// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // This file implements a simple generic version of the WebKitThemeEngine, // which is used to draw all the native controls on a web page. We use this // file when running in layout test mode in order to remove any // platform-specific rendering differences due to themes, colors, etc. // #include "webkit/tools/test_shell/test_shell_webthemecontrol.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "skia/ext/platform_canvas.h" #include "skia/ext/skia_utils_win.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPaint.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPath.h" namespace TestShellWebTheme { const SkColor kEdgeColor = SK_ColorBLACK; const SkColor kReadOnlyColor = SkColorSetRGB(0xe9, 0xc2, 0xa6); const SkColor kFgColor = SK_ColorBLACK; const SkColor kBgColors[] = { SK_ColorBLACK, // Unknown SkColorSetRGB(0xc9, 0xc9, 0xc9), // Disabled SkColorSetRGB(0xf3, 0xe0, 0xd0), // Readonly SkColorSetRGB(0x89, 0xc4, 0xff), // Normal SkColorSetRGB(0x43, 0xf9, 0xff), // Hot SkColorSetRGB(0x20, 0xf6, 0xcc), // Focused SkColorSetRGB(0x00, 0xf3, 0xac), // Hover SkColorSetRGB(0xa9, 0xff, 0x12), // Pressed SkColorSetRGB(0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc) // Indeterminate }; SkIRect Validate(const SkIRect& rect, Control::Type ctype) { SkIRect retval = rect; if (ctype == Control::kUncheckedBox_Type || ctype == Control::kCheckedBox_Type || ctype == Control::kUncheckedRadio_Type || ctype == Control::kCheckedRadio_Type) { // The maximum width and height is 13. Center the square in the passed // rectangle. const int kMaxControlSize = 13; int control_size = std::min(rect.width(), rect.height()); control_size = std::min(control_size, kMaxControlSize); retval.fLeft = rect.fLeft + (rect.width() / 2) - (control_size / 2); retval.fRight = retval.fLeft + control_size - 1; retval.fTop = rect.fTop + (rect.height() / 2) - (control_size / 2); retval.fBottom = retval.fTop + control_size - 1; } return retval; } Control::Control(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkIRect& irect, Type ctype, State cstate) : canvas_(canvas), irect_(Validate(irect, ctype)), type_(ctype), state_(cstate), left_(irect_.fLeft), right_(irect_.fRight), top_(irect_.fTop), bottom_(irect_.fBottom), height_(irect_.height()), width_(irect_.width()), edge_color_(kEdgeColor), bg_color_(kBgColors[cstate]), fg_color_(kFgColor) { } Control::~Control() { } void Control::box(const SkIRect& rect, SkColor fill_color) { SkPaint paint; paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); paint.setColor(fill_color); canvas_->drawIRect(rect, paint); paint.setColor(edge_color_); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); canvas_->drawIRect(rect, paint); } void Control::line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, SkColor color) { SkPaint paint; paint.setColor(color); canvas_->drawLine(SkIntToScalar(x0), SkIntToScalar(y0), SkIntToScalar(x1), SkIntToScalar(y1), paint); } void Control::triangle(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, SkColor color) { SkPath path; SkPaint paint; paint.setColor(color); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); path.incReserve(4); path.moveTo(SkIntToScalar(x0), SkIntToScalar(y0)); path.lineTo(SkIntToScalar(x1), SkIntToScalar(y1)); path.lineTo(SkIntToScalar(x2), SkIntToScalar(y2)); path.close(); canvas_->drawPath(path, paint); paint.setColor(edge_color_); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); canvas_->drawPath(path, paint); } void Control::roundRect(SkColor color) { SkRect rect; SkScalar radius = SkIntToScalar(5); SkPaint paint; rect.set(irect_); paint.setColor(color); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); canvas_->drawRoundRect(rect, radius, radius, paint); paint.setColor(edge_color_); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); canvas_->drawRoundRect(rect, radius, radius, paint); } void Control::oval(SkColor color) { SkRect rect; SkPaint paint; rect.set(irect_); paint.setColor(color); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); canvas_->drawOval(rect, paint); paint.setColor(edge_color_); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); canvas_->drawOval(rect, paint); } void Control::circle(SkScalar radius, SkColor color) { SkScalar cy = SkIntToScalar(top_ + height_ / 2); SkScalar cx = SkIntToScalar(left_ + width_ / 2); SkPaint paint; paint.setColor(color); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); canvas_->drawCircle(cx, cy, radius, paint); paint.setColor(edge_color_); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); canvas_->drawCircle(cx, cy, radius, paint); } void Control::nested_boxes(int indent_left, int indent_top, int indent_right, int indent_bottom, SkColor outer_color, SkColor inner_color) { SkIRect lirect; box(irect_, outer_color); lirect.set(irect_.fLeft + indent_left, irect_.fTop + indent_top, irect_.fRight - indent_right, irect_.fBottom - indent_bottom); box(lirect, inner_color); } void Control::markState() { // The horizontal lines in a read only control are spaced by this amount. const int kReadOnlyLineOffset = 5; // The length of a triangle side for the corner marks. const int kTriangleSize = 5; switch (state_) { case kUnknown_State: // FALLTHROUGH case kDisabled_State: // FALLTHROUGH case kNormal_State: // Don't visually mark these states (color is enough). break; case kReadOnly_State: // Drawing lines across the control. for (int i = top_ + kReadOnlyLineOffset; i < bottom_ ; i += kReadOnlyLineOffset) { line(left_ + 1, i, right_ - 1, i, kReadOnlyColor); } break; case kHot_State: // Draw a triangle in the upper left corner of the control. triangle(left_, top_, left_ + kTriangleSize, top_, left_, top_ + kTriangleSize, edge_color_); break; case kHover_State: // Draw a triangle in the upper right corner of the control. triangle(right_, top_, right_, top_ + kTriangleSize, right_ - kTriangleSize, top_, edge_color_); break; case kFocused_State: // Draw a triangle in the bottom right corner of the control. triangle(right_, bottom_, right_ - kTriangleSize, bottom_, right_, bottom_ - kTriangleSize, edge_color_); break; case kPressed_State: // Draw a triangle in the bottom left corner of the control. triangle(left_, bottom_, left_, bottom_ - kTriangleSize, left_ + kTriangleSize, bottom_, edge_color_); break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } } void Control::draw() { int half_width = width_ / 2; int half_height = height_ / 2; int quarter_width = width_ / 4; int quarter_height = height_ / 4; // Indent amounts for the check in a checkbox or radio button. const int kCheckIndent = 3; // Indent amounts for short and long sides of the scrollbar notches. const int kNotchLongOffset = 1; const int kNotchShortOffset = 4; const int kNoOffset = 0; int short_offset; int long_offset; // Indent amounts for the short and long sides of a scroll thumb box. const int kThumbLongIndent = 0; const int kThumbShortIndent = 2; // Indents for the crosshatch on a scroll grip. const int kGripLongIndent = 3; const int kGripShortIndent = 5; // Indents for the the slider track. const int kSliderIndent = 2; skia::ScopedPlatformPaint scoped_platform_paint(canvas_); switch (type_) { case kUnknown_Type: NOTREACHED(); break; case kTextField_Type: // We render this by hand outside of this function. NOTREACHED(); break; case kPushButton_Type: // push buttons render as a rounded rectangle roundRect(bg_color_); break; case kUncheckedBox_Type: // Unchecked boxes are simply plain boxes. box(irect_, bg_color_); break; case kCheckedBox_Type: nested_boxes(kCheckIndent, kCheckIndent, kCheckIndent, kCheckIndent, bg_color_, fg_color_); break; case kIndeterminateCheckBox_Type: // Indeterminate checkbox is a box containing '-'. nested_boxes(kCheckIndent, height_ / 2, kCheckIndent, height_ / 2, bg_color_, fg_color_); break; case kUncheckedRadio_Type: circle(SkIntToScalar(half_height), bg_color_); break; case kCheckedRadio_Type: circle(SkIntToScalar(half_height), bg_color_); circle(SkIntToScalar(half_height - kCheckIndent), fg_color_); break; case kHorizontalScrollTrackBack_Type: // Draw a box with a notch at the left. long_offset = half_height - kNotchLongOffset; short_offset = width_ - kNotchShortOffset; nested_boxes(kNoOffset, long_offset, short_offset, long_offset, bg_color_, edge_color_); break; case kHorizontalScrollTrackForward_Type: // Draw a box with a notch at the right. long_offset = half_height - kNotchLongOffset; short_offset = width_ - kNotchShortOffset; nested_boxes(short_offset, long_offset, kNoOffset, long_offset, bg_color_, fg_color_); break; case kVerticalScrollTrackBack_Type: // Draw a box with a notch at the top. long_offset = half_width - kNotchLongOffset; short_offset = height_ - kNotchShortOffset; nested_boxes(long_offset, kNoOffset, long_offset, short_offset, bg_color_, fg_color_); break; case kVerticalScrollTrackForward_Type: // Draw a box with a notch at the bottom. long_offset = half_width - kNotchLongOffset; short_offset = height_ - kNotchShortOffset; nested_boxes(long_offset, short_offset, long_offset, kNoOffset, bg_color_, fg_color_); break; case kHorizontalScrollThumb_Type: // Draw a narrower box on top of the outside box. nested_boxes(kThumbLongIndent, kThumbShortIndent, kThumbLongIndent, kThumbShortIndent, bg_color_, bg_color_); break; case kVerticalScrollThumb_Type: // Draw a shorter box on top of the outside box. nested_boxes(kThumbShortIndent, kThumbLongIndent, kThumbShortIndent, kThumbLongIndent, bg_color_, bg_color_); break; case kHorizontalSliderThumb_Type: // Slider thumbs are ovals. oval(bg_color_); break; case kHorizontalScrollGrip_Type: // Draw a horizontal crosshatch for the grip. long_offset = half_width - kGripLongIndent; line(left_ + kGripLongIndent, top_ + half_height, right_ - kGripLongIndent, top_ + half_height, fg_color_); line(left_ + long_offset, top_ + kGripShortIndent, left_ + long_offset, bottom_ - kGripShortIndent, fg_color_); line(right_ - long_offset, top_ + kGripShortIndent, right_ - long_offset, bottom_ - kGripShortIndent, fg_color_); break; case kVerticalScrollGrip_Type: // Draw a vertical crosshatch for the grip. long_offset = half_height - kGripLongIndent; line(left_ + half_width, top_ + kGripLongIndent, left_ + half_width, bottom_ - kGripLongIndent, fg_color_); line(left_ + kGripShortIndent, top_ + long_offset, right_ - kGripShortIndent, top_ + long_offset, fg_color_); line(left_ + kGripShortIndent, bottom_ - long_offset, right_ - kGripShortIndent, bottom_ - long_offset, fg_color_); break; case kLeftArrow_Type: // Draw a left arrow inside a box. box(irect_, bg_color_); triangle(right_ - quarter_width, top_ + quarter_height, right_ - quarter_width, bottom_ - quarter_height, left_ + quarter_width, top_ + half_height, fg_color_); break; case kRightArrow_Type: // Draw a left arrow inside a box. box(irect_, bg_color_); triangle(left_ + quarter_width, top_ + quarter_height, right_ - quarter_width, top_ + half_height, left_ + quarter_width, bottom_ - quarter_height, fg_color_); break; case kUpArrow_Type: // Draw an up arrow inside a box. box(irect_, bg_color_); triangle(left_ + quarter_width, bottom_ - quarter_height, left_ + half_width, top_ + quarter_height, right_ - quarter_width, bottom_ - quarter_height, fg_color_); break; case kDownArrow_Type: // Draw a down arrow inside a box. box(irect_, bg_color_); triangle(left_ + quarter_width, top_ + quarter_height, right_ - quarter_width, top_ + quarter_height, left_ + half_width, bottom_ - quarter_height, fg_color_); break; case kHorizontalSliderTrack_Type: // Draw a narrow rect for the track plus box hatches on the ends. SkIRect lirect; lirect = irect_; lirect.inset(kNoOffset, half_height - kSliderIndent); box(lirect, bg_color_); line(left_, top_, left_, bottom_, edge_color_); line(right_, top_, right_, bottom_, edge_color_); break; case kDropDownButton_Type: // Draw a box with a big down arrow on top. box(irect_, bg_color_); triangle(left_ + quarter_width, top_, right_ - quarter_width, top_, left_ + half_width, bottom_, fg_color_); break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } markState(); } // Because rendering a text field is dependent on input // parameters the other controls don't have, we render it directly // rather than trying to overcomplicate draw() further. void Control::drawTextField(bool draw_edges, bool fill_content_area, SkColor color) { SkPaint paint; skia::ScopedPlatformPaint scoped_platform_paint(canvas_); if (fill_content_area) { paint.setColor(color); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); canvas_->drawIRect(irect_, paint); } if (draw_edges) { paint.setColor(edge_color_); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); canvas_->drawIRect(irect_, paint); } markState(); } void Control::drawProgressBar(const SkIRect& fill_rect) { SkPaint paint; skia::ScopedPlatformPaint scoped_platform_paint(canvas_); paint.setColor(bg_color_); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); canvas_->drawIRect(irect_, paint); // Emulate clipping SkIRect tofill; tofill.intersect(irect_, fill_rect); paint.setColor(fg_color_); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); canvas_->drawIRect(tofill, paint); markState(); } } // namespace TestShellWebTheme