// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "webkit/tools/test_shell/test_shell_switches.h"

namespace test_shell {

// Suppresses all error dialogs when present.
const char kNoErrorDialogs[]                = "noerrdialogs";

// Causes the test_shell to run using stdin and stdout for URLs and output,
// respectively, and interferes with interactive use of the UI.
const char kLayoutTests[] = "layout-tests";
const char kCrashDumps[] = "crash-dumps";  // Enable crash dumps

// Causes the test_shell to run with a generic theme (part of layout_tests).
const char kGenericTheme[] = "generic-theme";

// This causes the test_shell to run with the classic theme.
// Passing --layout-tests enables this by default.
const char kClassicTheme[] = "classic-theme";

// This causes the test_shell to run with the new windows theming engine
// enabled. This is the default unless --layout-tests is specified.
const char kUxTheme[] = "ux-theme";

// Command line flags that control the tests when layout-tests is specified.
const char kNoTree[] = "notree";  // Don't dump the render tree.
const char kDumpPixels[] = "pixel-tests";  // Enable pixel tests.
// Optional command line switch that specifies timeout time for page load when
// running file tests in layout test mode, in ms.
const char kTestShellTimeOut[] = "time-out-ms";

const char kStartupDialog[] = "testshell-startup-dialog";

// Enable the Windows dialogs for GP faults in the test shell. This allows makes
// it possible to attach a crashed test shell to a debugger.
const char kGPFaultErrorBox[] = "gp-fault-error-box";

// JavaScript flags passed to engine.
const char kJavaScriptFlags[] = "js-flags";

// Run the http cache in record mode.
const char kRecordMode[] = "record-mode";

// Run the http cache in playback mode.
const char kPlaybackMode[] = "playback-mode";

// Don't record/playback events when using record & playback.
const char kNoEvents[] = "no-events";

// Dump stats table on exit.
const char kDumpStatsTable[] = "stats";

// Use a specified cache directory.
const char kCacheDir[] = "cache-dir";

// When being run through a memory profiler, trigger memory in use dumps at
// startup and just prior to shutdown.
const char kDebugMemoryInUse[] = "debug-memory-in-use";

// Enable cookies on the file:// scheme.  --layout-tests also enables this.
const char kEnableFileCookies[] = "enable-file-cookies";

// Enable tracing events (see base/trace_event.h)
const char kEnableTracing[] = "enable-tracing";

// Allow scripts to close windows in all cases.
const char kAllowScriptsToCloseWindows[] = "allow-scripts-to-close-windows";

// Test the system dependencies (themes, fonts, ...). When this flag is
// specified, the test shell will exit immediately with either 0 (success) or
// 1 (failure). Combining with other flags has no effect.
const char kCheckLayoutTestSystemDeps[] = "check-layout-test-sys-deps";

// If set, we are running under GDB so allow a certain class of errors
// to happen even if in layout test mode.
const char kGDB[] = "gdb";

// Make functions of the Profiler class available in javascript
const char kProfiler[] = "profiler";

// Make functions of the HeapProfiler class available in javascript
const char kHeapProfiler[] = "heap-profiler";

const char kAllowExternalPages[] = "allow-external-pages";    

const char kEnableLegacyParser[] = "legacy-parser";

}  // namespace test_shell