// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // This file implements a simple generic version of the WebKitThemeEngine, // Since WebThemeEngine is unfortunately defined in terms of the Windows // Theme parameters and values, we need to translate all the values into // generic equivalents that we can more easily understand. This file does // that translation (acting as a Facade design pattern) and then uses // TestShellWebTheme::Control for the actual rendering of the widgets. // #include "webkit/tools/test_shell/test_shell_webthemeengine.h" // Although all this code is generic, we include these headers // to pull in the Windows #defines for the parts and states of // the controls. #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/platform/WebCanvas.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/platform/WebRect.h" #include "webkit/tools/test_shell/test_shell_webthemecontrol.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRect.h" // We define this for clarity, although there really should be a DFCS_NORMAL // in winuser.h. namespace { const int kDFCSNormal = 0x0000; } using WebKit::WebCanvas; using WebKit::WebColor; using WebKit::WebRect; namespace TestShellWebTheme { SkIRect webRectToSkIRect(const WebRect& web_rect) { SkIRect irect; irect.set(web_rect.x, web_rect.y, web_rect.x + web_rect.width, web_rect.y + web_rect.height); return irect; } void drawControl(WebCanvas* canvas, const WebRect& rect, Control::Type ctype, Control::State cstate) { Control control(canvas, webRectToSkIRect(rect), ctype, cstate); control.draw(); } void drawTextField(WebCanvas* canvas, const WebRect& rect, Control::Type ctype, Control::State cstate, bool draw_edges, bool fill_content_area, WebColor color) { Control control(canvas, webRectToSkIRect(rect), ctype, cstate); control.drawTextField(draw_edges, fill_content_area, color); } void drawProgressBar(WebCanvas* canvas, Control::Type ctype, Control::State cstate, const WebRect& bar_rect, const WebRect& fill_rect) { Control control(canvas, webRectToSkIRect(bar_rect), ctype, cstate); control.drawProgressBar(webRectToSkIRect(fill_rect)); } void Engine::paintButton(WebCanvas* canvas, int part, int state, int classic_state, const WebRect& rect) { Control::Type ctype = Control::kUnknown_Type; Control::State cstate = Control::kUnknown_State; if (part == BP_CHECKBOX) { switch (state) { case CBS_UNCHECKEDNORMAL: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, kDFCSNormal); ctype = Control::kUncheckedBox_Type; cstate = Control::kNormal_State; break; case CBS_UNCHECKEDHOT: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK | DFCS_HOT); ctype = Control::kUncheckedBox_Type; cstate = Control::kHot_State; break; case CBS_UNCHECKEDPRESSED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK | DFCS_PUSHED); ctype = Control::kUncheckedBox_Type; cstate = Control::kPressed_State; break; case CBS_UNCHECKEDDISABLED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK | DFCS_INACTIVE); ctype = Control::kUncheckedBox_Type; cstate = Control::kDisabled_State; break; case CBS_CHECKEDNORMAL: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK | DFCS_CHECKED); ctype = Control::kCheckedBox_Type; cstate = Control::kNormal_State; break; case CBS_CHECKEDHOT: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK | DFCS_CHECKED | DFCS_HOT); ctype = Control::kCheckedBox_Type; cstate = Control::kHot_State; break; case CBS_CHECKEDPRESSED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK | DFCS_CHECKED | DFCS_PUSHED); ctype = Control::kCheckedBox_Type; cstate = Control::kPressed_State; break; case CBS_CHECKEDDISABLED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK | DFCS_CHECKED | DFCS_INACTIVE); ctype = Control::kCheckedBox_Type; cstate = Control::kDisabled_State; break; case CBS_MIXEDNORMAL: // Classic theme can't represent mixed state checkbox. We assume // it's equivalent to unchecked. CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK); ctype = Control::kIndeterminateCheckBox_Type; cstate = Control::kNormal_State; break; case CBS_MIXEDHOT: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK | DFCS_HOT); ctype = Control::kIndeterminateCheckBox_Type; cstate = Control::kHot_State; break; case CBS_MIXEDPRESSED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK | DFCS_PUSHED); ctype = Control::kIndeterminateCheckBox_Type; cstate = Control::kPressed_State; break; case CBS_MIXEDDISABLED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK | DFCS_INACTIVE); ctype = Control::kIndeterminateCheckBox_Type; cstate = Control::kDisabled_State; break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } } else if (BP_RADIOBUTTON == part) { switch (state) { case RBS_UNCHECKEDNORMAL: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONRADIO); ctype = Control::kUncheckedRadio_Type; cstate = Control::kNormal_State; break; case RBS_UNCHECKEDHOT: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONRADIO | DFCS_HOT); ctype = Control::kUncheckedRadio_Type; cstate = Control::kHot_State; break; case RBS_UNCHECKEDPRESSED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONRADIO | DFCS_PUSHED); ctype = Control::kUncheckedRadio_Type; cstate = Control::kPressed_State; break; case RBS_UNCHECKEDDISABLED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONRADIO | DFCS_INACTIVE); ctype = Control::kUncheckedRadio_Type; cstate = Control::kDisabled_State; break; case RBS_CHECKEDNORMAL: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONRADIO | DFCS_CHECKED); ctype = Control::kCheckedRadio_Type; cstate = Control::kNormal_State; break; case RBS_CHECKEDHOT: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONRADIO | DFCS_CHECKED | DFCS_HOT); ctype = Control::kCheckedRadio_Type; cstate = Control::kHot_State; break; case RBS_CHECKEDPRESSED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONRADIO | DFCS_CHECKED | DFCS_PUSHED); ctype = Control::kCheckedRadio_Type; cstate = Control::kPressed_State; break; case RBS_CHECKEDDISABLED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONRADIO | DFCS_CHECKED | DFCS_INACTIVE); ctype = Control::kCheckedRadio_Type; cstate = Control::kDisabled_State; break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } } else if (BP_PUSHBUTTON == part) { switch (state) { case PBS_NORMAL: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH); ctype = Control::kPushButton_Type; cstate = Control::kNormal_State; break; case PBS_HOT: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH | DFCS_HOT); ctype = Control::kPushButton_Type; cstate = Control::kHot_State; break; case PBS_PRESSED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH | DFCS_PUSHED); ctype = Control::kPushButton_Type; cstate = Control::kPressed_State; break; case PBS_DISABLED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH | DFCS_INACTIVE); ctype = Control::kPushButton_Type; cstate = Control::kDisabled_State; break; case PBS_DEFAULTED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH); ctype = Control::kPushButton_Type; cstate = Control::kFocused_State; break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } } else { NOTREACHED(); } drawControl(canvas, rect, ctype, cstate); } void Engine::paintMenuList(WebCanvas* canvas, int part, int state, int classic_state, const WebRect& rect) { Control::Type ctype = Control::kUnknown_Type; Control::State cstate = Control::kUnknown_State; if (CP_DROPDOWNBUTTON == part) { ctype = Control::kDropDownButton_Type; switch (state) { case CBXS_NORMAL: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_MENUARROW); cstate = Control::kNormal_State; break; case CBXS_HOT: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_MENUARROW | DFCS_HOT); cstate = Control::kHover_State; break; case CBXS_PRESSED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_MENUARROW | DFCS_PUSHED); cstate = Control::kPressed_State; break; case CBXS_DISABLED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_MENUARROW | DFCS_INACTIVE); cstate = Control::kDisabled_State; break; default: CHECK(false); break; } } else { CHECK(false); } drawControl(canvas, rect, ctype, cstate); } void Engine::paintScrollbarArrow(WebCanvas* canvas, int state, int classic_state, const WebRect& rect) { Control::Type ctype = Control::kUnknown_Type; Control::State cstate = Control::kUnknown_State; switch (state) { case ABS_UPNORMAL: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_SCROLLUP); ctype = Control::kUpArrow_Type; cstate = Control::kNormal_State; break; case ABS_DOWNNORMAL: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_SCROLLDOWN); ctype = Control::kDownArrow_Type; cstate = Control::kNormal_State; break; case ABS_LEFTNORMAL: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_SCROLLLEFT); ctype = Control::kLeftArrow_Type; cstate = Control::kNormal_State; break; case ABS_RIGHTNORMAL: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_SCROLLRIGHT); ctype = Control::kRightArrow_Type; cstate = Control::kNormal_State; break; case ABS_UPHOT: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_SCROLLUP | DFCS_HOT); ctype = Control::kUpArrow_Type; cstate = Control::kHot_State; break; case ABS_DOWNHOT: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_SCROLLDOWN | DFCS_HOT); ctype = Control::kDownArrow_Type; cstate = Control::kHot_State; break; case ABS_LEFTHOT: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_SCROLLLEFT | DFCS_HOT); ctype = Control::kLeftArrow_Type; cstate = Control::kHot_State; break; case ABS_RIGHTHOT: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_SCROLLRIGHT | DFCS_HOT); ctype = Control::kRightArrow_Type; cstate = Control::kHot_State; break; case ABS_UPHOVER: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_SCROLLUP); ctype = Control::kUpArrow_Type; cstate = Control::kHover_State; break; case ABS_DOWNHOVER: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_SCROLLDOWN); ctype = Control::kDownArrow_Type; cstate = Control::kHover_State; break; case ABS_LEFTHOVER: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_SCROLLLEFT); ctype = Control::kLeftArrow_Type; cstate = Control::kHover_State; break; case ABS_RIGHTHOVER: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_SCROLLRIGHT); ctype = Control::kRightArrow_Type; cstate = Control::kHover_State; break; case ABS_UPPRESSED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_SCROLLUP | DFCS_PUSHED | DFCS_FLAT); ctype = Control::kUpArrow_Type; cstate = Control::kPressed_State; break; case ABS_DOWNPRESSED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_SCROLLDOWN | DFCS_PUSHED | DFCS_FLAT); ctype = Control::kDownArrow_Type; cstate = Control::kPressed_State; break; case ABS_LEFTPRESSED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_SCROLLLEFT | DFCS_PUSHED | DFCS_FLAT); ctype = Control::kLeftArrow_Type; cstate = Control::kPressed_State; break; case ABS_RIGHTPRESSED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_SCROLLRIGHT | DFCS_PUSHED | DFCS_FLAT); ctype = Control::kRightArrow_Type; cstate = Control::kPressed_State; break; case ABS_UPDISABLED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_SCROLLUP | DFCS_INACTIVE); ctype = Control::kUpArrow_Type; cstate = Control::kDisabled_State; break; case ABS_DOWNDISABLED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_SCROLLDOWN | DFCS_INACTIVE); ctype = Control::kDownArrow_Type; cstate = Control::kDisabled_State; break; case ABS_LEFTDISABLED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_SCROLLLEFT | DFCS_INACTIVE); ctype = Control::kLeftArrow_Type; cstate = Control::kDisabled_State; break; case ABS_RIGHTDISABLED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_SCROLLRIGHT | DFCS_INACTIVE); ctype = Control::kRightArrow_Type; cstate = Control::kDisabled_State; break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } drawControl(canvas, rect, ctype, cstate); } void Engine::paintScrollbarThumb(WebCanvas* canvas, int part, int state, int classic_state, const WebRect& rect) { Control::Type ctype = Control::kUnknown_Type; Control::State cstate = Control::kUnknown_State; switch (part) { case SBP_THUMBBTNHORZ: ctype = Control::kHorizontalScrollThumb_Type; break; case SBP_THUMBBTNVERT: ctype = Control::kVerticalScrollThumb_Type; break; case SBP_GRIPPERHORZ: ctype = Control::kHorizontalScrollGrip_Type; break; case SBP_GRIPPERVERT: ctype = Control::kVerticalScrollGrip_Type; break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } switch (state) { case SCRBS_NORMAL: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, kDFCSNormal); cstate = Control::kNormal_State; break; case SCRBS_HOT: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_HOT); cstate = Control::kHot_State; break; case SCRBS_HOVER: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, kDFCSNormal); cstate = Control::kHover_State; break; case SCRBS_PRESSED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, kDFCSNormal); cstate = Control::kPressed_State; break; case SCRBS_DISABLED: NOTREACHED(); // This should never happen in practice. break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } drawControl(canvas, rect, ctype, cstate); } void Engine::paintScrollbarTrack(WebCanvas* canvas, int part, int state, int classic_state, const WebRect& rect, const WebRect& align_rect) { Control::Type ctype = Control::kUnknown_Type; Control::State cstate = Control::kUnknown_State; switch (part) { case SBP_UPPERTRACKHORZ: ctype = Control::kHorizontalScrollTrackBack_Type; break; case SBP_LOWERTRACKHORZ: ctype = Control::kHorizontalScrollTrackForward_Type; break; case SBP_UPPERTRACKVERT: ctype = Control::kVerticalScrollTrackBack_Type; break; case SBP_LOWERTRACKVERT: ctype = Control::kVerticalScrollTrackForward_Type; break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } switch (state) { case SCRBS_NORMAL: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, kDFCSNormal); cstate = Control::kNormal_State; break; case SCRBS_HOT: NOTREACHED(); // This should never happen in practice. break; case SCRBS_HOVER: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, kDFCSNormal); cstate = Control::kHover_State; break; case SCRBS_PRESSED: NOTREACHED(); // This should never happen in practice. break; case SCRBS_DISABLED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_INACTIVE); cstate = Control::kDisabled_State; break; default: CHECK(false); break; } drawControl(canvas, rect, ctype, cstate); } void Engine::paintTextField(WebCanvas* canvas, int part, int state, int classic_state, const WebRect& rect, WebColor color, bool fill_content_area, bool draw_edges) { Control::Type ctype = Control::kUnknown_Type; Control::State cstate = Control::kUnknown_State; CHECK_EQ(EP_EDITTEXT, part); ctype = Control::kTextField_Type; switch (state) { case ETS_NORMAL: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, kDFCSNormal); cstate = Control::kNormal_State; break; case ETS_HOT: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_HOT); cstate = Control::kHot_State; break; case ETS_DISABLED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_INACTIVE); cstate = Control::kDisabled_State; break; case ETS_SELECTED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_PUSHED); cstate = Control::kPressed_State; break; case ETS_FOCUSED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, kDFCSNormal); cstate = Control::kFocused_State; break; case ETS_READONLY: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, kDFCSNormal); cstate = Control::kReadOnly_State; break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } drawTextField(canvas, rect, ctype, cstate, draw_edges, fill_content_area, color); } void Engine::paintTrackbar(WebCanvas* canvas, int part, int state, int classic_state, const WebRect& rect) { Control::Type ctype = Control::kUnknown_Type; Control::State cstate = Control::kUnknown_State; if (TKP_THUMBBOTTOM == part) { ctype = Control::kHorizontalSliderThumb_Type; switch (state) { case TUS_NORMAL: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, kDFCSNormal); cstate = Control::kNormal_State; break; case TUS_HOT: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_HOT); cstate = Control::kHot_State; break; case TUS_DISABLED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_INACTIVE); cstate = Control::kDisabled_State; break; case TUS_PRESSED: CHECK_EQ(classic_state, DFCS_PUSHED); cstate = Control::kPressed_State; break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } } else if (TKP_TRACK == part) { ctype = Control::kHorizontalSliderTrack_Type; CHECK_EQ(part, TUS_NORMAL); CHECK_EQ(classic_state, kDFCSNormal); cstate = Control::kNormal_State; } else { NOTREACHED(); } drawControl(canvas, rect, ctype, cstate); } void Engine::paintProgressBar(WebKit::WebCanvas* canvas, const WebKit::WebRect& barRect, const WebKit::WebRect& valueRect, bool determinate, double) { Control::Type ctype = Control::kProgressBar_Type; Control::State cstate = determinate ? Control::kNormal_State : Control::kIndeterminate_State; drawProgressBar(canvas, ctype, cstate, barRect, valueRect); } } // namespace TestShellWebTheme