path: root/chrome/browser/chromeos/options/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/chromeos/options/')
1 files changed, 630 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/chromeos/options/ b/chrome/browser/chromeos/options/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9f482e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/chromeos/options/
@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/options/language_config_view.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "app/l10n_util.h"
+#include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/input_method/input_method_util.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/options/language_chewing_config_view.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/options/language_hangul_config_view.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/options/language_mozc_config_view.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/options/language_pinyin_config_view.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/options/options_window_view.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/preferences.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/metrics/user_metrics.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/pref_service.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/profile.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/views/restart_message_box.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_type.h"
+#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
+#include "gfx/font.h"
+#include "grit/chromium_strings.h"
+#include "grit/generated_resources.h"
+#include "grit/locale_settings.h"
+#include "views/controls/button/checkbox.h"
+#include "views/controls/label.h"
+#include "views/fill_layout.h"
+#include "views/standard_layout.h"
+#include "views/window/window.h"
+namespace chromeos {
+using views::ColumnSet;
+using views::GridLayout;
+namespace {
+// The width of the preferred language table shown on the left side.
+const int kPreferredLanguageTableWidth = 300;
+// Creates the LanguageHangulConfigView. The function is used to create
+// the object via a function pointer. See also InitInputMethodConfigViewMap().
+views::DialogDelegate* CreateLanguageChewingConfigView(Profile* profile) {
+ return new LanguageChewingConfigView(profile);
+views::DialogDelegate* CreateLanguageHangulConfigView(Profile* profile) {
+ return new LanguageHangulConfigView(profile);
+views::DialogDelegate* CreateLanguagePinyinConfigView(Profile* profile) {
+ return new LanguagePinyinConfigView(profile);
+views::DialogDelegate* CreateLanguageMozcConfigView(Profile* profile) {
+ return new LanguageMozcConfigView(profile);
+// The tags are used to identify buttons in ButtonPressed().
+enum ButtonTag {
+ kChangeUiLanguageButton,
+ kConfigureInputMethodButton,
+ kRemoveLanguageButton,
+ kSelectInputMethodButton,
+// The column set IDs are used for creating the per-language config view.
+const int kPerLanguageTitleColumnSetId = 1;
+const int kPerLanguageDoubleColumnSetId = 2;
+const int kPerLanguageSingleColumnSetId = 3;
+} // namespace
+// This is a native button associated with input method information.
+class InputMethodButton : public views::NativeButton {
+ public:
+ InputMethodButton(views::ButtonListener* listener,
+ const std::wstring& label,
+ const std::string& input_method_id)
+ : views::NativeButton(listener, label),
+ input_method_id_(input_method_id) {
+ }
+ const std::string& input_method_id() const {
+ return input_method_id_;
+ }
+ private:
+ std::string input_method_id_;
+// This is a native button associated with UI language information.
+class UiLanguageButton : public views::NativeButton {
+ public:
+ UiLanguageButton(views::ButtonListener* listener,
+ const std::wstring& label,
+ const std::string& language_code)
+ : views::NativeButton(listener, label),
+ language_code_(language_code) {
+ }
+ const std::string& language_code() const {
+ return language_code_;
+ }
+ private:
+ std::string language_code_;
+// This is a checkbox button associated with input method information.
+class InputMethodCheckbox : public views::Checkbox {
+ public:
+ InputMethodCheckbox(const std::wstring& display_name,
+ const std::string& input_method_id)
+ : views::Checkbox(display_name),
+ input_method_id_(input_method_id) {
+ }
+ const std::string& input_method_id() const {
+ return input_method_id_;
+ }
+ private:
+ std::string input_method_id_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(InputMethodCheckbox);
+LanguageConfigView::LanguageConfigView(Profile* profile)
+ : OptionsPageView(profile),
+ model_(profile->GetPrefs()),
+ root_container_(NULL),
+ right_container_(NULL),
+ remove_language_button_(NULL),
+ preferred_language_table_(NULL) {
+LanguageConfigView::~LanguageConfigView() {
+void LanguageConfigView::ButtonPressed(
+ views::Button* sender, const views::Event& event) {
+ if (sender->tag() == kRemoveLanguageButton) {
+ OnRemoveLanguage();
+ } else if (sender->tag() == kSelectInputMethodButton) {
+ InputMethodCheckbox* checkbox =
+ static_cast<InputMethodCheckbox*>(sender);
+ const std::string& input_method_id = checkbox->input_method_id();
+ model_.SetInputMethodActivated(input_method_id, checkbox->checked());
+ if (checkbox->checked()) {
+ EnableAllCheckboxes();
+ } else {
+ MaybeDisableLastCheckbox();
+ }
+ } else if (sender->tag() == kConfigureInputMethodButton) {
+ InputMethodButton* button = static_cast<InputMethodButton*>(sender);
+ views::DialogDelegate* config_view =
+ CreateInputMethodConfigureView(button->input_method_id());
+ if (!config_view) {
+ DLOG(FATAL) << "Config view not found: " << button->input_method_id();
+ return;
+ }
+ views::Window* window = views::Window::CreateChromeWindow(
+ GetOptionsViewParent(), gfx::Rect(), config_view);
+ window->SetIsAlwaysOnTop(true);
+ window->Show();
+ } else if (sender->tag() == kChangeUiLanguageButton) {
+ UiLanguageButton* button = static_cast<UiLanguageButton*>(sender);
+ PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state();
+ if (prefs) {
+ prefs->SetString(prefs::kApplicationLocale, button->language_code());
+ prefs->SavePersistentPrefs();
+ RestartMessageBox::ShowMessageBox(GetWindow()->GetNativeWindow());
+ }
+ }
+std::wstring LanguageConfigView::GetDialogButtonLabel(
+ MessageBoxFlags::DialogButton button) const {
+ if (button == MessageBoxFlags::DIALOGBUTTON_OK) {
+ return l10n_util::GetString(IDS_DONE);
+ }
+ return L"";
+std::wstring LanguageConfigView::GetWindowTitle() const {
+ return l10n_util::GetString(
+void LanguageConfigView::Layout() {
+ // Not sure why but this is needed to show contents in the dialog.
+ root_container_->SetBounds(0, 0, width(), height());
+gfx::Size LanguageConfigView::GetPreferredSize() {
+ return gfx::Size(views::Window::GetLocalizedContentsSize(
+void LanguageConfigView::OnSelectionChanged() {
+ right_container_->RemoveAllChildViews(true); // Delete the child views.
+ const int row = preferred_language_table_->GetFirstSelectedRow();
+ const std::string& language_code = model_.preferred_language_code_at(row);
+ // Count the number of all active input methods.
+ std::vector<std::string> active_input_method_ids;
+ model_.GetActiveInputMethodIds(&active_input_method_ids);
+ const int num_all_active_input_methods = active_input_method_ids.size();
+ // Count the number of active input methods for the selected language.
+ int num_selected_active_input_methods =
+ model_.CountNumActiveInputMethods(language_code);
+ bool remove_button_enabled = false;
+ // Allow removing the language only if the following conditions are met:
+ // 1. There are more than one language.
+ // 2. The languge in the current row is not set to the display language.
+ // 3. Removing the selected language does not result in "zero input method".
+ if (preferred_language_table_->GetRowCount() > 1 &&
+ language_code != g_browser_process->GetApplicationLocale() &&
+ num_all_active_input_methods > num_selected_active_input_methods) {
+ remove_button_enabled = true;
+ }
+ remove_language_button_->SetEnabled(remove_button_enabled);
+ // Add the per language config view to the right area.
+ right_container_->AddChildView(CreatePerLanguageConfigView(language_code));
+ MaybeDisableLastCheckbox();
+ // Layout the right container. This is needed for the contents on the
+ // right to be displayed properly.
+ right_container_->Layout();
+std::wstring LanguageConfigView::GetText(int row, int column_id) {
+ if (row >= 0 && row < static_cast<int>(
+ model_.num_preferred_language_codes())) {
+ return input_method::GetLanguageDisplayNameFromCode(
+ model_.preferred_language_code_at(row));
+ }
+ return L"";
+void LanguageConfigView::SetObserver(TableModelObserver* observer) {
+ // We don't need the observer for the table mode, since we implement the
+ // table model as part of the LanguageConfigView class.
+ //
+int LanguageConfigView::RowCount() {
+ // Returns the number of rows of the language table.
+ return model_.num_preferred_language_codes();
+void LanguageConfigView::ItemChanged(views::Combobox* combobox,
+ int prev_index,
+ int new_index) {
+ // Ignore the first item used for showing "Add language".
+ if (new_index <= 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get the language selected.
+ std::string language_selected = add_language_combobox_model_->
+ GetLocaleFromIndex(
+ add_language_combobox_model_->GetLanguageIndex(new_index));
+ OnAddLanguage(language_selected);
+void LanguageConfigView::InitControlLayout() {
+ // Initialize the map.
+ InitInputMethodConfigViewMap();
+ root_container_ = new views::View;
+ AddChildView(root_container_);
+ // Set up the layout manager for the root container. We'll place the
+ // language table on the left, and the per language config on the right.
+ GridLayout* root_layout = new GridLayout(root_container_);
+ root_container_->SetLayoutManager(root_layout);
+ root_layout->SetInsets(kPanelVertMargin, kPanelHorizMargin,
+ kPanelVertMargin, kPanelHorizMargin);
+ // Set up column sets for the grid layout.
+ const int kMainColumnSetId = 0;
+ ColumnSet* column_set = root_layout->AddColumnSet(kMainColumnSetId);
+ column_set->AddColumn(GridLayout::FILL, GridLayout::FILL, 0,
+ GridLayout::FIXED, kPreferredLanguageTableWidth, 0);
+ column_set->AddPaddingColumn(0, kRelatedControlHorizontalSpacing);
+ column_set->AddColumn(GridLayout::FILL, GridLayout::FILL, 1.0,
+ GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0);
+ const int kBottomColumnSetId = 1;
+ column_set = root_layout->AddColumnSet(kBottomColumnSetId);
+ column_set->AddColumn(GridLayout::LEADING, GridLayout::CENTER, 0,
+ GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0);
+ // Set up the container for the contents on the right. Just adds a
+ // place holder here. This will get replaced in OnSelectionChanged().
+ right_container_ = new views::View;
+ right_container_->SetLayoutManager(new views::FillLayout);
+ right_container_->AddChildView(new views::View);
+ // Add the contents on the left and the right.
+ root_layout->StartRow(1 /* expand */, kMainColumnSetId);
+ root_layout->AddView(CreateContentsOnLeft());
+ root_layout->AddView(right_container_);
+ // Add the contents on the bottom.
+ root_layout->AddPaddingRow(0, kRelatedControlVerticalSpacing);
+ root_layout->StartRow(0, kBottomColumnSetId);
+ root_layout->AddView(CreateContentsOnBottom());
+ // Select the first row in the language table.
+ // There should be at least one language in the table, but we check it
+ // here so this won't result in crash in case there is no row in the table.
+ if (model_.num_preferred_language_codes() > 0) {
+ preferred_language_table_->SelectRow(0);
+ }
+void LanguageConfigView::Show(Profile* profile, gfx::NativeWindow parent) {
+ UserMetrics::RecordAction(UserMetricsAction("LanguageConfigView_Open"));
+ views::Window* window = views::Window::CreateChromeWindow(
+ parent, gfx::Rect(), new LanguageConfigView(profile));
+ window->SetIsAlwaysOnTop(true);
+ window->Show();
+void LanguageConfigView::InitInputMethodConfigViewMap() {
+ input_method_config_view_map_["chewing"] = CreateLanguageChewingConfigView;
+ input_method_config_view_map_["hangul"] = CreateLanguageHangulConfigView;
+ input_method_config_view_map_["mozc"] = CreateLanguageMozcConfigView;
+ input_method_config_view_map_["mozc-dv"] = CreateLanguageMozcConfigView;
+ input_method_config_view_map_["mozc-jp"] = CreateLanguageMozcConfigView;
+ input_method_config_view_map_["pinyin"] = CreateLanguagePinyinConfigView;
+void LanguageConfigView::OnAddLanguage(const std::string& language_code) {
+ // Skip if the language is already in the preferred_language_codes_.
+ if (model_.HasLanguageCode(language_code)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Activate the first input language associated with the language. We have
+ // to call this before the OnItemsAdded() call below so the checkbox
+ // for the first input language gets checked.
+ std::vector<std::string> input_method_ids;
+ model_.GetInputMethodIdsFromLanguageCode(language_code, &input_method_ids);
+ if (!input_method_ids.empty()) {
+ model_.SetInputMethodActivated(input_method_ids[0], true);
+ }
+ // Append the language to the list of language codes.
+ const int added_at = model_.AddLanguageCode(language_code);
+ // Notify the table that the new row added at |added_at|.
+ preferred_language_table_->OnItemsAdded(added_at, 1);
+ // For some reason, OnItemsAdded() alone does not redraw the table. Need
+ // to tell the table that items are changed. TODO(satorux): Investigate
+ // if it's a bug in TableView2.
+ preferred_language_table_->OnItemsChanged(
+ 0, model_.num_preferred_language_codes());
+ // Switch to the row added.
+ preferred_language_table_->SelectRow(added_at);
+ // Mark the language to be ignored.
+ add_language_combobox_model_->SetIgnored(language_code, true);
+ ResetAddLanguageCombobox();
+void LanguageConfigView::OnRemoveLanguage() {
+ const int row = preferred_language_table_->GetFirstSelectedRow();
+ const std::string& language_code = model_.preferred_language_code_at(row);
+ // Mark the language not to be ignored.
+ add_language_combobox_model_->SetIgnored(language_code, false);
+ ResetAddLanguageCombobox();
+ // Deactivate the associated input methods.
+ model_.DeactivateInputMethodsFor(language_code);
+ // Remove the language code and the row from the table.
+ model_.RemoveLanguageAt(row);
+ preferred_language_table_->OnItemsRemoved(row, 1);
+ // Switch to the previous row, or the first row.
+ // There should be at least one row in the table.
+ preferred_language_table_->SelectRow(std::max(row - 1, 0));
+void LanguageConfigView::ResetAddLanguageCombobox() {
+ // -1 to ignore "Add language". If there are more than one language,
+ // enable the combobox. Otherwise, disable it.
+ if (add_language_combobox_model_->GetItemCount() - 1 > 0) {
+ add_language_combobox_->SetEnabled(true);
+ } else {
+ add_language_combobox_->SetEnabled(false);
+ }
+ // Go back to the initial "Add language" state.
+ add_language_combobox_->ModelChanged();
+ add_language_combobox_->SetSelectedItem(0);
+views::View* LanguageConfigView::CreateContentsOnLeft() {
+ views::View* contents = new views::View;
+ GridLayout* layout = new GridLayout(contents);
+ contents->SetLayoutManager(layout);
+ // Set up column sets for the grid layout.
+ const int kTableColumnSetId = 0;
+ ColumnSet* column_set = layout->AddColumnSet(kTableColumnSetId);
+ column_set->AddColumn(GridLayout::FILL, GridLayout::FILL, 1,
+ GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0);
+ // Create the language table.
+ std::vector<TableColumn> columns;
+ TableColumn column(0,
+ l10n_util::GetString(
+ TableColumn::LEFT, -1, 0);
+ columns.push_back(column);
+ // We don't show horizontal and vertical lines.
+ const int options = (views::TableView2::SINGLE_SELECTION |
+ views::TableView2::RESIZABLE_COLUMNS |
+ views::TableView2::AUTOSIZE_COLUMNS);
+ preferred_language_table_ =
+ new views::TableView2(this, columns, views::TEXT_ONLY, options);
+ // Set the observer so OnSelectionChanged() will be invoked when a
+ // selection is changed in the table.
+ preferred_language_table_->SetObserver(this);
+ // Add the language table.
+ layout->StartRow(1 /* expand vertically */, kTableColumnSetId);
+ layout->AddView(preferred_language_table_);
+ return contents;
+views::View* LanguageConfigView::CreateContentsOnBottom() {
+ views::View* contents = new views::View;
+ GridLayout* layout = new GridLayout(contents);
+ contents->SetLayoutManager(layout);
+ // Set up column sets for the grid layout.
+ const int kButtonsColumnSetId = 0;
+ ColumnSet* column_set = layout->AddColumnSet(kButtonsColumnSetId);
+ column_set->AddColumn(GridLayout::LEADING, GridLayout::FILL, 0,
+ GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0);
+ column_set->AddPaddingColumn(0, kRelatedControlHorizontalSpacing);
+ column_set->AddColumn(GridLayout::LEADING, GridLayout::FILL, 0,
+ GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0);
+ // Create the add language combobox model_.
+ // LanguageComboboxModel sorts languages by their display names.
+ add_language_combobox_model_.reset(
+ new AddLanguageComboboxModel(NULL, model_.supported_language_codes()));
+ // Mark the existing preferred languages to be ignored.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < model_.num_preferred_language_codes(); ++i) {
+ add_language_combobox_model_->SetIgnored(
+ model_.preferred_language_code_at(i),
+ true);
+ }
+ // Create the add language combobox.
+ add_language_combobox_
+ = new views::Combobox(add_language_combobox_model_.get());
+ add_language_combobox_->set_listener(this);
+ ResetAddLanguageCombobox();
+ // Create the remove button.
+ remove_language_button_ = new views::NativeButton(
+ this, l10n_util::GetString(
+ remove_language_button_->set_tag(kRemoveLanguageButton);
+ // Add the add and remove buttons.
+ layout->StartRow(0, kButtonsColumnSetId);
+ layout->AddView(add_language_combobox_);
+ layout->AddView(remove_language_button_);
+ return contents;
+views::View* LanguageConfigView::CreatePerLanguageConfigView(
+ const std::string& target_language_code) {
+ views::View* contents = new views::View;
+ GridLayout* layout = new GridLayout(contents);
+ contents->SetLayoutManager(layout);
+ // Set up column sets for the grid layout.
+ ColumnSet* column_set = layout->AddColumnSet(kPerLanguageTitleColumnSetId);
+ column_set->AddColumn(GridLayout::LEADING, GridLayout::CENTER, 0,
+ GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0);
+ column_set = layout->AddColumnSet(kPerLanguageDoubleColumnSetId);
+ column_set->AddPaddingColumn(0, kUnrelatedControlHorizontalSpacing);
+ column_set->AddColumn(GridLayout::LEADING, GridLayout::CENTER, 0,
+ GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0);
+ column_set->AddPaddingColumn(0, kRelatedControlHorizontalSpacing);
+ column_set->AddColumn(GridLayout::LEADING, GridLayout::CENTER, 0,
+ GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0);
+ column_set = layout->AddColumnSet(kPerLanguageSingleColumnSetId);
+ column_set->AddPaddingColumn(0, kUnrelatedControlHorizontalSpacing);
+ column_set->AddColumn(GridLayout::LEADING, GridLayout::CENTER, 0,
+ GridLayout::USE_PREF, 0, 0);
+ AddUiLanguageSection(target_language_code, layout);
+ layout->AddPaddingRow(0, kUnrelatedControlVerticalSpacing);
+ AddInputMethodSection(target_language_code, layout);
+ return contents;
+void LanguageConfigView::AddUiLanguageSection(const std::string& language_code,
+ views::GridLayout* layout) {
+ // Create the language name label.
+ const std::string application_locale =
+ g_browser_process->GetApplicationLocale();
+ const string16 language_name16 = l10n_util::GetDisplayNameForLocale(
+ language_code, application_locale, true);
+ const std::wstring language_name
+ = input_method::MaybeRewriteLanguageName(UTF16ToWide(language_name16));
+ views::Label* language_name_label = new views::Label(language_name);
+ language_name_label->SetFont(
+ language_name_label->font().DeriveFont(0, gfx::Font::BOLD));
+ // Add the language name label.
+ layout->StartRow(0, kPerLanguageTitleColumnSetId);
+ layout->AddView(language_name_label);
+ layout->AddPaddingRow(0, kRelatedControlVerticalSpacing);
+ layout->StartRow(0, kPerLanguageSingleColumnSetId);
+ if (application_locale == language_code) {
+ layout->AddView(
+ new views::Label(
+ l10n_util::GetStringF(
+ l10n_util::GetString(IDS_PRODUCT_OS_NAME))));
+ } else {
+ UiLanguageButton* button = new UiLanguageButton(
+ this, l10n_util::GetStringF(
+ l10n_util::GetString(IDS_PRODUCT_OS_NAME)),
+ language_code);
+ button->set_tag(kChangeUiLanguageButton);
+ layout->AddView(button);
+ }
+void LanguageConfigView::AddInputMethodSection(
+ const std::string& language_code,
+ views::GridLayout* layout) {
+ // Create the input method title label.
+ views::Label* input_method_title_label = new views::Label(
+ l10n_util::GetString(
+ input_method_title_label->SetFont(
+ input_method_title_label->font().DeriveFont(0, gfx::Font::BOLD));
+ // Add the input method title label.
+ layout->StartRow(0, kPerLanguageTitleColumnSetId);
+ layout->AddView(input_method_title_label);
+ layout->AddPaddingRow(0, kRelatedControlVerticalSpacing);
+ // Add input method names and configuration buttons.
+ input_method_checkboxes_.clear();
+ // Get the list of input method ids associated with the language code.
+ std::vector<std::string> input_method_ids;
+ model_.GetInputMethodIdsFromLanguageCode(language_code, &input_method_ids);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < input_method_ids.size(); ++i) {
+ const std::string& input_method_id = input_method_ids[i];
+ const std::string display_name =
+ input_method::GetInputMethodDisplayNameFromId(input_method_id);
+ layout->StartRow(0, kPerLanguageDoubleColumnSetId);
+ InputMethodCheckbox* checkbox
+ = new InputMethodCheckbox(UTF8ToWide(display_name),
+ input_method_id);
+ checkbox->set_listener(this);
+ checkbox->set_tag(kSelectInputMethodButton);
+ if (model_.InputMethodIsActivated(input_method_id)) {
+ checkbox->SetChecked(true);
+ }
+ layout->AddView(checkbox);
+ input_method_checkboxes_.insert(checkbox);
+ // Add "configure" button for the input method if we have a
+ // configuration dialog for it.
+ if (input_method_config_view_map_.count(input_method_id) > 0) {
+ InputMethodButton* button = new InputMethodButton(
+ this,
+ input_method_id);
+ button->set_tag(kConfigureInputMethodButton);
+ layout->AddView(button);
+ }
+ }
+views::DialogDelegate* LanguageConfigView::CreateInputMethodConfigureView(
+ const std::string& input_method_id) {
+ InputMethodConfigViewMap::const_iterator iter =
+ input_method_config_view_map_.find(input_method_id);
+ if (iter != input_method_config_view_map_.end()) {
+ CreateDialogDelegateFunction function = iter->second;
+ return function(profile());
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void LanguageConfigView::MaybeDisableLastCheckbox() {
+ std::vector<std::string> input_method_ids;
+ model_.GetActiveInputMethodIds(&input_method_ids);
+ if (input_method_ids.size() <= 1) {
+ for (std::set<InputMethodCheckbox*>::iterator checkbox =
+ input_method_checkboxes_.begin();
+ checkbox != input_method_checkboxes_.end(); ++checkbox) {
+ if ((*checkbox)->checked())
+ (*checkbox)->SetEnabled(false);
+ }
+ }
+void LanguageConfigView::EnableAllCheckboxes() {
+ for (std::set<InputMethodCheckbox*>::iterator checkbox =
+ input_method_checkboxes_.begin();
+ checkbox != input_method_checkboxes_.end(); ++checkbox) {
+ (*checkbox)->SetEnabled(true);
+ }
+} // namespace chromeos