindowList; interactive_ = interactive; web_prefs_ = new WebPreferences; ResetWebPreferences(); } // static void TestShell::ResetWebPreferences() { DCHECK(web_prefs_); // Match the settings used by Mac DumpRenderTree. if (web_prefs_) { web_prefs_->standard_font_family = L"Times"; web_prefs_->fixed_font_family = L"Courier"; web_prefs_->serif_font_family = L"Times"; web_prefs_->sans_serif_font_family = L"Helvetica"; web_prefs_->cursive_font_family = L"Apple Chancery"; web_prefs_->fantasy_font_family = L"Papyrus"; web_prefs_->default_encoding = L"ISO-8859-1"; web_prefs_->default_font_size = 16; web_prefs_->default_fixed_font_size = 13; web_prefs_->minimum_font_size = 1; web_prefs_->minimum_logical_font_size = 9; web_prefs_->javascript_can_open_windows_automatically = true; web_prefs_->dom_paste_enabled = true; web_prefs_->developer_extras_enabled = interactive_; web_prefs_->shrinks_standalone_images_to_fit = false; web_prefs_->uses_universal_detector = false; web_prefs_->text_areas_are_resizable = false; web_prefs_->dashboard_compatibility_mode = false; web_prefs_->java_enabled = true; } } // static void TestShell::ShutdownTestShell() { delete window_list_; delete TestShell::web_prefs_; } NSButton* MakeTestButton(NSRect* rect, NSString* title, NSView* parent) { NSButton* button = [[NSButton alloc] initWithFrame:*rect]; [button setTitle:title]; [button setBezelStyle:NSSmallSquareBezelStyle]; [button setAutoresizingMask:(NSViewMaxXMargin | NSViewMinYMargin)]; [parent addSubview:button]; rect->origin.x += BUTTON_WIDTH; return button; } bool TestShell::Initialize(const std::wstring& startingURL) { // Perform application initialization: // send message to app controller? need to work this out // TODO(awalker): this is a straight recreation of windows test_shell.cc's // window creation code--we should really pull this from the nib and grab // references to the already-created subviews that way. NSRect screen_rect = [[NSScreen mainScreen] visibleFrame]; NSRect window_rect = { {0, screen_rect.size.height - kTestWindowHeight}, {kTestWindowWidth, kTestWindowHeight} }; m_mainWnd = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:window_rect styleMask:(NSTitledWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask | NSMiniaturizableWindowMask | NSResizableWindowMask | NSTexturedBackgroundWindowMask) backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO]; [m_mainWnd setTitle:@"TestShell"]; // create webview m_webViewHost.reset( WebViewHost::Create(m_mainWnd, delegate_.get(), *TestShell::web_prefs_)); webView()->SetUseEditorDelegate(true); delegate_->RegisterDragDrop(); TestShellWebView* web_view = static_cast(m_webViewHost->window_handle()); [web_view setShell:this]; // create buttons NSRect button_rect = [[m_mainWnd contentView] bounds]; button_rect.origin.y = window_rect.size.height - 22; button_rect.size.height = 22; button_rect.origin.x += 16; button_rect.size.width = BUTTON_WIDTH; NSView* content = [m_mainWnd contentView]; NSButton* button = MakeTestButton(&button_rect, @"Back", content); [button setTarget:web_view]; [button setAction:@selector(goBack:)]; button = MakeTestButton(&button_rect, @"Forward", content); [button setTarget:web_view]; [button setAction:@selector(goForward:)]; // reload button button = MakeTestButton(&button_rect, @"Reload", content); [button setTarget:web_view]; [button setAction:@selector(reload:)]; // stop button button = MakeTestButton(&button_rect, @"Stop", content); [button setTarget:web_view]; [button setAction:@selector(stopLoading:)]; // text field for URL button_rect.origin.x += 16; button_rect.size.width = [[m_mainWnd contentView] bounds].size.width - button_rect.origin.x - 32; m_editWnd = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:button_rect]; [[m_mainWnd contentView] addSubview:m_editWnd]; [m_editWnd setAutoresizingMask:(NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewMinYMargin)]; [m_editWnd setTarget:web_view]; [m_editWnd setAction:@selector(takeURLStringValueFrom:)]; // show the window [m_mainWnd makeKeyAndOrderFront: nil]; // Load our initial content. if (!startingURL.empty()) LoadURL(startingURL.c_str()); bool bIsSVGTest = startingURL.find(L"W3C-SVG-1.1") != std::wstring::npos; if (bIsSVGTest) { SizeTo(kSVGTestWindowWidth, kSVGTestWindowHeight); } else { SizeToDefault(); } return true; } void TestShell::TestFinished() { if (!test_is_pending_) return; // reached when running under test_shell_tests test_is_pending_ = false; MessageLoop::current()->Quit(); } void TestShell::WaitTestFinished() { DCHECK(!test_is_pending_) << "cannot be used recursively"; test_is_pending_ = true; // Create a watchdog thread which just sets a timer and // kills the process if it times out. This catches really // bad hangs where the shell isn't coming back to the // message loop. If the watchdog is what catches a // timeout, it can't do anything except terminate the test // shell, which is unfortunate. // TODO(port): implement this // TestFinished() will post a quit message to break this loop when the page // finishes loading. while (test_is_pending_) MessageLoop::current()->Run(); } void TestShell::Show(WebView* webview, WindowOpenDisposition disposition) { delegate_->Show(webview, disposition); } void TestShell::SetFocus(WebWidgetHost* host, bool enable) { if (interactive_) { if (enable) { // ::SetFocus(host->window_handle()); } else { // if (GetFocus() == host->window_handle()) // ::SetFocus(NULL); } } else { if (enable) { if (m_focusedWidgetHost != host) { if (m_focusedWidgetHost) m_focusedWidgetHost->webwidget()->SetFocus(false); host->webwidget()->SetFocus(enable); m_focusedWidgetHost = host; } } else { if (m_focusedWidgetHost == host) { host->webwidget()->SetFocus(enable); m_focusedWidgetHost = NULL; } } } } void TestShell::BindJSObjectsToWindow(WebFrame* frame) { // Only bind the test classes if we're running tests. if (!interactive_) { layout_test_controller_->BindToJavascript(frame, L"layoutTestController"); event_sending_controller_->BindToJavascript(frame, L"eventSender"); text_input_controller_->BindToJavascript(frame, L"textInputController"); } } // static* bool TestShell::CreateNewWindow(const std::wstring& startingURL, TestShell** result) { TestShell* shell = new TestShell(); bool rv = shell->Initialize(startingURL); if (rv) { if (result) *result = shell; TestShell::windowList()->push_back(shell->m_mainWnd); window_map_.Get()[shell->m_mainWnd] = shell; } return rv; } // static void TestShell::DestroyWindow(gfx::WindowHandle windowHandle) { // Do we want to tear down some of the machinery behind the scenes too? [windowHandle performClose:nil]; } WebView* TestShell::CreateWebView(WebView* webview) { // If we're running layout tests, only open a new window if the test has // called layoutTestController.setCanOpenWindows() if (!interactive_ && !layout_test_controller_->CanOpenWindows()) return NULL; TestShell* new_win; if (!CreateNewWindow(std::wstring(), &new_win)) return NULL; return new_win->webView(); } WebWidget* TestShell::CreatePopupWidget(WebView* webview) { DCHECK(!m_popupHost); m_popupHost = WebWidgetHost::Create(NULL, delegate_.get()); // ShowWindow(popupWnd(), SW_SHOW); return m_popupHost->webwidget(); } void TestShell::ClosePopup() { // PostMessage(popupWnd(), WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); m_popupHost = NULL; } void TestShell::SizeToDefault() { SizeTo(kTestWindowWidth, kTestWindowHeight); } void TestShell::SizeTo(int width, int height) { NSRect r = [m_mainWnd contentRectForFrameRect:[m_mainWnd frame]]; r.size.width = width; r.size.height = height; [m_mainWnd setFrame:[m_mainWnd frameRectForContentRect:r] display:YES]; } void TestShell::ResizeSubViews() { // handled by Cocoa for us } /* static */ std::string TestShell::DumpImage( WebFrame* web_frame, const std::wstring& file_name) { gfx::BitmapPlatformDevice device(web_frame->CaptureImage(true)); const SkBitmap& src_bmp = device.accessBitmap(false); // Encode image. std::vector png; SkAutoLockPixels src_bmp_lock(src_bmp); PNGEncoder::Encode( reinterpret_cast(src_bmp.getPixels()), PNGEncoder::FORMAT_BGRA, src_bmp.width(), src_bmp.height(), static_cast(src_bmp.rowBytes()), true, &png); // Write to disk. if (png.size() > 0) { FILE* file = fopen(WideToUTF8(file_name).c_str(), "w"); if (file) { fwrite(&png[0], sizeof(unsigned char), png.size(), file); fclose(file); } } // Compute MD5 sum. MD5Context ctx; MD5Init(&ctx); MD5Update(&ctx, src_bmp.getPixels(), src_bmp.getSize()); MD5Digest digest; MD5Final(&digest, &ctx); return MD5DigestToBase16(digest); } /* static */ void TestShell::DumpBackForwardList(std::wstring* result) { result->clear(); for (WindowList::iterator iter = TestShell::windowList()->begin(); iter != TestShell::windowList()->end(); iter++) { #if 0 HWND hwnd = *iter; TestShell* shell = static_cast(win_util::GetWindowUserData(hwnd)); webkit_glue::DumpBackForwardList(shell->webView(), NULL, result); #endif } } /* static */ bool TestShell::RunFileTest(const char* filename, const TestParams& params) { // Load the test file into the first available window. if (TestShell::windowList()->empty()) { LOG(ERROR) << "No windows open."; return false; } NSWindow* window = *(TestShell::windowList()->begin()); TestShell* shell = window_map_.Get()[window]; shell->ResetTestController(); // ResetTestController may have closed the window we were holding on to. // Grab the first window again. window = *(TestShell::windowList()->begin()); shell = window_map_.Get()[window]; DCHECK(shell); // Clear focus between tests. shell->m_focusedWidgetHost = NULL; // Make sure the previous load is stopped. shell->webView()->StopLoading(); shell->navigation_controller()->Reset(); // Clean up state between test runs. webkit_glue::ResetBeforeTestRun(shell->webView()); ResetWebPreferences(); shell->webView()->SetPreferences(*web_prefs_); [shell->m_mainWnd setFrameTopLeftPoint:NSMakePoint(kTestWindowXLocation, kTestWindowYLocation)]; shell->ResizeSubViews(); if (strstr(filename, "loading/")) shell->layout_test_controller()->SetShouldDumpFrameLoadCallbacks(true); shell->test_is_preparing_ = true; shell->LoadURL(UTF8ToWide(filename).c_str()); shell->test_is_preparing_ = false; shell->WaitTestFinished(); // Echo the url in the output so we know we're not getting out of sync. printf("#URL:%s\n", filename); // Dump the requested representation. WebFrame* webFrame = shell->webView()->GetMainFrame(); if (webFrame) { bool should_dump_as_text = shell->layout_test_controller_->ShouldDumpAsText(); bool dumped_anything = false; if (params.dump_tree) { dumped_anything = true; // Text output: the test page can request different types of output // which we handle here. if (!should_dump_as_text) { // Plain text pages should be dumped as text std::string mime_type = WideToUTF8(webFrame->GetDataSource()->GetResponseMimeType()); should_dump_as_text = (mime_type == "text/plain"); } if (should_dump_as_text) { bool recursive = shell->layout_test_controller_-> ShouldDumpChildFramesAsText(); printf("%s", WideToUTF8( webkit_glue::DumpFramesAsText(webFrame, recursive)). c_str()); } else { printf("%s", WideToUTF8( webkit_glue::DumpRenderer(webFrame)).c_str()); bool recursive = shell->layout_test_controller_-> ShouldDumpChildFrameScrollPositions(); printf("%s", WideToUTF8( webkit_glue::DumpFrameScrollPosition(webFrame, recursive)). c_str()); } if (shell->layout_test_controller_->ShouldDumpBackForwardList()) { std::wstring bfDump; DumpBackForwardList(&bfDump); printf("%s", WideToUTF8(bfDump).c_str()); } } if (params.dump_pixels && !should_dump_as_text) { // Image output: we write the image data to the file given on the // command line (for the dump pixels argument), and the MD5 sum to // stdout. dumped_anything = true; std::string md5sum = DumpImage(webFrame, params.pixel_file_name); printf("#MD5:%s\n", md5sum.c_str()); } if (dumped_anything) printf("#EOF\n"); fflush(stdout); } return true; } void TestShell::LoadURL(const wchar_t* url) { LoadURLForFrame(url, NULL); } void TestShell::LoadURLForFrame(const wchar_t* url, const wchar_t* frame_name) { if (!url) return; std::string url8 = WideToUTF8(url); bool bIsSVGTest = strstr(url8.c_str(), "W3C-SVG-1.1") != NULL; if (bIsSVGTest) { SizeTo(kSVGTestWindowWidth, kSVGTestWindowHeight); } else { // SizeToDefault(); } std::string urlString(url8); struct stat stat_buf; if (!urlString.empty() && stat(url8.c_str(), &stat_buf) == 0) { urlString.insert(0, "file://"); } std::wstring frame_string; if (frame_name) frame_string = frame_name; navigation_controller_->LoadEntry(new TestNavigationEntry( -1, GURL(urlString), std::wstring(), frame_string)); } bool TestShell::Navigate(const TestNavigationEntry& entry, bool reload) { const TestNavigationEntry& test_entry = *static_cast(&entry); WebRequestCachePolicy cache_policy; if (reload) { cache_policy = WebRequestReloadIgnoringCacheData; } else if (entry.GetPageID() != -1) { cache_policy = WebRequestReturnCacheDataElseLoad; } else { cache_policy = WebRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy; } scoped_ptr request(WebRequest::Create(entry.GetURL())); request->SetCachePolicy(cache_policy); // If we are reloading, then WebKit will use the state of the current page. // Otherwise, we give it the state to navigate to. if (!reload) request->SetHistoryState(entry.GetContentState()); request->SetExtraData(new TestShellExtraRequestData(entry.GetPageID())); // Get the right target frame for the entry. WebFrame* frame = webView()->GetMainFrame(); if (!test_entry.GetTargetFrame().empty()) frame = webView()->GetFrameWithName(test_entry.GetTargetFrame()); // TODO(mpcomplete): should we clear the target frame, or should // back/forward navigations maintain the target frame? frame->LoadRequest(request.get()); // Restore focus to the main frame prior to loading new request. // This makes sure that we don't have a focused iframe. Otherwise, that // iframe would keep focus when the SetFocus called immediately after // LoadRequest, thus making some tests fail (see http://b/issue?id=845337 // for more details). webView()->SetFocusedFrame(frame); SetFocus(webViewHost(), true); return true; } void TestShell::GoBackOrForward(int offset) { navigation_controller_->GoToOffset(offset); } bool TestShell::PromptForSaveFile(const wchar_t* prompt_title, std::wstring* result) { NSSavePanel* save_panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel]; /* set up new attributes */ [save_panel setRequiredFileType:@"txt"]; [save_panel setMessage: [NSString stringWithUTF8String:WideToUTF8(prompt_title).c_str()]]; /* display the NSSavePanel */ if ([save_panel runModalForDirectory:NSHomeDirectory() file:@""] == NSOKButton) { result->assign(UTF8ToWide([[save_panel filename] UTF8String])); return true; } return false; } static void WriteTextToFile(const std::string& data, const std::string& file_path) { FILE* fp = fopen(file_path.c_str(), "w"); if (!fp) return; fwrite(data.c_str(), sizeof(std::string::value_type), data.size(), fp); fclose(fp); } std::wstring TestShell::GetDocumentText() { return webkit_glue::DumpDocumentText(webView()->GetMainFrame()); } void TestShell::DumpDocumentText() { std::wstring file_path; if (!PromptForSaveFile(L"Dump document text", &file_path)) return; WriteTextToFile( WideToUTF8(webkit_glue::DumpDocumentText(webView()->GetMainFrame())), WideToUTF8(file_path)); } void TestShell::DumpRenderTree() { std::wstring file_path; if (!PromptForSaveFile(L"Dump render tree", &file_path)) return; WriteTextToFile( WideToUTF8(webkit_glue::DumpRenderer(webView()->GetMainFrame())), WideToUTF8(file_path)); } void TestShell::Reload() { navigation_controller_->Reload(); } /* static */ std::string TestShell::RewriteLocalUrl(const std::string& url) { // Convert file:///tmp/LayoutTests urls to the actual location on disk. const char kPrefix[] = "file:///tmp/LayoutTests/"; const int kPrefixLen = arraysize(kPrefix) - 1; std::string new_url(url); if (url.compare(0, kPrefixLen, kPrefix, kPrefixLen) == 0) { std::wstring replace_url; PathService::Get(base::DIR_EXE, &replace_url); file_util::UpOneDirectory(&replace_url); file_util::UpOneDirectory(&replace_url); file_util::AppendToPath(&replace_url, L"webkit"); file_util::AppendToPath(&replace_url, L"data"); file_util::AppendToPath(&replace_url, L"layout_tests"); file_util::AppendToPath(&replace_url, L"LayoutTests"); replace_url.push_back(file_util::kPathSeparator); std::string replace_url8 = WideToUTF8(replace_url); new_url = std::string("file:///") + replace_url8.append(url.substr(kPrefixLen)); } return new_url; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace webkit_glue { bool HistoryContains(const char16* url, int url_length, const char* document_host, int document_host_length, bool is_dns_prefetch_enabled) { return false; } void DnsPrefetchUrl(const char16* url, int url_length) {} void PrecacheUrl(const char16* url, int url_length) {} void AppendToLog(const char* file, int line, const char* msg) { logging::LogMessage(file, line).stream() << msg; } bool GetMimeTypeFromExtension(std::string &ext, std::string* mime_type) { return net::GetMimeTypeFromExtension(UTF8ToWide(ext), mime_type); } bool GetMimeTypeFromFile(const std::string &file_path, std::string* mime_type) { return net::GetMimeTypeFromFile(UTF8ToWide(file_path), mime_type); } bool GetPreferredExtensionForMimeType(const std::string& mime_type, std::string* ext) { std::wstring wide_ext; bool result = net::GetPreferredExtensionForMimeType(mime_type, &wide_ext); if (result) *ext = WideToUTF8(wide_ext); return result; } std::wstring GetLocalizedString(int message_id) { NSString* idString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", message_id]; NSString* localString = NSLocalizedString(idString, @""); return UTF8ToWide([localString UTF8String]); } std::string GetDataResource(int resource_id) { if (resource_id == IDR_BROKENIMAGE) { // Use webkit's broken image icon (16x16) static std::string broken_image_data; if (broken_image_data.empty()) { std::wstring path; PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &path); file_util::AppendToPath(&path, L"webkit"); file_util::AppendToPath(&path, L"tools"); file_util::AppendToPath(&path, L"test_shel"); file_util::AppendToPath(&path, L"resources"); file_util::AppendToPath(&path, L"missingImage.gif"); bool success = file_util::ReadFileToString(path, &broken_image_data); if (!success) { LOG(FATAL) << "Failed reading: " << path; } } return broken_image_data; } else if (resource_id == IDR_FEED_PREVIEW) { // It is necessary to return a feed preview template that contains // a {{URL}} substring where the feed URL should go; see the code // that computes feed previews in feed_preview.cc:MakeFeedPreview. // This fixes issue #932714. return std::string("Feed preview for {{URL}}"); } else { return std::string(); } } NSCursor* LoadCursor(int cursor_id) { // TODO(port): add some more options here return [NSCursor arrowCursor]; } bool GetApplicationDirectory(std::string* path) { NSString* bundle_path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]; if (!bundle_path) return false; bundle_path = [bundle_path stringByDeletingLastPathComponent]; *path = [bundle_path UTF8String]; return true; } GURL GetInspectorURL() { // TODO(port): is this right? NSLog(@"GetInspectorURL"); return GURL("test-shell-resource://inspector/inspector.html"); } std::string GetUIResourceProtocol() { return "test-shell-resource"; } bool GetInspectorHTMLPath(std::string* path) { NSString* resource_path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath]; if (!resource_path) return false; *path = [resource_path UTF8String]; *path += "/Inspector/inspector.htm"; return true; } bool GetExeDirectory(std::string* path) { NSString* executable_path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] executablePath]; if (!executable_path) return false; *path = [executable_path UTF8String]; return true; } bool SpellCheckWord(const char* word, int word_len, int* misspelling_start, int* misspelling_len) { // Report all words being correctly spelled. *misspelling_start = 0; *misspelling_len = 0; return true; } bool GetPlugins(bool refresh, std::vector* plugins) { return false; // NPAPI::PluginList::Singleton()->GetPlugins(refresh, plugins); } bool IsPluginRunningInRendererProcess() { return true; } bool DownloadUrl(const std::string& url, NSWindow* caller_window) { return false; } bool GetPluginFinderURL(std::string* plugin_finder_url) { return false; } bool IsDefaultPluginEnabled() { return false; } std::wstring GetWebKitLocale() { return L"en-US"; } void DidLoadPlugin(const std::string& filename) { } void DidUnloadPlugin(const std::string& filename) { } } // namespace webkit_glue // These are here ONLY to satisfy link errors until we reinstate the ObjC // bindings into WebCore. @interface DOMRange : NSObject @end @implementation DOMRange @end @interface DOMDocumentFragment : NSObject @end @implementation DOMDocumentFragment @end @interface DOMNode : NSObject @end @implementation DOMNode @end @interface DOMElement : NSObject @end @implementation DOMElement @end @interface DOMCSSStyleDeclaration : NSObject @end @implementation DOMCSSStyleDeclaration @end